//------------------------------// // The search for Rainbowshine // Story: The return of the eternal winter // by Amethyst Quill //------------------------------// “Caramel, do you know anything more about this storm?” Mayor asked. “I just know that when we plowing the field, the storm suddenly came and it got bigger then bigger each moment. Soon that it reached the leaders on the mountain, they were twisted in the storm.” Caramel answered. “So Rainbow Dash, Applejack and Amethyst were all gone, what would we do now?” Mayor Mare questioned. Twilight looked up at the storm, and then put her hoof under her chin, mumbled to herself, “The Windigoes only appear when they sense the strong disharmonies of the ponies in a place, but Ponyville was a place where ponies live well with each other in harmony, there must be another reason for them to come. What was it?” “A great question, my dear,” A soft voice from the sky flew in the ponies’ heads. The citizens of Ponyville looked up at the snowy sky and gasped, “Princess Celestia!” Princess Celestia put her hooves on the ground, everypony bowed after her, she said to Twilight, “I may not know what caused them to come here, but I do know that they need to be stopped,” Celestia said, as she blast a dark magic beam to the Windigoes, this is the first time other pony beside Twilight to see her using dark magic. Celestia's eyes turned into a tone of evil, she charged to the Windigoes and pushed them away, the Windigoes screamed loudly, trying to galloped toward Celestia. The princess' spell was strong, but the Windigoes' strength was no less, Celestia hooves dug deeper and deeper to the snow ground, put all her energy on the spell. Finally, the Windigoes were tired, the spell pushed them back in to the sky, over the thick cloud layers. Celestia sat down, she breathed heavily, Twilight came to help her, asked her if she was alright. "I'm alright, Twilight..." She answered softly. Twilight started to smile, but then she asked Celestia another question. "But princess... Did you use DARK magic to punish the Windigoes?" Twilight shocked. "Yes, my student, only dark magic can control these creatures, there's no other way to tell off them..." Celestia answered, then looked at Twilight, she saw her thinking about something. Mayor Mare glanced up the sky, she saw a new storm came in. "Everypony! It isn't over yet!" Mayor warned the citizens. Celestia confused, even she have the most powerful magic in Equestria, but the Windigoes still can stood up against her. They blew an icy wind, dashed through the clouds and charged at Celestia. Celestia fell down the cold snow, while the ponies around shocked by the scene they just saw. "Mayor! Take Celestia to the hospital! Quick!" Twilight demanded. Mayor quickly called the pegasus ponies come to help, they came as fast as they could to help the princess. Twilight, after that had happened, she told the ponies to get in the town hall, and made a barrier to help them. The Windigoes conquered the sky, the weather of Ponyville, there was no hope to clean up winter for the ponies. Inside the town hall, Twilight shook off the snow on her coat, and confused to what had happened. She questioned herself, how didn't Celestia magic worked? The Windigoes only can be punish by dark magic, as Celestia said, Twilight tried to find the answer, while other ponies suffered from the cold. Luckily, the Windigoes only came to Ponyville, which is questionable. The snow storm have been waiting outside of the town hall, nopony dare to go out in the freezing wind. How was Applejack and Rainbow Dash? Twilight questioned herself as she nearly cried out when she thinking about her friend is lost. "Is everypony here?" Mayor Mare asked. "Wait... where's Rainbowshine?" Caramel shocked. The ponies were now noticed the opened door of the town hall, they realized that she had left to the snow storm. Everypony was scared, Twilight quickly ran to the windy snow storm to find Rainbowshine. The Windigoes noticed Twilight, they followed her all the way. Twilight was trying to shot them without wasting to much time. Then, she thought of a simple idea: buried herself in the snow to keep them away. Twilight quickly used her freezing hooves to dug up a large hole and burie herself in. The Windigoes were now couldn't find her and left. The sound of the Windigoes were no more, Twilight raised up and continue her quest to find Rainbowshine, as she felt like she was being watched by somepony... On the high mountain of Ponyville, a shade of black was hiding under the snow wind, that shade was a pony with a dark cloak, waiting for somepony. Rainbowshine was flying to the mountains, she then landed and brushed off the snow on her wings. "Amethyst Star? Are you there?" She screamed. "You're here... Just as we appointed." That cloaked pony said, as she was walking up to her. "Why do you want to see me? I mean, in this place? And why are you wearing like that?" Rainbowshine asked. Amethyst Star breathed heavily, she was staying still for a little time then answered, "I'm wearing like this so nopony can see me." She grinned her mouth. "Also, I told you to come here so nopony can see you, too..." "What do you mean by that?" Rainbowshine confused. "You're now know that I'm still here, haven't caught by the storm. But if you tell anypony about me, my plan will be ruin," Amethyst said. Rainbowshine relized that she just got herself in trouble, her senses were telling her to run away, but the Windigoes were right behind her. "What's exactly is your plan?" Rainbowshine asked for answers. "To revenge for my name!" Amethyst Star shouted. "The name and the glory that have been took by that new princess! Those Windigoes are the perfect weapons for me to indirectly attack her, so I've used dark magics to summon them, and buried Ponyville in a deep white snow. There's no way Twilight gonna clean up this winter now, and I'll be the one in charge to clean up this mess!" "But... what you're doing effects Ponyville,... and Equestria! You must stop this before you harm anypony!" Rainbowshine convinced her. "Silence!" Amethyst Star screamed at Rainbowshine, she controlled the Windigoes to create a storm and twisted Rainbowshine away with Rainbow Dash and Applejack. Her mind was now corrupted by the thoughts of vengeance, and Twilight still haven't knew that she was the one the Windigoes was aiming for...