The Equestrian Takeover

by Fariz 'TheWaVe' Amir

Part 3: A dark night.

The Equestrian Takeover

Part 3:
A dark night.

Written by
Fariz 'The WaVe' Amir

Chapter 10:
Hank’s Specialty Is Found!

The party eventually ended and everypony went to their homes. CloudWork and Hank quickly remembered how they were homeless in Ponyville. Rarity recalled an abandoned workshop in the fields near Ponyville. It was old and a little rundown, But CloudWork and Hank took it as a home anyway; knowing how they had no real choice anyway. Twilight, Fluttershy and AppleJack donated several small furnishings; Pillows, Blankets, Firewood and some food for the night.

The Workshop was big and still had a few working machines inside it. All the dust inside made Rarity stay outside with Fluttershy, who was a little afraid of the dark. Rainbow Dash and CloudWork set a few new lamps and torches around while Twilight and AppleJack cleared dust away. Rarity and Fluttershy finally came back in to help out after realizing the place wasn’t as ‘unsanitary’ or ‘creepy’ as before. They got the place a bit more homely after several hours of work. Rarity offered them to go shopping for more stuff for their new home the following day. CloudWork accepted and everypony else headed back home. CloudWork and Hank themselves were tuckered out after chatting on their own in the higher floor of the workshop. They eventually fell asleep, no thanks to weird noises outside.

The following day, CloudWork woke up to the sound of metal dropping to the concrete floors. His eyes burned at the sudden sight of sparks flying to the ceiling from the lower floor. Curious, he walked down the steps only to find Hank. In a welding mask.

“Hank? What the heck are you doing?” CloudWork naturally asked.
“Oh, this? Nah, I’m just inventing! Been doin’ it all night!” Hank Answered, his face still looking at the new contraption he was working on.
“Inventing? Inventing what?” CloudWork asked once more, instantly shielding himself from more sparks as Hank fired up the blowtorch again.
“That was exactly what I was waiting for you to say! Remember back in the Everfree, when I saved you with that slingshot machine?”
“Of course..?”
“Well, here it is again! Except now it’s improved, off the-charts!” Hank said, pointing over to a machine resting on a pony-shaped mannequin.

It was definitely a memory jolt. Instead of a held model, this new one was a back-mounted shooter. By the looks of it, it fired random metal bolts from twin barrels on the side of the saddle-like mount from a small magazine load on the top of the mount. CloudWork definitely had to get a deep examination of it. It looked a little big and bulky definitely has room for improvement, he thought. Soon Hank asked if CloudWork wanted to have a go at firing a few test shots. CloudWork agreed with massive excitement.

CloudWork stood on a painted red X on the floor while Hank Pulled levers with his magic. Metal chains creaked and shackled as they lifted the crossbow mount on CloudWork’s back.

“How did you even manage to get these things working? Twilight said this place was abandoned for 5 years!” CloudWork asked Hank nearby.
“Wasn’t easy, I’ll give you that! Took half the night just for restoration works, the rest of the night for improvements and some changes to the machinery and about… um… 3 hours for the mount?” Hank answered with pride. “Alright, Cloud, the mount may be a little bit heavy... And you gotta lower your neck down to activate the sights. Then fire by stomping your front hooves. Left hoof for left turret, right hoof for right turret! There we go, all set and ready to fire!”

It took some time for CloudWork to get used to a heavy metal contraption on his back. He fired the first bolt, aiming at a wooden plank. He missed, but the second bolt hit it dead on. On the third shot, though…

“Dammit Hank, what’s going on? Why is this thing shaking? Wait… OH NUTS—“CloudWork panicked as he fell while the turret just broke before even firing the third bolt. Metal plates and bolts rolled along the concrete flooring, making a mess of scrap and junk.

Hank walked slowly to CloudWork, who was still on the ground, recovering from shock and weariness. Hank had a very… certain look on his face; a combined look of disgust, anger, disappointment and sadness. Very much like the look a mare gives to a little filly when she failed a test.

“Whoa... Erm... Jeez… I’m really sorry, Hank… I didn’t know the turret was that fragile…” CloudWork said, His eyes shifting from the ground, to the metal on the floor, then to Hank. That’s when Hank completely freaked CloudWork out with a sudden grin and he started laughing out loud and began rolling on the ground. CloudWork, with his shoulders feeling a lot lighter, suddenly joined Hank in his fun, even though he had no idea what was going on.

In the two colts’ fun, they didn’t realize Twilight and Rarity come in, and they were instantly staring at them, questioning their motives and what the mess was about. Hank got up and explained to CloudWork that he already expected that exact thing to happen. He was already working on a second prototype, that one more secure… and safer than the first. He also quickly noticed Twilight and Rarity staring at them.

“Oh, well hey there, girls!” Hank said, still sitting on the ground but still having a warm smile on his face.
CloudWork, still on the ground, looked up and saw Twilight; with rays of sunlight behind her, making her eyes sparkle. Light blows of morning breezes flowed through her mane and tail, creating the perfect silhouette of Twilight, with parts of her body uniquely lighted. CloudWork didn’t notice that he was still looking really scruffy from the mess and how he didn’t even prepare his mane or anything.

“Umm… Hey, CloudWork! What’s up?” Twilight asked, feeling a little bit awkward while CloudWork laid there, staring at her with a huge interest.
“Nothing much, my beautiful unicorn angel of this great land… Uh... Shoot…I mean… Erm… Hey, Twilight!” CloudWork stuttered, secretly cursing himself for saying what he said at first.
Rarity nudged at Twilight and said, “Well, I’m guessing SOMEPONY here likes another certain Unicorn, hmm?” with a cheeky smile, She even winked at Twilight and pointed her horn towards CloudWork, who was helping Hank with the cleanup.
Twilight immediately disagreed with Rarity and stepped forward. “Well, what were you two doing?” She asked.
“Well, I was testing out this turret mount-“CloudWork explained, before Hank Interrupted him.
“A mount which I, Hank, invented myself!” Hank boasted.
“A little dangerous to our lifestyle, but that would probably explain your cutie mark!” Rarity said, smiling at how adorable Hank looked when he boasted.
“Umm... Cutie... Mark? What?” CloudWork quickly asked, his head cocked at an angle.
“A cutie mark, It’s a symbol that represents you’re… Super-special talent that makes you unique! Look, it’s on your flank. A metal bolt, two wrenches. You must be an engineer, an inventor even! My, I sound like Cherilee!” Rarity explained to them.
“Probably explains your ability, CloudWork. The Lightning bolt attached to a three- prong wing, your unique wings and your Flight-Ning ability!” Twilight said, excited at the idea of cutie marks.
Laughing, Rarity reminded everypony about their shopping trip at the market place. Rarity immediately changed the topic to shops, clothes and other girly things. Well, why not? Its Rarity here!

Chapter 11:
The Colt Who Defied Equestrian Science

Soon enough, the four ponies reached the market place. Wasn’t so crowded, which was quite normal for Ponyville. Hours were spent there, having fun, buying stuff, usual market activity! Pinkie Pie invited them over to the Sugar Cube Corner for some cakes and treats, along with a lot of other ponies that CloudWork met. Night very soon fell and the party soon quieted down and more ponies were walking back home, tired from the fun Pinkie Pie gave them.

CloudWork and also soon decided the day was over for them too, after CloudWork woke up from a massive sugar hangover. Hank decided partying even had its end. Well, the night wasn’t exactly over, not for one more colt.

Far away from Sugar Cube Corner, at the Everfree forest, a square jawed colt with brown eyes popped up from the bushes. He eyed Ponyville, enjoyed the music blaring from Sugar Cube Corner and was looking at all the carts with food, being locked up by ponies who called it a night already. That’s when he realized that it was time. Raising his flank, he prepared for his own special talent. With a heavy kick back, he blasted from where he was to rocket to Ponyville with extreme speed. A loud, deafening Bass pound spread around. His rust-coloured coat left a trail of the same color. Ponyville was going to have a wake up call.

Back at Sugar Cube Corner, AppleJack Heard a loud boom.

“Yall hear that?” AppleJack asked.
“Yeah, what was it?” Twilight added.
“Hey! Over there!” Hank shouted, pointing to a herd of ponies running towards them. Everypony ran back inside the Sugar Cube Corner, while Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash and CloudWork took flight and hovered above the panicking ponies.

“What’s going on?” AppleJack shouted to the herd.
A trio of ponies stopped to catch their breath, each of them having one thing in common, all of them having flowers as cutie marks.
One of them said breathlessly, “It’s a disaster!”
Another quickly continued, “It’s horrible!”
The last one screamed, “And He’s Back! Everypony RUN!!!”

All eight ponies turned around to see something rocketing towards them. They dove out of the way while Rainbow Dash quickly noticed it was not a thing, it was another colt! She signaled to CloudWork that she would try to subdue him and that he should Flight-Ning his way there to help her. CloudWork agreed with a nod. Rainbow Dash accelerated to catch up with the speeding bandit, While CloudWork took to the skies. Applejack called to everypony else, telling them that they should try and help out. Twilight teleported out of there to try and track the colt around Ponyville. Rarity and Pinkie Pie blocked certain streets, trying to limit the colt’s track. Fluttershy lifted AppleJack to the front of Rarity’s boutique, where they thought the colt would end up soon.

Rainbow Dash was racing and weaving around the streets and alleys, trying to gain up on the speeding colt, which just seemed to be zooming past each obstacle in front of him. He had the focus that Rainbow Dash was losing. She had to control herself, she couldn’t risk an accidental Sonic RainBoom in the middle of Ponyville, plus she was getting tired really quickly. That’s when the colt stumbled into a wide street leading to Rarity’s boutique, where AppleJack and Fluttershy awaited; they were behind bushes, hiding from him, waiting for the perfect moment. That was when a huge explosion rocked the skies. CloudWork blasted out of nowhere, blasting towards him from behind, but the colt had his own trick up his sleeve. With Rainbow Dash still on his tail, he hopped up and kicked back once more, blasting his own deafening boom and it catapulted Rainbow Dash back, onto the gravel grounds. CloudWork Barrel-Rolled out of her path and Flipped forward to kick the colt down, breaking his dangerous run. The colt’s speed stash immediately disappeared and he was tumbling towards the boutique, where AppleJack jumped out and bucked him right in his mid-torso. blood sputtered from mouth and a bone crushing noise was heard all around. He fell down unconscious, and AppleJack felt a mix of guilt, disgust and a slight relief. CloudWork rocketed up into a loop to get back to Rainbow Dash to help her out.

The colt’s path of destruction was really something. Breaking kerosene tanks and causing fires on the streets, stalls were smashed, wood and metal pieces scattered the dirt roads. Dozens of ponies and young fillies were injured, but thankfully none were… killed in the event.

It was a sleepless night, with everypony staying awake to help out with First-aid and putting out the fires. CloudWork carried the colt to the workshop where Hank welded an iron fence to contain him. Twilight sent a letter to Princess Celestia for some help on the aid and repairs. The rest of them rested in the Workshop, recovering from the sudden action. With the renegade colt behind bars (literally), they decided to help out after a quick rest.

Chapter 12:
The Invasion’s Start

Soon enough, Princess Celestia Arrived with a team of medics and engineers from the Canterlot Team. Princess Luna even tagged along to help out. On their landing, everypony, even the injured bowed to greet them. Princess Luna quickly called out that there was no need for the bow and that everyone should get rest. The medics immediately ran to the injured while the engineers built a makeshift hospital in a tent. Princess Luna went round comforting the ponies that were still in shock. Princess Celestia was quickly greeted by Twilight and the rest. They came over to the workshop to let Princess Celestia see the colt, which was still knocked out.

“What are these marks on his body?” Princess Celestia asked.
“Sorry, Princess, that’s my bad… he was just coming a bit fast towards Fluttershy and I… and I couldn’t tackle him…” AppleJack stuttered, guilt washing over her.
“So… by the looks of it, you bucked him?”
“… I’m terribly sorry, Princess” AppleJack said, her head down and voice full of sorrow.
“It wasn’t you fault now, AppleJack…” Celestia said to AppleJack, trying to reassure her; lifting her hoof to AppleJack’s chin, bringing her face up.
“Erm... Sorry to kinda ruin this ‘heart-melting’ moment here, Princess Celestia, But what do we do to that colt?” Hank said, trying to get everything back on track.

As Celestia walked off to wonder, Fluttershy and Twilight comforted AppleJack, with her eyes beginning to water.
“Of course… he does have his, abilities that are quite mind-blowing…” Celestia said, her mind wondering what to do.

Princess Luna’s Voice from the front of the workshop interrupted them, and made everypony turn their heads towards the main door in curiosity.

“Celestia!” she screamed, her face showing massive hints of fear and concern. “Philomena came with an urgent message from the Northern Sky Observatory!”
“Oh? Well then, come, everypony! To the main square!” Celestia ordered.

Rainbow Dash and CloudWork took off with Princess Celestia and Luna. AppleJack wiped off her tears and ran with the rest. On their arrival, Philomena was resting on top of the fountain, and Royal guards in their gold armor were taking formation. More engineers arrived to speed up reconstruction. Luna came back to Princess Celestia and the rest with a letter from the head scientist at the Observatory.

“Here is what he sent: I have reported sightings of very strange happenings in the Everfree forest. The Tower Canyons have been with what seems to be large silver rays-“Luna read before being interrupted.
“That’s where we came from!” CloudWork pointed out.
“Well, that’s one mystery sort of solved…? Anyways, back to the letter; that caused openings of what seems to be inter-galactic portals. Now a massive metal object has been spotted and it sent a coded transition. After decoding, it says that they are from another planet and they are here to take away our most valuable power source- And well... that’s when the message ended. Something terrible is going to happen, Tia… something bad!” Luna cried.
“Well, don’t panic… Maybe something can be don—“Celestia was interrupted by a bright light shining from behind them

From behind them, the mountain top that housed the Northern Sky Observatory exploded; its metal exterior was completely blown to nothing. Above it, a giant metal ship emerged from the dark, shadowed clouds, the mountains below it crumbled as Bay doors on the sides of the ship opened and smaller dropships sped off into the bleak, night sky. Nearby, Canterlot’s Force shields activated.

Everypony in Ponyville said nothing for the exhilarating 3 minutes. CloudWork and Hank were breathless. Twilight and the rest’s mouths hung open as they knew what was going to happen. Celestia said only one thing: “Prepare yourselves, Everypony.”