Survive the Night


1:08 AM-Security Office

“Teleafana, I need your help!” Secure screamed into the phone.

“Secure? What’s wrong?” Teleafana asked on the other end.

“Well at first everything was alright,” Secure began, “but one of the animatronics, the Fluttershy one, came in and was about to kill me! Luckily I closed the door just in time.”

“Odd...,” Teleafana pondered, “they’re not programed to do that.”

“That’s not all,” Secure continued, “on several of the monitors I saw the Twilight animatronic being chased by some…creature. It followed the Twilight animatronic into the stallion’s restroom, came out when I was waiting for you to pick up, hit the emergency phone out of the holster, and plopped on the floor. It hasn’t been doing anything since.”

“What does it look like?” Teleafana asked concerned.

“Well…” Secure replied, “it looks like it’s half Queen Celestia and half Princess Luna. If you don’t mind, do you know anything about that monster of an animatronic?”

Secure could hear Teleafana sighing on the other end.

“Not long ago,” Teleafana explained, “the curator of the museum wanted an animatronic that during the day would resemble Queen Celestia and at night morph into the likeness of Princess Luna.”

“We have the tec to do that now?” asked Secure.

“Well not tec per say,” Telefan replied, “more like a night and day transformation spell. Like how some objects have spells cast on them to transform as the light of the sun and moon progresses throughout each day. That’s exactly what the curator wanted but for a ten foot tall, electronic, moving statue. Long story short, the magic was not compatible with the technology and the results show. Ever since then it’s been locked away in the parts and service room for scrap metal and hardware. It hasn’t been activated since.”

“Well I don’t mean to sound rude,” Secure apologized, “but it looked pretty active to me.”

“I know,” Teleafana replied, “which worries me. Stay there, and be safe, I’m coming over there right now!”

“You mean it?” asked Secure.

“I’ve never been more serious in my life,” she replied, “I’ll be there in about twenty minutes. Expect to see me in the back entrance. Keep your eye on that animatronic, don’t let anything distract you.”

“Got it,” Secure replied.

“Goodbye Secure,” Telefan said before hanging up. As if in response, Secure properly placed the phone back into its holster. He couldn’t help but to smile. Sure, his life was being threatened by killer, haywire animatronics, but on the bright side he was going to see the mare of his dreams for the very first time.