//------------------------------// // The Rare Kind Of Guy // Story: The Rare Kind Of Guy // by Csanimations //------------------------------// It was Friday night, 7pm to be precise and things were settling down at the castle where Spike & Twilight lived. They had just finished Twilight old pass time of rearranging all the books in the library and they were both a bit tired. "Thank you for helping me today Spike, I don't know what I'd do without you", Twilight said as she rubbed her eyes with one hoof. "I don't know Twilight but its my pleasure, I am always happy to help, even if its rearranging books..... but what sort of friend would I be if i didn't help" replied Spike with a cheerful response. "A lazy one" she quickly remarked back. "Exactly and I don't swing that way" he replied once more topping hers. KNOCK KNOCK "Oh!!! Who could that be at this time of night" Twilight jumped as she turned her head towards the direction of the front entrance. { shrugs } "I don't know Twilight, isn't it your friends or something, so you can go out on the town and actually be social instead of talking to your pet bird all night" he causally retorted. "who!" went the owl after being distributed from his little nap. Twilight then held a sarcastic frown. "What!" he shouted...... "I didn't mean you had to do it, but I should of known that you don't do that sort of thing...........but you should though" he said in his defense. Twilight slightly ignoring Spike made her way to the door and opened it. "Special delivery for errrr the princess, Twilight Sparkle" he announced Twilight was a bit tired to take in fully what the post stallion had to say so she said "thank you" to be polite. "not a problem miss, have a great night" he announced again whist turning around to fly off to the next house. Twilight then closed the door and made a slow trot back to the library to join Spike once again Spike heard twilight return as he was placing the last of the books on the shelf using the ladder, but when she came into the library with the letter he did become a little curious to what the letter would be about. "So....... who was it?" he said as he slid down the ladder "It was the postman with a letter" she replied with her eyes half open. "Interesting..... normally we don't have the postman come around at this time, it must important" he pondered "Not as important Spike" she corrected "because if it was of major importance it would of come in a scroll..... its properly Pinkie Pie or something" she yawned. "Awwwwww how'd you know" as she appeared from behind a book case. "Ahhhhhhh!!!! Pinkie do not do that again" he jumped "...... besides where did you come from" he replied scratching his head. "Errrrrrrr Nowhere" As she quietly kicked a secret trap door with her hoof shut. "Let me guess, a party!" Twilight interrupted. "YEAH A PARTY!" jumping in the air with joy "..... but...... ohhhhh, Im losing my touch of coming up with different ways to invite my friends" she said sadly. "Well Pinkie since your here, why didn't you just give Twilight the letter now instead of paying money to post it, it makes things alot easier" trying his best to lift her spirits. Pinkie then turned towards Spike "Well duh.... otherwise that would be too easy" "Of course" he said sarcastically looking at Twilight. Twilight quietly giggled into her hoof "Well now that I am here, its an invitation to a party for a newcomer of ponyville, would you like to come, Huh Huh Huh!" she quickly raced right up to Twilight. Twilight hated it when she got right up close, its like she had never heard of personal space. "Oh dear" she said off guard "..... how do I put this in the nicest way buuuuuuutttttt...... no" she tiredly stated. Pinkie not giving up as easily said "oh come on, there will be cake.......... games......... friends!" grinning up at Twilight almost like she was begging her to come. Twilight now being put on the spot didn't really want to hurt her friends feelings, so she came straight and said "well... I was thinking of having a.." "GREAT! Ill see you there" ZOOOOOOM and she was off! With a gust of wind she was gone leaving a puzzled Spike and Twilight, standing there just backtracking the conversation on what just happened. Twilight now too tired to think properly became grumpy "grrrrrrrrrrr, that pink pony is too bubbly for her own good, Spike could you run to sugarcube corner and tell her I will not be attending as she didn't let me finish my sentence." "sure thing" he positively saluted ".......... but errrr what should I say as to why your not going." he stated "I'm tired and want to sleep, goodnight!" she huffed stomping her hoofs to her bedroom" "OK..... Im tired and I want to { door slam } sleep! Twilight?" he said Spike was surprised "Wow I didn't think that rearranging books would be that tiring, but I guess she did use her magic horn most of the time........ that would make anyone head tired, I guess" he thought. "OK Twilight, ill be back soon.... see you in a bit." he reassured. Twilight tiredly muttered "errrrr, just stay safe." before face planting into her pillow. "Will do" as Spike walked out of the library and towards the front doors. With that Spike opened the front door and adventured out into the dark world beyond the castle. Once Spike was out he inhaled and took in the fresh spring air, it was actually addicting at this time of the year as the plants were coming out and the new smells entered everyone's nostrils. A short time later Spike was walking down one of streets of ponyville, not far from sugarcube corner when he heard some shouting up ahead. As he adventured closer he could hear that it came from a local pub, where ponies were getting drunk and properly fighting each other over a mare. Personally Spike found the pub scene to be very strange, maybe it was the atmosphere or the smells but one things for sure they were not his sort of people to hang around with. Spike was a bit cautious as he didn't want to get pulled into a pub fight and then explain to Twilight how a black eye got onto his face. Passing the pub, a couple were coming from the opposite way, Spike couldn't care for much of the stallion but he did catch the mare, a perm mare that was yellow coated, kind of like Fluttershy. She was a Pegasus with a rounded hair style, well kept and a cutie mark of three suns. Now to say he didn't stare was a slight underestimate as she was quite nice, but he looked away as he knew it was rude to stare for too long. Even though Spike had never seen her before she looked like a nice person. Spike was surprised by who she was with, a slightly taller, gruff stallion with a coat that was a bit rough and grey of color, to him he look like he could handle himself in a pub fight, but Spike didn't want to stay to find out. To Spike judging them as a whole to get a perceptive, he assumed she was the happy go lucky mare that was a bit of arm candy to this stallion that looked like he could care less if she was there or not. Almost like he had her just to look good in front of his mates, which made Spike a little annoyed.... but thats what he thought, Spike knew not to judge but with them he could not help it. As they walked by one another, Suddenly! "OWHHHHHH" cried the yellow mare. Seeing this he acted on instinct and caught her before hitting the ground, putting Spike in an embarrassing situation. The Mare was a bit shocked but then overjoyed "oh thank you sweetie for catching my fall, I must say that was quite quick of an reaction to act that fast" "Not a tall miss, It just happened, anyway its better than you tripping over and landing face first into the ground" he calmly replied as he helped her up. The Stallion was very embarrassed and quickly stepped in "oh don't mind her, she always this clumsy." "Well these things happen, never mind." she causally replied, not really that fussed over it. The Stallion became cross and whispered "well its not alright, you need to be more careful, your going to make a fool out of us, we don't need that type of attention." "Honestly its fine" she explained. "Two left feet" the stallion remarked. "Ahem" Spike coughed into his claw The stallion turned to face a crossed armed Spike who was looking concerned, realizing what he had said to his mare he became very impatient. "errrrrr, anyway, lets get a move on otherwise my mates will wonder where we are" the stallion said rather rudely as the mare was quickly being pulled behind. Realizing "ohh, wait I didn't catch your name" the mare called back. "Its Spike!" he replied. The Mare smiled "Spike.......... like your spikes.... ha ha .... cute" Spike was a bit startled by the comment but before he realized they were gone. Spike then realized and kicked the ground ..... ahh gems I didn't ask what her name was....... ah well" He casually said "Im sure ill see her around in the near future" as he continued on his way. A while later, Spike exited sugarcube corner Apparently when Spike arrived at the party, Spike had entered the party to find Pinkie Pie but got sidetracked by some gems glistening in the corner of his eye, on a table around all the food. So there was Spike eating the gems, the gems that were not food but as decorations on the table and then after that things became fuzzy. Strolling out of sugarcube corner at midnight Spike made a retreat for home where it suddenly dawned on him that Twilight would be wondering where he was. But not to worry because Spike wasn't in trouble because Twilight was still out of it and snoring her head off. A little distance later down the road Spike had to walk past the pub, Spike found that the pub was just as rowdy as ever, if not worse off than earlier. As Spike got close he could see a silhouette of a pony, defiantly female, dunking her head into a bin. Spike was curious and slowly made his way up to her, not making it creepy as its put down, Spike was worried about her and if possible could help her out if she had a problem. To Spike's surprise it was the mare from earlier, although she didn't look very happy go lucky now, with a pale face. She was not having a good time. Spike very concerned as he taped her said "errrr, excuse me miss...... miss..... its Spike from earlier, are you ok, do you need any help atall." With the mare being tipsy she slurred "Noooo, im not fine, my world is spinning and I cant find my stallion I was with" burping with her head still in the bin. Spike pondered for a second taking in the new information and then acted. "OK... ill see if I can find him, in there, just stay here and ill be back" he said trying to reassure her" "OK" burping once more "don't go too far........ ok" she glumly stated. "Ohhhhhhhh I hate this." Spike then entered the pub, but quickly held his nose as there was a strong substance in the air and it wasn't beer. Spike flinched "errrrr, why does it smell in here" looking for the source of the smell "......... really lads!" Spike surveyed the pub but couldn't see the gruff grey colored stallion anywhere. Spike groaned "oh fantastic..... he's not here... he couldn't be asked to attend to her, so he up and went, some friend or boyfriend, well I hope not boyfriend..... she deserves better than that" Turning around and exiting the pub Spike wasn't sure how to explain the situation to the mare, what would she think, but he quickly dropped his thoughts when he exited as another stallion was hovering around the mare giving her the stink eye. "so errrrr, want to head back to my place? said a sleazy stallion. Spike became very protective and with some anger building up he coughed into his claw to get the stallions attention "ahem." The stallion was surprised "I didn't know you had a thing for dragons" And he quickly fled. Spike roared "YES SHE'S WITH ME and how dare you do such a thing, preying on the vulnerable." "errrrrr" vomits "thanks, I didn't really have the strength to deal with that" the mare slowly replied as she looked up out of the bin at Spike. Spike looked over her and said heartily "errr ..... what I am going to do with you." The Mare looked back to the bin sadly "I don't know...... Im sorry." Spike became sad as well, feeling sorry for her "don't be, Its just a saying, come lets get you home." "Ok, but you will have to support me im very giddy, but I think the vomiting has stopped." Vomits "almost stopped" she moaned. "Sure thing, Im not going to leave you here, as for your friend or whatever, its my job to help you" he soothed. "That's very kind of you" she replied feeling a little bit better "you know most ponies just leave you be as they don't want to get involved" "well its lucky for you that I am a very caring dragon" "emmm....... but I like that though" she said happily as she closed her eyes briefly. So with some strength Spike helped the mare up and helped her walk down the road. "so errrr where's Reg" the mare suddenly realized. "Oh no that must be her friend or whatever's name, what should I say..... NO defiantly tell her the truth" Spike thought. "well you see" Spike started. "Sunny Ray" the mare added. "Sunny Ray.... errr Sunny, when I went into the pub I looked but couldn't see him, he must of departed" he said being straight with her even though it wasn't nice to hear. "I see" she said sadly "does he do that often?" he said with worry in his voice. "Sometimes, yes" she added whist looking at Spike. "WHAT!" Spike said with a bit of anger in his voice "even when your tipsy and vulnerable like this" he stated. "emhmm" "well thats not nice of him" looking cross. "I guess" she sighed ....... "he can be very narrow minded" "Well not judging, but you deserve better than that" Spike realizing what he said slapped one of his claws over his mouth. "What did I just say, please don't take that the wrong way" he worriedly thought. "That's very sweet of you to care for me" she said calmly "but I don't know there was something there when we first meet a few years ago but...." "But people change" he finished. "well not exactly" she added "More like show there true colors and I guess I just didn't bother to do anything about it" "Achoo!" "oh dear, we have a runner" she quickly said. "Tissue?" "Thank you, my my aren't you such a gentleman" she complemented. "Well its really just common courtesy" he simply replied. "Indeed" as she deeply sighed "sorry if im a bit tired and I lean on you, its been one heck of a night" "Not a problem." he happily replied back. "emmm, thank you" as she leaned up against her escort-er "...... your quite warm, very comforting" she yawned "why cant most men be like you" she quietly finished. ............ " Yeah .......... why cant they" he sadly and quietly finished. Spike knew it would take a bit longer to get to Sunny's house, but with the moon at its fullest lighting his way, and with the resting mare leaning against him as they walked telling him directions now and then, he was happy to help out someone in need. A short time later they arrived at Sunny's house As the tipsy mare struggled a bit with her keys, they soon had access to the house. Spike then reached for the light, but as it shone from a above, Sunny had to shield her eyes. "Ahhhhh" she moaned "Spike, sweetie, could you turn that off, sorry about that, I know your helping but its too bright." Spike panicked and quickly turned the light back off "whoops sorry about that" feeling like an idiot. "Don't be" she reassured "besides I have a better idea" so with a few more hoof steps, she lit some candles that lead the way to the living room. Apart from Sunny's candle skills, Spike was lucky, the house didn't have any stairs. Closing the door and brushing themselves off Spike helped her to the large couch in the living room, as he wouldn't dream of taking her into the bedroom, that would give off the wrong impression! "Ahhhhhhh" feeling relief "now thats better, good old comfy couch, ohh how I've missed you" as she snuggled into the comfy couch. Looking up she saw Spike was still standing and replied. "you can sit down, I don't bite" she said in a loving voice. "Well...." he said as he scratched the back of his head "shouldn't I get going, I helped you to your house, I would feel uncomfortable staying uninvited" feeling a bit awkward. "Shh, what rubbish, this is my home and I say you can sit down next to me..... don't worry I know your not like most guys that will now try and take advantage" she protested. Spike now being alert couldn't believe what she just said "REALLY?...... you mean not only have you got into this situation before, but when others have helped you back they still try and take advantage of you?" "ohh, you have no idea" she said instantly whist moving to rest her back up against the back of the couch" ...... but I soon showed them with these babies, hoof 1 and hoof 2" she confidently said whist doing a few pretend punches in the air. As Spike sat down he said " oh, thats good then." feeling alot better. Turning quickly to face him beside her she Changed the subject "so Spike although im a bit tipsy, I will not forget this genuine deed you have done for me." Thinking not much of it and blushing slightly he replied "its my pleasure Sunny, after all, it was the right thing to do." "Very" she complemented "....... ohhhhh dear I dropped my notepad from the side table onto the floor could you get that for me. Spike being an observant dragon saw that she did that on purpose, but did it anyway "ehhhh ok". As he leaned down to pick it up, Sunny very quietly moved closer to him. "Here you go" he happily replied once more. "Oh thank you sweetie...... so helpful.... you know im liking you more and more" stating without a doubt. "Well to be honest, my friends always say to me, who wouldn't like me" feeling that adding that would back up his helpfulness nature. "I can see why, and there not wrong." she complemented once more. Adding more to the conversation he said "I'm just being me and that's what counts in the end being true to yourself." Even though Sunny was in control of her actions as most of her tipsiness had gone at this point, her mind was padding back and forward over the new wonder she found in front of her, she liked it alot and she was not going to let this gem go. "You know Spike" she said "it feels like I could talk to you for hours, tell you all about me and it would feel fantastic." Pondering for a second "who says that it has to be a "could", that could may turn into a will." Realizing what he had just said "oh my god, is he picking up my signals, I have to be sure" she quickly thought. On Spikes end "way a go idiot, why did you have to say that, now she thinks your creeping on her" he cautiously thought. Acting fast "Well......... supposing you did want to talk some time, where do you think would be the best place to have it?" "Im not sure" he wondered "somewhere nice like maybe if you like sugar cube corner or somewhere peaceful like on top of a hill with a picnic." "Yes.... yes..... I'm liking this, ohhhh I'm so crushing on him, the poor chap" she cheekily thought" "Interesting" she surmised "what about food?" "Well" backing up his last sentence "Sugarcube corner do some delicious cupcakes or with the picnic, maybe some nice daisy sandwiches with a couple of apples or even apple pie, sprinkled with tiny bit of sugar to make it so sweet." Being over excited in her head she blurted out "what about time and date even?" Whoops! She thought worriedly. Taking a few seconds for the sentence to sink in the dragons mind "OH MY GOD is she asking me out on a date or something" he surprisingly thought. Acting quickly to not make the silence awkward he said "well I would say next Saturday.... if your free." "DING DING DING, he knows" She thought rapidly. Not wasting a second longer Sunny Rays came clean with her new emotions "Look Spike im going to be honest with you, I'm liking you... Alot and I know we haven't know each other long but would you like to see me again, being serious here, sorry if this is full on all at once, but I would like to see you again." Nervous at first "well it is a bit, but its not a problem, if you knew what I've been through, I'm fine with you being honest with me." Happy to hear his positive respond she added "I would love to hear about that." as she leaned in a bit with loving eyes. "Also telling you I haven't got a girlfriend" he added quickly but then frowned "is fine........ but what about that REG fellow that was with you, is he.... you know" Sunny Ray then followed suit and frowned too "yes he is sadly....... BUT Damn it" she gritted her teeth and tensed up almost like she wanted to scream to the world "IF I've finally put two and two together and finally realized that I should do something about it and dump him." "Now I am nervous, if he's that jealous type and finds out that you dumped him for me, he's going to bury me in a grave." he said with much panic in his voice not realizing the fact that he was a dragon and he could easily sort out the gruff stallion without the need of violence, if there was any trouble. "Not likely" she cooed "He may seem tough looking but I've been with him long enough to know he's all talk and no go." "Well..." with some worry on his mind. "Please Spike" She protested "Finding the one isn't easy, sounding stupid I know, but I like you, you like me." "I do" adding to her aid " your like a field filled with candyfloss..... very sweet." slightly going off into daydream land. Now that is corny" she laughed whist bringing him back to reality "but whatever happens I know in my mind that your the best kind of guy, one that you should not let go of." Blushing, where it became obvious "well as long as you don't suffocate me to much, lets go for it." "Man I like you." she playfully said. "Likewise" he smoothly added off his tongue, to which they both started laughing at what they just said leading to both of them giving each other a warm hug. Spike and Sunny's conversation was an interesting one but they both seemed to be on the same level about one another and they were becoming very happy being in each others presence. But there connection didn't last long as Spike then noticed that the clock in Sunny's house said nearly 2 in the morning and Spike was now thinking about getting home safely. Not wanting to interrupt the hug, Spike spoke softly into Sunny's ear "listen errrr, Sunny." She happily replied into his ear "yes sweetie." "I have to get going, its nearly 2 in the morning and Twilight is going to wonder where I am." Pausing for a second she ended the hug and with a bit of confusion said "Who's Twilight?" "She's my sister or mother-ish figure because she looked out for me as I grew up" he explained Relaxing a bit "ok then, tell her if she is cross, say you were accompanying me and its my fault." "That's very kind of you, but I have a hopeful feeling she's properly snoring her head off." laughing lightly. "ZZZZZZZZZZz errr Discord say away from those important papers ZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzz" Twilight muttered in her sleep. With Sunny Ray now being able to stable herself she walked Spike to her front door and before he went she gave him another big hug. Looking at him as Spike walked out the door turning to her in the door way she stated lovingly "Right so next Saturday, at 2pm, ill meet you on ponyville's biggest hill with a picnic." "Sure thing" as he pulled his thumb up to her, but quickly thought "but shouldn't I bring the food though?" She giggled "Oh you.... Well I technically I advanced first, so we'll say its my treat." giving him a wink. "...... well if your sure" still thinking. "Positive" she sweetly replied. "Cool, well Ill see you there, bye Sunny" he said with a kick in his step, walking down the road towards the castle. "Bye Spike" blowing an invisible kiss, she smiled and closed the door. Resting peacefully on the other side of the door she thought "hmmmmmm, what a sweetie" then she said sleepily " and now its time to get some sleep." KNOCK KNOCK Being caught off guard her eyelids flung open and alert "who could that be, hmmm......" thinking hopefully it was Spike "I bet the sweetie forgot something." As she opened the door she was met with disappointment but also surprise. "OH, its you." There leaning on her door frame was the gruff grey stallion that had disappeared many hours ago "Hello Sunny, glad to see you got home safely." At this point too tired to care with some annoyance "Yeah about that, where have you been?" "Oh errr, I was with the lads, you know, a bit tipsy but I noticed you had gone I went looking for you." he slurred through this teeth. "At 2 in the morning?" sarcastically noting the time. "yeah" whist burping ill mannerly. Sunny was becoming annoyed she didn't really want to deal with this now "errrrrrrrrrr, well Im fine." "yeah I can see that" he childishly slurred. Wanting nothing to do with him as he wasn't as bad as she was earlier and could easily get back to his apartment in no time she added "well you better head home yourself, hopefully this time the land lord will let you in after the last argument, you caused." Acting on this "hey, he had it coming, I showed him, whats what!" trying to look good. Yeah talking crap, causing a disturbance, no wonder he threw you out on your face and you had to bunk at mine, making my couch dirty." Deciding to care about himself he slurred out more rubbish like "Yeah well not to worry, ill just bunk at yours again instead." "errrrr no, not this time." acting like a teacher to a naughty student. Taking it way too personally "whoa.... whats got into you, your usually jolly." he snorted. "Well I have my serious moments." WHOOAH! he shouted probably waking up other residents on his dissent to the cold ground. "when nonsense like this happens." she moaned looking at the mess on the ground. "OUCH!" he whimpered. "Come on get up." she moaned once more. "Thanks love" he said with no thought. !!!!!!!!!!! But then the bomb dropped and Sunny noticed something. "REG, whats that lipstick mark on the far side of your face?" she asked with bubbling rage. ........