//------------------------------// // Deployment // Story: The Fog of War // by REDMAMBA //------------------------------// “So Sergeant what do you have in terms of weaponry?” asked Celestia. Today was the day Kris and Dusty shipped out with Celestia and her troops to Smokey Mountain. They planned to take back Vanhoover with a vengeance. Celestia had Kris, Dusty, Rainbow, Maud and Pinkie, and finally Shining gathered in the war room. Kris had all his weapons displayed out on the table in front of everyone. He pointed at every weapon as he listed them, “We have one Thompson submachine gun with four mags, and one partial. One, M1 Garand with ten bandoliers or 80 rounds, one, 1903 scoped Springfield rifle with 100 hundred rounds. Three Colt 1911 side arms with four mags each, one Mk 2 pineapple grenade, the .50 on the jeep, two M1 bayonets, a trench knife and…” he picked up a shovel, “…a shovel.” He put it back down on the table. “So how do we use these weapons?” asked Dash as she lifted the Springfield in the air. Kris took it from her, “Dusty and I will be using these,” he put it back on the table, “but as soon as we run out of ammo, they will be no use to us.” “How come?” asked Celestia. “Because they require ammo, and with us being so far away from a resupply, and with you guys lacking firearms as a means for fighting. The ammo will only go so far,” explained Kris. “Well I can fix that. Sergeant, how about to hand me one of those ‘ammo’ things you use,” asked Celestia. Kris grabbed one of the magazines sitting on the table, “Her you go,” he tossed it to her, which she caught in her magic. Celestia closed her eyes and concentrated, next thing Kris new a second mag appeared out of thin air. “There we go,” she levitated both mags to Kris, which he grabbed with both hands. “How did you do that?” asked Dusty as he grabbed one of the mags. “Just a simple duplication spell,” said Celestia. “Why don’t we use them on their weapons?” asked Dash, “We’ve seen the damage they can do.” “Personally I think that’s a bad idea,” said Kris, “if you give these to all of your troops, not only will it give you an unfair advantage in all future conflicts, but what would happen if Sombra got his hands on them?” “You have a point there sergeant,” said Celestia. Silence filled the air as everyone began to think about other options. “I’ve got an idea,” said Dusty. “Did it hurt?” asked Kris sarcastically. “I’m going to ignore that,” Kris chuckled, “if we use these to fight Sombra with you Celestia,” he pointed at her, “will you provide us with ammo?” “I don’t see why not,” replied Celestia. “And what if we lose our weapons or one of use gets captured or killed?” asked Kris. “Well for one sir, I know you have a death grip on that Thompson of yours, and you’d kill anyone else that touches it,” said Dusty, “but yeah I see your point there.” “I can solve that issue also sergeant,” said Celestia. Her horn began to glow, enveloping all the weapons in her golden aura, then she enveloped Kris and Dusty in her magic. Both men stood there in confusion until the golden aura disappeared. Both men looked at each other, then back to Celestia. “What was that about?” asked Kris. Celestia looked at Dash, “Lieutenant, grab one of those weapons.” “Okay,” said Dash nervously. She reached out and reached for one of the guns on the table, once she grabbed one of the pistols she couldn’t lift it. She moved her other hand to the weapon and used every ounce of strength she had to life the small weapon. She grunted and moaned before letting go of the weapon, “I can’t your majesty.” Celestia looked at Kris, “Sergeant go ahead and take your weapon.” He looked at Dusty, then back to her. He reached out and grabbed his Thompson, easily lifting it into the air, “What was that all about?” “Captain Shining, please step forward,” said Celestia. Shining stepped forward, “Yes your majesty?” She looked at Kris, “Hand him your weapon sergeant.” “Okay,” he held his Thompson out. Shining wrapped his hands around the weapon, Kris let go, causing the captain to fall to the floor like a sack of potatoes. Kris stepped back in utter surprise, “You okay captain?” Shining was pinned to the floor, his hands trapped underneath the gun, “Yeah, just a little surprised.” Kris bent over and grabbed his gun before helping the young captain up. “You good?” “Yes,” Shining looked at Kris, “thank you.” “Celestia what was that about?” asked Dusty. “A special protection spell,” explained Celestia, “we use it when we want to keep high ranked items under close supervision.” “So if anyone other than ourselves tries to take our weapons… they can’t?” asked Kris. “That’s correct,” replied Celestia. “Jeez there’s a spell for everything,” said Kris as he looked at Dusty. “Anyway, sergeant, private,” said Celestia grabbing both men’s attention, “I’m going to put you in a special squad.” “With who?” asked Kris. “I’m creating a squad with my elite fighters,” said Celestia, “with the loss at Vanhoover we need all the moral we can get. So I decided to put Lieutenant Dash, Captain’s Maud, Pinkie, and Shining, together and I’d like you two stallions to join them.” “I don’t have a problem with that,” said Kris. “As long as we get to kick some ass,” replied Dusty with a smug grin. “But your majesty, is putting four or your commanders in one squad the best idea?” asked Kris. “These four are my top troopers; I know they can handle themselves in a fight,” she paused, “besides I will be joining you in this endeavor.” “What!?” “You will be taking orders from me,” said Celestia. “So let me get this straight,” Kris pointed a finger at her, “you, and your top four commanders are going to walk into a massive battle,” he paused, “and possibly get killed?” “That’s the plan!” said Dash with enthusiasm. “You know there’s a quote I heard once and it goes like this, ‘Older men declare war. But it is the youth that must fight and die,’” Kris paused, “you are not that older man.” “Thank you sergeant… I think,” said Celestia. “So when do we ship out?” asked Kris. “In about one hour,” replied Celestia. “Alright, private let’s get our gear ready,” said Kris as he looked at Dusty. “Got it,” replied Dusty as he reached for his M1. Kris was about to ask for help when he remembered what Celestia just did a few minutes earlier. After shouldering the Thompson and Springfield, and Dusty grabbed his rifle, the grenade and the shovel, along with a few mags, the men left the room with Celestia and her officers. *** Kris and Dusty stood at the still destroyed train station. The train was still in ruins, and there was no repairing the awning until the train was removed. It was a terrible site for the men, why someone would kill innocent civilians like that, no one knew. Kris and Dusty tinkered with their guns as they waited for the rest of their squad. Pinkie and Maud waited nearby as they surveyed the destruction from the previous day. Celestia’s troops were loading a rather large troop transport parked behind the demolished train. It was hard to load gear and equipment without the ramp, but they made do, earth pony strength tends to go a far way in a time of need. “Here they come,” said Maud. Both Kris and Dusty looked down the street to see three familiar ponies walking down the street, but the fourth face was new. She was pink in color and wore a similar colored dress. Both men noticed how close she walked to Captain Shining; she must have been a girlfriend or sister? Kris shouldered his weapon and approached. Maud, Pinkie and Dusty followed close behind. “Sorry for the wait sergeant,” said Celestia. “Its fine your majesty, we’re used to waiting,” replied Kris. “Well let’s get rolling,” said Dash. “I agree, the quicker we get to the fight the quicker we can get it over,” said Dusty. The new squad headed for the train as the last of the troops loaded up. Celestia, Dash, Maud, Pinkie and Dusty stepped on the first car. Kris followed close behind, he was about to step inside when he saw Shining hugging the girl. She looked distraught; she didn’t want to see her man go. “Be safe honey,” she said. “I will,” he said. He leaned in and gave her a kiss, which she gladly accepted. After a few seconds Shining broke the kiss and hugged her closely. Kris didn’t have a girl back home, but he felt bad for the men that did. She may never see him again. Shining released her and approached the train; he passed Kris as he entered the train. Kris looked at him then at the young woman. He smiled; she returned it before approaching Kris. “Ma’am,” he said with a tip of his helmet. “Sergeant,” she said. “So how can I help you?” he asked. “Well first of all, my name is Princess Cadence…” she paused. “How can I help you princess?” asked Kris. “You are going to be in Shining’s squad… correct?” she asked. “Yes your majesty.” “I was wondering if… you would keep an eye on my husband,” she said. “Ah, so you’re his wife,” he said. She nodded. “I make no promises, but I’ll do my best,” he said. “Thank you sergeant.” “You’re welcome,” he said, “good luck your majesty.” He began to board the train, but she grabbed his attention one last time. “Sergeant?” “Yes?” he looked back at her. “Can you keep a secret?” she asked. “Sure,” he stepped off the train. She leaned into his ear and began to whisper, “I didn’t want to tell Shining this so he wouldn’t worry but… I’m pregnant.” Kris looked at her. She looked at him with puppy dog eyes, “Please only tell him if you absolutely have to.” “I will,” he said. “Thank you,” she replied. “Good luck your majesty,” he said as he boarded the train. “You too,” she hollered. Kris walked through the train and joined up with his new squad. They kept doing what they were doing, whether it was talking or looking out the window, except Shining, who looked a little confused. “What did my wife want with you?” he asked. “She wanted me to watch over you,” replied Kris as he sat down across from Shining, placing his Thompson in the floor. He was making sure to keep his secret a secret. “Ah… she does worry about me when I’m gone,” replied Shining. “If I had a girl back home I know she would too,” replied Kris. “You don’t have a mare back home?” asked Shining. “Mare?” … “Oh you mean a girlfriend of wife,” replied Kris, “no I never really had the time to find a girl.” “Well maybe I could set you up back in Canterlot,” Shining leaned back in his seat, “my wife is the Princess of love after all.” “I didn’t even know that was a title,” said Kris. “Yeah well, we have some rather strange customs here in Equestria,” replied Shining. “No kidding,” said Kris. He looked at Celestia, “So what’s the plan now?” She looked at him, “Once we get Smoky Mountain, I’ll inform you, and the rest of my commanders on the plan,” she said. “Well wake me when we get there,” said Kris as leaned back in his chair and crossed his legs. While Kris slept, Dusty talked to his new squad mates. They all swapped stories about various battles, family and their countries… well mostly Dusty talked about his country. After a an hour or so train ride the train reached its destination near Smoky Mountain. “Sir, were here,” said Dusty as he shook his leader. Kris moaned as he sat up and adjusted his helmet, “Already?” “Yes sir,” replied Dusty. “Alright,” Kris stood up as he grabbed his Thompson off the floor, “let’s get this show rolling.” Kris walked over and joined his new squad mates. Dusty followed close behind. “Sergeant,” said Celestia as she looked at him. “Princess,” he replied. “Did you enjoy your nap?” asked Celestia. “Oddly enough I did,” said Kris. “Good,” she looked at the rest of her squad, “alright everypony, gather your gear and lets head for the camp.” “Yes your majesty!” replied her commanders in unison as they saluted. Kris and Dusty stayed quiet. “Good. Now let’s get moving,” ordered Celestia. She turned to leave with her new squad in tow. They all walked off the train and walked to a large field filled with canvas green tents. Ponies were frantically running around trying to set more tens and unload the recently parked train. Celestia and her squad walked through the mass until they reached a large tent with a sun hanging above the door. The group entered to see three stallions huddled around a large table. One was a pegasus clad in blue and yellow armor, another was a unicorn clad in yellow and white armor, and the third was an earth pony clad in grey armor. The three looked up and snapped to attention. “Your majesty!” they all said in unison. “At ease,” said Celestia. The three soldiers relaxed. “So what do have here boys?” asked Celestia as she approached the table. Kris stood her right with Dusty next to him. Shining, Dash and the Pie sisters stood to her left as the surrounded the table. The unicorn stallion looked at the map, “The town is heavily defended your majesty. Our scouts have reported various different troop movements in the area,” he looked at her, “they know where here.” “No surprise there,” said Kris as he looked at the unicorn, “you have what? A battalion here?” “Two actually… And you are?” asked the Stallion. “Sergeant Kris Rian. 16th Infantry Regiment, First Infantry Division, United States Army,” he said as he put a hand out. The unicorn stallion took his hand, “Major Spear, leader of the 2nd Division of the Royal Guard.” The two shook hands, “Nice to meet you major,” Kris released his grip and pointed at Dusty, “That’s Private Dusty Cox.” Dusty reached out, “Major.” “Private,” replied Spear with a hand shake. The stallion let go of Dusty’s hand and looked to the earth pony to his right, “This is First Lieutenant Shield, leader of the 4th ground Assualt division,” he looked to his right at the pegasus stallion, “And finally First Lieutenant Sword, leader of the 2nd Arial Assault Division.” He looked back at the group. “Good to meet you boys,” said Kris. “Nice to meet you too,” said Shield, “now let’s hope you boys can handle yourselves in a fight.” “I survived the D-Day invasion. If that can't kill me nothing can,” said Kris with a cocky tone. “Son if you live with that mentality you’ll get your head cut off,” said Spear. “When I’m from, I’m more worried about a sniper taking my head off,” replied Kris. “Anyway!” interrupted Celestia, “We have to take back Vanhoover” “And how do you intend to do that your majesty?” asked Kris. She began to point at the map, “The plan is to attack from the southeast corner of the town and work our way in,” she pointed to the center of the town, “Once we make it to the town center we make a forward assault to the north and retake the town.” Kris looked at her with confusion, “You can’t be serious?” She looked at him, “I am.” “That is a terrible idea,” replied Kris. She stood up straight and crossed her arms, “Do you have a better plan?” “I do actually,” he looked at the map, “We play a little trick on Sombra.” He looked at her, “Go on.” He looked back at the map, “We make it look like our plan is to attack from the southeast.” He pointed his finger at the southeastern part of the map, “But,” he pointed to the sky before going back to the map, “we attack from the southwest, get behind his forces and catch them with their pants down. Then when they are distracted you send in the larger force from the front and we surround them from both sides,” he made a circle with his hands on the southeast part of the town. "We encircle them and either kill them off or cause a forced surrender. Then we make a move for the center of town. Once we have the town square we make I final push north." Celestia lowered her arms, “that’s not a bad idea.” “Now I also suggest that we go in just before dawn. We catch them in their sleep. Slit throats and keep moving, and like I said we either, A. we wipe them out, or B. we cause a forced surrender,” said Kris. “And how do we pull this off son?” asked Shield. Kris pointed to his new squad. “We go with a small force and move from home to home. Once we reach the main force, we move silently as we pick them off one by one. If we’re spotted watch for a signal and attack, if not be ready to charge by sun up.” “That’s so crazy it just might work!” said Spear as he rubbed his chin, “how did you think of that son?” “With the way the D-day Invasion went, a forward assault slaughtered us. Flanking and surrounding is a better option,” Kris paused. “Well I guess we have our plan,” said Celestia. She looked at the three commanders, “Boys you know what to do. Shield I want you and your best troops with us, Spear, Sword, you and your troops will cover the forward assault.” “Yes your majesty!” they replied in unison. The three commanders ran out of the tent. Kris looked at the map, “This is going to suck without tanks.” “Well look at the bright side sir,” said Dusty. Kris looked at him, “At least we won’t have Jerrys shooting at us. We have the advantage with our rifles.” “You got a point there,” he looked at Celestia, “That reminds me your majesty. I suggest you hang on to a mag or round from each of our weapons, because I don’t intend to go back for my mags.” “Follow me and we can get ready,” she said. “Alright,” replied Kris. Celestia looked to her troops, “You’re dismissed.” They all saluted in unison, “Yes your majesty!” “Get ready for hell,” said Kris.