//------------------------------// // Chapter 6 // Story: The Dance Of The Mash // by Rated Ponystar //------------------------------// Sweetie Belle made her way down the street towards her sister’s place with numerous emotions going through her. The shock that her big sister was really her mother was starting to wear off, at least for a bit. She still didn’t know if she was going to forgive Rarity or not for this, but she knew that she wanted answers. Depending on what those answers were... it was up for debate. Hard to believe just a few days ago we were picking out my dress for my first date, mused Sweetie Belle as she stopped in front of the boutique and sighed. I wonder... would things have been better off if I never found that folder? She shook her head before raising her hoof and knocked on the door a few times. There was no answer. “Rarity?! It’s Sweetie Belle, open up!” she shouted as she knocked again. It was then that a certain smell hit her. She had smelled it only once when she and her friends got stupid drunk one time at the Apple family’s hard cider cellar. She had been grounded for months for that. Concerned, Sweetie Belle went for spare key in Rarity’s welcome mat and opened the door. The smell of alcohol washed over her and nearly made her puke. Ugh! Almost smells like a brewery... It didn’t squander her fears at all. Rarity didn’t drink that often, and she only drank enough to be tipsy. However, the aroma that was spreading inside the living room was almost worse than Berry Punch’s house. Covering her nostrils with a nearby tissue from a tissue box, Sweetie Belle searched through the house shouting her moth-Rarity's name. She occasionally found wine and cider bottles around the house, all empty and recently used. Each bottle only made Sweetie Belle want to find Rarity even faster. When she reached the stairway she gasped at what she saw. “Rarity!” shouted Sweetie Belle as she rushed over to the fallen mare who was bleeding from her head, a small puddle of it decorating the carpet. “Ugh... Sweetie...” moaned Rarity, her eyes droopy and glazed. Her mouth was covered with saliva and she had ruined mascara over her eyes from crying. Her hair was fizzed and her fur looked to be unwashed for days. “Oh my Faust, what happened!” shouted Sweetie Belle as she knelt down and took the tissue she had to stop the bleeding. “All my fault.... my sweet daughter... I’m so sorry... all my fault...” whispered Rarity, over and over again. Damnit, she’s drunk! thought Sweetie Belle as she levitated her phone and called for 911. *** After shocking his mother for a second time in waking up early, Button Mash took off for Diamond Tiara’s house with the intention of doing the little brat’s requests again. That was until he saw an ambulance carriage heading straight for Sweetie Belle’s sister’s house. Everything froze for one moment before he rushed as fast as he could. A small crowd had gathered, but Button Mash was no longer the little runt he was years ago. He pushed his way through until he could see Rarity being taken into the ambulance while a worried Sweetie Belle watched. He rushed towards her as she spotted him before they embraced. “What happened?” asked Button, looking at Rarity as she was saying something in a sluggish tone. “I don’t know! I think she got drunk and fell off some stairs...” muttered Sweetie Belle, looking unsure what to do or say. “Miss. Belle?” asked one of the EMT’s as he came forward. “You’re sister keep saying she wants her daughter, but as far as we know, Ms. Rarity doesn’t have a daughter.” Button raised an eyebrow as Sweetie Belle bit her lip and sighed. “I’m her daughter.” This made Button and the EMT look at her wide eyes. “I’m her daughter. It’s complicated, but I’ll accompany her.” “A-alright then,” said the EMT as he rushed to tell this to his co-workers. A million questions went through Button’s head as he and Sweetie Belle looked at each other. However, seeing the frightened and worried expression in his crush’s eyes made him put these aside. Button placed his hooves on her shoulders. “Look, I don’t know what’s going on, but Rarity needs you. And I think you need her. Go with her, I’ll come to the hospital later.” “T-thank you,” responded Sweetie Belle with a smile before nodding. “I promise I’ll explain everything.” “Hey...” said Button as he stopped her from entering the carriage. He didn’t know why he was saying this now of all times but he felt like he had too. “I love you.” “I-I love you too,” said Sweetie Belle with a smile before she entered the ambulance. It activated it’s magical lights and sped away as ponies began to talk about what just happened. Button Mash watched as the carriage faded until it was a speck. A sigh of relief came upon him as well as a blush upon realizing that both he and Sweetie Belle just confessed their love to each other. Over her sister’s accident, wow I can’t tell if that’s cliche or random... Wait wasn’t there suppose to be something I was suppose to do?  And then it hit him. “Oh crap! I have to get to Diamond Tiara’s house!” shouted Button Mash as he rushed as fast as he could. “Horseapples! She’s going to be angry that I’m late!” *** Meanwhile, Sweetie Belle watched Rarity closely as they continued to drive towards the ambulance. Opening her eyes, the drunken mare slowly looked at her daughter and muttered, “Sweetie Belle? Is that you?” “Yes,” whispered Sweetie Belle as she took one of Rarity’s hooves and held it tight. “I’m here.” A sob escaped from Rarity as she choked, “I’m s-s-s-s-sorry... for everythit-t-thing...” Sweetie Belle only increased her grip as a few tears escaped her as well. “I know.” *** Button had, once again, cursed that he wasn’t as athletic as he wished he could have been. He had been meaning to get in shape each year, but he always procrastinated. Just as he got up to the mansion’s door, he looked at his phone and saw that he was only one minute late. Figuring this was alright, he calmly opened the door and closed it before heading to the living room. “Hey, I’m here. Sorry about that. I-” “You’re bucking late!” shouted Diamond Tiara on her chair while slamming her cup of hot coco on a nearby table. Dressed in a pink and white night robe, the rich filly glared at Button Mash who gulped. She walked over and growled at him. “My servants are to be on time! Always!” “Yeah, what did you do? Play your games too much and over slept in your underwear?” laughed another voice. Button turned to the couch where he saw Silver Spoon smirking and looking at him like he was an idiot. He was about to retort and ask what her problem was when he remembered their conversation yesterday. For a split second, he thought about spilling the beans to Diamond Tiara just to get back at Silver, but he had more important things to worry about when Diamond Tiara opened her mouth. “Maybe those tickets aren’t that important to you? Or maybe Sweetie Belle isn't’ that important to you?” “Hey, Sweetie Belle is important to me!” reported Button Mash, growling. “And the reason I was one minute late was because there was an ambulance at her house and I wanted to make sure she was okay.” “Is everything ok?” asked Silver Spoon, with actual concern. “She’s fine. Rarity, just had an accident...” answered Button Mash. Snorting, Diamond Tiara rolled her eyes. “Knowing that drama queen she probably sprained her hoof and is acting like she’s got cancer.” After reminding himself that he was not allowed to hit a girl, Button Mash took a deep breath. “Look, can I just get into my uniform and get this day over with?” “Hmmm,” taunted Diamond Tiara as she tapped her hoof to her chin. With a grin, she continued, “I don’t know... you attitude isn’t the best, and you were late. You haven’t called me Mistress Tiara like you are supposed to either. Maybe it’s time I just simply fired you and let you look like a loser to that stupid marefirend of your’s.” Sweat began to drip down Button’s back neck as he gulped. The image of a broken hearted Sweetie Belle kept playing in his mind. Gritting his teeth, he closed his eyes and did his best to act humble. “I’m sorry, Mistress Tiara. Please forgive my behavior, and my lateness, and let me get to work. Please let me still get the tickets.” Keeping his eyes closed, Button prayed that there was some shred of mercy in Diamond Tiara’s heart. Finally, after a few minutes of silence, she responded. “Okay, fine...” He opened his eyes and sighed with relief, but the devilish grin on her face didn’t leave. “But only if you do one thing. If you don’t, you lose.” “A-anything!” shouted Button Mash, although his chest started to clench his fear over what was going to happen. He glanced at Silver Spoon who was looking even unsure herself. Taking off her robe, Diamond Tiara turned around, presenting her rump in front of him. “Kiss my flank.” Button Mash reared back, blushing like mad, as he stared at Tiara’s plot. Turning away in disgust, he shouted, “What the buck?! Are you sick?!” “No, I’m just letting you know your place. You kiss my rump, so that you know who is your better, or you lose your ticket,” replied a smiling Diamond Tiara. “Look at this way, it might be the only decent tail you get. I doubt Sweetie Belle has the galls to even take you in bed.” “You’re psychopathic little-” “Finish that and those tickets go down the toilet!” shouted Diamond Tiara, fury in her eyes. “You will kiss my plot or I will kick you out of this house and maybe even charge you with trespassing! I can do whatever the buck I want! You wanna know why?! Because I’m better than you! Now pucker up or else!” Button Mash stared at Diamond Tiara in disbelief, even SIlver Spoon was no longer pretending and looked at her best friend with shock. Yet Diamond looked absolutely serious. My Faust... is she really this mental? What... I thought she was just a brat... what is with her!? “Ugh, fine. I might as well then add cherry on top,” growled Diamond Tiara. “If you kiss my plot, I’ll give you the tickets. No other commands required. Do it and it's all yours.” Button just stared at the flank in front of him. If he did this one humiliating thing, he could have the tickets and make Sweetie Belle happy. They could go to the ball. Dance. And start the relationship he always wanted. On the other hoof, he would forever have to deal with the shame of lowering himself to such a standard to do this. Diamond Tiara would forever hold this over his head, and she would always remind him subtly. Could he really do this? Sacrifice his pride for love? Was Sweetie Belle being happy really worth the shame of kissing this brat’s butt? A tear dripped down Button’s cheek. He prepared to lower himself and pucker up his lips, but all he saw was Diamond Tiara being knocked off her hooves and crashed into a nearby dresser that nearly collapsed on her. Button blinked his eyes a few times before turning to Silver Spoon who lowered her rear hooves from her kick. Groaning, a teary eyed Diamond Tiara slowly got up and gave her best friend a death glare. “Silver Spoon?! What the bu-” “Shut the hay up you stupid bitch!” shouted Silver Spoon with such fury in her eyes it froze Diamond and Button up. Her voice echoed across the entire mansion and even scared some crows outside. “You are the most psychopathic, evil, cruel, bratiest whorse I have ever seen! You were going to actually force him to kiss your fat plot like some sadist?!” “W-what are...” Diamond Tiara seem absolutely flabbergasted by this turn of events. It only made her more shocked as Silver Spoon marched over, picked her up by the neck with her hooves and slammed her to the wall. “All these years I had to deal with your manure! Seeing you boss others, bully them, make them cry and feel like dirt! And to my everlasting shame I went through with it even though I wanted nothing more than to stop! Well, this is the last straw! I am through with you! And if it takes me the rest of my life to see to it that I make up every bad thing I ever did under our so called friendship I will do so even if it takes me to my grave!” Diamond Tiara tried to open her mouth, but she was too scared to say anything. Even Button couldn’t find it in him to speak. After glaring at her former best friend for a bit while longer, Silver Spoon dropped her and stomped over to her purse nearby before opening it. Inside were two tickets, very fancy blue tickets. Taking a deep breath, she calmly walked over to Button Mash and presented them. “I’m sorry... I know this isn’t going to be enough for what I’ve done... but I hope it's a start,” whispered Silver Spoon. Button Mash took the tickets and his mouth dropped open at what he saw they were for: The Canterlot Winter Ball. “I had one of my butlers get them in Canterlot yesterday after we talked... I figured I’d give them to you in secret so you would have to deal with this anymore... guess no better time then now.” Button just stared at the tickets and then at Silver Spoon. He was about to say something but a harsh laugh from Diamond Tiara made the two of them turn to the grinning mare. “You’re going to regret doing this to me, Silver. Nopony betrays Diamond Tiara. I will make you’re life a living nightmare, and make sure you are all alone for the rest of your life!” However, this smile faded when Silver Spoon turned around and said, “You forget, Diamond. We’ve been friends since we were fillies. And I know everything about you... and everything you’ve done.” The look of fear returned to Diamond Tiara’s face. “Oh yes, I know every dirty little secret you got away with. And sure, I played a part of those, but if admitting them is what gets you out of my life? Well, that's a price I am willing to pay.” She leaned over Diamond Tiara and glared. “Now here is what you’re going to do. You are going to spend Hearth's Warming Eve with your mother this year. And you are going to say that you love it there so much you’re going to move in with your mother. I don’t care what you do there or what steps you need to do, but get out of Ponyville. Leave us all alone and go die alone since that’s what’s going to happen to you if you don’t change you’re ways.” “You think you’ll be any different? They hate you just as much as they hate me!” spat out Diamond Tiara. “You’ll be alone and forever hated!” “You’re wrong!” shouted Button Mash as he stepped forward and put his hoof on Silver Spoon’s shoulders, surprising her. “I’m her friend!” Both rich ponies looked at Button in shock. “Yeah, I’m her friend,” he said, smiling at her. “And I’m willing to forgive her and help her earn forgiveness. If she’s okay with that.” He grinned. “In fact, I would like to invite you, Ms. Spoon, to join me and my family for our annual yearly party.” “I... I would like that...” whispered Silver Spoon, her eyes getting misty. “Great, now let’s get out of her and go see Sweetie Belle,” said Button as he motioned to the door. Before he did, he turned to Diamond Tiara and glanced at her. “And you? You can kiss my plot.” Diamond Tiara said nothing as she saw the two leave. That year’s Hearth’s Warming Eve, Diamond Tiara went to her mother’s. And she never returned to Ponyville again. *** It had taken a few hours, but Rarity was finally well enough to talk. She had only suffered a mild concussion and would need to spend a few days in the hospital due to her blood loss and detoxification. That meant she would be here for Hearth’s Warming Eve. Sweetie Belle nervously stood in front of the door as she wondered what she was going to say to the mare who had been her sister all her life, but secretly her mother. Deep down, she knew that she still loved Rarity. Her fears and concerns for the mare’s well being proved that. Yet, where did they go from here? How much would change? Deciding to get this over with, Sweetie Belle opened the door which got Rarity’s attention immediately. “Sweetie...” she whispered as she looked at her daughter with sorrow and guilt. She had her head bandaged up, but she was looking much better. “I... I...” Sweetie Belle raised a hoof as she sighed and walked over, sitting down on a seat close to the bed and moved forward. “Look... before we start any of this... I want you to know... I don’t hate you.” She looked at Rarity’s straight in the eyes. “Yeah, I am angry. Confused... and very hurt by all of this... but I still love you, Rarity. I don’t know if I’ll ever see you as... a mother... but I still see you as my family... and the one who's always been there for me since as long as I can remember.” A smile decorated Rarity’s face as she looked to relax from those words and leaned back in relief. “T-thank you, Darling.” “But I need to know... why didn’t you ever tell me?” asked Sweetie Belle, leaning forward. Rarity closed her eyes and lowered her head. “I... when I learned I was pregnant... I worried about so much. My life. My dreams. My reputation... but most importantly... I worried about you.” “Me?” “Yes,” sighed Rarity. “If word had gotten out that I was pregnant out of wedlock and even before the legal age, I would have faced public scrutiny... but you would be forever hounded by your peers for who you were. You would be bullied, harassed, some might even say you were unwanted... and I couldn't bear the thought of you having to live with that. Even I knew that you would face the worst of the shame if this was all to become public knowledge.” She looked at her sister and slowly raised her hoof, caressing her cheek. “I didn’t want anything to happen to my baby. I didn’t want anything to happen to you...” Sweetie Belle felt her heart lighten upon hearing this and gave a small smile as tears dripped from her eyes. “And... what about my dad?” Rarity’s face turned to anger as she huffed. “Your father... his name is Blackwood. He and I dated for a few months and I thought he was the love of my life. However, when I told him he was going to be a father he just abandoned me. Left town completely. He wanted nothing to do with you and I never once tried to contact him again.” Sweetie Belle thought hearing this would hurt, but she felt nothing. Maybe because she had a father figure in her life and didn’t need another, especially one who fled the coop because of responsibility. “It’s fine... we don’t need to talk about him...” Sweetie Belle got up and made her way to the door. “I’ll go tell the doctor that you’re feeling better. He says you should get some rest as well.” “Sweetie!” said Rarity, calling her. “I want you to know that as your sister or your mother... you have always been the shining light in my life. And I never once regretted having you.” Sweetie Belle felt a tear drip down her face as her smile went wide. “Thank you... Mom.” She heard Rarity gasp, but didn’t look back as she closed the door.