Bringing evil ideas to Equestria

by reader8363

taking a train home

We were nearing the train in the train station. We did not see many ponies when we first entered the train, but this was a good thing. Cadence and Chrysalis were disguised as random ponies to conceal their true identities as not to attract too much attention. We walked inside the train and conducted a search for our personal cart.

I looked back at my followers.

“Morning, I hope you two slept fine?” I asked the princess of love who was close behind me.

“We did,” Cadence nodding her head. Her voice giving off a slight monotonous hum. “Are you ready to return to Ponyville?”

“Yes,” I drew my attention away from Cadence. I glanced back at Fluttershy “let’s go, I made arrangements to get us a good passenger cart. We won’t be bothered in there, so I can get Cadence to become mine”

After a short search, we found our designated cart, I commanded the three followers to sit in their seats. I noted to the ponies that I would be back shortly and walked away from our quarters in hopes of finding a lost member. I was lost in thought, thinking about what to use Cadence for. In fact, I was so lost in thought that I didn’t notice the train leaving until I found myself floating through the main entrance to the train.

I shook my head in disbelief as I found myself face to face with Sombra. His horn glowed in a black aura with gray crystals forming around his magic.

He stood there with a blank expression. “I think this will suffice, a pony to keep you on track,” His brow furrowed. “If I wasn’t here, you would’ve missed the train!”

“How about you be my assistant with time? Twilight will be my assistant with the rest.” I grind before breaking free from his magic grip and perfectly landing on all fours. “So if I need to go somewhere, it will be a better lie that I'm her assistant. And you can tell me to make sure I don’t miss anything?”

He stared at me with the same expression as before, blank and stagnic. I watched his eyes observe the ceiling before looking back down at me. His red eyes glaring into mine.

“Fine…” He quickly turned around and trotted down the train’s hall. “Now lets return to your cart!“

I nodded and followed his lead. When we opened the door to our personal quarters, we found the group talking and chatting amongst themselves. As soon we stepped hoof into the room, they stopped to gaze at both me and Sombra. Fluttershy jumped out of her seat and trotted over to my side with concern.

“What took you so long, I thought I would have to ride the train again?”

“Sorry to make you worry. I was about to accidentally walk off, but Sombra levitated me into the train” I explained as I pushed my hoof through her beautiful mane, it smelled of roses and freshly cut grass. She was very beautiful. I couldn’t argue with that. No one could.

I quickly remember Fluttershy’s condition and wrap my hoof around hers, leading her back to her seat. “Sit down, Fluttershy. I don't want you to fall over.”

She gazed at me with an open mouth of confusion. She nodded in understanding shortly after and sat down.

I walked to the center of the room and turned to the group that sat in their seats. “Sleep,” I quietly whispered.

Cadence’s head rested on back of Chrysalis that acted like a cushion while Chrysalis head dangled between her front and hind legs. I raced over to Fluttershy’s side, the mare nestled her head perfectly on my lap.

Sombra walked up close to Fluttershy, an evil grin appeared over his muzzle. “So this is what you can do,”

I nodded my head. “Basically, they're under my control. When they look into my eyes.“

“I looked into your eyes! Why am I not under your control then?”

“It's kinda like magic, you have to will it to make it work.” I looked back at the supposedly sleeping mares. “Cadence, Chrysalis, and Fluttershy! Sit up and open your eyes!”

Fluttershy bolted upright and opened her eyes, scaring Sombra into jumping onto Chrysalis’ lap. I started laughing. At that time, I wish I had a camera. He glared back at me with his evil red eyes before jumping off the insects lap and bashing me with his shoulder. He tackled me. We were both sent flying into the hallway on the train. With Sombra on top of me gripping at my throat.

“It was just... Funny that you... Jump because- of Fluttershy” I said through gasps of unacquired breaths.

After a few minutes of tumbling and turning, he released me and walked back into the booth. Stopping his hooves on the ground angrily. I took in a deep breath and exhaled, thankful to breath fresh oxygen once more. I did the same as Sombra and walked back into the booth- without stopping my hooves like a child of course. I sat down in my seat next to Fluttershy.

“Cadence, your guards are mine, but you will command them. Do you understand?”


I nodded my head and commanded the group to once again sleep. It was a rough day today, I had the fight with Sombra, I almost missed the train and I had to use a lot of Magic to control every pony around me. We had been on the train ride for a while now and I had begin to wonder if I should waken the group. It had been more than an hour, that was for sure. That is when I decide is a good time then any other to actually wake the mares up.


        Fluttershy was the first one to wake. “Master, how long were we out for.” She asked, rubbing her tired eyes.

        “A while.” I said before brushing her light pink mane.

Cadence and Chrysalis were the second ponies to wake up while I was brushing Fluttershy’s mane.

“Did everyone get enough sleep?  I don't know if we’ll get sleep there. We might be running around a lot.”

“I didn’t get enough sleep. Shining Armor kept asking questions and kept seeing if I remembered anything from my past with him.” Cadence said as she leaned against the wall.

“I didn’t get much sleep as well. I could hear the yelling from the other room.” Chrysalis added.

“Why don’t you two get some rest one more time then” They nodded, got comfortable, and closed their eyes to get some sleep. I turned to Sombra who was leaning against the door. “Hey Sombra, why don't you sit down. It's going to be a few hours before we get to Ponyville?“ Sombra said nothing and sat down.

While we waited in our personal cart, I felt my eyes grow heavy and tired. But my heavy eyes were soon jolted to life when the door next to us rattled and shook violently. I stood up in my seat as quickly as I could and put my hoof over my heart. I placed both of my hooves on the ground and approached the sliding door with caution. I opened the slid door, I poked my head out from the cart and I saw a strange animal walking down the hall of the train with a newspaper in his left hand and a staff in the other?

It was a strange sight to see. It was not a diamond dog, it didn’t have those fangs like they usually would and its entire body was a different shape. It was also way too small to be even related to one of those huge beast. I had no clue what he was and I knew almost everything that went on in the show. I haven't even seen him in an episode!? I needed to get his attention!

I rose my hoof close to my muzzle and shouted toward the strange creature. “Hello, my name is, Eric, what might yours be!?” I mentally face hoofed at my witless way of introducing myself to an unknown species, but it ultimately worked in the end.

While he was reading the newspaper in his hand, the large ears that adored the top of his head twitched. His head quickly shot up and scanned his surroundings with insecurity. After finding the voice that called to him, he stared at me with raised and squinted eyes. He had this curious look plastered on his face, as though he had never been called before. He turned his head around to look behind him, but no pony was there. He brought his attention back in my vicinity and started to walk towards me. His small tiny dog like feat slapped across the wood surface of the train. He stood in front of me with his hand on his hip and at his full height, I noticed that he was very small, the top of his head only reaching to my neck.

He took in a small breath. “Not tae be rude, but dae ah know ya!?” The small animal asked in a thick yet strange semi-high accent.

I had a strange feeling. “No, but anytime is good to get to know a stranger, to make them into a friend. So where are you heading?” I said as calmly and casually as I could.

Sombra came out and said, “What are you doing, Cadence and Chrysalis might wake up any minute, and they will quickly think that I did something to you.”

I turned to Sombra and said, “Calm down, I’m just outside of the room. All they have to do is look out the door to see me standing here, safe and sound.” Sombra muttered something and went back in. I turned to the stranger and said, “I noticed you haven’t said what your name is yet.”

“Tis hard tae understand fer maist ponies, that’s why lad!” He folded the newspaper and placed it under his arm. “But th’ names Payorach!” He said with a warm smile, holding out his hand for me to shake.

I grabbed his hand and said as I shook it, “Pleasure to meet you. Where ya heading, and shall we continue our discussion inside my personal cart, I have three friends that will get nervous if I’m not there when they wake up.”

He put a hand to his chin. “W-well!?” He thought for a moment. “Ah guess et would be ok if ah spend a wee bit ov’ time with ya!”

I smiled and walked in and said, “Sombra, could you sit with Cadence and Chrysalis. Fluttershy, could you scoot closer to the window.” Sombra groaned, got up, pushed Chrysalis over and plopped down. I sat next to Fluttershy, she set her head on my lap, said, “Come in. everything’s fine.”

He was hesitant about the room our group occupied, I wondered if he was going to reconsider but in the end he nodded his head and sat down. He threw his bag next to his side and sat criss cross. “Right! Uhm… Well, as fur your question, a’m headin tae Canterlot tae catch up wi’ one ov th’ Princesses, askin fer help!”

My mind raced with possibilities, but only thing I could do right now was ask. I said as I pet Fluttershy’s mane,  “If it’s okay with ya, does it matter which one and what do ya need help with?”

“Ah little, ah need tae see th’ one called Celestia? And ah need help gettin home!”

I nodded, my mind was screaming with joy, and relief. Fluttershy lifted head and said with her eyes halfway closed, “Oh hello there, going to see Celestia before Eric gets her throne?” I wanted to yell at her, but I couldn’t bring myself to.

Payoraches squinted eyes grew wide. Hr stared at the pair for a long moment before he burst into laughter. “Tis ah little funy thinkin!”

I sighed and said as I pet her on the head and with a little anger in my voice, “Yeah, Fluttershy, you must have been dreaming.” He turned to Payorach and said, “If you don’t mind me asking, where is your home?”

“Not here in Equestria, that’s fur certain lad, it es far away!”

I said, “My home was far away as well, but I got used to where I’m living, After you are done, why don’t you visit me in Ponyville. I can show you around. and you can meet another Princess. You could say that we are friends.”

Chrysalis woke up and jumped. She was about to fire her horn, but I glared at her out of the corner of eye. She said as she calmed down. “Eric, I didn’t know you were going to have company.” She held out her hoof and said, “My name is Chrysalis.”

Payorach scepticaly took the hoof and shook it up and down. He turned his attention towards me. “Ya have ah lot of protective ponies around ya lad?”

“Chrysalis is a bit jumpy, since I almost died twice.” Far off I heard a pony working on the train said, that the train will be arriving in Canterlot shortly. I said, “I guess your stop is next. It was nice to meet ya.”

He looked out th’ window and agreed nodding his. “Ah guess so lad!” He smiled, jumping off his seat and walking towards the door. “See ya all later!” He waved.

I waved back and said, once he was gone, “Fluttershy, you need to keep what I’m doing a secret. If he knew that it was real, he could have told Celestia our plan and it would be ruined, Chrysalis, what was that?

Chrysalis said as she lowered her head, “I thought he was going to hurt you.”

I sighed and said, “Come on, Ponyville is after this stop.”