//------------------------------// // chapter 5, The rave part 2 // Story: A new beginning // by game syndrome //------------------------------// Having the party just getting underway, I stand and walk around like a jackass, still getting weird looks even after all of the questions at the center of town. Around that time, Vinyl called me out over the microphone, telling me to get up on the stage, obviously I refused, only to be levitated up on the stage anyways. For all of you that were either drunk or high this is Zander, a cheer came from the audience. You know this seams very familiar Vinyl. The best way for them to get used to you is repeated exposure to you! Before I could respond, she then chucked me into the crowd, much like what rock stars doo at the end of concerts except I don't know how they did it. They had to have at least three hooves on the ground at the time, right? Putting that aside, I ended up at the back of the mass of ponies. There I met a very curious mare by the name of Lyra... You're real..... She said dumbfounded. Ya.... So? So? So? What do you mean SO? You're a HUMAN! Nopony thought humans were real! You know humans would say the exact same thing if they saw you but about you being a unicorn. Wow.. So our worlds are like switched? Ya basically. I said as I ended that part of our looooooooooooong conversation. ------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- And those are all of the legends surrounding humans here. Dear GOD this pony would not SHUT UP! I hadn't had the chance to speak for fifteen minutes! I guess Vinyl DID tell me to mingle. Did this even count as mingling? Good enough, I guess. As Lyra finished Vinyl started to play a unique song. Just before the last bass drop, I was yanked out of the club by a very rushed Twilight. What the hell?!?! No time to explain, someone wants to meet you! I couldn't imagine who wanted to meet me?(comment before you read the next part) As I was rushed to Twilight's tree home, I pondered who in the big wide sparkly world would want to meet me. When we arrived, I heard. Ok Princess Luna Here he is! Oh HELL NO. I thought as I turned my head. Sure enough there was the Princess of the night herself. Basically Batman. Batmare? Ugg too many thoughts running through my head, not many pure ill grant. While all of these thought ran through my head, I just stood ther looking like a JACKASS! Why won't my mouth open? Zander? Twilight asked looking at my dumb expression. SPEAK! I keep yelling in my mind Hello Zander I am Princess Luna of Canterlot. she gave a small bow, not to be seen bowing to someone new. Pony new? OH MY GOD STOP THINKING ABOUT THESE THINGS! Hi.... IS THAT ALL I COULD MUSTER? I guess I'm just trying to not fuck up in front of one of the rulers of BUCKING EQUESTRIA! Hold on. Hold on... Did I just say bucking. In my own mind!?!? Ok it hasn't even been a full week and i'm already talking like a BUCKI..... FUCKING pony! Shy one isn't he! The moon goddess stated. Oh he's just a uh.... A thinker! Yes a thinker! That's it! HA ha ha! Shaking my head furiously, regaining my formalities, I corrected myself with. Hello Princess, my name is Zander, giving a deep bow. Much better. Replied Luna with a slight smile.