
by ThatBrony13

The Prophecy

Twilight was still a bit angry at her for dragging her out to look for her little sister since it was her own fault for not looking after her, but she also knew that this might be her chance to take a look at that meteor that crashed on the cliff."Ahem, earth to Twilight? Hello? Trixie would like to get Dinky back home before my parents find out about this! I'll get in so much trouble!" rolling her eyes at Trixie's problem which she caused herself, they started walking down the path back to the meteor since it was the last place Trixie saw Dinky. As they were walking, Twilight kept getting shivers down her spine as if something was watching them, well she was right.

"Trixie wait, do you hear something?" She asked cautiously as she puts her hoof against Trixie protectively, knowing that whatever it was that was watching them would ether jump out at them or dive down from the sky."Uh...Trixie doesn't hear anything, just the sound of a crow."

A crow, crows aren't usually dangerous at day but at night they have the advantage of a sneak attack due to their black feathers and speed."Did you say a crow?" Twilight's mind wishes she heard different, but her body knew otherwise since her horn started to glow as if it was ready to shoot at the first thing it sees as a threat. She didn't know any offensive or supportive PSI spells, she could only lift objects since that doesn't put to much strain on a fillies body which means that if she had to fight a crow she'd just need a nearby object."Hey Twilight, I'd like to get going now if you don't mind, so what if It's just a crow, what's a crow going to do?Peck our eyes out?" Trixie shouldn't be talking, she couldn't fight even if she had to fight a teddy bear which means that protecting her and herself would be a bit tough.

Twilight had no idea what to do next but something in the back of her mind was screaming (Move!). She never usually trusted her instincts but this time it seemed that it saved her friend from having to wear an eye-patch. "Trixie duck!" thankfully her ignorant friend did just that. Ducking right at the last second, an air born Crow swoops down and goes straight through Trixie's hat as it turns around, ready to make another strike at the Fillies. "Stay down, I got this." Twilight regretted those words as her (supposed) friend grabs her and uses her as a meat shield."What the hell do you think you're doing?!" Trixie never was trust worthy, even when it comes to following orders but this was just crazy.

The crow, taking this sacrifice as an advantage, flies towards Twilight at full speed, planning to peck her eyes out first and then Trixie's. Luckily Twilight found a cracked bat sticking out of a bush and swiftly levitated it up above her head with her magic, bringing the base of the bat down directly in between the crows eyes which made the cracking sound of a skull breaking, obviously the crows skull. Sighing, she let go of the bat and broke out of Trixie's hold. " You could have cost us our eyes!" she yelled right in her holders face as she continue down the path, not bothering to check on the animals dead body or looking back at Trixie." Well, better the crow then us." Trixie replied as she caught back up to the cautious Twilight.

They arrived at the meteor sooner then expected which gave the purple lavender filly plenty of time to stare curiously at the red ominous space rock before her eyes."Yes I know the rock is interesting but we're here to find Dinky!" Sighing, Twilight stops her examination of the meteor and helps her neighbor find her lost sister."Hey Trixie, I think I hear snoring," she said nudging the blue coated filly."I hear it as well Twilight...It's coming from behind that tree." Pointing to the tree which oddly enough, suffered no damage when the meteor crashed, was where the noise was coming from."Hm? Big sis? Is that you?"

Sure enough, it was Dinky, popping her little head out to see who was with her at the moment. Groaning, the smallest filly of the three walks towards Trixie with a sour look." Thanks for coming back for me sis, I can't believe you ran off like that!" Twilight, who finally figures out how she went missing, glares at Trixie causing her to smile nervously."Look, let's just get back to mom and dad alright squirt?"

Having that (somewhat) touching moment, Twilight and friends were about to head home when Trixie stops right in front of the group, causing them all to bump into each other."Twilight....do you hear a buzzing sound, sort of like a bee?" The cowardly blue filly asked. "Buzzing sound? What Buzzing sound?" Twilight replied curiously as she found herself staring back at the meteor again."It's coming from the huge rock I think." For once, Trixie was right...how strange.

The moment was about to get even more strange when a small light emerged out of the meteor, blinding all three fillies."What the heck?" Was the only thing going through Twilight's mind when the light's all dissapeared and all that was left was a burnt out meteor...and a bug? No wait..a bee to be more exact.

"I bee I am......not"

Twilight was about to say something but the bee creature cut her off."I'm from ten years in the future and in the future......all is devastation"
The purple unicorn thought this was all a dream, a talking insect...from a meteor,from the future? Ignoring her thoughts, she continued to listen to what the insect had to say.

"Discord,the universal cosmic destroyer, sent all to the horror of eternal darkness..."
Discord? It all sounded pretty fake to Twilight...but once again, her instincts said other wise.
"However...you must listen! Where I am from there is a well known legend that has been handed down from ancient times."
Ancient times? A legend? Twilight's perception of reality was slowly fading away with each sentence. Why come to her? Why tell her this?

"It says; When the chosen filly reaches the point, she will find the light. The passing of time will shatter the nightmare rock, and will reveal the path to light." She guessed that the meteor could be this Nightmare rock, but then again It doesn't look active any more.
"You see, it is my opinion that you're that filly, Twilight Sparkle...this I believe."
"Discords' monstrous plan must have been set in motion somewhere on Earth. If you start to confront the enemy immediately, you may have time to counter the evil intentions of Discord." All Twilight could do at the moment was nod, she understood everything so far, but still couldn't believe why this has to happen.

"Three things are of the utmost importance: wisdom.....courage........and friendship." Again she could only nod, her mind still trying to grasp just how much lives will be on the line when it all comes down to fighting Discord.

"..The legends from the ancient times tell of three fillies, and a colt who defeat Discord...I will tell you more later.Go now! And do not be anxious about the future." For some reason, Twilight felt at ease when the insect said that....it reminded her of the last sentence her father wrote to her in his last letter"Go for it!" Is what it said,and now she knew, she will win the war no matter what hardships she has to go through, she will stop Discord even at the cost of her life!

"You have much work to do Twilight, I hope you understand what is at steak here." She usually non-cocky purple filly instantly grinned and said "I do, and I won't give up so easily!" the insect nodded knowingly that the fate of the world rests on Twilight's and her (soon to be) friends."Thank you for listening to my long story. You are as exceptional as I expected you to be." Forgetting that Trixie and Dinky was right next to her the whole time,she turns her attention to the others. "Twilight! It looks like you're really in a lot of trouble this time. Three fillies he said?...Uuh...I'm not one of those three, am I? 'Cause...I'm not into this kind of adventure at all...Geez. My heart is almost pounding right out of my chest!" Rolling her eyes, she had a feeling that Trixie was not one of the three fillies...due to her lack of wisdom, friendship,and courage, in fact, she doesn't have any of those! Shrugging the question off, all three....or should I say four, made their way back to Trixie's and Dinky's house.

If only it was that easy. Twilight and the others finally arrive outside of Trixie's and Dinky's house."Thank you Twilight for helping Trixie find Dinky!" Trixie said with her snout high in the air."More like, helping me find Trixie" Dinky added with a smirk.Then all of a sudden, something happened...something out of the ordinary happened again, another flash of light erupted right in front of the them,but within the light,Twilight could just barely make out a figure which was somewhat slim and had only two legs instead of four.When the light vanished, the figure was everything Twilight thought it would be except it was white and had only....well, you could say It was an eye.

"What is that thing?" Dinky whimpered as she took a few steps back. "It's been along time Buzz Buzz." The creature could also talk, but it wasn't talking to them, it was talking to the same insect that came out of the meteor, it followed them all the way back like it said it would." You've been successful at foiling Master Discords' plans. But Buzz Buzz....you must now surrender, you're no longer a hero, but just a useless insect. I'll stomp you hard!" Twilight noticed that Trixie and Dinky were both cowering in fear, there was no way she could take on that...thing...but as her father said"Go for it" she found the courage to stand up to the dominating creature in front of her.

All of a sudden, Twilight's body was enveloped in some kind of protection shield, she turned around only to see Buzz Buzz casting the same PSI magic on himself. "Careful Twilight, this Starman Junior may be a low rank in Discords' army but you shouldn't underestimate him!" As she turned back to face the enemy, the last thing she saw was a wave of flames smashing against the shield, knocking her onto her flank which left her in a daze.

The Starman Junior started to edge closer to now dazed and defenseless purple filly, all she managed to mutter out before the enemy prepared to lay the final blow on her was," I failed you....Mom....Dad...Earth...forgive me..I guess I wasn't the one who would save the world....good bye..."