//------------------------------// // Experiment Gone Bad // Story: Experiment Gone Bad // by Sparkletop Rainbows //------------------------------// "Spike!" Twilight said excitedly. "What is it Twilight?" Spike asked. "I just figured out a new spell!" Twilight announced. "Oh, that's great!" Spike congratulated. "There's just one problem," Twilight said. "I need a test subject." "Oh, so this is what it's about," Spike rolled his eyes. "The answer is no. There have been countless times when you used me as a test subject, and things didn't seem pretty. It's best if you forget about this new spell, it could be dangerous." Spike shuddered at the memory when he used to be Twilight's test subject. She had turned him into a potato when she actually tried to give him the power to become invisible. It was an awkward and disturbing experience for him. "Aw, come on, Spike! This is really, really important!" Twilight complained. "The answer is no Twilight, and that's it," Spike turned away from her, and started walking away. Twilight teleported in front of Spike. "Pretty, pretty please?" She tried to muster up the best puppy eyes she could. "No, not the puppy eyes!" Spike tried to look away and ignore them, but he couldn't no matter how he tried. They just looked so sad, and they made him feel bad. "Alright, alright I'll be your test subject, but it better not be anything dangerous." "Yay!" Twilight jumped up and down. After Twilight got all of her equipment set up in the lab for her new spell, she said, "alright Spike, ready when you are!" "Ready!" Spike said after he entered the experiment room. Twilight pushed the button, and a force of magic zapped Spike. There was a period of silence that followed. "Spike?" Twilight asked worriedly. She hesitantly stepped towards the experiment room. "Spike? Have you mutated into a giant ugly creature?" Twilight asked again. Then, Twilight heard wailing that followed her question. When Twilight stepped closer, she could see clearly of what happened to Spike, and what was causing that noise. "Spike are you a baby?!" Baby Spike cried some more. Twilight levitated Spike and exited the lab. She went into her kitchen and whipped up some gems for Baby Spike. "Now, what to do?" Twilight thought out loud. "I know! I'll ask my friends for help, they're always around when I'm in an emergency!" Baby Spike had finished up his snack and looked up at Twilight with his big, adorable eyes. "Aww," Twilight said. "Come on, I know a certain unicorn that you'll like." Twilight trotted out of her castle and flew over to Rarity's boutique. "Rarity?" Twilight knocked on the door. "What is it, darling?" Rarity asked. She took one look at Baby Spike. "Is that... What I think it is?" Baby Spike "Yeah, it's Spike as a baby. I'll explain once we're inside," Twilight said. Rarity let Twilight inside. Once they were in chairs with some tea and cookies, Twilight explained, "I wanted to try out an experiment, a new spell, and I used Spike as my test subject. But when I tried it on him, he suddenly turned into a baby!" Rarity nodded, listening to Twilight. Baby Spike giggled whenever Rarity held him and didn't want to leave her side."What was this spell?" Rarity asked. "What?" Twilight asked. "What is this spell about?" Rarity asked again. "I don't know," Twilight replied. "What do you mean you don't know?" Rarity asked. "You made it!" "How am I suppose to know?" Twilight said. Rarity sighed, irritated with Twilight. "Alright, let's just forget about that, the main thing we need to focus on is getting Spike back to normal. " "Right, and how do we do that?" Asked Twilight. "How about we go over to Applejack's? She might have some good ideas that we can try," Rarity suggested. "Good idea!" Twilight said. The two mares trotted over to Sweet Apple Acres. There, they spotted Applejack bucking red apples over in the orchard. Twilight ran to meet Applejack, and Rarity tried to keep up with her. "Applejack!" Twilight said. When she finally reached her, Twilight panted, sweat slid from her face. "Apple... Jack... Need... Help... Spike... Fix... Him..." Twilight said between breaths. "So yer sayin' that ya wanted Spike to be yer test subject for yer new spell, but things didn't go out as ya planned, and now he's turned into a baby, and ya need my help to fix him?" Applejack asked. "...Yes," Twilight answered. "I know just how to fix him!" Applejack said, taking one of the apples that she had just recently bucked, and shoved it into Baby Spike's mouth. "There," Applejack said, proud of her solution. Rarity just stared at the apple. "Um, how is that going to help?" Rarity asked. "Apples fix everythin'," Applejack said with a shrug. Rarity's eye twitched. "Anyways, I have some more buckin' to do, so I'll see ya later," Applejack trotted away to her next tree. Rarity stood there, frozen, her eye twitched some more. Twilight levitated the apple from Baby Spike's mouth. Drool was all over it. "Eww," Twilight said and threw it away. "Well, that didn't work out, maybe we should go to Fluttershy's. She might have a better solution. She is good with animals anyways." Fluttershy took an inspection on Baby Spike. "Maybe he just needs some food to fill his stomach," Fluttershy said. "But I just fed him a snack," Twilight said. "Maybe he needs to eat something different. Sometimes, that's what's needed to break a spell. Let's try feeding him different types of snacks," Fluttershy flew over and grabbed several packs of food. Twilight levitated some nuts out of one bag. "Here, Baby Spike, want some yummy delicious nuts?" Baby Spike turned his head, not wanting to take even a bit out of it. "Oh, come one, Spike! Just eat it already," Twilight said, starting to get a little frustrated. "Maybe we should try a gentler way," Fluttershy approached Twilight and Baby Spike. She took a few nuts from the bag. "Here comes the train, choo choo!" Fluttershy leads her hoof with the nuts in a twisted direction, and finally into Baby Spike's mouth. BABY Spike gulped down the nuts in a second. "Well, I guess nuts aren't the right one, let's try some carrots." ... "It doesn't seem like anything is working. I've fed him all the different kinds of food I have," Fluttershy said. "Well then, I guess food isn't the type that would change Spike back," Rarity said. "I'm sorry I can't help you," Fluttershy said. "It's alright, Fluttershy," Twilight comforted. "We'll surely find some way to solve this problem." "Yes, thank you for your help, Fluttershy," Rarity added. "Let's go over to Pinkie's, it can't be any worse." But when Twilight and Rarity started to leave with Baby Spike, he started to cry again. Rarity groaned. "What's wrong now?" "Looks like he wants Fluttershy's comfort," Twilight said. "Well, if it makes him happy, then I'll go," Fluttershy said. Twilight gave Spike to Fluttershy. Over at Sugarcube Corner, Pinkie looked at Spike closely. "Hmm," She thought out loud. "Spike's a baby? How'd that happen?" Rainbow Dash asked. She happened to be at Sugarcube Corner to help out Pinkie with baking several batches of cookies for one of her customers. "Well, when I used Spike as a test subject, the experiment had gone wrong, so now he's a baby," Twilight answered. She patiently waited for Pinkie Pie's solution to change Baby Spike back to normal. "Hey Baby Spike, wanna go for a little fly?" Rainbow asked. Baby Spike giggled in response, and Rainbow took it as a yes. She put Baby Spike on her back and started to fly in the bakery. "Rainbow Dash, don't fly inside! You're going to knock over something, and somepony will get hurt!" Rarity said sternly. "Relax, nopony's going to get hurt. Besides, what could possibly go wrong?" Rainbow Dash said. Rainbow accidentally knocked into something, and Baby Spike skinned his knee and started to cry. "Poor thing," Fluttershy took Baby Spike into her hooves. "There, there, it's alright," Fluttershy soothed Baby Spike until he stopped crying. "I've got it!" Pinkie said. She took a creamy cupcake and stuffed it in Spike's mouth, and creamy was all over his face. "Cupcakes solve everything!" Pinkie announced. "Seriously?" Rarity deadpanned. "Then how about we feed him all sorts of-" "Already did that too," Rarity said. "Well how about... I got nothing," Pinkie confessed. "Let's ask Princess Celestia for help," Twilight suggested. Rarity's eye twitched. "You couldn't have said that earlier?" Twilight magicked some paper, quill, and some ink. "Dear Princess Celestia..." Twilight began to write her letter, explaining what happened to Spike, and what her friends tried to do to come up- with a solution. When she was done, she had to perform a spell to send the letter to Princess Celestia, since Baby Spike couldn't do it. After five minutes later, Princess Celestia arrived at Sugarcube Corner. "Princess Celestia!" Twilight said. All of her friends bowed down, except for her. "Do you know what we can do to fix Spike back to normal?" Twilight asked pleadingly, hoping Princess Celestia's solution would actually work. "Ah, I see. And I know just the thing to fix him," Princess Celestia's horn lighted up with golden magic, and she cast a spell on Baby Spike. He became himself in a flash. "Now I must leave, I have some duties to attend to," Princess Celestia walked over to her golden chariot, and flew out of sight. "Thanks for fixing me, guys," Spike said. Then Twilight, Rarity, Rainbow, Pinkie, and Fluttershy did a group hug. "Glad to have you back, Spike," Twilight said.