//------------------------------// // Applejack and Rainbow Dash Part 2 // Story: My Little Soul Eaters // by ComputerGlitch88 //------------------------------// My little Soul Eaters Applejack and Rainbow Dash part 2 "WHAT WAS THAT?!?!" Applejack berated Rainbow Dash " Where did ya get the idea to switch into autopilot at worst possible time?!?!?" " Look, I'm sorry. I just got excited, but I know that if we go out there and try again we can kick all of their tails!" Rainbow Tried to redeem herself. " Rainbow listen! you have forgotten the supplies about five times..." " I Brought it this time!!" Applejack held out her hoof to make Rainbow Dash stop, " No, Rainbow, let me finish, I'm feeling like you just want to be lazy." " What? No! I mean I am lazy, but you know I care about this! I just act more on impulse! You know that!" Rainbow started to get angry."we've been partners for two years and I've remembered the bag all but ( I guess) five times and I've done plenty right! But all you can focus on is everything I've done wrong!" " That's because ya seem to not understand how important this is! If we don't get enough cutie marks you'll never become Shinigami Celestia's Death weapon!" " But Applejack, why can't you just look on the bright side! We have, like, 48 cutie marks out of 100! We're ahead of a lot of ponies, and we're definitely ahead of Rarity and Fluttershy. But all you can think about is how I screw everything up!" " Sugarcube, ya know I don't think you're screw everythin' up. I just want ya to understand that I get frustrated with ya when this happens." " Well, I get frustrated when You only focus on my mistakes and won't give me second chances!" Rainbow defensively shouted " You don't trust me!" Applejack was surprised that Rainbow would say that. " What? Of course I trust ya!" " If you did then we would go out there and destroy those punks, so I can 1. not go into auto pilot and 2. Prove that I brought the supplies." Applejack thought for a few moments as Rainbow laid on the Brown fur couch in their small apartment. Rainbow Dash was prepared to take a nap when she heard Applejack. "Okay." Rainbow sat up, she didn't expect Applejack to actually to take her comeback seriously. But she was glad that she did. " Really?!?" Applejack nodded. " I want you to know that I trust ya. That we both trust each other." " YEAH! Lets go! See you there!" Rainbow shot to the wall, opened the window, and dashed towards the desert passed the DWMA. " AY! NOT FAIR!" Applejack yelled out the window as she ran out of the apartment and down the flights of stairs leading to bottom. ***************** "Al'right, We have to be stealthy this time." Applejack whispered to Rainbow in her rifle form behind a tree by the shack. The gun barrel gleamed as Rainbow looked back up at Applejack. " Well, how are we going to get them out here If we're quiet?" Applejack paused. " Good point." She shot a few bullets into the air. " AY! YOU VARMINT'S BETTER GET YOUR CUTIE MARKS OUT HERE!" Applejack ran out into the open, waiting for the changelings to come outside. eventually one did, wearing a delightfully smug smile on his face. " WHAT'RE YOU SO CONFIDENT ABOUT YA VARMINT?!" Applejack yelled at the Stuck-up Changeling. " We figured you idiots would be back. so we brought some backup. I bet that-" The changeling was interrupted by a few bullets in his chest. he faded away as the barrel of The rifle turned into Rainbows head as she stretched out and slurped up the mark. " Mmmmmm.... Nice." Rainbow gave herself a pat on the back.when she thought about what the changeling said, as her head turned back into the barrel gun. " Hm, I wonder what kind of "backup" they meant?" "BOOM! BOOM!" Rainbow wasn't able to elaborate on her thoughts due to the sand rumbling underneath their hooves. They stared at the door, waiting for the ( whatever it was) to come out. Applejack tried to keep her stance to look intimidating but the shaking sand made it hard for her to stand straight. The door burst open, With a seven foot tall husky changeling with steel horse shoes covering his hooves. He looked like a building compared to Rainbow and Applejack. When he talked his voice boomed." HEH, THIS IS THEM? I WAS EXPECTING SOME PONY MY SIZE BUT THESE ARE JUST WEAK WASTES OF FLESH!!" Applejack aimed Rainbow's Rifle at the Changelings stomach. She sent a few bullets his way, but he just moved his hoof in front of the seeking metal. The bullets bounced off his steel horseshoes. " What? Those are BULLETPROOF?" Applejack realized. How were they supposed to fight this thing if he had two invincible shields on his hooves? Applejack just thought that I they got him from a certain angle she could shoot him. She galloped and ducked between his legs and slid to the other side of him. She hoisted up the gun before The changeling swung his arm and it smacked across Applejack's face. He hit her with such force she worried if her head would disconnect from her body.She fell onto the ground, getting a mouthful of sand. She laid on the land for a moment before Standing up and Rushing towards the behemoth changeling, Brushing off the blow. She Jumped up and was going to ram the rifle into his face before she shot him. Suddenly the changeling lifted his arm and ripped the gun right out of Applejack's hands as he threw her to the ground. " Rainbow!" Applejack sprang up. The changeling took the gun and put the mouth of it right up against his hoof, not leaving any space for even air to get out. He then pulled the trigger. Rainbow's Face gleamed on the gun barrel for a second before the bullet Fired off but didn't go anywhere. the stopped up gun shot the bullet backwards and caused a horrible feeling to rush through Rainbow's system. Applejack could see the pain on Rainbow's face And rushed over towards her. " Applejack! ( oof) Stop!" Rainbow shouted through her grunts of pain. " What? What are ya doing?" " I have a ( urk) plan!" " What? NO! we need to get you out of there!" " No! Applejack it's ( urk) alright! You know my Awesomeness can help anything!" Rainbow tried to make Applejack calm down with a joke, But it didn't work. " Sugarcube! This is no time for jokes! and we need to save ya!" " Applejack trust me! You said that you trusted me!" Applejack was about to retaliate with something, but stopped herself. She knew that It would just make Rainbow mad at her. And She wanted to show that she did trust Rainbow. So she sat aside and hoped Rainbow's Plan would work out. Rainbow kept grunting in pain as the bullet bounced around her insides. The changeling devilishly smiled as he knew that the bullet would eventually destroy the pony. He looked closely at the side that was stating to curve and dent. Applejack's stress was rising by the second, but she knew that this plan would work out in the end. Rainbow tried to take the pain as long as she could, but she kept taking it until she felt it happen. the side of the rifle that was denting burst out the bullet to the sky blasting through the Changeling's head. He fell backwards onto his back as he dropped a broken Rainbow onto the ground. She turned into a pony as The changeling faded away. Rainbow got up, feeling relived as she trotted to the cutie mark and a swallowed it in one bite. She turned and saw Applejack running up to her. " Rainbow Dash! How did you know that would work?" " I knew I would that I would break eventually, I just figured we could use that to our advantage." " Well that's good! just, don't do that again or I'll buck you into tomorrow." Applejack laughed. " Alright, I can promise I won't get myself killed. But I can't promise that I won't use my genius ideas" Rainbow joked. Rainbow then felt Applejack rush up to her and wrap her hooves under her wings in an embrace. Rainbow was surprised at Applejack's sudden movement, but began to hug her back. The hug lasted for a few seconds, before Rainbow began to feel kinda awkward and pushed Applejack away. Applejack's nose and cheeks turned red, embarrassed about her sudden hug. But she tried to hide it. " Oh! Um... Sugarcube! Your arm!" Rainbow looked at her hoof, that had a huge open gash from the hole in her gun form. Crimson blood slowly poured out of it before she shot Applejack a sly smile. " Don't worry. I've got that covered." She reached into the bag around her chest and pulled out a roll of gauze bandages. " I told you I brought them." She wrapped the Bandages around her hoof and smugly waited for her answer. Applejack smiled and rolled her eyes " alright, alright, Ya brought the stuff." " YEAH!"Rainbow let out a yell of victory.She began to do a little dance in the sky, until she heard Applejack. " Hey Rainbow, see ya at home!" Applejack began to gallop on the grainy sand towards the city. " HEY! I WAS DISTRACTED!" Rainbow shouted as she dashed towards Applejack, trying to catch up. ******************** " ( Wheeze) Alright, you win." Rainbow panted. " Yee-haw!" Applejack threw her hooves onto the air. " But can we just walk ( Wheeze) the rest of the way?" Rainbow pleaded. " Sure sugarcube." Applejack and Rainbow Dash began to trot down the long streets of the city, The DWMA shone bright in the center. " RAINBOW! APPLEJACK! HELP!" The two ponies quickly turned around to see who was calling to them. They saw Rarity running down the road, Covered in dirt with a pony on her back. "Rarity! What happened?" " What are you doing?" "What are you- WHAT HAPPENED TO FLUTTERSHY!" " How did this happen?" " QUIET!!!" Rarity stopped Rainbow and Applejack's Questions. " Just help me get to the nurse's office!" She pointed to the unconscious Fluttershy on her back. Her partly bandaged wing was dried with blood and look completely disfigured. Her forehead dripped red blood. The three ponies ran as fast as they could towards the DWMA Nurse's office. Hoping that their friend would be okay.