A misunderstanding

by Element Reading

Chapter 1: Whoops

It was a nice peaceful day in Canterlot, now. Before we go further I should tell you there is a human in Canterlot, he got there through an accident with a portal, basically looking at it he tripped on a rock and fell in.

Anyway, after he got there he befriended two princesses, Celestia and Luna. It has been two years since he got there and still lives in the castle, now this man's name is Anon, he is about 23, with black hair, his blood line was Irish so he has a bit of a drinking problem.

Though that's not what got him in trouble, so here is how it goes.

Princess Celestia and Anon were walking down one of the long ass hallways. Anon asked, "Why do you ponies like big, long, pretty much empty hallways so much?"

Celestia replied. "Well Anon, we just like it, there's really nothing more about it, oh you did say you had big strong horses do what again?"

"Oh right, we used to ride them." Celestia looked him in the eyes and asked.

"You rode them?"

"Oh no, we used to ride them, as in we got on their backs and they ran to our destination. Because let's be frank, you ponies are faster then we are, so were they, and that's why we used them."

"Well, I wonder how that felt, I did wonder why our saddlebags always had some kind of seat on the backs."

"You know you can use a saddle, fly out, and I will ride you, so you can know what it feels like."

"Okay, little bit weird, but okay. How about we try it tonight, we saddle up here and go to a near by field, no pony will see us."

"Sounds like a plan Cele."

That night:

They were in Celestia's room, it was pretty cool, you all know it. Anyways, on her bed was a saddle, it was pretty much brown foe leather with some gold highlights.

This is for all of you who think this will be sex, it won't, this story will not have any of that kind of kinky shit so don't even ask why I didn't have any. Also my Mom said no.

Anon walks in with a big ass 20 gallon white cowboy hat, "Really Anon?" Said Celestia.

"What, they usually wear hats like these, also this was the last hat left." She laughed a bit before he walked over to the bed and looked at the saddle.

"Are you sure you wanna do this?"

At that moment Luna walks up to her door and hears him, "What are they doing?" Whispers Luna.

Celestia replied, "I am sure, it is a bit weird, but let's do it."

"I'm gonna ride you all night, let's get going, we don't wanna wake up Luna do we?"

"Of course not, let's go." Luna heard a teleport spell.

"Oh my, I gotta tell somepony!"

3 days later:

Celestia walked out to her balcony, she looked out into the rising sun, the smell of flowers filled the nose. And the sounds of cameras?

She looked down only to be meet with over 100 news ponies all crowding around the entrance of the castle all talking about the royal rid. All Celestia could say was.

"Mother of me."

Anon ran through the door and asked, "Cele, what on Ear- um, Equestria are they talking about, royal ride. That is clever, but why are they so interested?"

Luna walks in and asks, "So, how did you two sleep last night?" Celestia was a bit confused while Anon face palmed and replied.

"Luna, what did you think we did last night?"

"Well, I assumed each other." They went into a deep red blush.

"Um, actually here's what happened."

1 recap of what has happened later:

"And now we arrive at the present." Celestia was sitting on her bed while Luna realized how much she f**ked up.

"Anon, Celestia, I'm so sorry, I f**ked up. I wish I could do something about it, but nothing will keep those reporters away." Anon was looking out at all the ponies, the pegasi would be flying, but thanks to the new ground law.

No pegasus can fly above 200 ft, alicorn is the exception. Celestia said.

"Anon, we can't leave the castle until this dies down, which from.... past experience, about a month."

"A month?! What about the dinner tonight?!"

"What dinner?" Asked Celestia.

Luna replied, "Oh right, Shining Armor and Cadence are coming over for dinner tonight." Celestia sat on her bed and began to go into deep thoughts.

"Maybe we should leave her alone for awhile, she needs time to think." Said Luna, Anon nodded and they left the room.

2 hours later:

Anon and Luna were sitting in her room, Anon was braiding her mane, sometimes he does that to Celestia, other times like this one, Luna.

"So do you think Celestia will figure out how to fix this?" Asked Anon.

"She will, don't worry, just give her ti-" They heard a knocking at the door.

"Who is it?" Asked Anon.

Celestia replied, "Pizza pony, who do you think?" They chuckled and Anon opened the door.

"Double cheese?"

"Ha ha, now then. I think I know what we should do Anon."

"What's that Cele?"

"We need to camp out in the castle for a week or two, then we make another story for the news ponies to chase."

Anon just looked at her puzzled, "What?! Don't we want to get the spotlight off of us?!"

"Sorry, the other story will be somewhere else, they will flock there and we are free, though the week is so I can think of something that will get them out of here, won't hurt anypony, and maybe funny."

Luna told them, "I can do any outside meetings for you Tia, I hope you two don't prank the guards to badly, because I still have some stuff saved for them." She says with a giant smile.

"Thanks Luna, now lets get to planning!" Said Anon.