The Bomb Pony

by Sparky Blaze

Immediate Reaction

Celestia never had a headache this bad before.

She didn't want to open her eyes. She tried to remember what happened, but her memory of it was fuzzy at best.

Last I remember, there was a big explosion, and...

"GUARDS! TO ME!", Celestia commanded while springing up to a standing position.

When no answer came, she had to do a double take. The Royal Guard was always ready for anything, and they were never disobedient, especially to one of the princesses.

"Guards?", Celestia was looking around the throne room, growing worried. The room was in utter chaos, with broken glass and dust everywhere, and quite a lot of cracks on the walls.

And just to make everything better, Discord popped into existence right in front of Celestia with a characteristic 'pop'.

"Hello Cell-" Discord was rudely interrupted by a hoof to the face.

"DISCORD! YOU DID THIS! YOU WILL PAY FOR THIS" The princess was getting rather angry at him.
Discord, who was still sprawled on the floor from the hit, said nothing. All he did was watch as Celestia proceeded to charge up a spell, which by just looking at her face, Discord could tell was meant to kill him, or something like that, he thought.

"DIE DISCORD!" She screamed.

Yep, she wants to kill me, thought the mismatched spirit, good thing I know something she doesn't.

And then her spell fizzled out of existence like a balloon popping.

"HAHAHAHAHA! You thought that was going to stop me? Did you ever think about why I even come here?" Discord asked, grinning like he had won the lottery.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME?!" She ran up to him and held him against the wall, pure hatred in her eyes. "GIVE IT BACK!"

The spirit chuckled. "I had nothing to do with the explosion, although it was pure chaos, so I need to meet up with whoever did it and give them a prize. I came here to tell you about how you can't do magic anymore."

Celestia mulled it over, but the more she though, she started to notice how Discord had never demanded anything to her yet, and he wasn't monologue his evil scheme. That meant that Discord, much to her chagrin, was innocent.

And then Luna walked (like a drunk giraffe) out from behind an overturned table, and saw Discord. Discord grinned awkwardly at her. Luna was not amused. She teleported right behind Discord, gave him an uppercut, kicked him down on his knees and materialized a shiny blue sword forged from the darkest pits of Tartarus, and put it at his throat.

"Any last words, VILLAIN?", Luna asked coldly. "Or will you die a silent death?"

Then Luna heard laughing. Discord's laugh, no less. She was starting to wish she remembered how she became Nightmare Moon, if only to kill him.

"Oh Moony, did you really think I'd be so easy to beat?" He swooped from behind her, making her jump. "Oh MY, you did! I'm offended! Say you're sorry for underestimating me."

"NEVER!" The blue princess bellowed while staring him down.

Not that he cared. After all, that extremely life-like dummy he made of himself had worked much better than he expected, even if Luna thought he was weak in a fight now that he was reformed. Didn't she remember the epic battles back in the day, with Luna and Celestia shooting rainbow lasers everywhere trying to hit him?

"Sister", Celestia thought she should probably tell Luna he was innocent. "Discord is not to blame for this incident. I know, it's hard to believe, but he doesn't seem to be lying and the magical signature of the blast does not have his trace of blatant chaos and disharmony."

Hearing that, Luna just stared at Discord, who was not at all noticing the fact that the night princess was looking at him. Although, this little dispute made Celestia think for a moment. Sure, she expected Luna to react harshly, not as much as she did, but there was still something amiss.

"Celestia, now that the blast has passed, I think we should bring Twilight and her friends like we were going to before, you know, every bucking window blew in our faces."

"Yes, I think that's a good idea, considering that something on this scale happened. Luna, I believe you can bring them in yourself, right?" Celestia answered, while the Lord of Chaos picked up a pair of personalized ear mufflers and put them on.

What came next could be described as a marvelous show of (insert synonyms for sparks here) on Luna's horn as she tried over and over again to teleport the Element Bearers into the throne room.
That's what I was missing, Celestia thought with a frown. If she also can't use magic, how did she summon her sword?

"That was me. I wanted to see what she was going to do to the dummy." Discord whispered to Celestia, "and I advise that you cover your ears, Sunbutt."

Celestia didn't know how he read her thoughts, or why he said to cover her ears, but she felt a sense of dread wash over her.

Then Luna forgot the concept of indoor voices and screamed for all of Equestria to hear, "BUUUUUUCK!"