//------------------------------// // My Mother the Moon // Story: My Mother the Moon // by pinkiepie2010 //------------------------------// I was born to family of traveling healers, my mother had a beautiful dark green coat and a deep blue mane, my father had a dark gray coat with a black mane. They happily married under the light of the moon. When my mom discovered that she was with foal my family rejoiced, but they did not know what was to come. "What is this?" my father asked when he saw, "this is an abomination." The other members looked I did not look like everyone else espically my parents while they dark cools I was pale as the moon and had bright red eyes. I was also a Pegasus instead of an Earth Pony. "This foal is not my son," my father cried out causing me to cry. "It doesn't look like either of them," a member of the group said. "I wonder if she betrayed him," other one said. "But she loves him more than anypony or anything." "Maybe she was raped but didn't know." "No that can't be possible," my mother cried as she held me in hooves, "this is our son he's just different no special." Little did anyone know the moon was listening the whole time. A year later my approached my bed angered, "you are still not my son and you'll never be." Later after everpony was asleep my father took me from my cradle and ran up to the top of the mountain side, with no concern for my safety. We eventually reach a high ledge where he proceed to hang me over and prepared to drop me. I cried out loudly. "Shut up," he demanded but I did not listen nor obey, "fine you can live but only on the mountain where nopony can find you." He proceeded to find a small cave and placed me inside, with out anything to keep warm or safe. After placing he left and I never saw him again. The wind chilled me pretty quickly and I cried out for warmth which nopony but one heard. "Why greetings little one," a voice rang out in the night I was still crying, "I see your father left you here all by yourself, something nofoal must face." The unknown made picked me up, she was an alicorn with a dark blue coat and a beautiful mane that flowed like a river and looked like the night sky. "Don't worry little one I'll take you home with me and you'll be safe," she said and was able to calm me down. She held me in her two front hooves and we took off. As we flew off into the night sky I fell asleep in her hooves. "Wow Aunt Luna he's adorable," a pink alicorn complimented me as I awoke, "where did you find him." "His father left him on the side of the mountain," my rescuer, Luna, told her, "if I hadn't saved him he would have died due to the coldness." "Luna," a third voice called out it belonged to a their alicorn with a pale white coat and a green and pink mane. Behind her was yet another alicorn but this one was purple. "Celestia did you find him?" Luna asked the two as she ran to them. "I'm sorry sister but we could not," the white alicorn Celestia informed her. "I bielive," the purple and smallest alicorn began, "that the stallion took his little road show out of Equestria as soon as he committed the deed. "And if he's not in Equestria," the pink alicorn said concerned, "there's nothing we can do to have him pay for his crime." "Not in the physical world Candence," Luna revealed, "but I can use my dream world ability to haunt his dreams at night with guilt. Even when I tone it down on the anniversary of this foal's abandonment his father's dreams will be guilt ridden." "But what about the foal?" the alicorn whose name I still didn't know asked. "Twilight is right what will happen to him?" Candence agreed. "It think it will be best if he stayed here," Celestia announced. "Mommy," I said looking for my mom. "I sorry little one," Luna told me, "but we couldn't find her." "Mommy," I said looking at Luna. "Sister I think that he thinks you're his mom," Celestia told her sister. "Then I will be mom." She picked me up with n her hooves again. "What are you going to call him?" Twilight asked. "I think I'll call him Moonbeam." "Mommy can I go flying with you tonight?" I asked my mom as she prepared for one of her dream routes. "Are you sure you're ready for it my so?" She asked me causisltly. "Mom I'm ten years old," I reminded her, "I can stay up later. Besides I perfer flying at night." "Alright son but you can't be out as long as I am after about an hour I'll take you back here for bed okay?" "Okay Mom." She smiled as the two of us took off. I looked at the land below me and smiled, Equestria looks so different from the air then it does on the ground. Mom would occasionally stop at somepony's house and help them with a nightmare they were having. We flew until we reached a forest with a bright colored but abandoned tent later. "Moonbeam stay up here," she ordered me, "I don't what's down there and I don't want you getting hurt." "Yes Mom," I obeyed. As I waited I flew higher and looked at the moon, it always impressed me, so did the stars the lit up the night sky. I wondered if that's why my cutie mark was three stars. "No no!" I heard my mom yell interuping the silence. "Mom what's wrong?" I asked flying down closer to her not landing worried at what I would see. "I'm sorry son," my mom kneeled down and began to cry I flew next to her and saw it. The corspe of my north mother and most of the healers the bodies bore wounds that showed that they were attacked by a wild animal. My birth father and a few others were no where to be found. I cried along with her. "Moonbeam let's leave and tell Auntie Celestia what we found and get the guards." "What's going on hear?" a male voice called out. "Moonbeam get Aunt Celestia," Mom requested me to do, "fly as fast as you can. I'll explained what happened to the survivors." "Luna what happened," Auntie Celestia asked she landed with me right behind her. "As I was trying to explain," Mom began, "some creature attacked the members of this group." "Likely story," the vioce from earlier said I looked at him and realized he was my birth father, "why couldn't you have killed with some weapon or spell but made it look like an attack." "These woods are home to Timberwolves and other vicious creatures any one of them could have killed them." "And why would we," Aunt Celestia continued, "as princesses of Equestria kill or even harm innocent Equestrian civilians." "You could have had a member of the Royal Guard do it while you played innocent." "Like your innocent yourself," Mom scowled at my father, "don't you remember what you did almost ten years ago?" "What do mean?" my father asked confused. "I mean abandoning your own son of a cliffside to die." "His son was stolen from his cradle," one of the members explained, "when we woke up he was returning to camp and told us what happened. His wife was so upset that we decided to leave Equestria for awhile." "Isn't that your son right there?" another member asked noticing me. "Moonbeam what you doing here?" Mom asked me. "Auntie Celestia asked me to show where you were so I led her here." "Why would you think that thing was my son," my father yelled, "I have a dark coat and that thing is paler than the moon and his eyes are evil eyes." "Still that's no reason to abandon me," I told him off, "I was only a year old. I could never defend for myself out there. You nevered called me your son, so I may have your genes but you are not my father." "Yeah so what if I did abandon you," the stallion said, "you don't deserve to live." "Not while we're here," Aunt Celestia announced. With that my father ran off into the night with the three of us chasing close behind him, leaving the other members in shock. We eventually chased up the nearby mountain be the seaside till we reached the edge. "You can't escape us," Aunt Celestia said. "You'll never take me alive." He announced as he jumped off edge into the ocean below, never to be seen again. Leaving me here with my aunt and my mother the moon.