Sugar Coated Pie

by Hop3l3ssRomantic


I follow Sugarcoat from store to store as she leads me around downtown. Maud left us to visit a geode professor at the university, so it's just to the two of us. I don't mind at all, though, it's almost like a date. It isn't one of course, not that I'd mind if it was, but it isn't so it doesn't matter.
“You've been staring at that mannequin for five minutes now.” Sugarcoat says. I blink and remove myself from my thoughts. I turn and walk away with a silly air of pride.
“So? It's a very nice display.” I comment, and look at her very seriously.
“It's naked.” She says, and I lose all composure. I bend over laughing, and notice that she even cracks a smile. She hides it when I straighten myself though, but I saw it.
We walk to the next store side by side, and I hum the whole way. I stop to look at different displays, and sometimes I just look at her.
Sugarcoat stops and I have to turn around to figure out why. She doesn't seem to be looking at anything in particular, but her face seems awfully shocked, and surprisingly cute.
“Sugarcoat?” I ask worriedly as I take a few steps towards her. “What's wrong?” I ask. I poke her in the face, arms, and sides in an attempt to get her attention. She shakes her head after a second and seems to blush a little.
“Just realized something important. It's not a priority at this moment.” She says nervously. I narrow my eyes at the strange reaction before smiling away cheerfully.
“Okie dokie lokie!” I reply with cheer. Though the cheers not completely true, whatever caused her to act so strangely does have me worried, but if she won't tell me then I won't push it. I just hope it's nothing too horrible.
Sugarcoat walks behind me now, and I watch her reflection in any glass we pass. Finally, we end up in another part of Dandelion Field, and Sugarcoat takes the lead again. The sun is much lower in the sky by now. Our day is almost over.
I look over at Sugarcoat, who has sat down and is looking up at the clouds. She looks so peaceful, so serene, so...beautiful. I chuckle at my mind wording. Beautiful? I guess she is. A lot of girls are beautiful. Rarity, Sunset, Fluttershy, all of us really. Why is it so weird to me that I thought of her as beautiful?
“Because I knew that no matter how long I took to reply, you'd still insist on being friends. It meant you wouldn't give up even if I got too busy to indulge your obnoxious antics.” She says clearly. I almost hug her. This is the best compliment she's ever given me. My heart warms and I feel the happiness through my whole body.
She gives me a warning look and I do my best not to hug her, but I don't stop myself from squealing in excitement. “Thank you!” I say, gaining only an eye roll from her.
“You’re staring.” Sugarcoat says as she turns to me. I giggle and keep watching her. She sighs and looks away again. “You’re so weird Pinkie.” She adds.
“Thank you!” I exclaim. I wrap my arms around her and hug her tightly. She doesn’t pull away from the hug, but doesn’t particularly return it. I hug her for a bit longer and then pull away and smile at her.
“Did I worry you earlier?” Sugarcoat asks nervously. I shrug and eat a cupcake. I don’t know where or when I got it, but whatever. It’s gooooood! “I’m going to go home now. Goodbye Pinkie Pie.” Sugarcoat stands up and brushes the fluff off of her clothes. I feel a twinge in my heart and stand up as well.
“Sugarcoat?” I call for some reason. Stop being selfish Pinkie! “Will you at least wait with me until Maud gets back?” I ask. She sighs and sits back down.
“It’s starting to get dark. Scared?” She asks. She gives me a playful glance and I puff out my chance.
“Nope!” I giggle and sit down next to her, letting my own eyes wander up to the ever changing sky. “I just laugh at anything that scares me.” I watch the sky for a while, but my eyes eventually drift to the girl next to me. I smile widely as an idea comes to mind.
“You said my emails weren't a high priority,” I start with my best dejected tone and sad eyes. “Why?” Sugarcoat looks at me very seriously for half a second, and then looks back up to the sky with a slight blush. Why is she blushing?
“Because I knew that no matter how long I took to reply, you'd still insist on being friends. It meant you wouldn't give up even if I got too busy to indulge your obnoxious antics.” She says clearly. I almost hug her. This is the best compliment she's ever given me. My heart warms and I feel the happiness through my whole body.
She gives me a warning look and I do my best not to hug her, but I don't stop myself from squealing in excitement. I check my phone and look at the time. 6:45. The day is really almost over, I don’t want it to end. My heart hasn’t been this full in a long time, it feels like I’m overflowing with happiness.
"Your sister's here," Sugarcoat says matter-of-factly. I pull my eyes away from her to see my sister's car pull up. I run towards the car before turning back and pulling Sugarcoat into a hug.
"I can't wait to do this again." I say, cracking a huge grin.
"We can't." She says, looking away from me. I take a shaky breath as my smile falls.
"W-Why not?" I ask, my voice betraying my feelings. It feels like I'm shattering.
"I'll be too busy, I won't have time to meet you again." She replies in clearly practiced words. How many times has she played this out in her head? I shake my head and pull away. I know my hair has already 'deflated'. I turn around to hide my now watering eyes.
"You don't know that." I plead softly, desperately. I never imagined any of this in the many, many scenarios for the day.
"I do," Sugarcoat places her hand on my shoulder. Her voice is soft and sounds like glass that can break at any moment. She sighs and continues, "I'm saving for University, for a big job, a big life." I shove my arm out of her grip and turn to her.
"So I just don't fit?" I ask, spitting the words at her. I can hear every ounce of pain in my voice. I ball my fist over my heart in an attempt to ease the pain. I don't really want to hear the answer, but I've already asked.
"That's right." She replies harshly as she balls her fists at her sides. I narrow my eyes and grit my teeth. All the things she said, I don't know how she could even bear to think them. I look up into her eyes.
"So you just don't like me?" I snap at her. Anger and pain flows through me and out as words. She holds up her hands in protest. "I'm a bother? A nuisance!" I yell harshly. I take a few shaky breaths.
"Pinkie," She protests, every bit of pain in her voice deepens my own pain. Her eyes fill with tears, and my heart breaks at the sight. I turn and run towards the car as sobs escape my throat. "That's not, this isn't...Pinkie...Wait!" Sugarcoat yells desperately. I can't bear to look at her or hear her words. I get in the car and lock the door before pulling my legs up and sobbing into them. Maud doesn't start the car, and I can feel concern radiating from her.
"This isn't you." She comments, and I look up to her. I sniffle and turn my head back to my knees. I watch as tears fall onto them, the proof of the pain I feel emanating from my heart. Maud doesn't say anything else, but the car doesn't start so I know she wants me to do something. I look out the car window and watch as Sugarcoat cries silently in the middle of the park, looking up into the sky. The sight of her like this is almost worse than what just happened. I place my hand against the window and sigh shakily.
"I can't fix this," I say to Maud, replying to words she never actually said, but I know she implied them. I know how to read Maud's unspoken words, and I can't-I just can't fix this. I can't just sing a song, or tell a joke, or smile and have this magically get better. She isn't willing to find the time, or effort, to be my friend. There's nothing I can do about that.
"You can." Maud counters dryly, but with a pinch of encouragement and confidence that only a Pie could detect. She hits a button and my door unlocks and she reaches past me to open it. "Fix it Pinkie." She commands, and the feel of the command nearly forces me out the door - which she closes and locks behind me. I take a deep breath and look to Sugarcoat.
I take a tentative step forward, and another. Each step I take brings an ounce of confidence until I stop, only a foot away from her. "Sugarcoat, I uh..." I start, my voice confident and full of what I'm about to say - to do. Her head drops from it's position towards the heavens and turns towards me, her eyes locking on my own. Her cheeks are stained in tears and her eyes are puffy and red. Somehow she's still really pretty, how is that?
"Pinkie! You -" She exclaims happily, bridging the gap between us in a single step and pulling me into a tight embrace. "You came back," She finishes in a near whisper. I let myself give in to the hug, and its comfort and mutual pain, hope, and...hope? Something else? I let the emotions of the hug wash over me.
"I'm sorry." We say together. I lean out of the hug a little to see her face, and a smile spreads across mine. She smiles in response and her whole face seems to light up, despite the puffiness.
"I should have let you explain," I whisper, just loud enough that the blue haired, amazing, girl in front of me could hear. She blinks away tears and sniffs.
"I shouldn't have tried to cut you out of my life," She responds, matching my tone. I giggle, a welcome change from all the crying. Her eyes soften in response.
"Oh, pah-lease. I've barely been a part of it," I remark playfully. She blushes for a moment, and I wonder what she's thinking about. She brushes a hair out of my face and then pulls away from the hug, placing her hands behind her back.
"I've always had this plan for my life. Everything I did was to further myself along the path I had laid out. I-" Sugarcoat says, her eyes search mine, but I don't know what she's looking for. "I never could have predicted someone like you coming in and changing everything."
I shrug, "What can I say, I'm unpredictable." I joke confidently. She laughs softly, and my heart skips a beat at the sound. Goodness, what is with my heart today? I giggle at my own thought, thinking it sounds more like Fluttershy than me.
"You are unfocused, stubborn, weird, silly, and full of a bubbly happiness that is so volatile, so unpredictable that its, well I've never met anyone like you. When I'm with you," Sugarcoat grabs my hand and pulls me close to her again. I gasp slightly in surprise, and it turns into laughter as she spins me and then sets me back down. "When I'm with you I forget all about my plan. I don't just forget it, but I forget to care about it. It's a feeling of freedom that I haven't felt in such a long time." Her eyes lock on mine for a moment, and her eyes seem to dance with so many emotions that it sets my head spinning. Maybe that's just from her spinning me though. She closes her eyes and her smile falls.
"Thats why I couldn't risk it. I knew even before today started that I could only do this once. I couldn't risk my whole life plan because of one weird, fun, amazing girl that I happened to meet." Sugarcoat opens her eyes again and they're brimming with tears. I reach up and wipe them away, and she leans in to my touch. "But when I sent you away I felt such pain, I couldn't remember why that future seemed so amazing - not when I had just thrown away something that was already amazing, that was right in front of me." She says, her voice soft and filling me with happiness.
I smile up at her, my heart beating loudly in my ears. This is actually happening? "Sugarcoat," I whisper, my voice seeming to have escaped me. "I -"
"Pinkie" Mauds voice calls, and I jump in surprise. Blush quickly takes over my face and neck, and one, very long, glance shows me that her reaction is similar. We say hurried 'goodbyes' and I ran back to the car. I sigh contentedly as my back hits the car seat.