To Look in a Mirror

by Materious17

Chapter 1

"Boulder! Pack your things, you got an expedition to lead."

I didn't pay attention very well, but I understood the importance of this next spiel. A fairly older, dull grey colored unicorn sat in his scattered belongings of an office. I could hear his large office chair let out a cry for oil at his ever so slow rocking. He was a quick talker for his age, and never afraid of raising his voice, it was almost a necessity being a professor after all, especially since he was my professor.

"Boulder! Did I stutter? You leave bright and early tomorrow, I have your team all picked out and ready to move."

I looked in the mirror at myself while he spoke. One quick look at my bed head of a mane cut should have sent up a warning sign to this old man that I probably wasn't suited for the job. I'm not even sure what the job is actually, though I'd probably care about it.

"Sir, with all due respect, why am I the leader?" I replied.

My face stared back at me from the mirror, almost like a perpetual sadness stained my eyes. No, I'm not a depressed pony, just a pretty tired one. I like to think of happy things often, like how coincidently my hair coat and mane are my two favorite colors, a dark forest green and a deep brown respectively. I also play way too many games for my life to be worth being sad about. Besides, I love the bachelor life as well.

"Have you even been listening to me? You are the best student I got, and I'm far too old for an adventure like this. Damn it, despite being an earth pony you are way more studious then your fellow geologists."

I never said my professor wasn't a racist pony; and while I do appreciate the compliment, or insult, none of that mattered to me. I never was a leader, hell I don't even speak like one, let alone command the same respect as one deserves. My nerves started to get the best of me as I was finally comprehending the task at hand. My hind leg started to quiver as I frantically looked back to the only pony who believes in me, Professor Mickey Rocks.

"Boulder..." his voice was solemn now. "Please just get your things ready, I need you to believe in yourself for once. Trust me, I've been doing geologic surveys my entire career, they are not that bad. Your team knows what they as individuals need to do, I just need you to watch over and bring their talents together as one. You know, take my place in this mess of an institution."

"Alrighty, no prob..."

I can't believe I let those words leave my lips. Suddenly the sensation of my once simple life as a loner student flashed before my eyes. I felt like crying, which is how I handle most of these types of stresses anyways, but I needed to look strong and confident. I'm not sure how I looked to Mickey at that moment, didn't bother retreating to my face in the mirror to find out. All I know is Mickey sighed and smiled, showed me out of his office and whispered "Good luck, son." I always thought of him as a father of sorts, I mean he never clothed me or changed my diapers as a baby colt, but he did mold my mind into this geological machine. This was the first time he expressed openly to me that I was more than just another student, but man he didn't have to go all cheesy about it.

I should call my folks while I'm thinking about them. I know for sure my mother would love to hear from me since I moved out what feels like eons but in reality was just a few years ago. Hmm, I wonder if I can predict the first thing she asks me. As I entered my room, I pulled my cell phone from my satchel and dialed "Mom" in my speed dial. I threw myself on my tiny twin mattress, I got the answering machine message of my old place, a quiet house in Baltimare, and left a quick spiel about my next expedition without getting too science-y. My room was a mess, but that's what happens when your entire living quarters consists of just one room. In actuality, I knew about this trip for weeks now, and have already pre-packed my gear. This leadership position is what threw me for a loop, and whether I feel like I'm up for the task isn't important anymore. I have to do what is necessary for the safety of my crew and myself now.

Across from my bed is a giant mirror; like the kind a magician would use or a public speaker to help them see how ridiculous they can look. I always loved my mirror, it keeps me sane knowing that despite the many lies I even tell to myself, the mirror always gives me the truth that is permanently scarred in my face.

"Wow this is too much to think about. Let's go to bed, me." I quietly speak to myself as I drift off to sleep. Come the morning, I head off to the most mysterious of formations, the Ghastly Gorge.