A beginning in a new life?

by Night_Striker

chapter 9 this day just keep geting beter and beter... (part 1)

“Uuugggghhh är vi där snart eller? Vi har typ gott i timmar nu utan att hitta det här slottet som vi skulle vara för ungefär jag vet inte hur länge sän”

(are we there soon? we have been ealing now like for hours now without thinking this castle that we should benn to just about I don’t know how long ago)

My friend whined behind me and i’m sure we are almost there. Yes we have been walking for quite a while now and we still haven’t rested yet.

“Ta det lugnt, jag sa aldrig hur long tid det skulle ta för oss att komma ditt nu eller hur”

(take it easy, I never said how long time it would take for us to get to the place now did I right)

In response my friend just grumbled under his breath something that I can guess what he said.

We kept walking for a while until we got to a rope bridge and on the other side we could see a castle. I turn my head toward my friend and say.

“Well here we are, now we just need to get to the other side and find a decent place to stay”

Firewing just shrugged his shoulders and wings at the same time possibly not realised what he just did and walked past me.

“ Yeah yeah don’t need to tell me twice and can you like iduno use magick to get us some food? cause i’m getting a bit picky”

He says while we walk over the bridge somewhat slowly cause we still don’t know how much stress it can take and better safe than sorry.

“No I can’t cause I don’t even think I can do that or if it is even possible. And this isn’t World of Warcraft where mages can make food out of mana you know”

Fire Wing suddenly stops and turn his head to the side and having one off his ears up as if listening to something.

“Why did you-”

he just raised one hoof up to quiet me down and say.

“don’t you hear that growling coming off somewhere?”

I stood there and got a feeling that something was staring at me. So I looked back and saw 6 eyes staring at me. I decided to keep calm and poked my friend, he looks at me and was about to say something when he saw the wolfs like creatures in the open slowly creeping to the bridge end.

His eyes shoot up wide and ask in an hurry.

“what tha hell is that!” and pointing to the timberwolf which was a bad thing to do.

The wolf's know saw they have been spotted and made a run towards their prey.

I saw they started running now and yells. “no time time to get off this bridge!!!”

And we made a run for the end off the bridge my friend got first off whit the help off his wings to add more speed to his steps while I lacked behind him. he drew his sword to cut the rope when I get off the bridge.

I got the gits off what he was planing and used my magic to get an levitating grip on my sword and when I finally got to the end off the bridge. The wolfs was nearly at us and there greenish glowing eyes widened when they saw us grin with the swords drawn and cut the rope on the sides off the bridge.

they floated there for an seck in the air and they yelped when they falled down to the dark abyss below and the rope bridge smashing against the other side off the cliff and smashed to bits.

My friend and I gasp for air into our lungs while trying to maintain our footing from that heart racing moment in our life.

Fire wing spoke out “Next time just use your magic to blow those wolfs things to smitterin okay?”

I just laughed at that really bad joke and finally collapsing to the ground while laughing like an idiot, and my friend just smiled to himself but I missed the worrying glans he had in his eyes and shaked it off when I come back to my bering.    

“Sure next time i will make sure i have the magic knowledge to destroy wood with fire if that makes you happy” I say with a grin.

Turning our heads to what is an head off us we see an old ruined castle, the castle towers you could see have collapsed by the years it has been here and have this ominous dark lighting on the whole thing as if to dare us to go in side off it.

“So this are our base of operation huh?” Fire wing said with mild interest in his eyes.

“Yes so common lets go inside and explore the place and see what we can find and if we are lucky maybe armor to boost it up”

I started to walk to the castle mane gait that is old dark wood but fire wing had something else in mind.

“Why would we need armor anyway? Is it really necessary and who are we hiding from any way?”

I stop my approach to the gait and turn to my friend.

“To be honest those guard that are following us are after me and they don’t know anything about you so i’m kind of the wanted criminal off us two. Allso i have no idea how this even happen but i know that we gonna be careful here in the Everfree forest. So to put it simply better safe than sorry”

Fire wing gave an sight and looked me to the eyes and gave me a confident smile.

“Well if thos fuckers are going for my bro i might as well give them hell while i’m at it and be side” he says while moving his wings on his back an bitt and sems to have an ide.

“At least I get to have this cool wings”

We give one and other a knowing look and nods.

“All right then let's head inside and see what we can find” I say and open the door and we both heads inside

Mean while in Ponyville Twilight Castle meeting room

“So is every pony here?”  Twilight asked her friends that are gathered round the crystal table that appeared for some reason. When they all sat down in their respective chair and have an map projecting from it showing equestria and some neighbouring continent.

“Yeah Twilight i’m sure every pony are here what was is it you wanted to talk with us about? because I have some moves i need to praktis down”  Rainbow dash said not so eager to hear what Twilight have gathered them for.

“Well I-” twilight was about to tell when Rarity broke her off.

“Rainbow darling ples i’m sure for whatever reason Twilight got here for it most be serious otherwise I believe she wouldn't have oss all here in an shusa short notice, and I do need get this over with because I have an important dress to be made for one off the Canterlot nobles there and I would like to have it done soon as possible”

“Well I was abo-” Twilight tried again but once again being cut short.

“Well it’s ain't just you sugarcube that need some work down and over with i need to get back to mah farm and help Mac. and I won’t let him over work himself again” Applejack said

“Girls please can you be-” suddenly Pinkie cutt Twilight off.


GIRLS!!” Twilight finally manage to get them all attenshun while accidentally scaring Fluttershy who flyed behind her chair off the sudden loud voice and giving off an small.

“Eeeep” sound while doing it.

“Oh sorry fluttershy” she says while putting her ears back on her head for scaring her.

“Um it’s okay twilight” fluttershy reasoning making twilight relax an bitt.

Getting back on track twilight making sure everypony was looking and she got there athenshun.

“Okej girls the reason why i gathered you all hear is because off this letter” she shows the letter in her magical grip with the royal seal of the sun on it.

“Soooo What? Read it now so we all can head out doing our own thing all ready!” Rainbow say clearly have lost her passion all ready.

Twilight just rolled her eyes and continue “anyway it says that a pony named Night Stri-”

“WAIT!!!” pinkie suddenly shouted making everypony started with the sudden loudshout.

“As in Nighty? The guy who stayed in this castle Nighty?!?!” pinkie say while taping her hoof on the map.

“Yes pinkie that Night” twilight confirmed while keep reading the next line.

“It say that he was imprisoned in Canterlot castle” Then Rarity interrupt Twilight again before she could read the whole sentence.

“Godnes me that kind gentlecolt? I can’t imagine what hi must have done to deserve shusa punishment as in getting in a filthy dungeon” putting extra empathy on the word filthy and shivering imagining being put in a dungeon.

“Can I finish the letter Before you all start interrupting me?”

Getting the message clear to her friends she continue.
“Ehem right so’ Night Striker was being imprisoned in Canterlot but later on the day he escaped by means we don’t know and he clearly wasn't skilled when it comes to magick, but me and my sister are trying to figure out where he is, but if you where to find him do not try to capture him he is now dem as a threat and proseed with caution. With shinsery your fellow princess Celestia”

All off the girls was quiet trying to process what they have just heard when the door to the hall opening and spike comes running in.

“TWILIGHT!!! Something is happening in the Everfree Forest!” he calls out.

“What is it spike? What is happening in the Forest?” twilight says alarmed same goes for the rest for the girls. While Rainbow without question heads out immediately out the corridor with a rainbow trail after her.

“I don’t know i was just out next to the park hanging out with Snips and Snails when suddenly we heard shouting from the forest”

Twilight and the rest of her friends wasted no more time and start running out the castle.