A Different Redemption

by Theorange11

A Flare of Hope

By the time Sunny reached the far side of the portal rift, it had become apparent that Twilight was tiring of toying with Sunset Shimmer. Sunset's jacket was shredded. Her body was bruised and battered, and only the faintest twitch gave any sign of life. Plainly put, the situation was BAD.

"I wonder what will happen if I materialize a portal ON you?," Twilight teased Sunset with a malevolent sneer. "Let's find out." With that, Twilight's wings spread as she lifted her hands to the sky, laughing manically as the dark energy gathered about her as she charged for her final attack.

"STOP!", Sunny screamed as she dashed in front of Sunset Shimmer, and spread her arms protectively.


Sunnie's sudden interference had distracted Twilight enough so that the portal blast went wild.

Too close, Sunny thought to herself with a tremble. The look Twilight gave Sunny was practically overflowing with malice

"YOU!", Twilight declared venomously, pointing an accusing finger at Sunny. "Do you have any last words before I blast you too pieces?"

I can do this Sunny silently assured herself.

"Yes," Sunny said. "I'm sorry Twilight." Twilight, merely eyed Sunny with icy contempt and loathing.

"You're....Sorry ?", Twilight questioned in a dangerous tone. "I WILL MAKE YOU SORRY!"
Sunny flinched at the pure hate in Twilight's booming voice. "You will die here alone, MWAHAHAHAHA!!!" Twilight began to gather a magical aura of dark magic around herself.

"She is not alone Twilight!", yelled a familiar voice. Sunny turned her head to see Indigo Sparkle, who along with Sour Sweet, Sugercoat, and Lemon Zest approached, and lined up on either side of her.

"You came!", Sunny said with gleeful surprise.

"Of course," Indigo said with a smirk. She placed a hand on Sunny's shoulder. "Like you said, we are all responsible for this." "It wouldn't be very loyal of us to just you know bail on you."

"Thank you," Sunny said tearfully with a smile. The other girls also gave words of encouragement.

"Awwww, how touching," mocked Twilight. "It's sickening."

"Twilight wait," Sunny requested quickly. Twilight's eyebrow started to twitch in annoyance.

"What is it now?!?", Twilight demanded. Once more, Sunny flinched at Twilight's fierce tone, but stepped forward.

"Twilight, I treated you the way I did because I was jealous and suspicious of you're kindness to others," Sunny admitted truthfully. "I couldn't understand why you would help others with no promise of reward or why you didn't ever spite us back.....I'm sorry."

Twilight stared silently at Sunny. Then, Lemon Zest stepped up.

"I like to have fun and make people laugh Twilight,' Lemon said. "But lately I have become so focused on winning that I've only been able to get amusement by beating Canterlot High by any means necessary." "Unfortunately, that included pressuring and harassing you." "Please forgive me", Lemon Zest finished with her head low as Sugercoat walked up. The girl sighed and started to speak.

"I'm going to be blunt with you Twilight," Sugercoat stated. "I cant stand liars, and at Crystal Prep I'm surrounded by them." "So I assumed that you're good intentions had a hidden motive, and I apologize truly." With that, Sugercoat gestured for Sour Sweet to move up.

"I couldn't wrap my mind around you're generosity,' Sour Sweet stated. "You were willing to assist and help us even when it didn't benefit you." " I know now that what I did was wrong, and I hope you can forgive me." As Sour Sweet finished, Indigo stepped forward to round out the group.

"You're loyalty is what confused me," Indigo explained. "No matter how we treated you, you stood by your team and beliefs, and I can't overstate how sorry I am for how I treated you. At the end of this final speech, the hovering and unimpressed Twilight glared at the Crystal Prep girls, and let out a chuckle.

"So," Twilight began sarcastically, "You're planning on stopping me with words?"

"NO!!", a voice called out from behind Sunny and her friends. "We are going to stop you with this!"

Sunny turned to see Sunset Shimmer, bruised and pummeled standing shakily on her feet while brandishing the magic locket.

Unbelievable!, Sunny thought in shock. How can she still stand?