//------------------------------// // A Shocking Revelation // Story: Lightning Volt // by Atlantis Productions //------------------------------// A pegasus with a cyan coat, a currently wet, white mane and tail, and a cutie mark that was a wrench crossing with a lightning bolt (like the crossbones of a skull and crossbones) stumbled through the heavy rain. One of her wings was injured, she was tired, and she had just survived being struck by lightning. Ironically, her name was Storm Shock. She was lucky, to say the least. It was truly a miracle that she was still alive. Very few ponies get struck by lightning, and even fewer survive. But she knew something inside her was different. She didn’t know what exactly, but she could feel it. In fact, every so often her body would give off a small discharge. Storm was having a hard time remembering how she got in this position, but she could remember how it felt, being struck by lightning. She remembered feeling her heart stop, and then feeling it start again. She remembered how painful it felt. She could remember flying, being chased, but not from who or what. She could remember injuring her wing, but she couldn’t remember how. In fact, almost everything about this night was impossible to remember. Soon, Storm came to a clearing in the forest. She noticed that the discharges were increasing. “What’s going on? What’s happening to me?” she screamed, fear clearly evident in her voice. Then the discharges went wild. Storm was lifted into the air as electricity surged through and out of her. There was so much electricity that for a few second, her entire body was surrounded by it. Then the light dimmed and Storm was set back on the ground. But something was off. She felt...strange. Fine, but strange. She checked to see if she was okay. “Hooves, check, wings, check, tail, check, horn, check,” she said before realizing the, “Wait, what? Horn?” Yes indeed, Storm realized she now had a horn sprouting from her head. And it wasn’t like any horn she’d ever seen before as it was in the shape of a lightning bolt. Seeing this, she looked again at the rest of herself. Upon closer inspection, her legs seemed to be a bit longer, her wings a bit larger (and the injured wing had apparently healed), and her mane and tail had streaks of yellow and orange. “This…this is impossible. I’m an Alicorn,” she said in wonderment, and confusion, “How is this possible? Well, no use just standing here. My wing’s healed and I need to get home.” She opened her wings and then took off with surprising speed. Literally before she it, she was above the storm clouds. Storm paused in midair. How had she gone so fast? Well, it didn’t matter at the moment. She could see that she was not far from Seaddle. So, she continued on (at a much slower though). In a matter of minutes, Storm was flying above the city. Then, all of a sudden, there were sparks all around her and she discharged a lot of electricity. This somehow turned her back into her old self. Unfortunately, that meant her wing was still injured, and she fell. Thank Celestia that she just happened to be over a bush when she fell. “What just happened?” she asked. There was no answer because there was nopony around. She climbed out of the bush and continued her walk home, which was only a few blocks from where she landed. When she finally got home, well let’s just say her mother wasn’t happy with her. “Where have you been? I’ve been searching all over the city for you! I even called the police!” said her mother, angrily. “I’m sorry, Mom, but I don’t know for sure myself,” Storm replied. “What do you mean by that?” “Well you see…” Storm told her mother, Cloud Shine, a pink Pegasus with a white mane and tail and a pair of clouds for a cutie mark, about what had happened to her. From being chased by somepony or something, to being struck by lightning, to her becoming an Alicorn (temporarily). “Okay, let me get this straight,” said Cloud Shine after she finished her story, “You want me to believe that you were struck by lightning? You also want me to believe that you turned into an Alicorn?” “Um, yes.” “That’s it, young lady. Go to your room, I’m sick of your lies. It’s bad enough that I’ve had to bail you out of jail more than once before. But now you want me to believe this? What am I going to do with you?” Storm’s father, Sky Light, a pale blue pegasus with a brown mane and a lightning bolt cutie mark, came over to Cloud Shine. “Relax, sweetie. Storm’s just going through a phase. I went through something similar when I was a teenager.” “Yes and look how great that turned out,” Cloud Shine said sarcastically. “Hey, are you saying I’m a bad influence?” “No, but you can bet your boots that I’m thinking it.” “I’m just going to go to bed,” said Storm, trying to avoid another of her parents’ arguments. It’s like she lives in a pack of hungry, cannibalistic wolves sometimes. “I can easily say that was the most ridiculous and unbelievable thing I’ve ever heard, Storm,” said Storm’s twin brother, Static Shock, who looks just like Storm except for the fact that his cutie mark is three lightning bolts around a cloud, as Storm trotted past his room. “How much did you hear exactly?” Storm asked. “Enough for me to be convinced that it’s true. I mean, I’m no expert on comic books, but that sounds the origin story of a superhero. Oh wait, I am an expert on comic books and that does sound like a superhero origin story.” “Wait, didn’t you just say it was ridiculous and unbelievable?” “Yes, I did. But that was from an adult’s point of view. We’re 15, we get to see both sides of the argument about what ‘real’.” “Point taken. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to bed.” Storm trotted into her room and got in her bed. She fell asleep within minutes (unexplainedly turning into an Alicorn and back tends to make one tired). The next morning… Storm woke up and yawned. “Wow, what a crazy dream,” she said, remembering last night’s events. Storm trotted over to her mirror and brushed her mane (How do hooves work? It makes no sense.). Then she trotted out of her room to get some breakfast. On her way down to the kitchen, she noticed something. She could feel some prickling (for lack of a better word) sensation on her leg. She took a closer look at it and saw that it was actually electricity moving through out her fur. That was when she realized that last night was real. She hurried back into her room. She raised her hooves to examine the electricity and it surged between her hooves. “Well, isn’t this a shocking turn of events,” said Static. “Huh, hi Static. I-I can explain,” Storm said, knowing she really couldn’t. To be continued...