Open Case

by majema007

The Problem

“Woah… Woah… Woah… really… Woah. You telling me and my friend that the Celestia is somehow stuck in cuckoo land, and there’s nothing you or any other doctor can do about it?!” Rainbow Dash yells out, giving a cold stare towards the one and only Doc Heart.

“At the moment, that happens to be the case with the current diagnosis. Now please understand miss, once again…”

“The name’s Rainbow Dash, not miss.” Rainbow Dash snapped back angrily, while in standing in a rather aggressive stance, eyes piercing towards the doctor.

“Well then… As I was saying…”

“No, no, no… Just hold up for a sec.” Rainbow Dash hastily interrupted, much to Doc Heart’s annoyance. “You are the guys that are getting paid to be Celestia’s personal doctors, the finest of the bunch, and now you trying to make me and my friend buzz off from watching over Celestia just outside her second room, which is inside another room?!” Rainbow Dash angrily argues back at Doc Heart, feeling she has cornered the doctor.

Doc Heart continues to maintain a calm, emotionless expression towards Rainbow Dash. Albeit his gray coat began to feel as if it were growing sharp needles, ready to be used as a weapon against her. His trainee, not wanting to interfere out of fear, slowly backs away a few steps from Doc Heart without making a peep.

“We are doing this in the best interest of our royal highness to make sure she is in a comfortable, quiet, and safe environment in her own chambers without the need of taking her to a public medical facility to attract unneeded attention, as Celestia herself ordered us when we were assigned as her personal doctors.

“She’s inside a private room, and we are outside her private room, which is another room smart guy. What makes you think any one of us would make any trouble if we are just outside her private room?”

“Regardless if there were multiple rooms that are inside to one another, we have been assigned to make sure Celestia is allowed to rest peacefully, with only a select few allowed to be in here to care for her. You have no proof to believe that we are doing this to make you or your friends “buzz off”, as you eloquently express it.” Doc Heart explains, starting to feel his patience running dry.

“Wait… Are you trying to make me look stupid now by twisting my words?” Rainbow Dash questions, not looking any more pleased with Doc Heart or his response.

“That’s not the case at all, Miss Dash. I’m just using what Celestia has given me, on what ponies would call a “tongue”.” Doc Heart responds to Rainbow Dash, as he diverts his attention into his mute assistant, giving him a quick nod as an order to him to gather back Doc Heart’s tools and place them into his medical bag.

In quick time, the mute assistant came back in with the bag, with its strap hanging around his neck. Doc Heart gave the assistant two more nods of his head, letting him know that it was time for them to leave.

But just before the doctor was even half way across the exit door, Rainbow Dash makes a cough that was meant to clear up her throat to say something clearly. Before Doc Heart could ask what Rainbow Dash still had on her mind, Rainbow Dash slowly walks up to him, giving him a condescending look.

“You know… If it were any more obvious, I bet both of you guys are plotting against Celestia with the griffins, maybe even Discord if he’s gone back to no good.” Rainbow Dash says in a surprisingly calm tone at Doc Heart. Doc Heart stood there with a dumbfounded expression on his face.

His assistant soon try to pull the doctor so they can leave as quickly as possible, but not before Rainbow Dash got even closer, only a few feet away from them.

Yeah, you heard me say it! I bet they made sure to make it worth it for you for a while, and plan to make you their overlord supervisors once Celestia is a goner! So why not save yourself the trouble before I find out what you’re planning and stick your evil plans right up your…”

Rainbow Dash continued before feeling something like a hoof covering her mouth behind her.

“All of us are without a doubt, the most grateful for your doing the best you can with Princess Celestia’s current condition.” Rarity bursts, smiling towards Doc Heart.

“Now if you excuse me, I’m sure we all can allow Celestia to have a bit of rest to make it easier on her current condition. Isn’t that right, Rainbow Dash?” Rarity says while giving a brief glare at Rainbow Dash, while still covering her mouth with her hoof.

“mhdabjn…cwioeiociced….wjewehwuieo!” Rainbow Dash muffles angrily, struggling to let out one of the words.

“She’s saying that she really does appreciate you men upholding your duties as best you can, and she will do her best to make sure Celestia isn’t disturbed for the mean time.” Rarity says, with her cheeks blushing in embarrassment to the situation.

“Who are you exactly miss? I wasn’t expecting more than one pony to come by.”

“Oh! Mind my manners! I am Rarity, and I have come here by Princess Luna’s order, here’s the approval for being allowed temporary entrance to Celestia’s room.” Rarity explained as she levitated out a small paper from her bag, and handed it to the doctor.

I’m dreadfully sorry for arriving here late, duty calls in my job. And I surely guarantee you my friend didn’t mean being a bit, “uneasy” with you.” Rarity sugarcoated, still struggling to prevent Rainbow Dash from yelling at Doc Heart.

“I assure you it was nothing to worry about Miss Rarity. I should advise you that its best to allow the Princess to rest as often as she possibly can, without anypony inside Celestia’s private room or outside. We’ll send in a trained nurse to look after her basic needs like food, water, bathing, etc. in a few hours.” Doc Heart responds, sounding much softer than before.

“We really can’t thank you enough for responding to this as soon as possible.” Rarity says, maintaining her best smile despite feeling disgusted by the bits of Rainbow Dash’s saliva running across her hoof.

“It’s not every day we have a chance to save the life of a Princess. My assistant and I will come back ourselves as well, every day for an hour to see if any differences occur with her condition.” Doc Heart says with a small smirk, while gently shutting closing the doors leading to Celestia’s second room inside her chambers to let her rest peacefully.

“Once again, we really do appreciate the work men such as yourself have done. Perhaps I and my friend can both fix up something quick to eat, perhaps maybe a simple drink would suffice after doing such a magnificent job with Celestia? Granted this isn’t our home, but it’s the least we can do right now for taking the time to stay and tend Celestia herself.” Rarity offers to Doc Heart, oddly feeling more of Rainbow Dash’s saliva running down her hoof.

“I’m just doing my best to help her out. And I appreciate the offer, but I still have a few clients I must meet up to.” Doc Hearts says, now heading towards the exit with his assistant.
“Are you sure you’ll be alright?” Rarity asks with a hint of worry in her tone.

“In a job like this, going on a full stomach is the worst thing anyone can do, miss Rarity.” Doc Heart jokes as he prepares to exit Celestia’s chambers.

“Well then, I’ll do no more to stop you for performing your duties. Best be on your way then.”
“Take best care of yourself Miss Rarity. And to your friend right there.”

“Pwik!” Rainbow Dash attempts to retort one last time in her muffling, just before Doc Heart leaves

“Goodbye Doctor!”

“Goodbye” Doc Heart says before turning his face back to the exit and proceeds to leave, along with his assistant, shaken a bit after the ordeal.

With Doc Heart and his silent assistant gone, Rarity lets out a sigh of relief and looks at Rainbow Dash’s irritated face. Not to make Rainbow Dash any more upset if that were the case, she hesitantly releases her hoof wrapped around Rainbow Dash’s mouth.

“Yuck!” Rainbow Dash quickly spits out with a disgusted expression, spitting out bits. Y’know Rarithee, you couwld have at leest had a warnith sign that lets ponees know your hand taste like perfum and face poweder.” Rainbow Dash half-heartedly advises Rarity, while removing bits of powder with her hooves.

“Mind you that you should know the Princess is a critical condition, and the least you can do is show respect to the men who are doing their best for Celestia, I can’t believe I had to rush in and stop you from acting like a child!” Rarity scolds Rainbow Dash like a mother would to a child who stole a few too many from the cookie jar, while flinging off bits of saliva that ran across her hoof.

“Now a part of me worries that the Doctor won’t step a hoof here if he had to deal with you all by myself, thanks to you behavior.” Rarity says with a saddened look in her face.
“And part of me thinks that he’s your new special somepony.” Rainbow Dash teases, with her tongue sticking out for a moment with only a bit of white powder left in her tongue.

“Such nerve to speak to a lady with a tongue like that, and to show it as well!” Rarity scoffs at Rainbow Dash’s remark, with her cheeks slightly turning red. “The doctor is here to help the Princess and nothing more, speaking realistically. We will no longer dive into this type of inappropriate discussion any further. What we do need to dive into, is how you need to display proper behavior the next time somepony is here to help.”

“Like you covering my mouth with your hoof in the heat of a moment I was totally gonna beat him at his game just before you came rushing in!” Rainbow Dash moans in disappointment.
“Your argument wasn’t too convincing. I was watching the whole time”.

“Wait… Your saying you just stood there, doing nothing the whole time, and all of sudden, you think that putting your hoof across my mouth was a genius way of dealing the situation. Are you even feeling ok?”

“Nothing a little soap and water can’t wash off and besides… Stopping you at the last second does make for a rather good use of a dramatic effect.” Rarity says, smiling a bit at her own remark.

“I can see both of you are handling the situation quite well.” A voice speaks behind just outside Celestia’s Chambers as it approaches the room at a steady pace. Rarity and Rainbow Dash turn their heads around to see that it’s Princess Luna, walking towards them with a neutral expression.

“Well your royal highness. There’s a good time to mope around in public and a time that isn’t. Not to sound careless or ignorant so pardon me, but I believe that a royal princess like Celestia wouldn’t let a few troubled thoughts get the best of her. A strong, magnificent, elegant leader like her is to most certainly rebound from troubles such as these.” Rarity tells Luna politely; not wanting to upset her if she might have came across as heartless.

“Yeah! I get that Twilight and Celestia are close to one another and stuff, and that Celestia ain’t looking so good, but I don’t think something like that can stop her. We’ll find a way to help Celestia out, and it will turn out well like always.” Rainbow Dash says confidently with a cocky smile on her face.

“I am sure Twilight will appreciate the support you’re willing to offer.” Princess Luna says, making a small smile at how optimistic the attitudes were of both Rarity and Rainbow Dash.

“Ahh… No biggie. We’re here to lend a hoof for her anytime, even though we were the first ponies she saw.” Rainbow Dash says with a small bit of cockiness in her tone.

“Speaking of Twilight.” Rarity adds in to the conversation “Would you know where she is currently at, Princess Luna?”
“As a matter of fact, she’s on her way right now.” Princess Luna assures Rarity, as she walks near a counter, lifting up a cup of tea from the counter to bring it into her lips.

“How is our dear Twilight doing? It’s been quite some time ever since we had a chance to see her. ” Rarity says, approaching a few more steps forward to Luna’s direction.

“Y’know its been only a couple days Rarity.” Rainbow Dash says behind Rarity, with a bit of confusion.

“Well I say that in circumstances like this, a “few days” would be an eternity if I say so myself.” Rarity replies, posturing in a royal manner towards Rainbow Dash.

“If that rocks your boat Miss Drama, then I got nothing.”

“Apologies for my interruption due to Rainbow Dash being a bit difficult.” Rarity says turning her direction to Luna, rolling her eyes towards Rainbow Dash’s rude behavior.

“It is nothing to be of much concern about. I understand that both of you must feel stressed out from today, but I can assure you Twilight is doing well to say the least if you’re worried.” Luna reassures Rarity, now noticing Rainbow Dash with a cringing expression.

“Uhh… Are you sure about that, cause Twilight doesn’t look so hot right now.” Rainbow Dash chokes out, pointing behind them.

Rarity and Princess Luna turn their heads around to see what was with Rainbow Dash’s shocked expression, only for them to have shock expressions as well. Twilight Sparkle was standing just outside the doorway, her lavender coat covered with dust particles and spots of ink, bits of her mane seem out of place or even slightly torn up, both her eyes were bloodshot along with eyelids barely keeping themselves open.

Surprisingly, Twilight Sparkle was smiling, a smile that gave off an uncomfortable feeling towards Princess Luna, Rarity, and even Rainbow Dash.

“Twilight! You look dreadful my dear! We must tend to you right away; we can’t allow you to wind up like Celestia too!” Rarity cries out as she rushes to Twilight, attempting to take her to an empty room to help her gain some rest.

Despite Twilight’s worn out appearance, she was surprisingly able to hold her ground, resisting to move anywhere from her spot.
As Rarity attempts to move convince Twilight to go find a place to rest, Rainbow Dash briefly jogs towards Twilight’s direction to get a closer look at her. Approaching Twilight, Rainbow Dash notices that Twilight’s expression has not budged an inch when she noticed her outside the door. If anything, it almost looked like Twilight was a worn out statue of herself.

“Hey Twilight! Can you hear me? Twilight wake up already!” Rainbow Dash speaks up to Twilight louder than Rarity’s pleads.

Just then, Rainbow Dash notices one of Twilight’s ears twitching.

“I know you can hear us now, Twi! Would you mind letting us know what’s going on!?”

“Rainbow Dash! That is no way to speak towards…”

“I found the answer…” Twilight interrupted rarity, her voice bearing a raspy tone.

“I beg your pardon?” Rarity asks surprisingly, shocked at Twilight’s response

“The mirrors. Celestia, me, and all of us. The answer lies in the mirrors.”

“Mirrors? All of us? Twilight, are you feeling fine?” Princess Luna asks with a suspicious look, as she walks towards Twilight.

Now with all three ponies looking at Twilight, her smile still not budging an inch, she nods her head and opens her mouth.

“Get everypony here.” Twilight says, her voice getting raspier by the each passing moment.
“What do you mean by all of this, dear!? You are making us worry to death right now!” Rarity cries as her body is shaken from looking at Twilight.

“I know what Celestia needs.” Twilight finally utters with all of her remaining willpower, just before she collapses on the floor.