//------------------------------// // Chapter 8 // Story: The Forgotten Princess // by Okami1197 //------------------------------// Cloudy awoke in a white plain alone except for Dinok's charred body, "Where am I?" she asks to the nothingness not expecting an answer. "You are in the Passing Realm. A place spirits go before they are judged." a motherly voice spoke from all around her. "Did I die also?" "No you did not die, and neither did he." a mysterious wind enveloped Dinok's body, "Me and my husband are looking for replacements. You and little Dinok here are the perfect candidates for this." "Who are you?" Cloudy asked. When the wind released Dinok's body it appeared to be fully healed, and holding him was a tall white alicorn, who was much taller than Celestia, that had a brown mane and tail, "I was known as Queen Terris before I was killed by the dragon that is currently leading the army of the dragons. Now I just go by Terris." beside her another alicorn this one black with a flowing black mane with what looked like a galaxy inside it, "This is my husband. Former King Galic. We have chosen you two for your ability to stick together and know the right thing to do. The deciding action for you two was how Dinok reacted to the dragon about to breath fire on you. He could have flown away, but his desire to keep you safe regardless of what happened to him drove him to shield you with his body." "What are you saying?" "What my wife is saying is that you two with receive the mantles of Earth and the Galaxy itself. I chose Dinok to take Galaxy, and my wife chose you to watch over your planet with Earth." Galic said with a deep voice. "These two mantles are meant to stay side by side. Galaxy protecting Earth and Earth protecting all others. It is a cycle that got put on hold for over two thousand years. It is time for it to continue. Dinok's body was destroyed. You were the one that gave it the magic it needed to come here to be reborn. Something only one with true love for another can do." Terris explained. "We can send you back how you are but Dinok will not be able to return, but if you take this gift you and Dinok will be tied to one another. He would be able to return with you, but you will both be alpha alicorns. Something that is a rare gift even among alicorns. Lightning Storm and Void Star are both beta alicorns along with Twilight Sparkle and Mi Amore Cadeza. There are currently only two alphas and they are Celestia and Luna." Galic finished. "I will take your gift if it means that Dinok will come back with me." "We thought you would make that choice." Galic and Terris said in unison as their horns started to glow and every thing went white again. ----- "Sister there bodies are gone what does this mean?" Luna asked as she passed near where Dinok and Cloudy disappeared. "Well I don't see how that is possible Luna. Nothing could make two bodies disappear without a trace. If they would have teleported we wou-" Celestia was cut off as a blinding white light flashed and her jaw dropped, "Luna, Void, and Storm, are you three seeing what I am seeing?" Storm did not answer she only ran up and pick Dinok up in a bone crushing hug, "Your alive!" "What happened? My head is killing me." Dinok said weakly. Luna gasped behind Storm, "Sister look at his head." Storm pushed Dinok away just enough to see the dark horn sticking out of his head, "How did you get a horn Dinok?" "What are you talking about mother?" Dinok responded as he put a hoof on his newly acuired horn. "I think I can help with that." Cloudy said calmly but obviously in discomfort because of the wings on her back, "Two alicorns in another realm pulled us both to them, and gave me a choice. To return here a normal foal like I was before and let Dinok die or accept the gift of Earth and become an alicorn myself while Dinok would get the gift of the Galaxy." "Child do you know the names of the two you saw?" Void asked as he looked at the young alicorn. "The mare said their names were Terris and Galic." "So they were still watching over the ones they used to rule. Why did they choose you two, if you don't mind me asking?" Celestia said from next to Luna. "Terris said that Dinok shielding me from the dragon fire was the last thing they needed to see before they made their decision. Something about how Galaxy protects Earth and Earth protects all others."