//------------------------------// // Chapter 1 (Seasons Over) // Story: Family Reunion // by Carmine Blaze //------------------------------// Spitfire was getting ready for another Wonderbolts show with Soarin and the others. Stormy Flair, her mother, had once again come to see them. She loved that her mother always went to all her shows. She only had her mother and her friends. She was told when she was younger that her dad had left them one night and that she didn’t know why. Only that he couldn’t be found anywhere. Spitfire grew up resenting her farther, vowing that if she ever met him he would get a solid buck to the face and… a lot more after that. She hated her farther for what he did to her mother and what he did to her. Little did Spitfire know that her mother may have left out a few important details that even the Captain of the Wonderbolts was never supposed to know… “Shows in THREE…” A loud voice bellowed into the starting room, The starting room was a dimly lit area backstage with a single rectangular opening for several Wonderbolts to fly through. It wasn’t spacious but is certainly wasn’t cramped. She could feel the music start to boom and she felt it right in her chest. “THIRTY SECONDS WONDERBOLTS” That same voice bellowed in even louder to compensate for the noise of the crowd and the thunderous anthem of the Wonderbolts. “You ready Spits?” Soarin spoke softly, his voice could barely be heard over the music. “Hmm… Oh yeah Soarin I’m all ready to fly. Remember Soarin....” “…Fly steady. I know” Spitfire was cut off by Soarin finishing her sentence. “That’s my LT.” Spitfire smiled, as she spoke a loud Boom was heard and then thunder. “LADIES AND GENTLECOLTS, I GIVE YOU, THE WONDERBOLTS…” as the announcer finished his last syllable the Wonderbolts flew into action with a sound akin to thunder and lightning… Once the show had ended the Wonderbolts went back to Cloudsdale for the end of season debriefing. The room as a blue grey with a sofa dotted about here and there. There were posters and news clipping of some of their best shows dotted around the walls, even one of rainbow dash at the best young flyers competition a year ago. All the Wonderbolts and staff stood in their formation as Spitfire spoke up with Soarin at the front. “Take post Lieutenant” spitfire spoke as she looked at Soarin. “Yes mam” Soarin saluted before marching off to the back and standing next to Flight Sergeant Fleetfoot. “Great show everypony, that’s the last one this season. So I expect to see you all back after your holiday in tip top shape, got that?” Spitfire spoke in a loud authoritative vice akin to when she was being ‘Drill Sergeant Spitfire’. “YES MAM” the collective voices of all both flyers and staff alike filled the room. “Lieutenant” Spitfire called to the back of the squadron. Soarin turned and marched back out to spitfire, they both saluted before spitfire spoke again. “Dismiss the Squadron” “Yes mam” Soarin spoke, they both saluted before Soarin turned around facing the 1st Equestrian Acrobatics Team. “SQUADRON, OFFICER ON PARADE DISS…MISSED.” Soarins Voice Boomed in the entire room. Just as he finished his last word all the ponies in the room turned to their right at a 45 degree angle before saluting and marching off. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spitfire sat back on a sofa relaxing with a hot cup of coffee in her fetlock. She sipped the dark liquid slowly and relaxed as Soarin came in the room. He grabbed himself a hot cup of coffee before sitting down next to Spitfire and talking. “So you’re not going to the after party then?” he asked trying to hide the fact that he could share a few drinks with Spits his oldest friend even at a party. “Rainbow is dancing again and it’s hilarious.” Soarin chuckled before he looked back at his commanding officer who looked like she was about to break down and cry. “I just don’t feel like partying Soarin, not this time of year anyway.” Spitfire spoke glumly as she remembered that today was the day that her farther ‘left’ her mother 22 years ago when she was 5. She barely had any memory of it. The only one she had was hazy now anyway. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spitfire was walking downstairs of the cloud house when she saw her mother and farther come in with something in her father’s hands it was big in her eyes but she didn’t get to see it before the arguments began and spitfire ran upstairs again. “…just shut up how we are meant to afford a second one, one is costing enough already.” “I’ll think of something honey but she’s ours we just can’t put her up for...” “SHUT UP! I can’t do this anymore…” “I’m here for you” … “Get out” “What dear” “Get out, you son of nightmare moon!” “What the hay, I just want a future for OUR foal” “Then get a job you ungrateful whelp…” … CRASH!!! “Leave! Take that with you and don’t come back ever. So help me god if I ever see you again ill break your wings and send you straight to Tartarus…” -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spitfire’s memory ended. She couldn’t understand her memory even at the best of times and it was just getting hazier and hazier. Her mother said that Dad left her but she always wondered what actually happened that night… “SPITZ WAKE THE BUCK UP” Soarin shouted at her while shaking her. “Huh wah!” was all Spitfire could get out before a huge sigh of relief washed over Soarin like a tidal wave. “Celestia’s sake Spits I thought I lost you there” Soarin finally relaxed. “What happened to you, you just zoned out?” Soarin asked cautiously keeping an eye on Spitfire just in case she zones out again. “I was just thinking about the past... that’s all Soarin” Spitfire spoke so quietly it would only have been audible in the small distance that was between them. “Spits…” Soarin tried to speak but spitfire put a hoof over his mouth. “I’m fine really...” Spitfire got up and walked to the balcony, “I’m going to go on a quick flight alone to clear my head” before Soarin had a chance to respond she was gone. “I hope she will be alright… Oh buck the party, I promised Dash a drinking contest with her friend… what was it berry punch? I got to get going” and with that Soarin left the room as well turning off the light and locking up as he left. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spitfire was flying through the night air of Cloudsdale to cool down after her talk with Soarin and the memory… The memory, she couldn’t stop thinking about it now. She couldn’t stop thinking about that thing in her father’s hands before she went upstairs. She carried on flying, trying to push all those thoughts and memories back into her mental lockbox. At that moment she crashed into another Pegasus both landing on a cloud before spitfire got a look at her. She had a Blue-Grey coat that was matted from sweat and rain. Her mane was disheveled and was multiple shades of blue. She had untidy long hair around her fetlocks as well as multiple scars all over her body almost all hidden under her fur all but one as single scar running along the right side of her chest where the fur had not fully regrown. She had a pair of wings covered in frost as a cutie mark and piercing golden yellow eyes. She wore a hooded jacked designed for Pegasi that was worn and light yellowy brown in colour she wore saddle bags of the same description and she seemed to have a look of absolute shock and horror across her face. “Oh Goddesses sorry about that I weren’t really focusing on flying” Spitfire cussed under her breath knowing that any fanmares here would be bad, but she didn’t look like a fan. The mare then spoke up in a rather tired out raspy voice that cracked. “Spitfire… Spitfire Flair?” Spitfire just replied nervously “Yes… and you are?” Spitfire never saw it coming a hoof collided across Spitfire’s muzzle as the unknown mare replied. “Your Goddesses Damn Bucking SISTER!”