Sugar Coated Pie

by Hop3l3ssRomantic


“Principal Celestia! On behalf of Crystal Prep I demand that you forfeit the Friendship Games!” Principal Cinch yells, as Celestia, Luna, and Cadence stand before her in defiance. “Clearly CHS has had unfair advantage for quite some time and it's certainly obvious that your students have been using magic for their own benefit.” Principal meanie continues. She may as well have been jumping around and stomping her feet, it would have the same effect.
“I like to think that saving the world benefits us all.” Celestia replies with a certain snark that is just too perfect. I almost cheer, but don't.
“At least they didn't manipulate Twilight into releasing all the stolen magic and turning into a power crazed magical creature that tried to rip the world apart just to win a game.” Sugarcoat says. My mouth drops as I turn to her in amazement.
“Wow, that's a lot to take in when you say it all at once.” I comment. I've never been dumfounded like this before. It's refreshing and amazing.
“That is ridiculous!” Principal Mean McMeany exclaims.
“Nope, that's pretty much what happened.” Spike counters. The principal's jaw drops.
“Actually we're all to blame. But mostly it was her!” One student says.
“Obviously my students have been infected with your magic, but I plan on taking all of this up with the school board!” Cinch yells. Principal Celestia narrows her eyes.
“Good. I'm sure they would be very interested in hearing all about the magical students with wings.” Celestia replies sarcastically.
“Oh and the portals to the other dimension.” Vice Principal Luna adds in a tone similar to Celestia’s.
“And don't forget to tell them about the talking dog.” Dean Cadence says with a giggle.
“Cause that would never ruin your reputation.” Spike says. Principal Meany gets riled and looks like she's going to explode, but then she straightens her clothes and stomps off. I jump up in a cheer and hug sugarcoat, who is the closest person to me. She tries to push me off. I manage to maintain my grip, like always, but let go after a few seconds to hug the next person in my line of sight. I bounce from person to person until everyone is laughing or complaining at my constant hugs.
Principal Celestia, Vice Principal Luna, and Dean Cadance all head inside to calm down the mass of panicked students who made it into the building.
“That was really something. It was super duper scary, but also much more interesting than the event would have been. It wasn't fun though. Nope fun level is in the negatives for that but at least we didn't die. We didn't die right? Or maybe this is a coma dream cause I fell and knocked my head!
I run over to Sugarcoat and Rarity, who seemed to be arguing over the glasses. “I need one of you to punch me.” I say, and the both look at me in a shocked surprise. I giggle at their faces and return my face to a slightly more serious one.
“Darling, calm down. Why do you need punched?” Rarity replies carefully. She holds up her hands and took a step closer to me.
“I need to see if I feel pain so that I can know whether or not I'm in a coma dream from hitting my head or something. Punch me. Now.” I reply quickly. Rarity facepalms and sighs.
Sugarcoat grabs my cheek and yanks me past Rarity and to the side of her. I give out a sharp yelp and she releases me. I rub my cheek and smile widely. I'm not dreaming so I'm not dead or in a coma. Do dead people dream?
“You're an idiot.” Sugarcoat says flatly before walking away. I yell a thank you at her with a large wave. Rarity just sighs and shakes her head.
Soon we all end up in one big group again and begin walking inside. An idea pops into my head quickly and forcefully. I gasp loudly and everyone turns to face me. “WE SHOULD THROW A PARTY!!” I exclaim.
~~ ~~ ~~ ~~
I let my eyes sweep over the gym one last time. Sunset is blowing up balloons and Applejack is bringing in refreshments. Rainbow is in the bathroom deciphering some make up instructions from Rarity and Fluttershy is setting up tables along the wall. The party is coming along nicely, and should be ready in time for people to arrive in, I look over to the clock, half an hour. WAIT!! I scan the room again. Sunset, Fluttershy, Applejack, me, Rainbow in bathroom….Where's Rarity? She was supposed to be here with Harmony by now. I sigh and set up a table full of cupcakes.
After about ten minutes the door to the field opens and Harmony walks in. I wave happily a her. Her eyes scan the room multiple times and a slight look of relief crosses her face for a second. Sunset must have noticed as well.
“Rainbow’s in the bathroom trying to figure out Rarity’s makeup instructions,” Sunset says to Harmony’s surprise. “Your wandering eyes gave you away. Come on, I'll take you to her.” Sunset continues only for her suggestion to be shot down. Harmony starts to walk towards the sweets table. Oh no you don't. I appear in front of her and shake my head. She sighs and walks off towards the hall nervously. I then pop up next to Sunset and surprise her.
“Maybe you should go find Rarity and get her in here. She's taking SOOOO long.” I say, nearly pushing her towards the door. She gives me an odd look but exits none the less.
I smile and run off to find my party cannons. Pretty soon we have everything perfect and ready for the party to start. It's almost six and a glance outside tells me people are starting to arrive. I open the doors cheerfully and greet everyone.
I look around and notice Harmony smiling and laughing at the sweets table with BonBon, Lyra, Lavender and Trixie. Many people are dancing and others are mingling. A wide smile spreads across my face. This party is super duper successful! Even the Crystal Prep students seem to enjoy it. Oh! I finally learned their names after the final event! Lemon Zest is hanging at the DJ booth requesting songs, Sour Sweet is dancing, Indigo Zap is hanging with some of the sports teams - which are dragging Rainbow through the room as each are eager to talk to her. Sunny Flare and Rarity appear to be having a very animated conversation with Sunset between them. They both do different things with her hair and she gives me a scared look. I giggle and wave but keep looking around.
My eyes stop on Sugarcoat standing around looking utterly bored. I narrow my eyes. Everyone else is having fun, why isn't she? I skip over to her wearing my brightest smile.
“Hey Sugarcoat,” I say. I stop next to her happily and do my bestest to stand still and not be too, too obnoxious.
“Hello Pinkie Pie.” She replies kindly. I let out a small squeal in happiness only to stop myself. She finally isn't being cold or rude. She's not being overly pleasant but she's definitely being nicer.
She narrows her eyes at my outburst. “Hehe, sorry. I was just super duper happy that you're being kind instead of cold like you were before and…” I explain only for her to slowly begin to scowl. “Sorry.” I finish, shutting up. Her expression seems to lift some and she looks out at the party. I copy her, trying to stay quiet and definitely not obnoxious and still entertained. I get bored after my third sweep of the room and begin to rock on my feet.
“Soooo…” I say, trying to start some sort of conversation. “Chimicherry or Cherrychanga? My friends think it would be too sweet in general, but they're wrong. Thoughts?” I say. Sugarcoat laughs. She really laughs.
“You are so weird.” She responds light-heartedly. My heart skips a beat. That's weird, why would that happen?
“Thanks!” I reply joyfully. Suddenly my phone beeps and I check the time. “This was fun! I gotta go perform now, seeya!” I exclaim suddenly before running over to Sunset and Rarity and grabbing their hands. I drag them backstage and told them to stay before running out again and grabbing Applejack and Fluttershy and doing the same to them. Finally I look around for Rainbow only to not find her. I ask around and find out that she followed Harmony outside. I remember the last party and how we had to force her to do the very same thing as I head out to find her.
I open the door and see Rainbow and Harmony very, very close together. “Hey Dashie I know you're probably super duper busy with Harmony but I sort of told everyone that the Rainbooms would perform tonight so you know. Come in as soon as you're done kissing her!” I yell causing both girls to blush furiously and back up some. I duck back inside the building and start to walk away before turning around and sticking my head out again. “As long as it's, you know, soon.” I add.
“Go back inside Pinkie!” They both yell and I comply with a giggle.
~~ ~~ ~~ ~~
The next morning is the day that the Crystal Prep students leave, so I get up early to say goodbye to everyone and give them some muffins for the road. I look around at where the buses should be. No ones here. Oops. Maybe I got up a little too early. I sit down next to a large basket of Muffins and wait. I keep waiting. The sun rises slowly, oh so slowly, and I stifle a yawn. So. Boring…
I sit up suddenly as the sound of chatter surrounds me. I must have fallen asleep because I don't remember the last hour or so, but everyone's here now.
“Aww! She fell asleep waiting for everyone. How cute!” Sour Sweets voice rings out in an overly exaggerated sweet tone. “And weird.” She finishes in a slightly less snide version of her mean voice.
“It was thoughtful.” Sugarcoat says as I look up at them. I hold out the muffin basket to them. Sour Sweet takes a couple and walks away. Sugarcoat doesn't take a muffin, but pulls a handkerchief out of nowhere and hands it to me.
“You were drooling.” She says dryly. I take it eagerly and wipe my face. I go to give it back to her only for her to shake her head.
“Gross. Wash it and email me when it's clean. I'll come get it.” She says. She grabs a muffin and gets on the bus, followed by too many students for me to stop and ask for her email. I look down at the handkerchief, my key to ever even hearing from her again, and see that it has contact info in case it's ever found. Contact info on a handkerchief? She's so weird…I love weird. I smile widely and look down at the piece of cloth. Yes, very weird indeed.