//------------------------------// // Chapter 1-The Beginning of One Mishap After Another // Story: The Outrageous, Comical Adventures of Snips and Snails // by TeddyCK //------------------------------// Lately, like Spike the baby dragon, Snips and Snails too became heavy comic fans. Eventually, they grew so thrilled with the drawings on the pages that they began copying those as well. The title that they had been collecting every issue of lately was "The Everyday Lives of Scratch 'n' Sniff." A cartoon duo about two colts who get into different kinds of mishaps from school problems to science-fiction adventures. It was Snips and Snails #1 favorite comic so far. Whenever a new issue was in the works, Snips and Snails couldn't wait to read it. When it finally came out, Snips and Snails would hurry over to the comic section of the book store and run home to read it. Sometimes they grew so impatient with reading the next part of the comic, that they end up bringing some of their collected issues to school and continue reading it on the playground or in class. This sometimes winds them up into trouble with Cherilee and their parents. One Friday afternoon, just as class was finishing up at the Ponyville school, Cherilee made an important announcement. "It has been brought to my attention that Princess Celestia will be coming by to visit Ponyville this weekend on a Sunday." she said "She needs to check on Princess Twilight Sparkle's progress and will even be able to stop by for a little while in town for lunch. Let's hope that each pony of another can be on their best behavior." The entire class became full of excitement. Except for Snips and Snails. They were too busy secretly reading the latest issues of "Scratch 'n' Sniff." Cherilee knew, but decided not to say anything to them. Soon the school day ended and all the little ponies headed for home. Just as Snips and Snails went back to their home Snips brought up a thought. "Do you think Miss Cherilee said anything important while we were reading those comics in secret." asked Snips to Snails. "I don't know," Said Snails. "I was too caught up in the escapades of Scratch 'n' Sniff trying to find their way out of that haunted campground." "Oh, never mind," Mumbled Snips. "We'll ask one of our classmates if they know... Hey, Snails, where'd you go buddy?" Snips looked back and found that Snails had paused right beside the book store and was staring at something in awe through the windows. "Hey, what's the problem, Snails?" asked Snips. "Is there a... WOAH! What is that?!" Standing on display behind the windows was a new issue of "Scratch 'n' Sniff." It was called "Scratch 'n' Sniff In A Underground Mine Adventure." It sounded very exciting to Snips and Snails so much that they quickly checked their backpacks to see if they had any money. They found none. "Crud!" complained Snips as he and Snails continued homewards. "How are we ever going to get that next issue now. We can't just ask our parents for more allowances. They probably think by now that we've been asking too much from them." "Maybe we can try getting a part-time job." suggested Snails. "That's it, we'll find ourselves a part-time job." said Snips "Why didn't I think of that until now." Snails sighed as he and his brother reached home. Next day, everypony began inspecting and cleaning their property to please Princess Celestia when she came by tomorrow. Snips and Snails were noticing this, but tended to ignore it. All they could concentrate on at the moment was job hunting. They spent the morning going through the Wanted Ads section of the newspapers. They took a look at every poster and billboard in town but found nothing. "We could ask some of our neighbors if they have any chores we could do for them." decided Snails. "Nah, why should we." grumbled Snips. "Look at everypony in town keeping themselves busy like that. If we go up to them now, they'll just say 'thanks but we'd prefer to do the job ourselves.' The question is though, why is everypony being so busy tiding up their homes and buildings? It's like some kind of event is going to be happening soon but what kind?" "We'll worry about that part later." said Snails "Let's go back to trying to figure out where else we can get a job at." "If only if there was somepony lazy enough who doesn't like working." pondered Snips. "And if only if that somepony were living here right now." "What about old man Mr. Lead-Miner." thought Snails. "He never seems to do any work these days." "Hey, yeah, you're right, Snails." exclaimed Snips. "Let's go see if he has something for us." Mr. Lead-Miner didn't live too far away from Snips and Snails. His house was only several blocks away. When Snips and Snails reached his house, they began to get unsure if they still wanted to do a few chores for him. Mr. Lead-Miner's front lawn was a total messy heap. The grass was overgrown with weeds. There were a bunch of lost toys tangled in some of the brambles. Dead leaves were all over the place. The trees were getting overgrown as well. The house looked like it was also in need of some new paint. It made Snips and Snails think that they had more than a few chores to do. "Maybe he'll pay us extra if we get all of these messes out of the way for him." said Snips with confidence. "I think we need to look for somepony with a less haunted-looking home." shivered Snails. "Don't be so mean and such a fraidy cat, Snails." huffed Snips. "Now come on." Snips and Snails made their way towards the front door. They knocked on it. There became a loud, groaning noise. Footsteps approached, paused, and a low, grouchy, gargling voice was heard: "Who is it? If that's you, Wild Star, go away! I told you not to come here again, or I'll make you stay away from here forever." "Uh, Mr. Lead-Miner, it's Snips and Snails, a couple of your neighbors." began Snips. "We were wondering if there were any chores you'd like for us to do for you." said Snails The door began making the sound that it was getting unlocked, and out stepped, Mr. Lead-Miner who wasn't in the best of temper at the moment. He didn't even look his best either. His eyes were bloodshot looking as though he hadn't been sleeping properly lately, he had grown quite a beard, and was looking overweight. He even looked like he hadn't been outside for a while. He nearly fainted when he felt the sunshine. "What did you say you kids wanted?" asked Mr. Lead-Miner. "Uh, my brother Snails was asking if you wanted some help around the house." said Snips "It sure could use some spiffing up." said Snails "Sure go right ahead." said Mr. Lead-Miner "You can start off by improving both the front and backyards and re-painting my house a little. After that, you can clean the entire inside of my house." Snips and Snails looked over Mr. Lead-Miner's shoulders for a moment and realized that the interiors of his house was a total mess as well. "If you do a really good job," Continued Mr. Lead-Miner. "I'll pay you both, how about, let's say, $10.00 each. How does that sound?" "Sounds fair." said Snips "And I want the entire job done by this evening." finished Mr. Lead-Miner. "By this evening?!" exclaimed Snails. "Why do you want this big job to be done in one day?" "Because," Said Mr. Lead-Miner. "Princess Celestia is stopping by in Ponyville for a visit tomorrow. So I have to show that I still care for my home." "Wait, Princess Celestia is coming for a visit tomorrow?" asked Snips. "Why didn't anypony tell us that?!" "Mr. Lead-Miner, we appreciate helping you out and all," Said Snails. "But we think we can only manage doing a bit at a time. There's no way we can finish cleaning both the outside and inside of your house by evening." "Then if I were you two, I'd quit yapping and getting right to it." growled Mr. Lead-Miner rudely. "Supplies are in the shed and you can find the cleaning supplies in one of the closets inside. Let's hope you kids know how to use those properly. Now, I'm going out to get some exercise and won't be home by late-afternoon. By the time I get back, my house had better look brand new, otherwise, no pay!" Mr. Lead-Miner turned on his heel and went to town, leaving Snips and Snails on their own. "Well, you heard what he said." said Snips "Let's get right to it." "I don't know, Snips." said Snails "Can we really be able to finish this by evening in time for Princess Celestia's visit tomorrow." "Less talking, more activeness would be much nicer." complained Snips.