Summer Soldiers: Tia's and Luna's Quest for Knighthood

by Arctic Soul

A Game to Play

In the early morning towards the middle of summer. A small filly could be seen creeping towards Celestia's room in the Canterlot Castle.
Luna walked over to where Celestia was sleeping. "Hey, Tia" She whispered, trying to wake her sister up. Celestia's small form rolled over under her blankets. "Hey Tia." Luna said a bit louder. Celestia still didn't wake up. Luna sat down trying to think of a way to wake her up.
Nothing. She couldn't think of any way to wake her up.
Ding! a loud, high pitched, ringing noise sounded inside Luna's head and an imaginary light shone down on her. Luna, had just had the best idea. Slowly she turned around and walked out of the room as quietly as she could.

* * * * *

A few minutes later Luna crept back into Celestia's chamber levitating something beside her in deep blue magic. She silently walked right up to the side of the bed. "Good morning Tia" she whispered grinning. And then she quickly poured a full bucket of ice water onto her sister's face.
Celestia shot straight up out of her bed "Gah!" she exclaimed, as her startled awakening caused her to fall of the bed and onto the floor away from Luna.
"Now you're awake!" Luna said jumping over to where Celestia had fallen. "Can we go play?"
"Tia, Tia, are you ok?" Luna asked, helping her stand. "I thought you could handle more than just falling out of a bed."
"I can." Celestia said. "I just, I'm not used to being woken up by a bucket of water. Why can't you just wake me up like a normal filly would?"
"I tried that. You just didn't wake up, so water." Luna replied. smiling "Anywaaay. Can we play?"
"Sure, just let me give me a few seconds." Celestia said as she flopped back down to the floor.

"Do you have any 6's?" Luna said, looking at her hoof of cards.
"No." Celestia said dully. "Go fish."
Luna reached over to grab a new card from the draw pile. She sighed loudly then set down her cards. "Tia, can we play something else? This is getting really boring."
"I agree." Celestia said, laying her cards down on the table. "What should we play?"
"I don't know." Luna said. "You usually choose the games."
"That's why I asked what you wanted to play. We already played all of the games that I can think of. Not to mention all of the games we own." She replied.
"Well." Luna said. "We could play hide and go seek."
"Yes we could, but we played that about 30 minutes ago, and you got bored of it very quickly."
"Then we could play..." Luna looked around, searching for any inspiration for an idea. "Ummm. Well I don't know. Why don't we just make up a game?"
"Like what? Do you mean like an adventure? What would we do in it?" Celestia asked.
"We could, be knights! And... um... I don't know. We should just make up the adventure as we go along. That way we won't know the ending."
"If we're going to be knights, then we will have to have knight-like names." Celestia said. Then paused thinking. "You could be Lunarian. And i'll be." Celestia was interrupted.
"Hey. You made my name. So I get to make your name. You should be... Caelestis."
"Why Caelestis? Why not just Celestis?"
"Because celestial in Latin is Caelestis." Luna said brightly.
"And why do you know Latin? Celestia asked.
"I don't. I just know a few words. Such as: Celestial is Caelestis, nightmare is tantibus, and congelata means liquid."
"O.k. then. I'm fine with Caelestis." Celestia replied.
"Yay! Let's start!

* * * * *

The Summer sun shone brightly over the helmeted heads of nights-in-training Caelestis and Lunarian. Their commander, the head of the Summer Soldiers Guild, had just told them that their last test to do before becoming knights was to find and complete a quest worthy of a knight's abilities. The most common quest for a trainee to do, was to spend a full day and night in the EverFree Forest. Because they couldn't think of a better quest, they decided to accept that one. Turning towards the forest they set off.