//------------------------------// // Shy gem and posion joke equals an angry mute // Story: Twilight the clown // by TechnoPagan9 //------------------------------// The sun shined over Sweet Apple Acres as a large earth pony stallion awoke from his slumber. He looked out the window to see the peaceful apple orchard and smiled.......at the trees laying on the ground that he had ripped out to juggle a couple of days before in a competition with a bear. He rubbed his nose and looked at a photo on the wall which showed a earth pony mare who's fur coat was light grey, her mane and tail were were of a dark shade of grey with a light shade in the middle and three rocks on her flank. She was smiling shyly at the camera with one purple eye visible in the middle of what appears to be a rock farm. "Today is the day my little Marble, I will help you come out of your shell just as my sister helped me" the stallion formally known as Big Mac said as he looked back at that day. It happened after AJ had just got back from Fluttershy's house where Big Mac was eager to find out if Fluttershy had some way of getting rid of the crazy bear in the circus clothes but was surprised to find his sister acting a little odd. "Well howdy there Big Mac, are ready for a show" said Rodeo Jumper "Nope, I am waiting fo...." Big Mac stopped as he turned round to see his sister, Fluttershy and Tree Hugger who he had never met in person before where he was surprised to find them all dressed up like clowns more so with Fluttershy. "Hello Big Macy, surprised to see me like this" Sweetie said with a smile. "Yep" said Big Mac being unsure of what to actually say. "In case you are wondering man, we all got turned into clowns. Our aura has changed for the better" Tree Juggler said in a mellow tone before looking at the bear who was using Granny as a juggling ball and continuing "well it seems I will have to up my game if I want to be the best juggler in Equestria" She said having quickly switched to a more excited foal like tone. "Hey I have a suggestion, Macy here probably weighs a lot more than Granny Smith and likely a challenge to throw up in the air like one giant birdey" Sweetie suggested leading to Juggler's eyes to light up and a wide smile on her face. Big Mac grew wide eyed and only uttering 'Nope' before Juggler managed to grab him and begin throwing him in the air along with balls that Sweetie and Rodeo were throwing at Juggler. "Wooo you go Tree Juggler" said Sweetie "Isn't this the most fun you ever had Big Mac" said Jumper. "Nope, Nope, Nope, Nope, Nope, Nope, Nope, Nope, Nope, Nope, Nope, Nope, Nope" Big Mac said as he was trying to find a way to get out the juggling cycle without Tree Juggler just throwing him back into it. Jumper and Sweetie laughed with each vain attempt at escaping that Big Mac tried to do until ten minutes later, Juggler decided to rest and relax by smoking a stick of candy rock provided by Pinkie. Big Mac was laying on the ground and on the verge of vomiting while Jumper and Sweetie attempted to get him on his feet. "Now wasn't that fun big brother" Jumper said. Big Mac didn't respond as he managed to get back on his feet only to lose his balance and fall on his flank which lead Sweetie laughing as a small quake generated from Big Mac's flank making contact with the grounded wobbled the apples off the trees around the orchard. "Well ah guess my work as been made a lot easier thanks to you Big Mac, would you like a reward?" asked Jumper. Big Mac, having manged to prevent himself from vomiting turned to look at his sister. "What is the reward?" he asked. Jumper smiled and explained that it will help him be more open with other ponies however Big Mac refused and prepared to run only to find Sweetie standing behind him along with a group of bears. They all had unnerving grins on the faces and their gaze filled Big Mac with a sense of fear that was compare to the stare that Fluttershy/Sweetie Smiles was known for. Jumper walked towards Big Mac and forced him to face her. "Did ah mention that you can't decline the 'reward'" She said before placing a clown nose on Big Mac's own. The world shifted in his eyes to what looked like a circus mixed in with a fighting arena. He found himself sitting on a chair in one corner of the arena and noticed another stallion in the opposite corner and the audience cheering the names 'Trouble Shoes' and 'Fat Boomer'. Blue and orange fat clown pants with red strips formed on Big Mac's body leading to him becoming wide eyed. "What is happening" he said. He saw his sister approaching him. "Ok Boomer, ah those pants fitting you well" Rodeo Jumper asked "Nope" said Big Mac "Perfect now remember what Glimmer Joy said 'If you are in trouble during the fight, you simply need to fart and the pants will inflate. You can use this to bounce your opponent away or squish them" said Jumper. Big Mac didn't know what to think of what was going on as a speaker rose that a nearby potted plant and began to speak. "Welcome to the EUFC, I am your host the announcer that is for some reason everywhere where something is announced" said the announcer. Big Mac suddenly felt stiff in the head but also felt adrenaline pumping through him as if prepared for whatever he is here for. A green shirt with a rainbow bow-tie and white buttons while his mind became a little more focused on going against his opponent and not a moment too soon. "Let the laugh battle begin" said the announcer. Trouble Shoes pulled out a ball and balanced on it before charging at Big Mac who managed to easily knock Trouble off. Big Mac checked the pockets of the pants to find juggling balls and a jack in the box which opened up and out came a boxing glove which hit him in the face leaving him disorientated. His mane reshaped itself to resemble a lions mane and changed yellow. "O it looks like Boomer gone a little wonky but seems Trouble Shoes has recovered" said the announcer. Trouble shoes charged after Big Mac and managed to lifted him into the air but Big Mac remembered what his pants were able to do and made a large fart causing them to inflate and seemingly crushing Trouble Shoes. Big Mac bounced around trying to get away from his now comically flat opponent buy he was unable to leave the arena for some reason. His head hurt as white paint formed over his eyes and mouth and while distracted, Trouble Shoes stuck his hoof under the arena to find an air canister and placed his mouth on it before switching it on. As he slowly inflated, Big Mac stuck his hoof under the arena to find a rubber chicken......with Cheese Sandwich and Pinkie Pie clinging on to it. "Hey don't take my chicken" said Cheese. Big Mac tried his hardest to shack them off with Cheese eventually losing his grip while Pinkie climbed towards Big Mac's ear. "Don't worry, your transformation is nearly finished" she said before smiling and letting go of the chicken. Trouble Shoes had now manged to unflatten himself. Big Mac manged to bash him with the chicken and knock his 'eyes' out only to find the real eyes with gave Trouble Shoes a look of pure insanity. Big Mac while trying to avoid his opponents gaze bashed the insane stallion's right hoof only for an anvil to come out which Trouble Shoes used to bash Big Mac in retaliation. Big Mac didn't know what to do as his mind went blank and one of his eyes turned pink. "Use the button on my hammer, big brother" said Hammer Pound. Hammer Pound threw her hammer onto the arena floor which Big Mac manged to grab. He was now enjoying the fight and pressed the button on the hammer's handle causing part of it open and a boxing glove to spring out and hit Trouble Shoes, causing him to fly out of the arena. The crowd cheered as the announcer spoke. "Well that is a rap, the winner is Fat Boomer, I hope this act made you all laugh" the announcer said. The other eye turned pink and Big Mac now Fat Boomer bowed to the crowd as his cutie mark turned into a space hopper. His vision returned to normal as he saw Sweetie and Juggler practicing their act. "Hey can join in" Boomer said with a smile, the other two nodded and they practiced together. After his flashback, Fat Boomer made his way towards Ponyville where he saw Twinkle Sprinkle and Skittle Giggle performing as a duo for some local foals though they seem to be in competition with Silly Spinner and Grinning Marionette who were also performing near them but they both had the foals laughing regardless. He also pasted the school where he saw his youngest sister and her two friends performing for their school though Ms Cheerlie doesn't look too sure as to way three of her students keep acting like clowns the past few days. Boomer made his way towards Carousel Funhouse and opened the door. "O hello dearie, you must be here for that special order" said Glimmer Joy taking a clown nose off what looks like clownified chemistry station. "Yes, when you introduced the idea of being able to program the magic in the nose to have certain effects regardless of who is wearing it, I just had to order one" Boomer said with joy at the thought of the possibilities. "I showed the idea to Sasha who seemed to be fond of the idea if a little cautious of it but I can see why and all you have to do is place it on her as you would with an unaltered nose." Glimmer said with clear eagerness in her voice at her invention. "Thank you Glimmer, I must get going to see her" Boomer said while placing it in his pocket and prepared to turnaround and leave but felt a hoof touch him. "Before you go, I think you should take this" Glimmer said holding a black beret. Boomer seemed confused as to why Glimmer would think this. "I know your confused but hear me out. I have never met any of Pinkie's family outside of Maud but your sister Hammer Pound came in with Singer Belle and Roller with a bottle containing Poison Joke. Hammer told me about Pinkie's oldest sister Limestone Pinkie who from what she said is prone to being aggressive and protective of 'Holder's Boulder. Is that true?" Glimmer asked. "Yes but what does that have to do with anything" asked Boomer "Well since she is prone to shouting as well as very short fused, she may try to stop you from being with Marble. Hammer thought that playing a prank on her may cool her down although if it doesn't, it will keep her quiet at least and make you laugh a little. Anyway the mime beret has been carefully treated with Poison Joke and circus magic where the wearer will take on the appearance of a mime and gain some level of skill in mimicry. It will also shutdown the wear's voice as well being only removable by the one will placed on the wearers head to begin with" explained Glimmer in a serious tone. "This will be great thank you" Boomer said with excitement as he grabbed the beret and tried to leave again only for a hoof to tightly grip him. He turned to find Glimmer with a very serious and glaring face that would give Limestone a run for her bits. "Boomer, under no circumstances are you to mention the beret to Sasha, she may not react nicely at its existence" Glimmer said with her tone so serious and her eyes turning red (at least from Boomers point of view) it seemed funny coming from a clown. She let go of him. "Well that is all dearie, have fun and I hope it goes well" Glimmer said having seemingly turned back to happy as if that serious moment had not happened. Boomer left the Funhouse and walked past the school where it seemed to be over for the day, he didn't notice the CMC were watching and when he was far enough, following him to the rock farm. "Do you think the beret will work?" Roller asked "Of course, Glimmer always knows what she is doing" replied Singer "And ah wanna see Limy get pranked" said Hammer. Bommer board the train with the CMC sneaking inside and one hour later, Boomer got to the rock farm. The CMC stayed on the outskirts and observed through some binoculars while Boomer knocked on the door where saw Maud answer it. She looked at him with her typically indifferent gaze. "Hello Maud, is Marble home?" Boomer asked "Hold on, I will go get her Big Mac" Maud said in her monotone voice. She went up stairs while Boomer took a look at Holder's Bolder in all its rocky magnificent if you can call it that. He noticed some red and white rags near the boulder and decided to wrap them around it to add a bit of colour in this farm of grey. Meanwhile the CMC had been watching the farm and noticed Limestone was working before she closed her eyes and placed her hoofs on her head as if sensing something. She seemed tensed by this and started to run towards the farm house with fury on her face where she saw what Boomer had done to Holder's Boulder. "Hey, get this stuff off Holder's Boulder, I will not repeat myself." Limestone demand in annoyance "O but Limey I am just brightening up the old rock, you can respect that can't you" Boomer said before Limestone charged at the boulder and ripped off all the rags. "I don't want Ma and Pa to see Holder's Boulder in a mess so please do your business here and leave clown" Limestone said before returning to the field to continue working. Boomer stuck his tongue at her behind her back before Maud came down with Marble who was slowly walked behind her. "Here she is Big Mac, if you need me I will be in the cottage studying rock science" Maud said before entering the cottage and shutting the door. Boomer smiled at Marble who's eyes looked away from him in shyness. "Hello Marble how are you today" Boomer asked. Marble mumbled under her mane. "Its ok you can talk to me" Boomer said. Marble looked at him with her teeth clenched. "I am....okay Big Mac, its been a....long time" Marble said having become brave to talk. "That is good, I thought that you would put smile on your shy face" Boomer. Marble thought for second, not too sure if Limestone and Maud would like a clown on the farm if he ends up doing some damage. She decided to give him a chance since he tends to be careful. "Well you can do that if you want to.....just don't destroy anything or touch the boulder because I don't like it when my sister gets too angry" warned Marble. Boomer grabbed some balls in his pants and performed a simple juggling act, nothing too complicated. Marble seemed to smile a bit at this. "Hey could you chuck me some of those shovels?" Boomer asked. Marble turned to the pile of shovels with a face of unease. "Are you sure you want to, you may get hurt" Marble said to which Boomer nodded. Marble hand the shovels to him and was surprised that he was able to juggle them with ease. As she watched on she started to feel more comfortable with talking to the stallion before Boomer pointed to the pickaxes. "I want to juggle those as well" said Boomer. Marble looked with wide eyes and thought to herself that this is just going to end in injury but decided to get them anyway. She threw them one by one towards him which he caught and juggled them along with the other stuff. Marble smiled at the mix of pickaxes, shovels and juggling balls in the air before looking towards Boomer who was now using only one hoof to keep the equipment from falling on the ground and the other he stuck out. "Pull my hoof, Marble" Boomer said. She was hesitant at first but decided to pull it causing Boomer to fart and his pants to inflate. He started to bonce around Marble causing her to giggle. "ha ha that was funny Big Mac" Marble said while blushing. "Thank you and my name is Fat Boomer" Boomer said before missing one of the pickaxes which pierced a hole in the pants. The built up gas started to exit through the hole and causing Boomer to fly around the farm and Marble start to laugh like mad along with CMC who were watching from the distance. He landed on the ground just in front of Marble with their faces just a few centimeters from each other leading to them both blushing in embarrassment. "Well did you enjoy it?" asked Boomer. Marble smiled and nodded. "I enjoyed it very much thank" She said "Say have you ever wanted to try it?" asked Boomer. Marble eyes widened at the question, she was never very sociable and feared being an embarrassment. She shook her head and mumbled under mane before Boomer cuddled her. "One of my sister's friends was a lot like you. She was very shy and would often try to avoid being with ponies that she didn't know but she decide to giving clowning a try and ever since then she has been enjoying it. I think you will likely be the same if give it a try." Boomer said trying to reassure Marble but she remained uneasy about the idea. "Well I am worried at what my parents will think of me" Marble said in a fearful tone "What about Pinkie, she has been a clown all her life and your parents don't see anything wrong with it. I think they would be fine with another daughter deciding to have a go". Boomer said. Marble seemed reassured by this and thought for a bit. Maybe he was right and she should just give it a go rather than never know what it is like. "Ok Bi....Fat Boomer, I will give it ago but please promise me you will perform with me" said Marble. Boomer nodded and placed the nose on the shy mare's face. Marble felt a tingle go through her body as her vision shifted to what appeared to be the backstage of a theater where she noticed a door with Boomer's name on it and gave it a knock. "Who is it" Boomer said. "Its Marble Pie" Marble said as her mane and tail turned silver and pink with her mane restyled itself into pigtails, held in place by two rainbow bows. "O its you Sliver Gem, come in come in my little pebble" Boomer said. Marble entered with confusion as her head started to hurt. "Why did you call me Silver Gem" asked Marble who looked in the dresser mirror where she saw the changes. "Because it is your name" Fat Boomer said with a smile. Marble ignored him as she saw as an light blue shirt with purple buttons formed on her body. She didn't know what to think of this while her head felt like a weight was being push down on it. "Uh, I feel strange.....what is happening to me" Marble said with a bit of panic as a skirt formed around her flank. It was green and red with silver streaks. "I think its just you being a little nervous, you tend to be before a performance my shining gemstone" Boomer said. "You are probably right my red bundle of joy....wait what did I just say" Marble said in confusion. Boomer seemed to smile at pet name as pink, orange and red striped socks formed on Marble's legs as well as purple shoes forming on her hoofs. "Maybe this could work.....who is forcing my to say that" Marble said as red blush formed on her cheeks. "You are of course and anyway I got you some new juggling balls to use in your act while I use these hoops" Boomer said as he brought out a box from under the dresser. "Wait why is......thank you Boomer, you are a star" Marble said as her cutie marked turned into a gemstone with a clown face on it. "Well shall we take the stage?" Boomer asked. "I.....I....think we should, they came here for a show so lets give them a show" Marble said. They both left the dressing room and approached the stage curtains. Marble now Silver Gem had her eyes turn pink, her eyes curled and her nose turned blue and upon the curtains opening, her vision returned to the grey atmosphere of the rock farm. "Thanks Boomer I feel a lot better" Silver said to the large clown besides her. Boomer took out the mime beret leading to Silver getting curious about it. "What is that hat for, Boomer" she asked. "O we are going to play a prank on Limestone, just take it and follow my lead" Boomer said. "Hey look, they are going to use it girls" Hammer said with joy leading the others to watch with a smile. Boomer proceed to touch Holder's Bolder. "There now its all done, guess I should check on that clo.....ah" Limestone said as she held her head before saying "That annoying creature, I will show him not to touch it ever gain". Limestone ran to find Boomer touching the boulder leading her to growl. "What did I tell you" She said as Boomer smiled on. "O sister you need to lighten up, here this will help shut that mean voice up" Silver said with a grin as she approached her sister. "Marble, why are y....hey" Limestone said as Silver forcefully placed the hat on Limestone's head where she felt a tingle through her body. A black and white striped shirt formed on Limestone's body as well as black pants. "hey what was...that for" she said as she noticed her voice getting quieter "O you are going to love this Limestone" Silver said in a mocking tone. Some white gloves formed on her front hoofs and black shoes formed on her back hoofs while Limestone tried to get the beret off. "Why won't it come off" She shouted...well would have shouted excepted her voice's volume was low enough to sound like she was talking at normal volume. Sliver couldn't help but laugh at her sister's attempts to remove the beret. "I think this is a good look for you limey, maybe I should call you limey the mime" Silver said as she continued laughing. A red scarf with Holder's Boulder formed around Limestone's neck. "You better get this off Marble or I am going to make you regret it". Limestone said as she was flapping her front hoofs and clearly trying to shout yet it sounded more like a faint whisper. "O but ma and pa are going to be some amused by you now, they now have two clowns and a mime for children. Maybe Maud would join in" Silver said while fantasizing about Maud as a mime. White makeup formed on Limestone's face as well as black triangles formed on above and below her eyes. Her tail turned white while her mane turned black. "Dear sister, take a look into this mirror" Silver said while she took out a mirror and showed it to Limestone. "(O_O)" is all Limestone could do as her voice had completely shutdown. No matter what she did, she could not utter a sound leading her to go into a somewhat silent temper tantrum. Both Boomer and Silver laughed at Limestone's appearance as did the CMC before Maud came outside. "Hey can you keep it down I am..." Maud said as she saw Limestone who was now out of her temper tantrum leading to Maud smiling. Maud spun her right hoof and made a move that looked like she was throwing a lasso which judging by Limestone's reaction and body movements had wrapped around her leading to her becoming wide eyed and fearful of what Maud was doing. Maud dragged her older sister inside the cottage before coming back to the front door and looking at her Boomer and Silver. "Don't worry you two lovebirds, I am just going to have some fun for when ma and pa get home" Maud said with a grin. She shut the door while the two clown ponies made their way back to the train station with the CMC following them. Thirty minutes later, Igneous Rock & Cloudy Quartz had returned home after selling their rocks and were glad to be home. "Ma, Pa you really need to see this" Maud said from the living room. The parents of four made their way to the room to find Maud standing with someone they just barely recognized. "Isn't Limestone such a talented little mime" Maud said with a hint of giggling in her voice. Limestone was acting as if trapped in a box, banging and kicking the invisible box but unable to get out. Cloudy couldn't help but laugh at her while Igneous was more surprised than anything. "Art thou have taken an interest in mimicry, I didn't think anyone besides Pinkie would be interested in that" he said. Limestone just froze still and blushed at her parents.