//------------------------------// // Pilot: The Origin of Spider-Girl // Story: The Equestria Spider-Girl // by TheDetonator98 //------------------------------// There have been days like this, about an average everyday high school teenager named Twilight Sparkle who is the least popular student at Manhattan High School, but has a few friends. She has been very intelligent with science and history in her school. She does her daily schedule at school going to her locker and getting stuff for a field trip she was going to. "Today’s the field trip, just need to learn about the new at Empire State University, a week before the final day of 10th grade." Twilight said to herself. She started checking on her things in her backpack. She had her camera for when she wants to take photos and was called out to a familiar voice. "Hey, Twilight. What do you thick the trip is going to be like? You can be the expert." Rainbow Dash said approaching Twilight with Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Applejack with her. "It’ll be good. All of you are coming?" Twilight asked while she looks at the rest of her friends. "Why yes, darling. We wouldn’t go without you." Rarity said. "No matter what, Twi." Said Applejack, putting her hand on Twilight's shoulder. "It’ll be fun." Pinkie said in excitement. "I hope so." Fluttershy said in a calm voice. "The bus should be here in 10 minutes, let’s head to the front doors." Twilight said while walking towards the front doors with her friends. 20 minutes later, they were all at the university. There were some amazing tech from the best companies from around the world. In the main room with the technology and tanks with a new species of genetically altered spiders. "I’ve never seen these kinds of spiders before." Fluttershy said looking at the spiders. "These look like genetically altered spiders." Twilight said to her friends, while looking at the tanks. "How many of them are there?" Rarity asked, Twilight decided to count the 15 tanks of spiders, but one of them was empty. "There are 14 spiders, but one." she said. "The one missing must be lost." Fluttershy said worried about the one spider. "Don’t worry Fluttershy, I’m pretty shore they are studying one of them." Twilight said trying to calm her down and takes a picture of the spiders. But what they don't know, the missing spider is in the room on the floor under a desk. "Move out of the way, Sparkle." Lightning Dust demanding and pushing her out of her way. "Leave her alone, Lightning. She’s not being your punching bag when I’m around." Rainbow Dash said while standing up to Twilight. "You will give her apologies for what you’ve been doing to her." Rarity demanding Lightning Dust. "Like I'll apologize to that bookworm." Lightning Dust said. "You do that to her again, you’re going to regret it." Applejack said while standing up to her friend. "Whatever." Lightning Dust said while walking away. "Soon, the tables are going to be turned around with me and her." Twilight said to herself and felt one of her shoes were untied. "Not again." She said to herself and bends down to tie her shoe. "Come on, Twilight." Pinkie called to her friend. "Hold on, I’ll catch up." Twilight called back. She continues to tie her shoe while the escaped spider climbs onto her camera. Twilight was done tying her shoe and grabs her camera but doesn’t notice the spider on it and gets to the others. "What were you doing?" Rainbow Dash asked why Twilight was kneeing down a minute ago. "My shoe was untied." Twilight explained. "I should do the same design in a different size for you when we get home." Rarity said for her generosity to her friend. "Thanks, Rarity." Twilight said and feels the spider crawling on her right hand and gets bit, causing her to scream in pain and swipe the spider off her hand and rubs it. "What happened?" Fluttershy asked in a worried voice with her hands over her mouth. "That spider bit me!" Twilight said and pointing at where the spider was going. "This is one of the spiders that escaped!" Dr. Cheerilee Connors gets the spider in a cup with her robotic right arm while the other human arm had a sheet of paper. Twilight begins to feel light headed, falls to the floor, and passes out from the venom in the spiders bite, and shocks everyone around her. 3 hours later, Twilight wakes up in the Manhattan Hospital seeing her friends, her parents Night Light and Twilight Velvet, older brother Shining Armor, and his wife/her sister-in-law Dean Cadence. They were so worried that Twilight was going to die from the spider bite. "I’m glad you’re alive." Her mother said while hugging her daughter. "Hey mom, how long was I out and how did I get here?" Twilight asked. "Three hours and Applejack carried you to Dash's car and drove you here." A familiar voice said from the doorway. "Hey Shimmer, it’s been awhile since we’ve seen each other." Twilight said. "I called your family to get here in case you weren’t going to make it." Pinkie said. "What happened?" Twilight's father asked his daughter. "The last thing I remember before passing out was getting bit by a spider at ESU." Twilight said. "That explains the bump on your hand." Her older brother said while looking at his sister's bitten hand. "You’re very lucky to be here on time, Miss Sparkle." Doctor Horse said entering the room. "You’ll be leaving in 15 minutes. I’ll be out in the hall to escort you out." He said exiting the room. "Thanks, doc." Twilight thanked and decided to get her clothes on. "Where are my clothes?" She asked. "Rarity folded your clothes and put them in that drew." Her sister-in-law pointed. Twilight gets out of the bed to get her clothes out of the drew and puts her glasses on. "Thanks for folding my clothes, Rarity." She thanked the fashionista. "It’s my pleasure, darling." Rarity said to her friend. Twilight was now in the bathroom of her hospital room and noticed everything was all blurry and looked in the mirror. She set her clothes down on a shelf and took her glasses off and on, when she had them off, everything was clear. "I can see better now? I guess I don’t need these anymore?" She said to herself as she puts her glasses on the shelf and takes her hospital robe and puts it on the door’s hanger and noticed herself in the mirror that she was a little bit muscular than before and with a six-pack of abs. "Did I do work-outs after I passed-out?" She asked herself again and gets her skirt and was trying to put her other leg through and hops back, got her leg in and it sticks to the wall and can't get it off. "What the?" She said confused. She tries to pull her leg off and gets her other leg on the wall. "Argh!" She screams in shock. "Twilight, are you alright?" Velvet called out from the door. "Yeah, just had trouble put a leg in my skirt." Twilight lied. She feels her head tingling and falls off the wall and lands with her hands and uses them to stand. "How am I doing this?" She asked herself as she bends back and stands on her legs. "I was never this flexible before. I feel like testing this out when I get home." She thought to herself as she gets the rest of her clothes on and heads out of the bathroom. "I also grabbed your camera and backpack after you passed from that spider bite." Rainbow Dash said as she hands Twilight her backpack and camera. "Thanks, girls." Twilight said as she grabs her stuff and gets into the wheelchair for the doctor to escort her out the hospital. Twilight got home and went her bedroom to put her stuff down on her desk and saw her dog, Spike sleeping on her bed, he woke up from the door being closed and goes to Twilight in excitement for waiting for her to get home. "Hey Spike, I'm glad to see you to, boy." She said to her dog and starts to think about what she experienced at the hospital. "How could have I been doing that stuff at the hospital? Climb the wall, head tingling, being flexible, and was able to land and stand with my arms." Twilight said to herself as she lifts her hand and a sheet of paper was stuck to the palm of her hand. "What the heck?" She said confused and removes the paper and sees micro-hairs on her fingers. "Are these hairs?" She thought to herself and looks at a clean wall and walks towards it. "Maybe it's stick-em powers I have?" She thought again as she takes off her shoes and scales her wall towards the ceiling. "I can’t believe it, I can climb on walls and ceilings. This is amazing." She jumps off the ceiling and lands on her feet. "If my head tingled when I was falling, it must be the ability to sense danger. This means one thing possible, the spider that bit me. Its venom reached my entire blood stream altered me in to a human spider." She tries to shoot a web but nothing happened and tries different ways with her fingers, but nothing happened. "I guess I'll have to make something for me to shoot webs." Later with using some scrap metal to create two web-shooters that can hold web fluid in capsules, she can put around her wrists, and with buttons at the bottom of her thumbs to shoot webs with two fingers. "Just two fingers and-" She said to herself and shoots a web line to one of her shoes. "it works." She yanks the line and catches her shoe. "At least I have spare web fluid on this belt for when I run out. Just one more thing I need for this is a suit for these powers." She thought and looks at her clothes chest and walks towards it and looks at some spandex she had for some time. "I knew this spandex could be used for something. I could use the red and blue spandex and use some gray for the webbing and black for a symbol, and make some eyes for the mask and web like spandex for my hair." Twilight stitched up her own suit for three hours, her suit was red on her mask, half of her arms, entire gloves, around her waist, and on her socks/shoes. Blue spandex on her legs, other half of her arms, on the side of her upper body, leading to her back, and a red spider on her back. She used the gray spandex for webs on the red part of her suit with a black spider on her chest and a red spider on her back and webbing under her armpits. Her mask had big, white eyes with black outlines around it and puts the suit on with her belt under the waist of her suit. "Now with this suit and these powers, I might as well call myself ‘Spider-Girl’. Look out world! You’re about to meet the original web-slinging wonder." Friday after a school day, Twilight was at a wrestler stadium for women to show people what she’s got and to earn some money. "Who dares to test their skill against New York’s light weight wrestler campaign of all time, The Cracker?" The wrestler host said into the mic. "I dare, the Spider-Girl dares!" Spider-Girl said walking to the middle of the match. "Are you sure, kid? I’d like to give in, but it’s worth it to have Cracker break one of your bones." The host said. "A thousand bucks if I win?" Spider-Girl asked. "There are carry odds but, yeah." The host said. "Then I’m in." She said. "Ladies and gentlemen, the Equestria Spider-Girl!" The host said and gives the signal to close the cage. "OK, I’m ready." She said and gets pushed up against the cage bars. "I don’t like picking on little girls, so I’m going to make this quick, OK?" The cracker stated. "Thanks, Cracker. But I’m good." Spider-Girl stated as she moves the Cracker's arm off her and uses her legs against the cage and jumps forward. "In fact, I’m really good and great." She said and jumps to the top and avoids getting grabbed. "Where’d she go?" The Cracker said looking for her. "Up here." Spidey said, getting her attention. "Get down here!" The Cracker demanded. "That’s one option." Spidey thought and puts her arm around a bar and webs her by her back. "Or you can come up here." She stated and pulls her opponent up by dropping from the top. "What is this? Why I’d…" The Cracker said while trying to grab Spider-Girl. "You’re welcome to try." Spider-Girl said and drops her opponent. "But I think you’ll define the match is already over." She stated and puts a leg on her defeated opponent's chest. "Ladies and gentlemen, the Equestria Spider-Girl!" The host cheered while lifting one of Spider-Girl's arm. Later in a hallway and where the elevator is at the end of the hallway. "Got your money in my safe, kid. All you have to do is sign an exclusive management contract with me." The promoter said. "Wow, I’m not signing any contract." Spider-Girl explained. "No signature, no cash. I told there were carry odds." The host stated. "But that’s not fair." Spidey yelled. "Fair’s not my problem." The host said while walking to his office. Spider-Girl felt disappointed in the promoter for not paying her after wrestling. She heads towards the elevator to get changed and hears the host’s voice coming from the hallway yelling at someone. "Hey, that’s my money! Spider-Girl, stop him!" He called but saw her step aside and let the thief escape. "You could have stopped him, now he’s getting with my money." He said in anger. "Not my problem." She said back and pushes the button to get the elevator back to the floor she was on. Later outside, Twilight was in her clothes wait for her dad to pick her up in front of the library. "Where’s dad suppose to be? He said he was going to be here." She said to herself and hears police sirens and saw a crowd of people surrounding something that she had to see. "What’s going on?" She cut through. "Miss, stay back. Stay back!" The cop said trying to keep Twilight back. "That’s my dad!" Twilight yelled and moving closer to her father. "What happened?" She asked. "Car-thief, he’s been shot. The medics are on their way." The cop stated. "Dad. Dad, I’m here." Twilight said trying to get her dad to look at her. He opens his eyes slow to see his daughter one last time. "Twi?" Night Light said in pain. "I’m here, Dad." His daughter said, holding his hand and letting tears crawl down her face. "Twilight, I…" Her father said and dies with his hand slipping out of her hand. "No. No. No! Dad!" Twilight screamed and her head falls into her father's chest. "They got the shooter, he’s heading south on fifth avenue. We got three cars in pursuit." The cop stated and Twilight now knows where the killer was, she left her dead father and goes after the man who shot and killed him. Twilight runs into an alley to change into her Spider-Girl suit to chase her father’s killer by climbing to the roof tops and swinging towards her father’s stolen car with the killer driving it. She lands on the hood of the car and smashes the windshield, blinding the killer. She looks behind her and see that the car was heading towards the abandoned ACME warehouse and jumps off the hood, through a window into the warehouse, while the killer goes inside to get away from the cops, when they have him surrounded. "Shooter, we have you surrounded. Come out with your hands up." Shining Armor called out with a bullhorn. "Don't think they'll get me in here." The killer said to himself worried. "Think again." A voice called out and causing the panicked man to turn around. "Who’s there?" He called back and starts shooting, but Spider-Girl jumps toward a support and dodges the bullets. "Your worst nightmare." She said in anger as she jumps towards the killer while he reloads his gun and kicks it out a window, noticed he had a knife and dodges the swings and web-yanks it out of his hand. "I’m out of here!" He said running in fear. "You’re not going anywhere!" She said as she jumps in front of him, grabs him by the top of his shirt, and pushes him up against a wall next to a window. "You don’t have to do this, just give me a chance." He tried to explain. "What about the man you shot and killed? Did you give him a chance?" Spider-Girl said to him and removes his mask from his face and smashes the window with his body and lights appear showing his face, it was the thief from the wrestling stadium who stole the money and was shocked. “That face!" She said in her head, dropping the man, shoots his legs to catch him for the police to get him down. "The guy from the stadium!" She said as a cop point a search light at her and she web swings away towards the Empire State Building and took her mask off to let her tears slide down her face, while resting her head in her arms. "I should have stopped him. I can’t believe he killed Dad. I never even got the chance to tell Dad what I did." She said to herself all sad and swings back to the alley where her clothes were and heads back home. 30 minutes later, Velvet sees her daughter enter the front door looking all sad. "Twilight, what happened? Where’s Night Light?" Twilight's mother asked. "A man killed him." She said while sobbing. "No, no, no, no." Velvet said all sad and hugs her daughter back. Saturday afternoon, along with Twilight’s family, friends and Manhattan High were all standing in the rain while Night Light was in his coffin being lowered into the ground. While everyone was upset, mostly Twilight and was next to the tombstone written “Night Light, Loving Husband and Father”. Velvet puts her hand on Twilight’s shoulder. "Take your time, sweetie. I’ll be in the car." She said and walks to her car. “Remember Twilight, with great power, come’s great responsibility." Nightlight's voice said in his daughter's head. "I will never forget that, Dad." She said and walks to her Mom’s car to head back home. Sunday was a bright, sunny day in Manhattan. While there were some crimes happening in the city. "Hurry up!" The crook said while holding a shotgun that didn't have a stock at the cashier to put all the money in his bag and gets the bag and walks out. Spider-Girl shoots a web line at his foot and throws the bag of money back to the cashier and swings away. Later, the store owner tells what happens. "What happened?" The cop asked while his partner was writing down notes about the incident. "That guy came in with a shotgun to take all the money and this girl from above him, shoots a web at his leg and threw the bag with all my money in it, back to me." Three men stand in an alley with one citizen about to give them what he got. "Give us everything you got!" The gang leader demanded to their victim. "Alright, don’t hurt me." The victim said while handing them everything. Spider-Girl web-yanks the guns out of their hands and attack them from behind, while the victim runs away and tries to take a picture of her while she webs them to a wall, but she was gone and left a note writen ‘Courtesy of your friendly neighborhood Spider-Girl’. "This is the same thing we saw. What happened, sir?" The cop asked. "This girl in red and blue tights took their guns and webbed them to that wall, it’s amazing. And she calls herself Spider-Girl from what I read on this note." The victim said while showing the cops the note. A jewelry store was robbed by two men with every piece of jewelry they got in their bags. "This will fill us up a ton of money, boss." The thief's partner said. "Yeah they will." The boss said and noticing a girl in red and blue tights in front of them. "What’s with the get up?" The partner said while his boss pulls out a gun and points it at her and gets it yank out of his hand. "To stop you, guys." Spider-Girl said while she kicks them into the air and puts them on a big web and throws the bag of jewels into the store. "And to return what you almost stole from this store." She said before she swings off. Later with the police coming to pick up the crooks and takes to the store owner. "I was able to tell from here, that this girl just shot them in the air and put them on a big web. It was spectacular!" The jewelry store owner said to the cops. Later that day at 6 p.m., Twilight was in her living room with her mom to discuses about the bills to their house. "And that’s the picture, I just have to get a job." Twilight said with her mom next to her on the couch. "But Twilight, you’d have to drop out of school. Anyways, I have my patience." Her mother said. "No mom, that’s not the way I play." She said as she stands from the couch. "I’m part head of the house, now that dad is gone and it’s up to me to earn some money. That drug the doctor gave you is pretty expensive." She said. "It is that and it hasn’t help, it made me feel worse. But, what can you do, do you have any plans?" Velvet asked. "Sure, I’ve heard they need a copy boy at the Daily Bugle. It’s not much, but who knows. I may be a star reporter someday. At least most of the work is at night and I can still go to school for awhile." Her daughter said. "Thanks sweaty, your heart is the right place." She said. "Then it’s all settled. I knew you’d see it my way." Twilight said to her mother and walks up to her room to get her work dress she had for an internship. "At least I don’t have to take a taxi to the bugle." She said while she takes off her clothes and puts her suit while Spike is chewing on a dog rope and hears her door opening. "Hey Twilight, are you in here?" Rainbow Dash said and receives a slam from the door from Twilight using her back while putting a sock on. "Don’t come in Rainbow Dash, I’m changing." Twilight called out through the door. "Into what?" Rainbow dash asked. "Clothes for an interview." Twilight explained. "Seriously?" Rainbow Dash said. "Don’t bother going in, Dash. You know I can’t stand seeing someone half or fully naked." Rarity said. "I thought she would keep her underwear and bra on while changing?" Fluttershy asked a little confused. "She does for sure." Applejack stated. "I can hear you girls out there. What are doing here?" Twilight asked. "We thought maybe we’d accompany you for awhile." Pinkie explained. "I wish you all could, but I have to try to get a job at the Bugle to earn some money." Twilight said. "Oh, when do you want us to be with you, Twi?" Rainbow Dash asked. "I’ll call you." Twilight said with her suit completely on. 5 minutes later, Twilight was now in her Spidey suit and her work dress was in her backpack she had on and jumps on a rooftop of one of the other houses. "Well, here it goes. I hope I get the job. Of course with my spider-powers, I can get all the money I ever need, but wouldn’t be honest. I’m a crime fighter, now. I got to avenge Dad." Spider-Girl said to herself and swings towards the city and towards the Bugle taking 5-10 minutes to get there, but notices a woman being robbed in an alleyway and decides to help. "Give me all your money." The crook said to the woman to give him her purse. "Okay, don’t hurt me." The woman said while handing her purse. "Hey!" A voice called and got the crook’s attention, showing it to be Spider-Girl. "You really want to steal at a time like this?" She asked. "Get out of here!" The crook demanded. "I don’t think so." She said while she is dodging the punches and brings a punch to his face causing him to move back to the wall and shooting web on his chest and arms. "He’s all yours, ma’am." She said to the woman and swings away and made it to the bugle on the roof. "Made it, now to change, good thing nobody can see me from up here." She said to herself as she takes her suit off and puts her suit and web-shooters in her backpack and goes to the stairs that leads to the roof. Later in the Daily Bugle, the head of the Bugle, Buried Lede was wait for Dr. Omar to talk to him. "What is keeping Dr. Omar? That crack should have been here an hour ago." Lede said to himself and heard his desk phone ringing and picks it up. "Lede, here. What? I told you Miss Brant, I don’t want to be interrupted. Oh, the kid who’s father was murdered, why didn’t you say so. Send her in, no wait, tell her she’s hired, and get her started right away." He hangs up. "And that’s my good deed for today. What a man has to do to run a newspaper." He said to himself. "And remember, never keep Mr. Lede waiting, he wants everything done yesterday. And now, I’ll show you to your desk." Betty Brant said to Twilight. With Twilight getting her desk organized, she noticed Dr. Omar coming out of the elevator and heading towards Lede's office. "I wonder why Dr. Omar is here?" She asked herself and starts listening. "You must believe me, Mr. Lede. This fake medicine racket is the most terrible story to hit this town. The people have a lab somewhere, where make there meds and then force the druggists and gun point to buy this stuff. The poor people, who buy this stuff instead getting cured, get sicker. The police can’t do anything because they are afraid to sign a complaint and we haven’t been able to locate there lab, but we do know one thing." Dr. Omar said. "What’s that?" Lede asked. "The head of the lab is…the Kingpin." The doctor stated. "The Kingpin! That fat slob, you must be joking?" Lede yelled. "Don’t underestimate him. He’s the most-" He said while Twilight was cut off from Robbie Robertson getting her attention. "Here, Twilight. You might as well begin now." Robbie said while handing her a front page copy for the paper. "Take this to the press room, no one is in there right. Just pin it on the bulletin board." He said before Twilight went down to pin the copy up. Meanwhile in the press room, a star reporter named Derek Blake was in a phone booth talking to someone. "Hello? Give me the Kingpin, this is Blake." Twilight is close to the press room to get the front page printed for Lede and is close to the phone booth with Blake in it and feels her spider-senses. "My spider-senses are tingling, that phone call." She said to herself and pretends she didn’t see Blake. "Listen, Lede is blowing the whistle tonight. Yes, big headlines. The doc just spilled it all, the whole story. What, the box? Sure, I got it placed. Yes, as soon as the presses start rolling." Blake said on the phone. Meanwhile at the Kingpin’s castle. "Ok, Blake. We’re coming over to teach Mr. Lede a lesson in journalistic endings." The man hangs up his phone and released his anger. "Lede! That traitor! He dares to mess with the Kingpin?!" He said out loud chops his desk in half. "Wow, I’ll have to control either my strength or my temper? I lose more desks this way." He said to himself and grabs his cane and walks with his henchmen to his car and heads toward the bugle. Meanwhile at the Daily Bugle, Twilight figures out what Blake was talking about. "So our star reporter, Blake, is a traitor. He’s the Kingpin’s stooge. I’ll have to work on it." She said to herself and heads towards the janitor closet while everyone takes a break to wait for the Kingpin. 5 minutes later, Lede noticed the Kingpin coming from the elevator. "Oh, the Kingpin! So the doc was right." Lede said out loud. "You catch on, Lede. I’ll come to the point, kill that so called fake medicine story, you’re steaming up the public and it displeases me." The Kingpin demanded. "Skip it, pal. Nobody tells me what to print in my paper!" Lede stated. "Spoken like a true crusader. I have can see your courage. But, you’ll last live to regret it." The Kingpin said. "But not for long, right boss?" One of his henchmen said. "Can it, Kirk. I tell the gags around here. Blind fold him! If Mr. Lede likes to play games, so we will have to accommodate him." The Kingpin said as he watched his henchmen grab Lede by the arms and blind folds him and walk back to his car. Twilight opens the door of the janitors closet a little bit that the older men can't see her. "I’ve got to find out where they’re taking Lede." She said to herself while putting her Spider-Girl suit on. "Maybe I can pin point their lab where they’ve been making the fake medicine mom’s been taking." She opens the window and locates the Kingpins car an web swings 50 feet away from it. 10 minutes later, they arrive to the Kingpin’s castle. "I better watch it or I’ll end up in Russia. So, that’s the Kingpin’s castle. I wonder if I’m dressed for royalty." Lede had the blind fold and restrains off and now knowing where he is. "Now, look here you big trouble maker, you can’t do this to me! This is a democracy!" He yelled out. "You got writing all mixed up, writing man. Here, I am king." The Kingpin said as he grabs his phone and holds it towards Lede. "Now, I give you just five seconds to kill your ridiculous story. Here!" He hears a knocking coming from his glass door outside and see a girl in red and blue tights and drops his phone. "I can’t believe it! What is it?" He yelled out. "Then there is a Spider-Girl and I though the police were pulling my leg. Wow, what a story." Lede stated. "No crawling insect is going to spy on me. Get her, boys. She’s out on the tennis court." The Kingpin called out his henchmen to go after her. "Where’d she go?" Chuck said while looking for Spider-Girl. "I don’t know." Kirk said. From above, Spider-Girl shoots two web nets on top of their heads and they try to get them off, but were tangled up. "Have fun, boys. I’ll tell the Kingpin you’re tied up." Spider-Girl called out before going inside the Kingpin’s apartment to deal with him. "She’s more dangerous then I thought, but I can handle her." The kingpin said to himself. "Alright, Kingpin. You know why I’m here." She said to the fat Russian. Spider-Girl was ready to fight the Kingpin when she feels hers Spider-sense tingling. She sees him lift his cane towards her face and vapor/gas comes out and knocks her out. "You COCKROACH! I could have crushed you with my bear hands but that would be messy. Gas is needed for bugs." He said to the unconscious girl and looks at Jameson. "Listen here, Lede. You lay off my medicine business and you have that over grown lady bug. She’ll make a better line then your rag, I give you five minutes." He said. "Let me pull off her mask, boss." Kirk said. "No, we can do that later." The Kingpin said. "Why not now, fat man! Are you afraid of what you see?" Lede called out. "Oh, so you’re interested." The Kingpin said to Lede. "Put him the big tank while he’s making up his mind and stick that pink termite in with him they should get along fine." He said to his henchmen. Kirk was about to take off Spider-Girl’s mask, she wakes up and punches him in the face and gets Chuck before he could grab his gun and leaves them knocked out. "This will hold on to these jokers until the police get here." She said and looks toward Jameson "You can’t do any good here, Lede. Get out and call the cops, I’ll take care of the Kingpin. And don’t forget to get that edition out." She sated out. Noticed the Kingpin is escaping through the elevator and gets the doors before they could close and pulls them open. Sensed a boom from the elevator and gets pushed back with some holes in her suit. "Not the suit!" Spider-Girl gets up with a hand on her head and Lede hiding behind a desk. "That Kingpin thinks of everything, he’s blown up the elevator." She said to herself and goes out the window and sees the Kingpin in his helicopter. "You win the round, Spider-Girl. But I win the fight, remember the black box." He called out and takes off and didn’t notice she shot a web line to his getaway copter. "What did mean that crack about the black box? Blake said it, too in the phone booth." She said to herself. The Daily Bugle was waiting for the 6:30 role, while there was the black box was a bomb placed under one of the machine. The Kingpin was still flying his copter and noticed Spider-girl holding a web-line on his copter and tries to shake her off. "I got it! The black box is a bomb. Blake Bobby trapped the presses and roll at 6:30." She sees and clock tower pointed at 6:28. "I’ve got exactly two minutes to save the bugle, spider-web do your stuff." She said to herself and sees a blimp going her way. "That blimp is going my way, I hope they don’t go to a hitch-hiker." She shots a line to the blimp and heads toward the bugle. "What’s holding us up? It’s 6:30. Should we role?" An employee asked. "No, better wait for the boss, those are his orders." Another employee said while looking at the phone and should call him. Spider-Girl makes it to the bugle and jumps toward an open window. "Well, I made so far and not a minute too soon." She said to herself. "OK, boss." He hangs up. "Roll it." He called out for the other worker to start rolling. Spider-Girl sees one of the employees about to press the button, but shoots a line at his hand. "Hey, who are you? What’s the big idea?" He called out. Spider-Girl looks for the bomb and uses her spider-sense to find it and locates under a machine. She runs towards to pick it up and rips the wires off. "Was that a bomb? I can’t believe it!" The other worker said surprised. "Would you believe Mr. and Mrs. Cake’s coffee cakes?" She asked. Later at 8 p.m. Twilight was home and sees her friends inside with her mom, who is now feeling better, waiting for her after she called. "How was the job, Twilight?" Velvet asked. "Anything exciting happen, darling?" Rarity asked. "Nothing girls, just routine." Twilight said while looking at Daily Bugle’s tomorrow headline "Fake Medicine Racket Uncovered by Bugle”.