//------------------------------// // Chapter 5: Friend or Feud? // Story: Friendship's Heart of Destiny // by Shadow Master //------------------------------// In the evening, Flash Sentry was lifting and carrying Sunset Shimmer with his two arms all the way back to her home since Sideswipe left and meeting up with his Autobot Friends for the mission. The rest of their friends returned home. It was very tiring and exhausted for them. They have been training for nearly whole day especially Sunset Shimmer. She has been working and practicing her motorcycle ride for nearly a day, though she received lots of injuries on her knee and leg. Flash sighed, "Man... I really wish Sideswipe were here, I'm so damn tiring." "What can you do?" Sunset sighed, "The Autobots needed him for the mission. So, all we can do is walk all the way back home." "I guess... So, how's your leg?" "A bit better. Flash, you shouldn't have carried me up and walked with me all the way to my home. You'll be tired and exhausted." Flash gave Sunset a smirk, "I survive the worst. This is nothing. Besides, you've got bang up quite a lot. No way I'm gonna let you walk with this kind of injuries. And best of all, we both could have fun in our bedroom..." Sunset smiled and blushed in embarrassment, "Ah you... You really have some way to charm the ladies like me..." "What can I say? It's in my blood." Flash commented in amusement. "As if!" Wheelie's voice exclaimed in annoyance. Flash groaned in annoyance as he glared at Sunset's bag which she was holding and carrying. Wheelie emerged from the bag and glared at Flash, "You can forget about getting some smooches and kissing from my baby!" Brains emerged as he chuckled in amusement, "Sunset's baby brother is getting pissed again. if I were you, don't try to piss him off." Flash growled, "Who's asking you?" "Boys, calm down. There is no reason to fight. We're home anyway," Sunset said worriedly yet happily. As they reached Sunset's home, Flash slowly put Sunset straight up. Sunset held her bag over her shoulders. She and her friends noticed something strange about her home. Hers lights were on. How? Sunset and her friends looked at each other while giving a nod. She used her keys in unlocking the door. They then sneaked into it as they slowly yet quietly walked while looked around of their home. They also heard a beautiful yet harmonically music. They hissed in concern as they suspected someone or some bad people are inside her house. Near to the living room, Flash spotted the baseball inside the umbrella holder. He took it as he was ready to attack. Sunset stayed behind and close to him. While she is magical, she still has yet to know how to unleash her magic yet. Wheelie and Brains armed with their blasters as they were ready to attack. As they are neared to the entrance, Flash growled as he charged in and ready to strike. But it was stopped and his face was grabbed and hushed by someone. Flash struggled in getting out from being shushed and holding like he was hostage. Suddenly... "Quiet... It's me..." The firm yet serious voices spoke. Flash Sentry looked shock and surprise of what he just heard as he looked up. Sunset gasped in surprise of what she just saw. They both saw Shadow Dragon who is holding and keeping Flash Sentry quiet and down. He continued, "Act normal. We don't want some unwanted attention. We'll explain soon." They knew Shadow Dragon well. Sunset and Flash Sentry nodded in understanding. As Shadow Dragon let Flash out, he breathed slowly yet heavily as he needed some air. He and Sunset then saw injured Azure Phoenix sitting on sofa, Schemetrick is treating his master's wounded arm, Rhino Armor is keeping a lookout on the window and other one was... Sunset and Flash gasped, "Twilight?!" "Uh... Yes?" Twilight asked in surprise and concern. Sunset approached Twilight Sparkle as she held the latter's hand, "I can't believe you're here! I was so worried that you wouldn't able to read my message. I thought something bad has happen to you." "Message? What message? I'd never gave you my email address or phone's number," Twilight said in confusion, "How did you know my name? I didn't even introduce to you."" "You did when you were at-!" Flash explained but stopped as he realized something different about them. He gasped, "Of course! You're Twilight from this world, not the pony ones!" "Seriously?" Sunset asked in surprise. She turned and looked at Twilight closely, "Now you mention it. My friend Twilight didn't wear the glasses..." "Your Twilight? Do you mean my counterpart?" Twilight asked in surprise. Sunset nodded slowly. She looked closely at the crimson haired girl as she knew the latter from somewhere. Twilight gasped, "I know you! You must be Sunset Shimmer. The girl who helped Sombra and turned the school into zombie." She yelped, "I'm sorry. No offense." Sunset Shimmer sighed before smiled a bit, "None taken. I got over it for a long time." "But still, you helped and save our world from Sirens and Dark Terrorists-Decepticons from turning the world into the metal. It was impressive of you. And it's hard to imagine that you would have become the Ambassador for Equestria." "Please, don't. Don't think of me too highly. I just did what my friend can do." "Then, can you take me to her? I really want to meet her." "I wish I could but... There was no response. I don't know when she'll return the call to me. I just hope everything is okay from my old home." Twilight sighed, "I see... But thank you, anyway." Sunset nodded. She turned and looked at injured Azure Phoenix, "I don't remember inviting you to my house, uh, mister..." "I know... But I thought I could surprise you," Azure Phoenix said weakly, "After all, my wife did kick me out..." Shadow Dragon, Twilight Sparkle, Sunset Shimmer and Flash Sentry were in confuse of what they just heard. And even two Minicons heard of it. They both emerged from Sunset Shimmer's bag. The only wife he has was Principal Celestia but got divorced due to Iris Crystal was killed. Sunset gulped, "That... That was surprise of you..." "I didn't know you still have the wife," Flash asked suspiciously. "There are lot of things you don't know about me, boy..." "Yeah... I'm not sure if you really mean it..." As Flash Sentry was about to move but stopped, he spotted Schemetrick held his hand in front to everyone. He took his cellphone out as he typed on it for the moment. He showed it to the kids - 'EARS EVERYWHERE'. The High School Students looked shock and worry as they looked around of their surroundings. If what he said is true, then they have to be careful with the words they make. Schemetrick spoke up, "While his wife recovers from her problems, we have no choice but to come here since your family and ours are very close." Schemetrick typed again as he shown to the rest - 'IMPERIAL PHOENIX MILITARY COMPROMISED'. The High School Students gasped in shock of what they just read. Mystic Knight was right. There is a traitor among the military force. "Who else knows about this," Shadow Dragon asked calmly yet 'angrily'. Schemetrick typed again and spoke the same words: "Our friends." As Azure Phoenix stood up and approached to his allies, Twilight approached and asked, "Are you sure it's just us knows about it?" "So far, yes. I can't be sure if I informed the rest about it," Azure Phoenix admitted, "But you have some lessons from me to learn. So, you can be prepared for Friendship Games." Before anyone could ask, Azure Phoenix screamed in pain as if something had pierced his heart. Everyone gasped in shock and worry of what they just saw. The black pierce of claw had struck on the back of Azure Phoenix. "Azure!" Everyone screamed in fear. As the black claw detached from Azure Phoenix's back, he fell to the ground. Twilight gasped in shock as she started crying in pain and despair. Sunset unloaded the bag down as she let Minicons out to check on Azure Phoenix if he's still alive. Schemetrick took his cellphone and called for reinforcement. Rhino Armor roared angrily. Both Shadow Dragon and Flash Sentry looked through the hole. They spotted the mysterious black figure who summoned his detachable claw back. He turned and headed off. He must be the one! Shadow Dragon turned to his friends, "Stay here!" Shadow Dragon moved back as he charged and rammed straight through the walls out. He then headed straight to another building. Flash hissed in concern as he decided to follow him. As the Minicons worked and checked on Azure Phoenix, he held his hand in touching Twilight's face weakly. She held his hand tightly while looking at him with shock and painful looks. His weakly hand slowly descended. She tried to hold his hand but touched something her palm. His hand dropped to the ground. Twilight looked at her palm. It was the same drive that Strikespell and Azure Phoenix were trying to hack. Sunset Shimmer noticed it. Why would he give it to her? "Don't... Trust... Anyone, Twilight... Trust... Your... Friends..." Azure Phoenix coughed heavily to Twilight. He turned to Sunset Shimmer, "Sunset, protect... Twilight... Protect her... Be her friends..." "Azure?" Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer asked in concern. Azure Phoenix sighed painfully as he closed his eyes. Everyone gasped in worry. Wheelie and Brains checked on him at once by listening to his heart. They both sighed in relief. "It's okay. He's unconscious," Wheelie said happily. Brains nodded, "Better get the hospital now." Everyone nodded in understanding. But for Sunset Shimmer and Twilight Sparkle - they both looked at each other. Why would he advise them to do it? Something is up... Shadow Dragon continued chased after the mysterious figure by running through the building and jumping from one to another. Flash Sentry chased after him, despite knowing that he isn't fast or agile as his friend but he has to. Shadow Dragon and Flash Sentry spotted the mysterious figure jumped to the ground as he was about to escape. Shadow Dragon held his right hand in unleashing his blazing Dragon Fury Shot out. His shot straight at the mysterious figure. But as the enemy turned, he deflected the attacks. He revealed himself to be black armored muscular and demonically Humanoid Cybertronian in his human size was armed with his demonic claws. "What the-?!" Shadow Dragon said in shock. The mysterious enemy roared wildly and angrily. He then launched his claw straight at Shadow Dragon. Flash jumped and held him to the ground hard. The enemy turned and had his metallic winged plates flapped up. He flew straight to the sky. Both Shadow Dragon and Flash Sentry slowly got up as they watched the mysterious enemy flew and escaped. Shadow Dragon turned and glared at Flash Sentry. Flash gulped nervously, "Uh... Love Action Movie?" "Real Funny..." Shadow Dragon said dryly. Upon hearing the news that Sunset Shimmer got involved with accident or crimes, Mane Five and Dragon Strike Force members made the run all the way to Imperial Phoenix Hospital. They entered the hospital where they spotted some familiar group talking with One-Eyed Anger, Schemetrick and Rhino Armor. "TWILIGHT?" Mane Five asked in surprise. Cutie Mark Crusaders gasped, "NYX!" "SHADOW DRAGON!" Dragon Strike Force exclaimed happily. "Guys!" Shadow Dragon exclaimed happily. "Uh, yes..." Twilight, Lance and Nyx asked in confusion. Wheelie and Brains emerged from Sunset's bag, "Wheelie and Brains!" Nyx gasped, "EVIL ROBOTS!" Nyx screamed fearfully as she quickly hid behind Twilight's legs. Everyone was in shock and worried of what they saw and heard. Nyx was afraid of the robots?! Seriously? Doctors, nurses and patients shushed and hushed at Twilight and her friends loudly. High School Friends yelped in shock and worried as they realized of what they did wrong! They were still at hospital! Doctors, nurses and patients shushed at Twilight and her friends loudly. The latter yelped in shock and confusion before they realize what they did wrong. This is hospital! One-Eyed Anger sighed in annoyance, "You're sure that they're the right ones?" Schemetrick shrugged, "Hard to miss..." Mane Five approached to Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer as well as Lance and Nyx. They all commented happily to see their old friends here. "[Applejack] Well, I'll be. You shoulda told us you were comin'. [Rainbow Dash] Yeah! With you here, we can so win this game! [Rarity] Darling, those glasses. What are you wearing? It's so...severe. Are these... Crystal Prep Uniform? [Fluttershy] I'm sure Twilight find it... attractive. [Pinkie giggled] It's been so long! We missed you so much! And by the way, I like Nyx's Optimus Prime suit. That is so cute of her!" Twilight was in shock and confuse about the girls. Before she could ask, she gasped in realization, "I know you all... You were all involved in 'Incident of Ellis Island'. You were with the Autobots, my boyfriend and my counterpart to save the world from being turned into metals." Mane Five were in confused and shocked of what they just heard. Did Twilight forget that she was part of the incident? Sunset cleared her throat, "She's from this realm. And that includes her real brother and sister." "Oh... That makes sense," Mane Five nodded in understanding. Applejack scoffed, "Either way, it's an honor to meet you in person, our world's Twilight." "I know. You look just like my friend. Her name is Twilight too." Pinkie giggled happily. Mane Three nodded in agreement. Twilight Sparkle was surprised of what she just heard. Despite not being Pony Twilight Mane Five know of, they're willing to befriend her. Heard of what their sisters and Twilight had said, Cutie Mark Crusaders approached Nyx as they chatted with her happily. They all greeted her happily. "Hi, I'm Apple Bloom. These here are Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo," Apple Bloom introduced. Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo waved at Nyx. She continued, "Nice to meet you, Nyx! How we know you? We know your other self. Hers name is Nyx too!" Nyx looked surprise yet puzzle, "Really? Wow... That's some surprise." "And by the way, I need to ask you something," Scootaloo said. Nyx looked at her. She asked as she held both Wheelie and Brains up, "Why do you screamed when Wheelie and Brains appeared before you?" Nyx yelped in fear. Sweetie Belle took the picture of Pony Nyx dressed in her Optimus Prime's suit, "Yeah. It's so cute. I'm so jealous that I didn't get the good costume like hers." Nyx whimpered fearfully upon looking at Wheelie and Brains smiling innocently and waving to her. As her eyes shrunk in fear, she shivered in fear like ice had touched her and her breathing worsened like losing her oxygen. Cutie Mark Crusaders were shocked as they know the sign well from their good friends - Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. As Nyx was about to scream, Lance held her mouth in time. He took an inhaler and gave it to her. She breathed it slowly yet gently. Cutie Mark Crusaders and Minicons sighed in relief to see Nyx being okay. Nyx sighed in relief as she put her inhaler back, "I'm okay. I'm okay." "Advice - don't bring robots up to her. She's scared and traumatized since Chicago," Lance advised. Cutie Mark Crusaders yelped in shock and worry. He sighed, "Yes, it's true. She hasn't got over that for nearly 4 years." "We're sorry," Cutie Mark Crusaders and Minicons apologized. Nyx sighed, "It's okay. I'll be fine. We can still be friends, just make sure your robot friends don't go closer to me." "Yeah, sure. Kids hate us," Wheelie said in annoyance. Brains shrugged, "What to do now? We always get criticized." "Hey! Nyx's just scared!" Lance exclaimed in annoyance, "She just need some help and protection. So, you'd better not try to bully or I'll be coming for you!" "So what's going on?" Blazefist asked in concern. "Follow us," Schemetrick said firmly. Twilight and her friends followed Schemetrick, Anger and Rhino Armor all the way to the surgery chamber where they found Strikespell, Scar Brilliance, Bladestrike, Roadblock and Cade Yeager were looking at glass screen. All of them were witnessing surgeons were doing their best to make Azure Phoenix well as soon as possible. Everyone were in shock and concern of what they just saw. Shadow Dragon clenched his fists tightly while looking at the screen hopelessly, "Who did this to him?" "I don't know." Rhino admitted, "But I think he has a name that we thought it's just a myth - Dragoclaw." "Who is Dragoclaw?" Twilight asked in concern. Schemetrick sighed, "It happened during our conversation with Strikespell. After that, we were attacked." Flashback Rhino Armor continued driving Presidential State Car across the traffics of New York. Azure Phoenix and Schemetrick were having serious conversation with Strikespell and Mystic Knight. The latter understood as they turned it off. As Presidential State Car was passing the crossed traffic road, the SWAT Truck charged and rammed the car straight to the building hard. Rhino Armor and his masters moaned and groaned painfully as they were all injured. More SWAT Trucks came. The SWAT Troopers emerged from the trucks, including their leader - Destro. They all approached and prepared their heavy machine guns in ready to fire at Azure Phoenix's car. "Destro? What the hell is he doing here? I thought he went missing! " Rhino Armor asked in shock. Schemetrick hissed in concern, "My guessing - Destro has been hiding beneath the law enforcement force, waiting for Cobra Commander to strike! And I mean now!" "Here's a joke from my old friend," Destro said darkly as he clenched and cracked his fist. He readied to punch the car, "Knock! KNOCK!" Destro gave the first punch on the car very hard. Azure Phoenix and his soldiers got shaken very hard within the car. Destro continued punching the car for few times in breaching it. Rhino Armor groaned as he started the engine quickly as he can, "This isn't good! We have to get out of here now!" "I'd better prepare the countermeasure now!" Schemetrick exclaimed in concern as he prepared himself in ready to push the right button, "Waiting for signal!" Azure Phoenix nodded firmly while looking and glaring at his enemies. Destro continued punching the car as hard as he can. As Destro was about to give final punch, everyone heard the honking sound. They turned to their left. They found the military truck and the white sportcar is charging straight at the Cobra. It rammed all of the trucks out. The door opened, allowing Roadblock fired his Heavy Gatling Gun at Destro and his men. Most of Cobra Troopers got killed while Destro dodged and rolled to the front. "Mr. Secretary! Get out of here now!" Roadblock reported firmly. Two cars have arrived. They have two members each - Tunnel Rat and Ripcord from Drift and Flint and Lady Jaye from Bumblebee. He continued as he and Spirit emerged from the vehicles, "Scout team will escort you to safety! Spirit and me will hold them off!" Hound huffed as he transformed into his robot mode, "Don't forget about me and Smokescreen too!" "Scarlet and Breakaway will keep an eye out on anything," Smokescreen added. Azure Phoenix nodded, "Rhino! Get us out of here!" Rhino Armor nodded in agreement as he started the engine at once. With the engine roaring, the car drove off at once. Azure Phoenix and Schemetrick armed with their Gatling Guns in ready to fire at the enemies. Bumblebee and Drift followed it at once. More of SWAT Trucks were their on way in chasing after Azure Phoenix. Roadblock, Spirit, Hound and Smokescreen armed with their guns in ready to fire at their enemies. Both Autobots and G.I. Joes fired their guns at the enemies off. Destro groaned in annoyance as he held his radio channel up, "All Cobra Units - Hunt Azure Phoenix down!" Most of New York Civilians were running away like something have scared them off! Azure Phoenix's car drove very hard and fast as they can while Bumblebee and Drift followed him at once. Scarlet inside of Breakaway's Jet was flying on air as they both kept their eyes on them while making sure no sign of their enemies. From behind, More of impostor police cars and strange vehicles continued chased after him while firing the guns at them. And even Vehicons joined in as well. As the enemies continued chasing after Azure Phoenix and his escorts, Crosshairs came from the front as he charged straight while firing his twin blasters at the enemies off. Prowl and Sideswipe transformed into their robot modes as they swung their blades in killing Vehicons. Cobra Snipers from the building and towers firing their sniping guns at dodging and avoiding Azure Phoenix and his escorts. Snake Eyes and Jinx jumped from building-by-building as they all defeat and kill the snipers before they could take a shot on their comrades and allies. Azure Phoenix and his escorts continued driving through the traffic. Both Drift and Bumblebee kept them safe from harm by knocking the Cobra Troopers and their police cars off. Tunnel Rat, Ripcord, Flint and Lady Jaye fired their guns at the enemies from their vehicles and buildings. Scarlet piloted Breakaway as they both fired both gatling guns and missiles at the incoming jets and missiles. They have to keep former Secretary of United States from harm at all cost. As both vehicles got distracted with dealing incoming enemies, two more impostor vehicles came. Both revealed Baroness and Major Bludd. "Good day, sir. I hope you enjoy your tour!" Major Bludd exclaimed proudly. Baroness smiled, "It ends now, Mr. Secretary!" Major Bludd was about to thrust his sword at Rhino Armor but grabbed and got few punches instead by the latter. Major Bludd continued struggling and battling with Rhino Armor as they punched at each other. Baroness fired her Twin Guns at Azure Phoenix. Schemetrick summoned his deflected shield in defending Azure Phoenix who fired his gun back. As both hero and villains struggled, Azure Phoenix heard the beeping sound. He turned and found something shock him. "Rhino, stop!" Azure Phoenix exclaimed wildly. Rhino quickly hit the car's brakes at once while both Major Bludd and Baroness's cars got passed in crossing to the crossed traffic. They both got hit hard by the incoming semi-truck. Azure Phoenix's, Drift and Bumblebee turned to the right and escaped. "Bloody Hell!" Major Bludd exclaimed in anger as he emerged from . Baroness grunted as she emerged, "Get me that dragon out and kill him!" As the heroes continued escaping, they came across a blackened figure. Everyone was in shock. Before any of them could do, he roared wildly. He charged and rammed straight at Presidential State Car hard. It flipped over and landed on the road hard. "Ah Shit!" Ripcord, "We've got company!" Tunnel Rat nodded, "Nasty one!" "Stop him!" Flint ordered angrily. G.I. Joe emerged from the vehicles while Autobots transformed into their robot modes. They both charged straight at the mysterious creature. Both team fired their blasters and guns at him. He turned and deflected the blasts. He spun himself around in the form of black twister. He struck straight in ramming and knocking his enemies out. With the Autobots and G.I. Joe out, he turned to the car as he was ready to attack Azure Phoenix and his team. By the time he opened the door, he found them missing. They escaped. He flapped his metallic winged plates as he escaped the battlefield. The rest of Autobots and G.I. Joes came and helped their teammates. "We got lucky to escaped. We met you all at Sunset's home. It's the least expected for enemies to think. But we were wrong..." Flashback Ends Everyone but members of Imperial Phoenix Army were in shock and concern of what they just heard. They were all worried for him now. The enemies still try to attack and assassinate him. The surgery is done. The doctor emerged. Everyone turned and looked at him. He sighed. "The wounds are too great. His mutant ability had ceased function to heal them. We don't know why but we've stabilize his blood pressure for now. But there is no telling when his healing comes back or how much long her has. I'm sorry. We did all we can. Just pray he will be fine." Twilight was in shock yet pained to hear what the doctor had said. She was heartbroken and shocked as her tears dropped and flown down her face. Before Shadow Dragon could do anything, she turned and ran off at once. Rarity decided to follow after her at once. Everyone want to help but stopped by Shadow Dragon and Sunset Shimmer. They knew she needs some time alone now. As far and away from her friends, Twilight stopped and arrived at the empty patient room. She sat on the bed. She cried tearfully in despair and pain. Her mentor is going to die! And there was nothing the doctors can do to solve it. Rarity came in as she found her friend's counterpart. She noticed her crying. she sighed as she approached and sat closed to Twilight Sparkle. "Darling, are you alright?" Rarity asked in concern. Twilight Sparkle shook her head. She sighed as she held and hugged Rarity from back, "Azure Phoenix must be very important to you, doesn't he?" "Ye-Ye-Yes... He is. He's not only that. He was like a father to me. The only person who I ever count and ask whenever I have the problems. He understands me. He cares for me. And he is the reason of meeting and loving Shadow Dragon." "I see..." Twilight sobbed tearfully, "I-I-I... I wish I could have done something for him! I still feel ashamed for not helping him! I feel guilty for not protecting Iris. She was like a a sister to me. I did nothing but bring pain to them..." "I beg your pardon?" Rarity asked in anger as she departed from hugging her new friend. She looked at Twilight, "Twilight Sparkle, I may not know much about you from here but I know that you care for them so much! And you shouldn't feel that way! You are not to be blamed for this." "But-but-!" "No but, young lady! You're not a mutant or psychic! You can't predict or even expect anything to stop or save the life. But there is one thing you can do - spend as much time you have with the ones you are closed with." "Rarity..." "I know we've just met. But to me, you are my friend. And I want to help you." Rarity took the bag out as she took the clothes out. She passed them to Twilight Sparkle, "I wanted to give this to my pony friend but I figure you need this more than anything." "Rarity, I-I can't take this. It's not mine." "Sure you can! Go and try it. I want you to feel better. I want to see how it fits you." Twilight nodded in understanding as she headed to bathroom for changes. Moments passed, she emerged out. She was dressed in lavender T-Shirt with bellybutton shown, sleeveless school black vest with her Sparkle Logo on right and red tie, dark purple Japanese High School short skirt with navy highlights, long navy socks, black civilized shoes and have the black jacket tied around her waist. "Oh! That looks good on you," Rarity said happily. Twilight blushed in embarrassment. She looked away yet she smiled a bit happy. Rarity giggled a bit, "Oh! You smiled. I love to see it. I know this may not make you forget about Azure Phoenix's condition but it's my way to help and make you better." Twilight smiled, "It is... Thanks. I will return the money to you for being generous." Rarity shook her head and hand in denial, "No, Twilight... Seeing you happy is the payment I need. After all, we're both friends now." "Rarity, thank you so much. I'm in your debt," Twilight said happily as she hugged Rarity. Rarity hugged her back. She smiled, "One day and someday, I will return the debt to you." "You already did, darling." Before the girls could do anything, Rarity glowed in purple causing Twilight to depart from hugging. She then witnessed Rarity's transformation into her Pony Form. Twilight gasped and awed in surprise yet joy as if her sorrow disappeared. Rarity smiled happily as she was floating happily. Within Twilight's bag, Spike was sleeping. The amulet reacted strangely as it glowed darkly. It opened by itself. Spike yelped in shock as he glance at what he was seeing. It is scaring him. It then formed blackness energy ball-like. Rarity's aura suddenly moved and entered into Twilight's bag as the amulet absorbing it inside. As soon as the aura disappeared, Rarity moaned and growled in exhaustion. She slowly landed on the ground. Twilight quickly helped and held Rarity up in time. The fashionista student's pony form turned into normal form. "Rarity, are you okay? What happen?" Twilight asked in concern. Rarity moaned a bit, "I'm fine. Just need some little break. Maybe Applejack's right. I shouldn't have overwork on it." "Hold on," Twilight grunted a bit as she helped her new friend up, "I'll get you to others. Hold on." Twilight took the bag up. She then helped Rarity as they both headed and meet up with others. Inside the bag, Spike shivered and quivered in fear as he continued watching the amulet glowed darkly with Rarity's aura within... Twilight brought Rarity all the way to her friends at the surgery chamber. Everyone but Imperial Phoenix Army gasped in shock and surprise. They all wondered of how and what happened to Rarity?! Twilight explained, "After she gave me this clothes and comfort me, she then 'pony-up'. And the next, she became like this. I don't know how." Shorty helped and carried Rarity up from his back, "Don't worry, Twilight. I will find out of what's going on. But for now, we need to go home and rest." "But what about Strikespell? If someone did try to assassinate Azure Phoenix, the enemies may try to assassinate him," Twilight said in concern. After watching his father's state, he clenched his fists tightly. Strikespell narrowed his angry eyes as he turned to the rest, "Not if I assassinate them. The enemies will know of what it means to cross the Imperial Phoenix Army. I have ordered Minister Hong and Marshal Anger prepared the army and searched across the world to find and hunt them down." "We would like to help as well," Roadblock said. Cade nodded in agreement, "So do we. We are responsible of it." "No. This is unnecessary," Strikespell said darkly. Everyone was in shock and concern. He continued, "Both team have more important things to do tomorrow. That is the main concern. And no buts. I have all the resources, supplies and technology enough to find and hunt them down for good." Strikespell turned and walked away, along with his generals followed him. Everyone remained silent for the moment as they all wondered of why and how could Strikespell be so calm without showing anger and rage? He wasn't afraid of anything. All they prayed that nothing bad happens... In the next morning... At the school's medical room, Shorty checked on Rarity's body through the use of his medical equipment - tongue depressor, stethoscope, blood pressure mechanism, flashlight on her eye, ear checker and blood glucose checker. So far, her physical body looked healthy and well after her resting. Shorty hummed in concern as he looked closely of the medical results on Everyone came in as they asked if Rarity was okay or not. Shorty asked in concern, "Physically, yes... But it doesn't make sense. According to Twilight, she said after the pony up transformation, Rarity became exhausted and tired like something drain her magic out." "So, you don't know?" Rainbow asked in concern, "That makes me feel better." Fluttershy sighed, "I just hope nothing bad has happened to her magic." Shorty Thinking hummed calmly as he wondered of what Fluttershy had said. He gasped as he took his computer and body scanner over her lying on patient bed. After the scan, he went through some analyzes and experimenting thoroughly before printing the results. He hummed in concern. "Well..." Rarity asked in concern. Shorty shook his head in concern, "I don't know what to say. This is very unusual. This shouldn't have happen to her." "Why is that, Shorty-poo?" "Your magic... It's gone!" "WHAT?!" Everyone asked and demanded in shock. Rarity yelped as she looked down and shivered in fear and worry of what she just heard, "My magic... is gone? How is it possible?! How can it happen to me?!" Sunset hissed in concern as she looked worry and scared, "This isn't good. What's happening here?" At the Crystal Prep Academy, its students have gathered in line as they all entered their school bus. Shadow Dragon, Twilight Sparkle and her siblings were in their Crystal Prep uniforms as they would be joining. They entered the last transport. Shining Armor would be there as well. He joined and followed Dean Cadance on the same bus that his siblings went in. Twilight still upset and pain as she looked down and worried. She was worried for her mentor since yesterday's event. Shadow Dragon patted Twilight, "Twilight, everything will be fine. Azure will make it. He survived the worst." "I know... And I hope so too," Twilight said in concern. She then looked at her amulet, "That's strange. Since when did my amulet collected the energy? I don't remember activating it for seeking and collecting the data." "What do you mean?" Nyx said in concern. Lance shrugged, "Don't look at me. I was keeping Nyx out of troubles. And the only person who was with is Rarity. I'm pretty sure she wouldn't mess your things off." "True... I don't think she would," Twilight said in concern. Shadow Dragon sighed, "Whatever it's going on, I'm sure we'll find out soon. For now, we deal with Friendship Games first and find out what's going on. And Twilight, I hope collecting the data is actually your reason..." Lance and Nyx hummed in surprise and concern of what Shadow Dragon had said. Twilight gulped in concern as she grew worried that he would find out of the truth behind her involvement for Friendship Games, other than collecting magic data... At the Canterlot High School, school staffs were standing and waiting at the roadside. They were about to welcome their rivals and guests from Crystal Prep Academy. Sunset Shimmer emerged out from the school's entrance. She looked worried, frustrated and upset like something had pressured and scared her off. Things have been lately becomes worse. Ever since Rainbow Dash and Rarity pony up, she was pressured in figuring something out on how to control and contain the magic from going wild. Then, Strikespell conquered the world under his banner and then built the most dangerous weapon in the universe. Azure Phoenix almost got himself killed by the enemies And now, Rarity lost her magic. It's driving her nuts. Flash exited the school entrance while holding his girlfriend's bag on his shoulder. He looked around in finding Sunset. He spotted her approaching to the statue. He approached her. He patted her shoulder. She was stopped. "Sunset! There you are! You almost have me worried," Flash said in concern. Sunset didn't answer back or even turned to him. He asked in concern, "Sunset? Are you alright?" "Do I look like alright?!" Sunset asked angrily. Flash and the Minicons yelped in shock. She turned and glared at Flash as she continued angrily, "Our Pony Twilight is a princess in Equestria and an expert in friendship magic! And if she was here, we'd have already figured out why magic is randomly popping up during pep rallies and hospital when Rarity was helping this world's Twilight out." Flash looked scared and hurt upon seeing and hearing Sunset Shimmer being angry and upset. He hasn't seen that since the day she joined and helped Sombra. Sunset noticed his looks. She sighed in shame, "Sorry. I'm just frustrated that I haven't heard back from her. And not to mention, things got out of hand lately..." "Sunset... I'm sure she got some problems of her own to deal with," Flash explained, "We can't expect her to drop everything and pop out of the portal whenever." Wheelie and Brains emerged from Sunset's bag. Wheelie scoffed, "If you asked me, the pony-ups aren't the big deal." "But they aren't minor! Magic came into this world when I stole Twilight's crown." Sunset explained in concern, "It's taken a lot for me to earn everyone's trust. If we have to forfeit the games because I can't think of a way to keep it under control..." "Sunset, calm down. You'll be able to figure things out," Flash said calmly as he held his girlfriend's shoulder, "Besides you're the one who helped our friends understand what was goin' on with the sirens." Sunset sighed, "I guess. But Twilight was the one who really figured out what we needed to defeat them." "FYI, Sunny! It was you," Brains explained, "You're the one who gave those Sirens some ass-kicking!" Wheelie nodded, "He's right, Sunny. You're the one who gave them some spanks! And not to mention, you became the Ambassador to Equestria. Kinda reminds me of how Sam became ours." "I did became ambassador too," Flash said in annoyance, "But they're right. You are the one who saved High School. You are the one who found and save Sideswipe. And best of all, you helped and solved some students' friendship problems. Trust me, Sunset, you can do it." Sunset went some thinking for the moment before she smiled a bit, "You're right. Thanks, guys. I owe you one especially you, blue." Flash blushed and smiled happily, "Thanks, red." HONK! She and her friends turned to the front. They spotted Crystal Prep Buses have arrived. They stopped as the students climbing down the steps. Flash huffed in annoyance upon looking at them, even though he ignored Shadow Dragon, Twilight Sparkle and her siblings since they're his friends. Principal Celestia approached Principal Cinch as they both shook their hands. She smiled, "Vice Principal Luna can help your students get settled if you'd like me to show you around, Principal Cinch. There have been quite a few changes since your last visit. It is an honor to have you here again." "Oh, yes, Principal Celestia. It is an honor. I'm sure that would be fascinating." Principal Cinch said calmly yet sarcastically, "I sure hope you will not be distracted from... our losses..." Principal Celestia sighed as she knew what Principal Cinch was referring to, "No... No, I won't. But I missed her..." "Yes... She was Azure Phoenix's and your daughter," Principal Cinch said bitterly, "If she were here, Friendship Games will be ours. After all, she brought much success to the school's reputation especially mine." Principal Celestia gave Principal Cinch a glare, "She is my daughter. I watch my tongue if I were you. I don't like how you treated your students especially my daughter. Believe me, I will not tolerate that attitude towards my family." Principal Cinch sighed, "Very well... I won't mention her again." Vice Principal Luna approached Dean Cadance and Shining Armor as she gave them both a hug. She smiled, "Oh, it's always such a pleasure to see you, Dean Cadance and Shining Armor. Even if it means another defeat." "Thank you, Vice Principal Luna, but I hear it's not going to be so easy this time." Dean Cadance said calmly. "Yeah, right..." Shining Armor scoffed before got his guts nudged by his girlfriend. He yelped painfully, "Hey! What was that for?" Simmons sighed, "This is going to be pain of my neck..." Shadow Dragon and his friends climbed down the steps. They looked around of their surroundings. To Twilight and her siblings, they were amazed and happy to see the school while to Shadow Dragon, he was happy to be back here. It was a while for him mostly. Sunset took a glance at the book as she found no reply. She then looked at Canterlot High's Statue as she gave in some thoughts. She smiled. There is a way. Sunset approached to the back of horse statue. As Twilight looked at Canterlot High in amazement, her amulet glowed darkly again. She looked at hers. She wondered why it reactivated by itself again. What attracts its attention? Only one way to find out - she followed its track. She approached to the front of horse statue. As Twilight and Sunset approached the statue, they stopped and glanced at it. Sunset glanced at her book before at the statue. Flash Sentry approached Sunset Shimmer. "Sunset, are you sure?" Flash asked as he knew what Sunset wanted. He continued, "I know you need her but we've got the Friendship Games to deal with." Sunset sighed, "I know. But it might be my chance to reach her. I have to see her." Twilight looked at her amulet as it opened itself like it was absorbing something. Shadow Dragon, Lance and Nyx noticed it as they approached and checked with her. Shadow Dragon sighed, "Twilight, I hope you know what you're doing." Twilight gulped in concern as she looked at her amulet, "I hope so too..." As Sunset Shimmer touched on the statue's wall, Twilight's amulet glowed darkly as it absorbing something. It was absorbing... "Hey, let go!" Sunset exclaimed painfully as her hand got stuck on the walls. But not only that, her blazing aura got absorbed into it as well. She screamed in pain, "HELP!" "Sunset!" Flash, Wheelie and Brains exclaimed. The boys helped and pulled Sunset Shimmer hard and away from the horse statue. Her hand still stuck on it like she was being magnetized to the fridge. "What the-?!" Twilight asked in shock. As she tried to close it, the amulet won't budged. She grunted, "It won't budge! Damn it! Close it!" "Hold on!" Shadow Dragon called. He, Lance and Nyx came to Twilight's aid as they tried to push and close the amulet's opener down hard. But it won't budge for the moment. They pushed and slammed it down hard. They deactivated the amulet for good in time. But it created shock wave knocked both rivalry high school students out. They screamed painfully. They all moaned and groaned painfully. As everyone slowly got up, both sides looked at each other. What they're doing?! "What did you do?!" Sunset demanded angrily. Twilight gulped nervously as she realized that she's in trouble! She knew how dangerous and important magic to Sunset Shimmer since she's from Equestria. And it is very serious business to them. Shadow Dragon nudged her to explain. She gulped as she prayed not to get herself into trouble. Before she could explain, she heard her older brother called her. Twilight Sparkle quickly ran off. Shadow Dragon groaned in annoyance as he went after Twilight. Lance and Nyx followed them as well. All of Crystal Prep Students are entering the school now. "What was that?" Flash asked in concern. As Sunset Shimmer touched the horse statue, she felt something funny. It was solid. Too solid! She can't feel the magic portal! Sunset Shimmer touched and checked on the Horse Statue for the moment. "Where's the portal?" Sunset grunted fearfully as she tried to breach the portal, "Where's the portal?!" "Sunset?! Sunset, stop!" Flash stopped and held the panicked and struggled Sunset back. He turned her to him, "Calm down, Sunset! What's wrong?!" "The portal! It's gone!" "What?!" "Holy Shit!" Wheelie exclaimed in shock. Sunset and Flash turned to her bag. Both Wheelie and Brains emerged. He exclaimed, "We've got the signal! And it's coming from the sky! But who is it? I'm not picking Breakaway's signal here!" Brains looked as he gasped in surprise, "Look up!" Sunset and her friends looked up. They found the blackish figure emerged from the large sun. He was heading straight to the ground. Who was it? As the mysterious figure descending, he landed on the ground hard in front of Canterlot High. Everyone gasped in shock and surprise of what they were witnessing. A familiar giant crimson and navy mixed Cybertronian stood before everyone. They know who he was. "OPTIMUS PRIME!" Everyone exclaimed in shock and surprise. Optimus Prime lowered himself down before Sunset Shimmer and her friends, "My friends, I'm relief that I have found you. I need your help." "Our help? For what?" Sunset asked in concern. "To prepare yourself and our team. We're maybe at war again," Optimus Prime said in concern. Sunset and her friends gasped in shock and worry. He continued, "I scoured and scouted the whole world and found no sign of Decepticons. I feared they maybe planning something. They may have allied with Dark Curse and his organization. I feared our both world will not only be conquered but destroyed. The Humanity will not only be their slaves but also your kind. Your magic is their target for military resources and supplies. This cannot be allowed to happen." Sunset and her friends gasped in shock and worry of what they just heard. The enemies not only wanted to wage war against both Humans and Autobots, but also Equestria to enslave the ponies for their magic energy?! This can't be good! "Prime?" The shocked voice asked. Optimus Prime turned and found the silver car transformed into his robot mode. Sideswipe approached him, "You're back!" "Sideswipe? You're alive?" Optimus Prime asked. "Yeah... Man, it's great to see you here, sir. Since you're here, need you back at Soccer Field. The rest of our gang are waiting and preparing for the surprise." "Surprise? For what, Sideswipe?" Sideswipe smiled, "You'll see. Come on. Then, you can tell us how your mission goes in finding those Creators." "Very well. I shall followed. But I need our team to be prepared," Optimus Prime said calmly. Sideswipe nodded as he headed off. Optimus Prime turned to Sunset and her friends, "Alert your friends and military. They need to be prepared." Sunset nodded, "Understood. Thanks for the warning." Optimus Prime turned and followed Sideswipe to the back of Canterlot High School. Sunset turned to her friends as she gave the concern yet scared looks. Not only the portal to Equestria has been sealed, but now the world is going to have another war against Dark Terrorists, Decepticons and Cobra. This may not end well for her and her friends as well as her current home... Sunset, Flash and Minicosn returned to their friends. They explained to the rest of their friends of what happened from the Canterlot High's Horse Statue and Optimus Prime's sudden return from his journey. They were all in shock and surprise but mostly about the portal. "What do ya mean the portal's gone?" Applejack asked in concern. Sunset hissed, "I mean it's gone. It's closed. It's not there anymore!" "How'd that happen?" Rainbow Dash asked, "I can't believe Optimus Prime is here. Wow... I wonder how h's doing." "We'll ask him that later. I don't know." Sunset admitted as she opened the door to gym, "But it has something to do with that Twilight." Sunset and her friends saw the gym was filled with party theme, rounded tables, foods, drinks and even DJ Jockey Place for DJ Pon-3. But both Wondercolts and Shadowbolts were minding their own business, without talking with their rivals but to themselves only. That was really feud... Flash noticed Twilight's doing as she was pointing the amulet in front of her like she was tracking something. Shadow Dragon was keeping his eyes on her in making sure she doesn't get herself into some trouble. Lance and Nyx brought some drinks for themselves and their friends. "What the heck are those guys doing?" Flash asked in concern. "Leave this to me." Sunset said firmly as she walked and approached towards Twilight and her friends. Shadow Dragon gasped as he poked Twilight to stop her doing. As she stopped and turned to her boyfriend, she faced Sunset in front of her. Sunset glared at her, "Twilight, what have you been up to?" Twilight yelped, "Me? Oh, I was just, uh—" "Who wants to know?!" Indigo interrupted as she gave Sunset a glare. "Um, we do." Rainbow Dash came besides with Sunset. She smirked, "Nice to meet ya, Blazefist's superstar student." "What the?! How did you know that? No one should know that! No way Blazefist tell anyone! He knew you guys will hate him if they know about me and him!" "Chillax. We don't hate him, well; mostly his secrets. But we trust him because he's Canterlot Wondercolt. And he's my coach's husband. I think you know her well - Aquastroke." "Aquastroke? That means you're her student?! No way..." "Way... I was at the wedding. I was her best girl." Indigo smirked, "Oh yeah? I was at the wedding too. I was his best girl. And just so you know, I won't back down easily just because your coach is my coach's wife." Rainbow Dash scoffed, "I wouldn't dream of it. Your coach maybe my coach's husband, no way I'm backing down from the games." "Bring it on," Rainbow Dash and Indigo Zap smirked. "All right, everyone." Applejack said in concern as she came in-between Rainbow Dash and Indigo Zap, "Let's not get too competitive before the games even start." "The games aren't really competitive since we've never lost." Sugarcoat spoke bluntly. Lemon Zest giggled in amusement, "That's a good one, dude! No way we're gonna lose!" Fluttershy commented, "That's not a very nice thing to say." "Sorry, dearie, but these games aren't about being nice." Sunny Flare remarked. Rarity scoffed, "Well, you might use a little tact." Sour Sweet gave Rarity a death glare, "And you need some big back off, right now!" "You can't talk to my friends like that!" Sunset scolded Sour Sweet. Jason scoffed, "Why don't you just go to hell and surrender to trophy to us? No way the wannabe heroes-like you can beat us in the games." "Wanna say that to my face, asshole?!" Flash Sentry exclaimed in annoyance. As both Shadowbolts and Wondercolts have some argument, Twilight immediately make an escape before she gets herself into troubles. Shadow Dragon, Lance and Nyx noticed as they went after her now. "Enough!" Everyone turned and found Scar Brilliance, Bladestrike, Strict Stalker the navy man with mustache and drill sergeant's hairstyle dressed in his military suit, Snaptrap the man in his 40s with a small mustache & beard dressed in his purplish suit with a scarf and turban-like on his head, Drillmap and Swordstruck. Scar Brilliance continued, "We maybe the rivals but we are also their guests at their school. You will all show some respect to them. You are making humiliation to your family. This is now what we expected." Crystal Prep Shadowbolts groaned in annoyance as they turned and glared at Canterlot Wondercolt members, "I'm sorry." Scar Brilliance scoffed, "Good enough. Enjoy the party. The Speech will begin soon. The Founders of the schools will come soon." As soon as Scar Brilliance left, both Wondercolts and Shadowbolts turned and walked away as they do not want to get themselves into trouble. Sugarcoat was talking to her father Strict Stalker. She bowed before him in apologize position. Strict Stalker sighed, "Sugarcoat, I told you so many times. Do not start the fight or bragged about how great Imperial Phoenix Army or even Crystal Prep is for winning the Friendship Games. It's never about victories but to show them that discipline, talents and loyalty are the true strength of Imperial Phoenix Army. And we must be humble to our defeated enemies." "I know, father," Sugarcoat sighed, "But still, their efforts are futile to win the Friendship Games. Was it necessary to show humble to them?" Strict Stalker gave her a death glare, "Yes. And I expect you do not show resentment to your enemies or disappointment to me." "I understand, my father. I am the proud daughter to Strict Stalker," Sugarcoat spoke bluntly. Snaptrap was talking with Sunny Flare. "I know what you're thinking, daddy," Sunny Flare said in annoyance, "I shouldn't be bragging to my rivals especially the losers. It's about humble." Snaptrap scoffed, "True... I'm still proud that you're willing to show them that no one can mess with you. They shall be reminded again and again that Imperial Phoenix Army is superior. But be sure that you don't lose your generous." Sunny Flare smirked, "Got it, daddy." Swordstruck and Sour Sweet were talking as they both were glaring at each other. "I'm sorry, daddy. I promised you..." Sour Sweet said sweetly before giving a nasty glare and talk, "I'm going to show them how mean I can be!" Swordstruck chuckled in amusement, "Good job, Sour. That's the way it is. And remember, don't show mercy to your enemies or your allies because victory is the key to our success! After all, we're more superior than any school or anyone else." Sour Sweet smirked as she her arms crossed, "Don't worry. I'm going to show them that! No one can beat me in the game!" Drillmap and Lemon Zest were talking. He took her headset up while giving her a serious glare as he didn't like her being arrogant and irresponsible lady. Lemon Zest sighed, "Look, pops. I'm not gonna be arrogant or bragger of how great we are. And besides, I wanna have some fun with my music! They're so awesome! To be honest, I wanna win the Game too!" "Very well. Please do not forget of that," Drillmap said humbly as he gave the headset to his daughter, "I do not wish my daughter to be embarrassed of being defeated. Bragging could let you to your greatest defeat." Lemon Zest scoffed, "You worry too much, old man." Bladestrike, Blazefist and Indigo Zap were talking with each other. Indigo was in big trouble for making a fuss scene when Sunset was talking with Twilight Sparkle. Indigo sighed, "Sorry, coach. I didn't mean to start the fight. I just wanna make sure no one messes with my teammates especially Twilight." "I know. But can't you be more friendlier when talking with them?" Blazefist asked, "I already told you about them. I thought you were impressed and wanted to talk with them. "Well... Yeah, I wanted. But I couldn't, Coach. Because Principal Cinch said-!" "Don't listen to what she said. What she knows?! She talked rubbish! You follow the rules? That's fine. But making friends with rivals? It should be fine too. There's nothing to be shame of." "Like falling for Rainbow Dash's coach?" "Yeah, something like that. And besides, Rainbow Dash and you sure got something in common, don't you think?" Indigo Zap hummed calmly before giving a smirk, "Yeah... I guess so. I could try to befriend with her and her pals. Hopefully, they're good at sports especially soccer. They're my favorites." "That's my girl, Indigo!" Blazefist smirked as he grabbed her and gave her a noggie. He stopped as he saluted to Bladestrike, "It's great to see you again." Bladestrike saluted, "It's great to see you too as well, my old friend. So, how do you find the school? Interesting? And good?" "Yeah. They did show me something good enough for me to like it especially Aqua." "Yes. Indeed, it is. As Crystal Prep proved themselves good enough in handling academic and outdoors, I hope yours can be ready for the challenge." "Oh, don't worry. I'm sure they can handle it. They're ready, sir. Just give your best shot, guys," Blazefist smiled. Bladestrike and Indigo Zap smirked, "We will." Scar Brilliance and Jason Strike were having discussion behind the stage as if they need some privacy from anyone else to hear. "Did you find anything?" Jason asked. Scar shook his head, "No, I haven't. Excellent with your acting skills, Mystic Knight. We don't want any unwanted attention to interfere with our plans. We need our enemy spies focused on you and the school rivalry. We cannot let them know what we're up to." "It will be done." "Keep Twilight safe from harm. And by the way, Mystic Knight; work together with Shadow Dragon and his team. If anything goes wrong, we must be prepare for the worse. They maybe our chance in winning and ending this war for good." "I work solo, sir. I don't work with traitors especially the weakling girls." "You'd have to, Jason. Be prepared or get ready to die in hell. That's the order of mine and Mr. Secretary. We expect no disobedience." Scar Brilliance turned and walked away from Jason Strike. Jason clenched his fists tightly as he hated to work together with Shadow Dragon and his team for painful yet tortured past for him to overcome... Twilight escaped from the argument between Wondercolts and Shadowbolts. She lost her tracks of her own friends. She walked as far away as she can from the troubles or any of Wondercolt Members. The last thing she wanted is to get herself or her friends to blame for the mess. She still has no idea what her amulet have absorbed from the horse statue. Twilight bumped into a familiar pink girl. She gasped, "Pinkie Pie?" "Hey Twilight!" Pinkie Pie greeted happily. She then noticed Twilight's amulet, "What's that?" "It's sort of a spectrometer. I built it to track EM frequencies, but it can also contain anomalies." Twilight explained. Pinkie looked confuse. Twilight sighed as she explained plainly, "It measures things." "Like the party?" "Yeah, though it doesn't look like much of a party to me." Pinkie Pie hummed as she witnessed both Wondercolts and Shadowbolts refused to talk with each other or even partying the party, "I know. Something is definitely missing." She gasped of the idea, "Come on!" Pinkie dragged Twilight Sparkle to the gym's door as they both were looking for something. Moments later... Shadow Dragon and his friends were looking for Twilight Sparkle ever since they just got away from the argument with the Shadowbolts Members. So far, they found no trace of her or even Pinkie Pie. They were all worried about their friends... But at the same time, Principal Celestia is making her welcome speech to both hers and Crystal Prep Academy to the Friendship Games. Sunset Shimmer, her five friends, Micro Chip, Sandalwood, Derpy, Sweetie Drops, Lyra Heartstrings, Saber Dragoon, Shorty Thinking and Laxtinct stood on the right side of stage. Shadowbolts members such as Sugarcoat, Sour Sweet, Sunny Flare, Indigo Zap, Lemon Zest, Jet Set, Upper Crust, Neon Lights, Suri Polomare, Trenderhoof, Royal Pin, Shadow Dragon, Jason Striker and Arthur Warfate the cyan teenage boy with brown spiky messy hair dressed in his uniform stood on left side. Cutie Mark Crusaders, Blazefist, Aquastroke, Tailtech, Icy, Nyx, Lance Justicestrike, Wheelie and Brains were watching and listening the welcoming speech from Principal Celestia. Both Crystal Prep and Canterlot High were listening as well. "Hello, everyone! I'd like to take this opportunity to greet all of our visitors from Crystal Prep Academy and welcome them to CHS." Principal Celestia announced proudly and happily. Pinkie and Twilight pushed the giant present boxes into the gym. Before Twilight could ask, Pinkie ran off at once. "And lastly, I would like to recognize the fifteen students that CHS has elected to compete. I don't think we could have chosen a better group to represent the excellence, sportsmanship, and friendship the games stand for." Pinkie Pie removed the fruits banquet to cupcake banquet. She turned the power light switch off. She then approached to DJ Pon-3 as she gave the latter a disc. The DJ smiled as she shifted the disc to new hip-hop style before making the speaker loud and noise. both Wondercolts and Shadowbolts awed happily to hear the song. It inspired and touched their hearts and minds to enjoy it. Pinkie returned to the gym's entrance. She opened the big presents. They revealed the Party Canon. It shocked and surprised Twilight Sparkle. "Um, are you sure this is a good idea?" Twilight asked in concern. Pinkie Pie smirked, "Absolutely!" Pinkie Pie fired her Party Canon in launching the streamers and confetti up to the sky. Twilight yelped in shock of seeing the canon firing up. They all fell down like snow. Everyone cheered wildly and happily upon looking at it. They were all happy and wild as they wanted to have some party! It was great and amazing for them! But what surprise Sunset and all of her trusted and close friends is both rivalry school were being friends to each other. They chatted, sang, danced, played and ate the cupcakes together like they were best friends! Seeing everyone smiling and enjoying the party, Pinkie giggled happily. She went some transformation. She pony-up! Twilight Sparkle shook her head as she recovered. She heard the beeping sound and blinking lights of amulet. It opened itself again as if it was absorbing something again. This time, Pinkie Pie's aura energy... As soon as the magic energy drained, Pinkie Pie transformed back to her normal form as she became exhausted and tired. She moaned as she fell to the ground hard, "I'm Party Popped..." With the energy entered her amulet, Twilight Sparkle was about to close it. An electrical purple shot out and entered beneath the spectator's bench seats. She followed it. She witnessed it sparkled and formed the portal-like. It revealed Ponyville Town. Twilight gasped in shock of what she was seeing. But nevertheless, she quickly close it as she feared it may cost some damage or even endangered the lives. Twilight took a glance on her amulet. She saw something amiss about it. She saw the strange demonically skull mark with demonically wings-like and a demonically serpent wrapped around it. She gulped in worry. She is beginning to dislike using the amulet in getting data. She felt something wasn't right with it ever since Rarity, Sunset and Pinkie became tired so sudden since she came too close to them... Twilight quickly exited the gym. Shadow Dragon, Lance and Nyx noticed it. They quickly went after her. They don't want her to get herself hurt. As Wondercolts and Shadowbolts were enjoying the party, the lights got switched on. The sound got static and haywire like something damaged the radio. It caused everyone moaned and groaned painfully as well as stopped what they were all doing. Everyone turned to the front as they saw Principal Cinch stood before them. The students knew what it means. Both Cantelot High and Crystal Prep returned to their own group as they all began to listen to Principal Cinch's speech. Principal Cinch spoke firmly, "I'd like to thank Principal Celestia for her unconventional welcome. It's been four years since the last Friendship Games, but it feels as though nothing has changed. Canterlot High continues to pick its competitors in a popularity contest and Crystal Prep continues to field its top twelve students." Principal Celestia and Vice-Principal Luna gave their angry looks at Principal Cinch for being rude and disrespectful to their school as usual. Dean Cadance and Shining Armor also didn't like it as well... "It is a comfort to know that even after so many years of losses, your school remains to committed to its ideals, however misguided they may be. I wish you all the best of luck, regardless of the inevitable outcome." Instead of friendly chatting or handshake, both Wondercolts and Shadowbolts gave each other angry and determined glares. They will do whatever it takes to win the game! As Pinkie Pie returned to her group, all of her friends came and approached to her. They all commented in concern for her about the party she worked so hard to make everyone happy and be friends with each other. "[Applejack] I'm sorry, Pinkie. I thought your party additions were really swell. [Fluttershy] They definitely broke the ice. [Aquastroke] Yeah. It's the first time to see them get together. [Saber] This is truly amazing thing you ever did. Nice one. [Blazefist] Well done, Pinkie. We're glad to have you on our sides. [Rarity] Yes. If only that Principal Cinch hadn't frozen it again. [Laxtinct] That woman sure loved to spoil and ruin everything especially making good friends [Tailtech] It's not surprise at all. With her around, there is no friendship between us and them.[Cutie Mark Crusaders] You've said it. [Icy] I really hate that woman." "Yeah, she's awful." Pinkie admitted. "Pinkie, are you alright?" Sunset asked in concern. Wheelie whistled, "Wow, you looked like you've got some serious bang up." "I don't know. Everyone started having fun after Twilight and I fired the party cannons and I ponied up." Pinkie explained, "But then the magic just drained right out of me." "Wow! Wow! Wow! Did you just said your 'magic just drained out of ya'?" Flash nodded in agreement, "Yeah... That's impossible. And the only to do that was to drain the blood. That was nasty." Shorty hummed, "This is getting serious and troublesome. I have the feeling this is only the beginning. We have to solve this problem." "Speaking of problem," Applejack said in concern as she looked around of the area, "Where're Shadow Dragon, Twilight, Nyx and Lance? Where did they ran off to?" Everyone looked around of the surroundings as they found their friends went missing! Where did they go now?! What is going on?! Within the dark room, Cobra Commander was contacting to both Dark Curse and Galvatronas. They both were looking at him. "Gentlemen, I have good news to report," Cobra Commander reported calmly, "Our little friend have managed to retrieve three magic now. The enemies are getting weaker." Galvatron smirked, "Excellent. Everything has gone exactly according to our plans." "Indeed." Dark Curse nodded, "Continued your work, my friend. Ensure no one must know this plan. And above all, keep your watch on Twilight Sparkle. She must complete her mission. The capture of all six magic is essential to our Project END." Cobra Commander smirked, "As you command. I will make sure of it, Lord Dark Curse." "You'd better hope so," Galvatron said darkly, "Human..." With both screens shut off, Cobra Commander stood up from his seat. He turned and walked towards the door. It is time for him to make sure Twilight Sparkle complete her mission. How? What is it important to Project END? A familiar ninja was walking across the streets of Manehattan while ignoring everyone and anything as he is having some thoughts to think. After his uncle and master was killed, Storm Shadow had spend his youth in searching and hunting the murderer for framing him in killing his own kind. He joined Cobra Terrorists as he believed the murderer was among them. He pretended to be loyal white ninja and bodyguard to Cobra Commander while seeking his enemy out. He believed Zartan is responsible of the incident since the latter is Master of Disguise. When Storm Shadow betrayed the Cobra, he defeated and wounded Zartan but found out it wasn't him. After the success in rescuing the president and saving the world, Storm Shadow left as ronin in thinking of what he can do next. "Storm Shadow..." Storm Shadow gasped as he took his Twin Katana out in his battle position. He looked around in search of the voice as he was being called for few times. He turned to the alley. He spotted twin yellowish eyes looking at him. Storm Shadow approached while holding his blades in ready to strike. He glared at the yellowish eyes. "Who are you?!" The Dark Voice spoke, "Storm Shadow... I have a mission for you to perform. And in-return for your service, I will give you the name of murderer and justice." Storm Shadow have some thoughts of what he can do. Upon hearing of what the mysterious voice had said, he looked at it and asked, "What should I do?" To be Continued... Review and Suggest...