//------------------------------// // Chapter 3 Quick thinking and bad luck // Story: Dimensional Parallels // by CombatMystic //------------------------------// I wonder to myself if having fallen through that portal is a bad thing after all. Spike says, “We could introduce you to everyone and we are going to have a great time." Twilight asks me, "Are you sure that you want to meet everyone even though you are leaving at the end of the month?" I begin thinking twice about what Twilight had just said in reply, "I have nothing better to do, so yes a small party would be most welcome." Twilight nods and says, "Pinkie, not a huge party but a small one. And don't give out apple cider." Spike says, "You never told me what was in it the cider." Twilight simply says, "I’ll tell you when you’re older." I look at Spike and say, "It is a adult drink maybe alcohol, and Spike you don't want taste it." Pinkie says, "yup you’re right! Now I am going to get a keg." Twilight says, "Absolutely not." Pinkie sighs and says, "Fine, fine. I’ll give the invites to a few friends." Twilight says, "I am going to Canterlot for the night. Please don't do anything rash." Spike says, "You can still send me letters." Pinkie says, "You know, speaking of letter..." Pinkie then pulls a stack of letters that is labeled small party. I look at the stack and ask, " How are you going to send them?" Spike takes a deep breath and a wave of fire engulfs the letters and disappear without leaving any ashes. I exclaim, "You sent those letters to hell, what kind of friends do you have?" Spike says, " No, I am a magic dragon and I sent mail to their mailboxes." I say, "So you sent the letters to hell in the mailboxes of demons." From the back room can be heard the two babies crying. Pinkie sighs and says, “Well, I have to take the twins home. Spike, introduce him to the Crusaders and come back in a bit." I think, is she talking about Indiana Jones stuff or something else entirely. Spike tugs on my foreleg and says, "Come on, follow me." I reply, "Sure, let’s go then Spike." But I am thinking in my head, " What in the world have I just gotten myself into." After a few minutes of following Spike we end up in front of a boutique displaying numerous fancy dresses for ponies. Spike calls in the boutique, "Is Sweetiebell here, or is she with Applebloom?" An elegant voice called back, "She is with Applebloom somewhere." I mutter, "Thanks for being specific, voice from a dress." Spike sighs and continues staring in the boutique as if waiting for something. I ask spike, "Hey, are you ok? Why are you acting like this?" Spike shakes his head and replies, "I am fine. They are are probably at sweet apple acres." I mutter, "Oh joy." But I still follow Spike out of the town. Spike asks me, "What is it like being a human?" "Well, it is like how you are now but no tail or magic of any kind." Spike replies, "Oh, so that sounds really boring then." I think well to myself, "Well of course he thinks like that. He is not used to it." In the distance we hear shouting, "Scootaloo don't jump out of a tree again!" With a smirk I run to where the shouting is and see an orange pegasus getting ready to jump from a tree. Spike says, "Scootaloo, Sweetiebell, and Applebloom, meet Leafale." After we all get introduced I look at Scootaloo in the tree and ask, "What in the world are you up in a tree for?" Scootaloo replies confidently, "I am going to fly out of this tree." I reply, "Alright cool,what do you do for fun then?" Sweetiebell says, "Well it was searching for our cutie marks, but we now have them." Applebloom asks, "Are you going to school still?" I shrug and reply, "Yes, but I’m on my last year of being in school." Scootaloo jumps from the tree and hits the ground with a large thud. I cringe thinking, "Oh dear, I hope she didn't break anything." Then I hear branches snapping and trees toppling coming in a straight line for us. Spike screams, "Run!" We all follow Spike, trying to get back to the town but I quickly realize there is no way we can lead this thing to the town. I yell, "Spike, we can't lead this thing to town! It would destroy everything!" Spike yells back, "Then how do we get help to stop this thing anyway?" I answer back, "Everybody thinks I am dead, so dying nobly like this is not a bad way to go out!" Spike yells, "Don't you do it!" I didn’t mind him though. I stop running and turn to face the oncoming destruction heading my way. Within seconds of stopping a brown hydra emerges from the destroyed trees and roars at me. I shout, "Spike it is a hydra! How far do your flames go?" The hydra roars at me and charges at me and I turn and run to where I last saw Spike running. As I was running I thought if I can lead it the other way and just stall for time I might be able to live. I looked back and it only keeps running at me in a straight line so I turned right. The hydra then tripped trying to follow me and I rushed the beast. Spike came back without help and I realized that I might go back into that coma that claims lives. Spike yells, "Blast off their heads!" I lowered my horn and concentrated on the blast I did against the yellow dragon, but this time thin and razor sharp. Immediately after that a thin white light fires from my horn and I severed the three hydra heads in one clean strike. Spike runs to the stumps where there heads used to be and burned them and a few letters appeared. I was tired and passed out again, believing I was going to die a hero. I begin seeing images of a giant with lightning and storm clouds swirling around him. He points at me and then he points at himself and with a crack of thunder I wake up. Spike is looking at me and says, " Congrats monster hunter, you killed a siren and a hydra." I nod slowly and then Twilight emerges from the back room and yells, " What are you thinking, you insane piece of..." I interrupt and say, "Wait a second, if I didn't do something ponies were going to die." Twilight screams, "Not you, Spike! What were you thinking going to fight a hydra?" Spike answers sheepishly, "Um...you can only get rid of a hydra by burning where the heads used to be and I can breathe fire." I continue to lay there as Twilight lectured Spike about how dangerous that was but ends the lecture with, "I am proud of how brave you were." I get to my hooves and say, "You should just started with that Twilight." Twilight looks at me and then says, " You just got out of a life threatening coma, then you just get yourself into another one...What is going through your head?" I state simply, "Kill or be killed." Twilight sighs and simply says, "Congrats. That logic put you out of the world for another week." I yawn and stretch a little and say, "Well if yours was a safe place to live this would not happen." Twilight exclaims, "But this is a safe place to live until you showed up." I yell, "Well, I wouldn't know because I don't live here." From the other room Pinkie says, "Hey he is up." I groan and call down, "No he is not! Come back later." Pinkie then replies, "Okie dokie lokie." Twilight sighs with disappointment and I say, "If there is a copy of a thing, would they have the same personality in the other dimension?" Twilight says, "Yes, and stop changing the topic." I groan and say, "Well lay the lecture on me." Twilight says, "No, I was going to say you should stay with Princess Celestia in Canterolt." I slowly say, "Ohhhkaayy. And is it safer there?" Twilight says optimistically, "Without a doubt! And since that is where the working portal is, you were going to go there anyway." I slowly nod and say, " Well then, when do I go?" A horse with wings and a horn walks in and says, "Right now."