//------------------------------// // prologue: The princess sisters and the strange man's deal // Story: mlp fire emblem // by Kauetheadventurer246 //------------------------------// Hello there reader. I am the narrator, but that is not important here right now. You are hoping to read this story, am I correct? Whether you answered yes or no doesn't matter to me, but before we can continue on with the story, It might be worth your time to hear the history of how this story came to be. Let us start at the beginning-well, actually three months after Discord had been turned to stone but, you know what I mean. It had been three months ever since Discord was defeated, but the state of Equestria was in shambles. Cities were destroyed, farms were devastated, and order was lost. It would take a long time before Equestria was back to its former glory, but who knew how long that would take. One day, in the throne room in Canterlot, sat two princess sisters that were trying their best to restore their country, but they were struggling. The youngest sister had a blue-violet coat, her eyes were aquamarine and her mane was baby blue. She wore a violet colored gown and had a small black crown. "Sister! Many of the ponies request for supplies and homes! Many are injured from badnit raids and require medical help! What should we do!", the young sister asked her older sister. The older sister had a white coat, purple eyes and a mixture of violet, azure, green and cyan mane. She wore the same gown like her sister except it was white and a golden crown with a purple gem. "I do not know dear Luna. I hope we will find a way to fix the mess Discord had caused.", That was all the sister could tell to Luna. Luna looked down at the ground having lost a little hope, but continued to work on the papers and so did the older sister. This went on for about three hours until a guard had entered the castle with his golden armor. "Your majesty.", The guard said bowing to the two princesses. "What is it that thou have to say to us?", The guard was about to answer Luna's question, but was interrupted by another voice. "Someone had decided to come help you dear princesses.",The voice answered the question. Luna and her sister were caught by surprised when the owner of the voice appeared out of nowhere in between the thrones. The creature was wearing a black business suit with a white shirt, a black business pants and black gloves and shoes. His hair was smooth and black, his eyes are bright blue. He started to walk down the steps that lead to the throne until he reached the floor. He turned around to face the princesses with a toothy grin. After a few seconds of silence he spoked, his voice was mature and was the same as a cunning man. "It is a pleasure to finally meet you Celestia and luna.", The strange creature told them and bowed to them. The princesses were shocked that the man before them knew thier name. After he got back up from his bow and started to speak once again, "I see that you two seem to be in quite the pickle.", The said to Celestia and Luna while folding his hands so that only his index fingers were pointing at them, "Am I right?", The man asked them while raising his right eyebrow a little. The princesses nodded to the question and soon the man continued, "I see... Well, I think I might be able to help you two out.", The man told the princesses while holding his hands open with his elblows on his sides. Celestia raised an eyebrow at the strange man and open her mouth only to be stoped by the man holding up his hand and told them, "Now, I know what you are thinking. Why in the world would you two trust a man that had came out of nowhere claiming that he can fix everything?", The man asked the question Celestia was going to ask and she was quite surprised by this. The man soon resumed, "Well, do you know about those timber wolves and hydras that are causing a mess?", The man asked them a question and gave them time to give an answer. "Imdeed we do. The timber wolves are hunting down innmocent ponies and merchants that are trying to live in peace and the hydras are atracking towns and cities.", Celestia said and let out a sigh before continuing, "We are having a hard time trying to control them, they always attack anypony in sight.", Celestia told the man, the man was holding his chin with his thumb and index finger while listening to the monster problem. Soon he hummed to himself before holding up his right hand and snapped them. "They aren't a problem anymore.", the man told the princesses. They were confused by what he meant and were going ask what he meant until, another guard ran into the room in a slight panic. "PRINRCESSES! The monsters are all retreating! Some are going into mountains, forest, underground and swamps.", The guard's report had brought a shock look on the princesses' faces but, that only mad the strange man widened his grin. The man turned from the guard to the Celestia and Luna. "I told you. They aren't a problem anymore.As long as you don't disturb them, they will leave you and your ponies alone.", Was all the man said to the primcesses. They knew that this man before them had strange power that they do not understand but, this man might be able to help fix Equestria. Clestia stood up and asked the man. "Please mister-", the man hold up his hand once again stoping her. "Please, call me Sans, that is my name that I go by.", Sans told the princesses his name and letted Celestia continue. "Sans, Equestria is in a dire need of help. It seems that you are capable of giving us the aid to restore equestria. Will you help us retore equestria?", Celestia asked him for his help with her eyes with some hope. The hold his chin once again and didn't say anything for about a minute until he looked at Celestia. "Alright, I will do it.", the princesses were reliefed now knowing that they have an ally to help restore Equestria but, that was vanquish after what the man said, "but, I'm not doing it for free.", The princesses should have seen this coming. A man with great power but, will only help if payed. "How much do you want?", Luna asked the man for his price. Sans looked quite surprised at Luna's question and laughed like he was told the most funniest joke he ever heard. When he finished, he looked at Luna and began to speak. "Now, now, now, Luna, I do not want money. All I want is a deal.", Sans told them in a cryptic tone. The princesses were curious at what he meant by that. Celestia and Luna were curious on what exactly this deal was so, Celestia asked him. "What kind of deal?", Sans chuckled a little then looked in Celestia's eyes. "Well, I just want you to take care of a new species, is that okay?", Celestia and Luna weren't rwally sure what species Sans was talking about but, they continue to listen, "Here is the deal, I will help you two fix some of the problems with your country but, you must help the new species to grow and live properly in Equestria.", The princesses aren't really sure to accept the deal. They have no clue what kind of species he will bring but, they needed his help. Celestia let out a sigh and walked towards Sans. When she was now in front of him, she looked into his eyes. Surprisingly, there was no hint of betrayal or lies in his eyes. She stood there; looking at his now neutral face.. She said a word that whould change Equestria for good. "Deal.", That was all Celestia said. Sans' mouth slowly turned into a grin after hearing her answer. Luna was shocked at her sister's decision. Luna stood up from her throne and flew up to Celestia and hold her shoulder with her hand. "Sister! How do you know for sure he will not just betray us!", Luna told Celestia. Sans walked up Luna and looked at her in the eyes. He stared at Luna's eyes for a few seconds before backing away and spoke to luna in his usaul business voice. "I won't betray you. If I ever show any signs of becoming a traitor, you can kill me on the spot.", Sans had just told them that they can kill him at anytime. They all stood in silence for a little bit until asked them a question. "Do we have a deal?", Sans had already heard Celestia answer but, he needs to hear Luna's answer for it to be a fair deal. Luna hesitated a little but, she gave him her answer. "Deal", Sans was quite joyful but, he didn't show it. He turned around and walked a few feet away from the princesses. When he was there, he turned around and snap his fingers. A bright light filled the room, Celestia and Luna had to cover their eyes to protect themselves from the light. When the light died down, Celestia open her eyes and saw something unbelievable. There were sixty creature that looked like sans except a few had differentcolor hair and were wearing clothing that seems to be made from the same cloth the ponies used to wear in the old times. Luna open her eyes as well had the same expression Celestia had. It seems half of them seem to be a bit more feminine. They both looked at Sans who didn't even so much blink while keeping his grin. They all stayed in complete silence until, the new species started to stir a bit. Sans only said only four words that got everyone's attention. "Lets get to work!"