The Theory of Dove And Grenade

by TLC

Voices and Vices(Third Person)

Fog covered the late night streets of Manehattan, and coated the skies above it. Citizens were either in their beds or offices at this hour. Stores were closed and clubs had just started off the night. Mold and mildew sifted through the air around the broken down school, the storm had only dampened its walls. The moon's light broke through the thick clouds and smog in small bits, doting the building like stars. If only the ones in the sky were visible.

One pony was still awake at this hour, however. One Hail, still sore from being patched up by Summer. His new stitches covered by the new bandages around his waist, a bandage over his muzzle, and one over a mark left behind by the unicorn known as Knives. Despite the anger given from his utter appearance as a mummy, he stared out one of the many broken windows in the school. His surroundings being one of the many torn apart classrooms. This one not far from the nurse's office, where Summer was still sleeping. He took the time to think about a lot of things, about probably never being able to go home. If those ponies could find him there once, who's to say they wouldn't do it again.

Hail thought about his school, how no one would miss him or even know that he's gone. Rose could probably care less, and the only reason Darkstar would care is because he wanted to finish him off. His mother would demand to have all of Manehattan search for him until he was found. If he was. If he ever wanted to be.

Hail's thoughts started tipping to a darker aspect. What if he never wanted to be found at all? What's worth going back to his old life for, anyway? Only to be home for a short while before being killed off by some thug on the street, or some hateful kid his age angry at the world and taking it out on him. The world he once lived in was getting smaller and darker every passing day. But since he met Summer, the darkness cleared a little, his world is slightly broken and open. Hail didn't understand the good in the situation, not that there really was any, but he felt like there was something there for him.

Then again, he would be missed by his mother. She wasn't always there, but didn't he think she wanted to be? Her job always taking her to far places, only being able to keep contact by phone. Hail could imagine her soon being able to live without him, as hurtful it may seem he understood. The longer he let the idea soak in, he felt a dark chill wash over him. A feeling of lost. He had no purpose to fill in this miserable world anyhow. Dying would only continue the cycle.

I could die right now... A voice whispered in his head. He took a step towards the window.

What would your mother do if you died?... Another voice whispered. Hail froze.

Just end it...All that comes after today will only bring you pain...

What would happen to the city and the ponies around you?....

Damn them...Give in...

Seeing tomorrow will give you the strength to continue

This is a solution to a temporary problem...

Your body is dying...starting with your mind...


H-Help me....


You're weakening...It's only a matter of-

No, no, no! He clasped his hooves over his ears, shaking his head. Stop! Spot it! Get a grip, Hail!'re staring to loose your mind...

His hooves slid down from his ears and dropped to his sides, his head leaning back and staring up at the ceiling. He got up from the floor and walked out of the classroom. The nurse's office was silent, despite the soft sounds of snoring. Hail turned the corner into the room and saw Summer, laying on her side in one of the beds. He let out a sigh, and walked over to the other cot.

It wasn't a high class bed in any sense, but it wasn't as bad as maybe sleeping on the floor. Hail turned over, facing the doorway of the nurse's office. His eye lids grew heavier and heavier, his mind slowly going numb and drawing a blank. In seconds, Hail was asleep.


The interrogation room was a mess. Blood stained the cold concrete floor, ponies in black taking the broken furniture out of the room. The chair the colt was hoofcuffed to was mashed and splinters coated the floor. What a disaster this operation turned out to be. One stallion stood over one interesting find: a pair of hoofcuffs broken and bent. He grinned, the three other ponies stopping simultaneously.

"Well, well, well." The Director laughed, kicking at the hoofcuff's remains. "She came after all."

"Crazy bitch." A hoarse voice growled from the side of the room, a pony leaned against the wall with a permanent scowl on her face.

The Director sighed, looking towards her. "You'll wait until I give you permission to speak." He said, quite calmly.

"Or what?" Knives hissed, one hoof holding her head up and covering a small gash. Her left cheek was swollen and red from where the subject had attacked her. Her mind was still hazy of the event, she had only regained consciousness three hours ago.

"Watch yourself, Foal."

Knives kicked her self off the wall and stomped over to The Director. "I ain't the reason for SHIT! How about my so-called elite squad?! Where the buck-"

She was silenced by a sudden smack to her face. Knives hit the ground with a thud, the three ponies now standing over her. The Director sat down beside her, shaking his head. "I do wish you'd learn your place here, Knives." He placed a hoof on her chest. "No, I'm not blaming all of it on you. But you did get in the way and caused an altercation when there wasn't any call for it."

Knives groaned. "Get off me." She smacked his hoof away and stood up. Pushing the ponies aside, she stormed out of the room, not forgetting to kick the door off of its hinges before she left.

From where he sat, The Director could hear the bangs and scraps of the door sliding down the hall. He looked to one of the ponies in black suits. "You." He said. "Go make sure she visits the nursing station." The pony nodded and walked out of the room. The Director thought he heard the pony mumble something about a bitch.

"Director Shard."

The Director jumped slightly from the voice, but calmed when he realized who it belonged to. "Ghost." He turned to see his secondary agent. A white stallion with a short grey mane and tail, black sunglasses covered his eyes and a black satchel strapped to his back. He walked out from the corner of the room and sat beside the Director, taking a flask out of his satchel.

"I have news." He said, bringing the spout of the flask to his lips.

"What is it?" The Director sighed. "And please tell me it's good, Ghost. I haven't been having a good day."

Ghost snorted, not turning his attention away from the wall across from them. "The colt, the pegasus I am told you had in custody-"

"Had being the key word." The Director grumbled.

Ghost continued. "His mother has been contacted earlier this morning."

"Where is she?"

Ghost cleared his throat, offering the flask to the Director, who took it. "Tera Showers was on a business trip in Fillydelphia for the past three days." He said. "At exactly 12:02 this morning, a emotionally distressed bystander called the police."

The Director took a huge gulp from the flask, squinting his eyes as the alcohol reached his brain and burned his throat. "You sound bothered."

Ghost went silent.


"How long are we willing to continue?" Ghost asked, scratching the side of his head. "Fourteen years, we've dedicated everything to this...bucked little science project you have."

The Director chuckled.

"I'm worried." Ghost said, reluctantly.

"About what?" The Director asked, passing the flask back. "It's not like you have anything left to lose in the matter." He stood up and made his way for the door. "Make sure Mrs. Showers has no contact to this city or S.C.A.V.A. until we've retrieved both the subject and the pegasus. We can't afford a family reunion."

Ghost stood. "Family reunion, sir?"

"I'll have a separate group make sure Commander Showers doesn't hear about this little incident." The Director said, leaving the room.

Ghost placed his flask back into his satchel and walked back into the dark corner of the room. The single light flickered, and he was gone.