//------------------------------// // Epilogue // Story: Summer Sun And Filly Fun // by XionFate //------------------------------// Epilogue "Hey mom, can me and Gumdrop Swirl go to the fair today?" Cinnamon Bun asked as she flew into the room occupied by Lily and her husband Midnight Flash. "Well, that's not up to me dear. How about you ask your father and see what he says." Lily replied as her hooves continued to work the fabric in them together. "Well, okay, but you girls have to be back by 9:00 sharp or else." Midnight said as he got up to get a drink. "Okay! Thanks dad, and thanks mom. We'll be back by 9:00 you can count on us!" and with that Cinnamon Bun and Gumdrop Swirl bolted out of the small cottage and down the small dirt road to the Ponyville fair. Lily Gumdrop had spent many years trying to find Midnight Flash after that fateful encounter on the beach, and after just over 3 years of searching she had finally found him again. He was a tour guide in Canterlot, showing all of the tourist ponies the ins and outs of a royal and highly sophisticated life in the mountains. Lily decided that it must be fate that brought them together for the second time and she was not going to miss this chance to make her dream come true. So after a few dates and a few really good dinners together they both decided that everything felt right and decided to go for it. The rest they say, well that's history in the making. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Wow Cherry Blossom, There sure are a lot of Rainbow Dash photos here." Pinkie Pie said as she sifted through the endless pile of photographs with the cunning Rainbow Mared weather pony in them. "Yeah, I guess there are. Oh, speaking of, did you by any chance happen to want a few of them?" Cherry Blossom asked Pinkie Pie. A tear came to Pinkie's eye as she looked at the photos of Dashie and all of her friends, including Pinkie Pie, in a photo together and she decided she had to have a few pictures. "Sure Cherry Blossom, I'd love to take a few off of your hands." It had been many years since the performance at the Fly-In by Rainbow Dash that had turned Cherry Blossom's world upside down, but no matter what happened it still burned vividly and brightly in her mind. Everywhere she went she always managed to see something that would remind her of the pony she so selflessly looked up to. From Rainbow colored hats to the rainbows themselves Cherry Blossom was always reminded of Rainbow Dash, and she liked the closure and solitude that it brought her. "I hope you're proud of me Dashie, I really am. You were right by the way, being the head of the Wonderbolts really is the most fun job a Pegasus can have." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Hey Starry Daze, do you have a minute?" Lily asked as Cherry Blossom and her stepped into the large planetarium at the outskirts of town. "Yeah, I always have time for my friends. Speaking of, how have you all been doing lately?" Starry Daze asked back as she cut the power on the light show taking place around her. "Not bad, not bad. Getting by and enjoying the simple life." Lily replied as she kicked a hoof in front of her. "Ah that's nice. The simple life sure does sound like the kind of life I wish I had." Starry Daze said, "And how about you Cherry Blossom?" "Busy. Who knew that being captain of the Wonderbolts could be so time consuming." "What, you thought it was all easy and fun? There is seldom a moment in life that is ever easy and fun." Starry Daze said. "And how about you Daze, how's life been for you?" Lily Gumdrop asked her. "Busy but enjoyable. I preform my shows and look at the stars, taking in everything that they have to tell me." Starry Daze replied as she looked up into the sky. "Hmmm, sure does sound nice." Lily Gumdrop said. "Yeah, but it does get kind of boring. Hey, I know, how about we all go to the beach!" Starry Daze exclaimed. "You mean like we used to when we were little Fillies?" Cherry Blossom asked. "Of course! And we can even invite Pinkie Pie, that is if she would want to come." "Oh don't worry Starry Daze, if I know Pinkie Pie, she wouldn't miss this trip for the world." Lilly Gumdrop said as her friends and her trotted off into the sunset, in search of their next big adventure. The End