
by Nutmeg Sweet FiM

Chapter 1

Fluttershy was outside reading her book. She heard a bell ring. She knew that meant she had to come home. She quickly closed her book and flew home as fast as she could. Finally, she made it home.
"Fluttershy, dear, your 5 minuets late. Come inside!" said a unicorn mare with a pink mane and a yellow coat.
"Yes, mother." said Fluttershy, sighing angrily. To tell the truth, she wanted to stay outside and read. As she walked upstairs to her room, an orange pegasus stallion with a magenta mane flew down to his wife.
"She treats me like an evil stepmother in a mares tale every time I speak to her." said the mare.
"Well that's just how she is. Let's get ready to go." said the stallion.
"Fluttershy, we're leaving!" he then said to his daughter from downstairs. That meant she had to watch after her sister again.

The cream coated pegasus mare sat on her bed for a while. She reached up to grab a stuffed animal when she noticed one was missing from her shelf. "Mr. Bearington! Somepony has been in my room." she said to herself. She stomped to her baby sister's room.
"Scootaloo!" she shouted quietly. Scootaloo was crying. The thunderstorm happening outside frightened her. "Oh, don't cry." Fluttershy said. "I know, how about a story. Once apon a time..." she began, "There was a mare who's evil stepmother always made her foalsit her baby sister. The filly always cried and whined annoying the mare. But little did she know that the Crystal King was in love with the mare, and he would have his crystal ponies take the child away and make it one of them. All she had to do was say this:" She picked up her sister and held her in her arms.
"Crystal King, Crystal King, wherever you may be! Take this filly of mine far away from me!" She set the foal down on her bed and walked away. She heard that Scootaloo had stooped crying. She walked back inside the room to see what was going on. "Um... Scootaloo? Why have you stopped crying?" She slowly walked toward the bed. She carefully motioned her hoof to the blanket. She grabbed it and pulled it off. Scootaloo was gone. And in her place was a crystal pony. Fluttershy's heard raced. Her sister was missing! More crystal ponies surrounded the shy mare. An owl was banging at the window. It broke the glass and attacked her. "Get off of me!" she yelled. The owl flew away. She looked up to find none other than the Crystal King - Sombra. "Where is my sister?!" she asked.
"Why are you worried, dear Fluttershy? You wanted her gone, didn't you?" said the Crystal King.
"It was a joke!" shouted Fluttershy.
"Well too bad. She's mine now." said Sombra.
"You give her back right now!" she demanded. Sombra looked at the mare, amused.
"If you want your sister back, you'll have to get to my castle in the center of the labyrinth." he said. "You have thirteen hours. If you don't make it by then, the filly will become one of us. Good luck." And with that, he was gone.
"I have to get through that? Look how big it is!" she said to herself. "Okay, calm down, I have to get Scootaloo back. And sitting here worrying is not going to get me any closer to finding her." She flew down to the beginning of the labyrinth and started through.
Trying to avoid obstacles, she ran as fast as she could. She ran for what seemed like an hour. "Ugh! This leads nowhere! How am I supposed to get to the castle if I'm going nowhere?!" she said. She groaned and leaned against the wall.
"Hello," she heard a tiny voice say.
"What the-" said Fluttershy. "Who said that?"
"I did." she heard the voice again. She looked down and saw a worm.
"Um... hello. Do you know the way to the castle?" she asked it.
"Why, yes I do. Walk through that door and go left." said the worm.
"What door? There is nothing here!" said Fluttershy.
"Everything is not what it seems here. Go ahead, walk through it." he said. Fluttershy stood up and walked forward, expecting to hit a wall. But she didn't.
"Thank you!" she said, and trotted off happily. About thirty minutes of trotting later, she came across two strange doors. There were heads poking out from behind. "Um... can you help me? I'm looking for the castle at the center of this labyrinth." she asked them.
"One of us leads to the castle, and the other leads to death." said the one on the right.
"One tells the truth, the other lies." said the one on the left. "Well, let's see... Would he tell me he leads to the castle?" she said to the one on the left. The head went behind and whispered to himself.
"Uh, no." he said.
"So then he does lead to the castle. You are the liar, and so he's the on I need to choose. I figured it out!" she said. The one on the right moved aside. He snickered bit as Fluttershy went through. She thought she was correct on how it led to the castle, but she was wrong. She fell down, down, down. Yep, she had walked through the one that led to death.
"Aaaahhhh!!!" she screamed. she thought she was gonna die. But before she hit the bottom, she felt a cold hoof grab her arm.