Doctor, It's Cold Outside

by VioletHeart77

Doctor, It's Cold Outside

The front door to 1634 Drury Lane swung open, filling the parlor with a swirling snowy breeze.

"That was beautiful!" Derpy gushed. "I've never seen the sky so bright at night! And all those colors . . . it was magical!"

The Doctor struggled to shut the door to the flurry outside. "Aurora borealis can have that effect," he grunted as the door slammed. "Amazing how something as simple as the interaction of the solar wind with the planet's magnetic field can create something so visually stunning, isn't it?" He turned his head to see Derpy setting a log in the fireplace.

"Well," he continued with a tip of his fedora, "it's been a nice evening, Derpy, but I've got to get back to the TARDIS."

Derpy looked up. "Do you have to go now? You parked all the way in the middle of town, and it's so cold outside . . ."

"I'll be fine," he replied. "It's only a short walk."

"But your hooves . . ." She walked up to him and took his front hooves in hers. "They're like ice!" Then she brought his hooves to her cheeks. "Wouldn't you at least like some hot cocoa to warm up first?"

The Doctor turned and looked out the window. The snow seemed to be falling harder and harder as they spoke. "Maybe just one cup," he sighed agreeably.

Derpy smiled and retreated into the kitchen. The Doctor walked to the couch and sat down. As he looked around the room, he couldn't help but think that it seemed even more welcoming and cozy than it typically did. A moment later, the heavenly aroma of fresh cocoa heralded Derpy's return.

"I heard that there's a blizzard scheduled for tonight," she continued while handing him a mug. "You might be better off just staying here."

"I don't think that'll be necessary," he responded with a sip. "It's technically still fall for a few days. Even the worst storms before the solstice don't usually last . . . say, what's in this? Hazelnut?"

"With a hint of caramel."

"It's delicious." He wiped his mouth on the sleeve of his coat. "But really, what do you suppose the neighbors would think?"

"They'd probably think you were foolish if you went out in this weather." She reached up and lifted off his hat.

"My mane's a matted mess, I'm sure."

"I think it looks swell." She playfully ruffled his mane. "Dinky's been wondering when you'd drop in again," she commented offhandedly.

"Where is she now?"

"Upstairs asleep. She'd been in bed for about thirty minutes before you came and it's been . . ." She glanced at the clock on the wall. ". . . about thirty minutes since we left, linearly speaking."

"How's she been doing lately?"

"She's been fine. Even a bit happier than usual, I've noticed."

"Has she gotten her cutie mark yet?"

"Not yet, but not having one has never bothered her the way it bothers some foals." Derpy moved in closer and leaned her head on the Doctor's shoulder. "You know she just adores you."

"The feeling is mutual."

"You know what she asked me the other night?" Derpy sat upright and looked him in the eye. "It was about two weeks ago, the day you last visited, and I was tucking her in. After I kissed her goodnight, I went to turn off the lights when she sat up and said, 'Mama?' And I turned around and said 'Yes?' "

"What did she say?"

"She asked me, 'Is the Doctor going to be my daddy?' "

The Doctor blinked. "What did you tell her?"

"I said that anything's possible."

With a small smile, the Doctor scooted closer and gently tossed one end of his scarf across Derpy's shoulders. "Good answer." They sat for a few moments in silence, watching as the flames danced merrily in the fireplace.

"You know that the TARDIS will nag me in the morning if I'm not back tonight."

"You don't think she'd want you to freeze, do you?"

The Doctor chuckled. "Sometimes even I'm not sure what the old girl wants. It's funny, though. A lot of my past companions she hasn't cared for much, but I've noticed that she actually seems quite fond of you."


"Really. Like you know that one time I was occupied by the Daleks and you had to drive? The last time I was in a situation like that, the TARDIS kept going in the opposite direction of the one my companion steered. You could tell it was on purpose. She can be rather spiteful."

"Why do you suppose she let me drive her, then?"

"I don't know. Maybe she trusts you more." He turned his head to look at her. "Of course, I don't think there's an entity in the universe that couldn't trust you, Derpy."

Her golden eyes sparkled like stars in the light of the fire. Feeling his cheeks grow warm, the Doctor instinctively looked down into his cup. "Well, I've finished my cocoa. I should really get going." With that, he stood and set his empty mug on the coffee table.

Derpy sat up, a look of concern in her eyes. "You can't go now," she protested. "The storm's gotten even worse! Just listen to it!"

He'd hardly noticed the sound of the wind, but now it seemed to roar past the walls like an angry beast. The windows were completely frosted over, but as he looked closer, the Doctor saw the snow on the ground seemed to be up to his chest.

"It doesn't seem that bad," he lied. "It's only a short walk to the TARDIS. Besides, I've got the sonic to light my way."

"The sonic won't keep you warm, though."

"That's what these are for." He wrapped his scarf tighter around his neck and put his hat back on.

"A scarf and fedora won't help you in this weather," she argued. "Why, I'm surprised we can't hear windigos out there now! You'll get pneumonia for sure!"

"Time Lords don't get pneumonia, Derpy."

"Maybe they don't die from it, but you've told me before that they'll regenerate if they get really sick. Why waste a regeneration?"

"A few minutes in the cold wouldn't be enough to make me regenerate."

"How can you be sure? What's the point of risking it?"

The Doctor could tell by her quivering voice that she was really getting upset. Moved, he walked up to her and wrapped his front leg behind her neck.

"Please don't go," she whispered.

He pulled away for a moment so that their eyes met. He didn't really want to go. So why was he being so stubborn? What was he scared of? After a brief silence, they both leaned forward and kissed.

"I'm not going anywhere," he whispered as they returned to the embrace. He could feel her heart beating against both of his. After several minutes, they kissed again.

As they pulled apart an eternity later, a small smile crossed Derpy's face. "I've got a new recipe for chocolate cranberry muffins that I was going to make for breakfast," she said. "Would you like to help me bake a batch?"

The Doctor smiled and took her hoof in his. "I'd love to, Derpy."