//------------------------------// // The Meeting of the Elements // Story: Harmony: Braves of the Six Elements // by TooShyShy //------------------------------// Rarity swept her head in an elegant arc, spots of brightness trailing from her horn. Immense blades appeared before her, each twice the size of the alicorn. Held close enough to leave only a tiny gap, they worked surprisingly well as a makeshift shield. Her face set in determination, she began to trot towards Sunset. The blades moved in front of her as she did, floating above the ground. Sunset aimed her gun at the approaching alicorn, aiming at the blade in the middle. She was confident a well-placed bullet could blast at least the middle of the shield apart, but she'd have to be hasty in destroying the other two. “Rainbow Dash, get away from her!” demanded Rarity, her tone laden with worry. Ignoring the bequest, Rainbow hurriedly moved to stand between Sunset and Rarity. She glanced at Spike, aware he might seize the chance to attack. Rainbow ground her teeth, rather illogically frustrated that she could not be in two places. “What's wrong with you two?!” Rainbow shouted, outraged. “Why are you trying to kill one of our own?” Rarity stopped, surprise filling her visage at Rainbow's words. She did not lower her shield, but she halted a foot away from Sunset and the cyan pegasus. “One of our own…?” she echoed, bemused. For the first time since their encounter, her eyes roamed to Sunset's flank. She gasped when she at last noticed the other mare's Cutie Mark. She heard Spike give his own audible cry of shock as Sunset's mark came to his attention as well. The symbol of the Crystal Heart is impossible to duplicate or mistake for another. Rarity's gaze steadily traveled from Sunset's Cutie Mark to the gun pointed in her direction. “See?” Rainbow Dash uttered triumphantly. “Sunset is an Element!” Rarity took a step back, but she did not lower her shield. She peered through the small gap between the blades, unable to speak. She shook her head, attempting to maintain some kind of order in her thoughts. A moment passed and she was able to steady her mind to the point she could speak. The determination returning tenfold, she turned her attention to Rainbow Dash. “I'm very sorry, dear,” she uttered sincerely. “I'm afraid that mare is the Element-Killer.” The sound of a startled gasp escaped Rainbow's mouth without her realization. She stepped back, albeit towards Sunset rather than away. Her head was spinning, the entire world seeming to have gone into a frantic revolution around her own brain. She turned to Sunset Shimmer, attempting to read something in that indifferent face of hers. But Sunset's expression gave her nothing. Her mind in turmoil, Rainbow opened her mouth to stutter out a question. However, Sunset spoke before the words could escape her throat. “Miss Rarity is correct,” Sunset admitted calmly. “I am the Element-Killer.” Rainbow thought she was liable to pass out from all the spinning. Everything around her was going too fast for her to keep up, too rapidly for it to be anything other than a blur. Sunset had just told her she was the Element-Killer, she realized vaguely. Rainbow desired to hold onto that confession, yet it kept getting swept away. Even Rarity's words seemed to be spinning around her mind, refusing to stay still long enough for her to do anything with them. “I killed them all,” Sunset continued. “Double Diamond, Tropical Dream, March Gustysnows, Night Glider, Cratus, Wind Rider… And a lot of other warriors who had the potential to be chosen.” Rainbow Dash wanted to believe this was some kind of joke, but she knew better. Sunset Shimmer's face could tell no jokes, could find no amusement in even the cruelest of deceptions. Her heart sinking, Rainbow took a deep breath. “A-And Celestia, Goddess of the Sun?” she practically whispered. “Did you kill her as well?” Sunset Shimmer shook her head, her gun still pointed towards Rarity. She had not looked at Rainbow Dash. She felt a bit sorry for the unfortunate pegasus. All of her foolish promises about protection were melting before her eyes. Sunset pitied Rainbow, but she couldn't say she hadn't been prepared. “Celestia was on my list, but I never got to her,” Sunset explained. Rainbow's thoughts were settling. She was able to focus on Sunset's words and the implications of them. In a circumstance of this nature, she knew the obvious response was to retreat to Rarity's side. But she instead remained near Sunset, moving slightly closer to the other mare. She had one last query to ask, the most important query of all. “Why?” she asked simply. “Why did you kill all of those warriors?” Sunset didn't lower her gun, but she turned to face the pegasus. “I want to help King Sombra,” she replied serenely. “With all the strong warriors dead, only those who are weak could be chosen as Elements. Therefore, the Demon King shall prevail.” Spike had heard enough. A rough, growling breath escaped from his throat, green flame spouting from his mouth. He stepped forward, holding his spear in a position that rendered it easier to throw. His mouth ringed with emerald fire, he aimed carefully. Rarity, her eyes burning with hatred, charged toward the gun-wielding alicorn. As she galloped, her blades bent forward. Breaking their shield formation, the blades altered from defensive to offensive. They broke away from their creator completely, sailing rapidly towards Sunset. “STOP!” Rainbow Dash screamed. To the shock of everypony else gathered, Rainbow darted in front of Sunset Shimmer yet again. This time she placed herself between the alicorn and the deadly blades headed in her direction. She closed her eyes and gritted her teeth, willing herself to remain rooted to the spot despite every survival instinct in her body urging her to move. She distinctly heard the sounds of the blades slicing the wind apart in their haste. Rarity cried out in panic, Rainbow Dash's interference catching her off guard. She halted in her charge, her hooves digging into the dirt at her abrupt stop. She hastily paused the blades she had sent out. They stopped in the air somewhat awkwardly, inches from the pony who'd obstructed their target. Spike halted as well, holding his spear above his head. The emerald flames steadily faded from the edges of his mouth, the restrained yet prominent bloodlust leaving his eyes. Sunset's mouth didn't drop open in astonishment, nor did she gasp in surprise, but the look on her features shifted from indifference to mild confusion. Rainbow Dash had once again saved her life. She should have been thankful, but she was merely at a loss. “Didn't you hear what we said?” demanded Rarity impatiently. “Sunset Shimmer is our enemy. Step aside and let us deal with her, Rainbow Dash!” But Rainbow Dash did not move. “Sunset Shimmer isn't our enemy!” she uttered firmly. “Somepony actively trying to help King Sombra wouldn't have been chosen, would they? That would go completely against everything the Braves of the Six Elements stand for! Whatever Sunset Shimmer's reason is for killing potential Elements, it has nothing to do with helping King Sombra.” She turned to Sunset with hope in her eyes. “Right?” she added quietly. Sunset narrowed her eyes. She almost wanted to destroy Rainbow's hope with a lie, but she couldn't bring herself to speak an outright untruth again. She didn't like how Rainbow was being so kind to her, protecting her to the point of insisting she wasn't a villain without any real evidence. The kindness Rainbow was so intent on forcing on her made her want to kill the pegasus. “You are correct,” she admitted reluctantly. Rainbow Dash did an admirable job at disguising her relief. It was another gamble on her part, the second she had taken with Sunset since they had met. In truth, she had had no idea if Sunset was lying or not. She'd been groping in the dark with her little speech, casting her hope into uncertain waters. More confident, Rainbow turned to Rarity. “If you really want to fight, I'm on Sunset Shimmer's side,” she announced coldly. Spike, who had secretly wanted it that way, sneered at the pegasus. He held his spear aloft, advancing towards the two betrayers. He had no problem with killing them both, hopefully in one expert swing. Two nails out of his back were better than one thorn in his side. However, Rarity willed the blades she had conjured out of existence with a flick of her magic. She sighed, completely surrendering. She couldn't exactly lay down her weapon, but she attempted a gesture of peace by raising her head, pointing her horn towards the sky rather than at Sunset or Rainbow. “Very well, Rainbow Dash,” she uttered, giving up. Spike turned to Miss Rarity, astonished by how easily she'd given in. “Mi-Miss Rarity…,” he stammered, disappointed. Rarity gave him a look that clearly expressed her feelings if he were to argue. It was the type of expression that immediately froze any objections on Spike's tongue. He felt it was going against his duty, but when it came down to his given task or Rarity, he had to choose the pristine alicorn. He didn't feel he had enough of a choice. With an inward sigh, the dragon laid his weapon aside. “As you wish, Miss Rarity,” he told her with a curt nod. But he glanced at Rainbow, a suspicious look in his eye. He did not trust the pegasus, and he certainly had no trust for her alicorn companion. He hoped that at some point, perhaps away from the watchful eye of Miss Rarity, he would be able to carry out the task he'd been chosen to do. Rainbow Dash turned sharply to Sunset Shimmer, the latter of which still held her gun aloft as if expecting an attack. “Put your weapon down!” Rainbow ordered. “Nopony is going to hurt you!” Sunset Shimmer doubted this, but she lowered her gun as instructed. She looked at Spike, reading the intention of killing her at the first opportunity in his eyes. The distrust was mutual. He wasn't like Rainbow, whom apparently required very little to warm up to a pony. Sunset made a mental note to keep an eye on the dragon, just in case he stabbed her in the back, literally and figuratively. Rarity trotted forward, overtaking Sunset's possible lead before it could be established. She hesitated before she passed, her eyes on the road rather than on Sunset. Her tone of voice was concise, her words frozen at the edges. “Let me make one thing clear, Sunset Shimmer,” she told the other mare quietly. “I do not trust you. You have proven yourself untrustworthy in several ways from the moment we've met and I have no intention of changing my mind. But even though I don't trust you in the slightest, I trust Rainbow Dash. Do not get the wrong idea, Ms. Shimmer.” Rarity spoke Sunset's name as if it left a bad taste in her mouth. She resumed her trotting, unaffected by the disenchanted reaction of Sunset. Her short, honest declaration of her stance made her feel slightly better about her choice. And she imagined that, if Spike had heard, she had put him at ease. Still, she declined to look back as she trotted on ahead of everypony else, her head held defiantly aloft. Rainbow Dash rushed to catch up with Rarity without reluctance. She knew Rarity had only given up for her sake, but she didn't care. They were starting out on their journey as, at least in outward appearance, friends. Rainbow Dash could take solstice in that until the next hurdle. “Another dispute solved by the strongest mare in the world!” she announced loudly, her voice filled with that insufferable pride. The forest between them and the temple was rather eerie. Immense trees rose on either side of the path, practically blocking out the sunlight. Tiny cracks of illumination provided a fair amount of light, but not quite enough to offset the creepiness. The effect was intensified by the silence between the four of them. Only the sounds of their hooves could be heard, the normal woodland creatures strangely absent with their usual noises. “The temperature is good, isn't it?” Rainbow commented. The other three grumbled, refusing to be baited into a conversation. None of them were in particularly good moods after their encounter. Spike kept glancing at Sunset with blatant distrust in eyes, Rarity concentrated on trotting as if she was a newborn foal learning to walk, and Sunset herself remained indifferent. Rainbow Dash surrendered after that single attempt, accepting that she was beaten. She turned her gaze to the sky, or what little could be seen of it through the trees. She did not believe she'd see anything of specific interest, but it was better than trying to entertain herself with one-sided chatter. She squinted, her eyes coming to rest on several animals with wings flying high above them. Particularly large fowl, she surmised. Nevertheless, Rainbow Dash retrieved her spy glass and pressed it to her eye, pointing her gaze at the odd birds. However, she saw immediately that they were not birds. “Flying beasts!” she cried in panic. The others looked upward as well at her words. The airborne creatures above them did indeed appear to be merely fowl at first glance, but after a few seconds the misconception became clear. They were far too immense to be regular birds, their wingspan unmatched by any other flying animal in existence. Furthermore, even without the aid of a spy glass it was possible to notice the reptilian aspects of their features that did not quite match those of a dragon. And as the group watched, these “birds” started to release the small golden balls they held in their talons. As these dropped, an explosion echoed through the forest and smoke rose from the point of impact. Finally aware of how much danger they were in, the three ponies and the dragon turned and started to run. Rainbow Dash unfurled her wings as she galloped, rising steadily from the ground. She soared above the heads of the others as they fled, her survival instincts screaming at her to get as far away from those bombs as possible. She wondered for a second if Sunset Shimmer, being the Goddess of Gunpowder, had anything to do with this. But she shook away the thought, focusing on keeping herself alive. She was ahead of everypony else when they burst through the trees as one, panting as they ran away from the explosions getting closer and closer behind them. Rainbow Dash halted immediately, her ears flattening at the scene before her: Beasts. What seemed like hundreds, but couldn't have been more than thirty, of them. Teeth bared and their eyes swimming with a lust for combat. “We're trapped!” Rainbow burst out shrilly. Rarity strode towards the beasts that blocked their path, a confident look on her face. “Then we'll just have to get past them, won't we, darling?” she serenely rationalized. Spike, who'd already worked out a battle plan in his head, nodded in her direction. Then he faced the beasts, narrowing his eyes at those in front. He couldn't ascertain the number at a glance, but he estimated there were around twenty, perhaps even thirty. He smiled, barely feeling challenged. He'd faced more threatening numbers when he was training. Spike leaped forward, landing in the very middle of the beasts. Before any of them could do more than snarl, Spike had swung his spear in an arc and decapitated all those within range. Brandishing the spear, he turned to a few other beasts who were daring to approach. Three of them met the same fate prior to reaching the dragon, this time at the horn of Rarity. Another beast was an inch from Spike's side as he sliced through the neck of another. He turned quickly to the new attacker, but a bullet straight through its head killed it instantly. Two more beasts met his spear in their attack, their claws just missing his armor, whilst a third and fourth were first shot through the chest and then decapitated by a single well-placed blade. “Get to the temple, Rainbow Dash!” yelled Rarity over the cacophony. “We'll be fine!” Rainbow Dash dodged a beast as it swung at her and jammed her sword into its chest. She pulled it out as the beast lurched forward, blood spraying from the wound. The next time she thrust her sword forward, it went straight through the creature's neck. Rainbow Dash pulled her sword out yet again and turned to gallop towards the temple as she had been told. Her heart racing, she narrowly avoided two more beasts as they attempted to close in on the running pegasus. Rainbow jumped into the air, landing on the head of a fourth beast and launching herself over it. With her wings to help, she picked up enough speed to successfully escape. The temple was a welcome sight compared to the eerie forest. It was a large, somber building that rose up authoritatively. There were no irregularities to its design, yet it radiated dominance. Perhaps this was in part the effect of the stone pillars that lay before it in an arrangement almost befitting a garden. These were the pillars built by the first Goddess of Salt. Beasts were not capable of passing them. As Rainbow Dash approached, she noticed a mare lying just outside of the pillars. She was attired in a long white robe and wore a blue veil over her eyes, the traditional clothing of an equine nun. She appeared to be injured and in pain. Shocked, Rainbow Dash rushed to the mare's side. She dropped down beside her, quite relieved to notice the rise and fall of her chest. The mare spoke, the words delivered in a choked whisper. Her eyes could not be seen through the veil, but a trickle of blood ran from the side of her mouth. She managed to force words out past her agony, her whole body shaking with the effort of forming them. “Y-You have to get to the t-temple,” she told Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash didn't want to leave this unnamed pony in this state, but she had no choice. She nodded in understanding and reluctantly got to her hooves. Rainbow Dash galloped hastily up the steps, forcing herself not to look at the wounded mare at the base of them. She dashed between the pillars, her mind vaguely registering ancient glyphs carved into them as she passed. Rainbow Dash reached the door of the temple, a massive entrance carved in the very middle. She pressed her hooves against it, but it did not open. Growling in frustration, Rainbow Dash turned and slammed her back hooves against the door. It still refused to yield, remaining as undisturbed as if it was merely part of the wall. “Of course it's locked,” she muttered in complaint. Rainbow Dash thought of asking the mare for the key, but decided she had a better, more immediate idea. Rainbow hurriedly pulled several explosives out of her saddlebags. They were about the size, shape, and color of apples, but they packed a solid blast. Rainbow slipped them into the small opening between both sides of the door. She carefully swept her hoof across them, lighting all of the fuses at once. She then turned and galloped away, taking cover behind one of the pillars. The explosives went off as one, creating a larger blast than they could have individually. Although it appeared that it hadn't worked at first, after a moment the door began to open. Each side withdrew into its respective share of the wall, revealing the darkness of a long hallway. Whooping with joy, Rainbow Dash charged forward to enter the temple. But she paused at the sound of armor against the stone floor. Puzzled, she squinted into the darkness to see if somepony was inside. Rainbow leaped back in astonishment as three figures emerged from the hallway. They appeared to be equines of about her size, their heads and bodies covered entirely in old-fashioned armor mostly known to ancient pegasi armies. Crying out, Rainbow galloped forward to meet the unexpected attackers. She flew past the one at the front, spreading her wing to hit the armored pony as she passed. It toppled over with surprisingly little resistance. Rainbow thrust her back hooves at the second, bucking it directly in the side. It too fell away with very little effort, reacting to her hooves as if it weighed nothing at all. With the other two down, Rainbow faced the third. She swung a hoof at its helmet and, too her surprise, it toppled off. Underneath was nothing more than empty, blank air. The remainder of the headless suit of armor collapsed to the ground in a heap. Frowning in confusion, Rainbow seized the helmet she had knocked off. A faint yellow glow was coming from it, the remnants of an enchantment. It's not as fun if they're fake, Rainbow thought bleakly. She was distracted by the sound of laughter. She dropped the helmet and turned toward the sound. The laughter had come from the injured mare at the foot of the steps. But she no longer appeared injured. She was standing on her hooves, a hideous cackle emerging from her throat. As Rainbow watched in bewilderment, an emerald glow enveloped the mare. The glow melted away her vibrant equine coat, leaving behind a dour black. The veil and robe evaporated, the former revealing a pair of insect-like eyes. The creature bared its fangs at Rainbow Dash, then took to the air with its short, rather transparent wings. It disappeared into the trees before Rainbow Dash could move. A changeling?! she thought, astounded. The rumors about Changelings working with the Demon King were numerous. There had been talk around Canterlot and Ponyville about the possibility of an alliance between Queen Chrysalis and King Sombra, perhaps even an alliance forged through marriage. Chrysalis, one of the many villains who'd failed to take over Equestria, was considered likely to ally herself with the Demon King, yet many ponies thought it unlikely a creature who fed on love would want to team up with somepony whom desired to slaughter all of the inhabitants of Equestria. Rainbow Dash wanted to go after the Changeling, but she never received the chance. She was completely distracted from its departure when she noticed a change in the environment. A thick fog was spreading across the world before her. Its tendrils rose steadily over the pillars, the steps, and the head of the frozen blue pegasus. Rainbow Dash could only be an observer, her mouth open as the fog started to choke out the picturesque landscape. She could still see everything, but it was being viewed through a smoky veil. Somepony had activated the barrier, she realized. Leaving behind her shock for the time being, Rainbow turned away from the fog and darted into the temple. The dark hallway gave way to a room identical to the replica Trixie had shown Rainbow and Sunset. Except unlike the replica, the room was almost completely devoid of light. Illumination was provided by the circle of pedestals and the walls, all of which glowed a bright sapphire of magic. The effect was akin to walking into a moonlit clearing. Rainbow Dash quickly approached the pedestals. She noticed the sword had been placed in its home, just as Trixie had shown her. However, there was nopony in sight. Rainbow Dash cast her eyes around the small room, but saw nothing she deemed odd. There did not seem to be another entrance to the room or an escape route, unless both were concealed. The only thing out of the ordinary was the sword having been placed in the dais. There were hoofsteps from the hallway, along with the tap of claws on the stones. Rarity, Sunset Shimmer, and Spike burst into the room. “We got past them!” Rarity panted, looking quite disheveled. She directed a flow of magic at her mane, which had come undone in battle. She carefully rearranged it into a more suitable style, pulling leaves and twigs from the currently messy braid. She turned to Rainbow Dash with a slightly confused expression. She glanced at the sword in the dais. “Why did you activate the barrier?” she inquired. Rainbow Dash too looked at the sword again. It looked so natural in its position, almost as if it had placed itself there. Rainbow shook her head, turning away from the sword to look at Rarity. “I didn't,” she answered. “Somepony else must have done it before I entered the temple.” Rarity frowned, dropping the braid from her magic. “But…,” she started, puzzled by Rainbow's answer. A high-pitched greeting interrupted the alicorn. Everypony looked toward the dark hallway as another figure emerged. She had wings and a horn, just like Rarity and Sunset Shimmer. But they seemed bizarrely out of place on her pink body. It was clear she had been an Earth pony prior to her ascension, therefore the wings and horn came off as slightly awkward accessories. Her visage, framed by a medium-length pink mane, had a rather childish look to it. There was a bright innocence in her eyes. “Hello!” she greeted everypony brightly. “I am Pinkie Pie, Goddess of Sugar!” Despite her title being “Goddess of Sugar”, Rainbow hadn't expected somepony like this. She'd always thought Goddesses, regardless of their title, were inherently serious and mature. Pinkie Pie didn't seem like either of those things, as Rainbow judged by the buoyant smile on her face. Still smiling happily, Pinkie Pie pointed her hoof at Sunset Shimmer. “We'll start by killing Sunset!” she announced brightly. Rainbow Dash, who'd been about to make a sarcastic remark, closed her mouth immediately. She stepped in front of Sunset protectively, paying no mind as the other mare raised her gun. She had no idea what powers the Goddess of Sugar possessed, given her silly title. But ponies didn't become Goddesses for chewing bubble gum. In addition, she'd heard that the Goddess of Sugar was extremely powerful. “Do excuse me, Goddess of Sugar,” Rarity uttered politely. “If I may ask, why do you want to kill Sunset?” Pinkie Pie opened her mouth, but her reply was cut off by the arrival of yet another pony. The wings and horn looked more natural on this one, most likely because she had actually been born with the horn. She appeared as regal as Miss Rarity, albeit more serious than either her or Pinkie. She had the stereotypical appearance of a librarian, except she lacked the spectacles. Her one saddlebag was adorned with the symbol of a star. She grasped the bag in her magic and placed it aside as she stepped into the light. “Be patient, Pinkie Pie,” the newcomer ordered. “We need to sort out a few things before we do anything hasty.” The pink alicorn pouted, but she didn't object. She sat down on the floor, crossing her hooves and shooting a venomous glance at Sunset Shimmer. “Aren't you Twilight Sparkle, the Goddess of Knowledge?” Rarity uttered, recognizing the purple alicorn. The newcomer nodded. She strode to the center of the room, her eyes on the sword in the dais. She did not comment on it, but there was a scowl on her features. She stared at the sword as if its purpose was eluding her, her eyes traveling from its handle to what could be seen of its elegant curved blade. Queries, only half of them having to do with the barrier, were swarming into her mind. As the Goddess of Knowledge, she disliked unanswered questions. “I'll release the barrier,” Spike declared to the silent room. He walked to the center of the pedestals himself, his hulking form appearing somewhat eerie in the glow. He wrapped his claws around the sword and pulled. He released it from its resting place without any defiance. He held the weapon aloft, examining its exquisitely designed blade with the interest of a dragon who'd seen quite a few. Sunset Shimmer, who stood nearest to the entrance, looked outside. “The fog isn't dissipating,” she announced. Spike looked from the dais to the sword, perplexed. Being one of the non-magical races, he didn't know much about magic. Rarity trotted over to where the dragon stood, a frown on her visage. With a polite bow of his head, Spike released the sword into the grasp of her magic. Rarity stood before the dais herself, examining the opening meant to hold the sword. She hovered the weapon directly above the opening, a strange look on her features. “Release the barrier!” she ordered, her voice ringing out with authority. Sunset resisted the urge to laugh. Nobles were all the same to her: Egotistical fools with no life experience whom expected everything to yield at their command. She took a bit of selfish pleasure in informing the uptight Miss Rarity the barrier remained. A moment of silence passed, then she turned her head sharply at the sound of a wild cry. At first, it seemed that Rarity was having some kind of fit. Then it became clear she was flailing around in a rather desperate manner, the sword following her movements as if on a leash. “Release the barrier!” the white alicorn was screaming. “Let us go, you damned thing!” Spike reached to take hold of the alicorn, but stumbled backwards as the sword came within injuring distance of his face. Rarity jerked her head downward, using her magic to plunge the sword into the tablet atop the pedestal. A burst of emerald magic rippled from the edges of the impact. The tablet split in two, the pieces separating into two awkwardly placed rectangles. Emerald sparks rose from the center of the pedestal. Sunset Shimmer reached with her own magic and seized the panicking alicorn. A golden light engulfed Rarity. The glow faded from her horn, Sunset's own magic pressing sternly into her own and extinguishing it. The sword fell to the floor in front of her, sanity returning to her eyes. Sunset waited a moment, holding Rarity in the secure grip of her spell. When she was satisfied there would be no more hysterics, she released her. She watched Rarity closely as the glow faded, but there did not seem to be any hints of a relapse. “I'm...I'm sorry,” Rarity apologized, seeming rather bewildered by her own actions. “I've never done anything like that before. I just...lost my head. I do apologize sincerely, my friends.” Rainbow Dash sighed with relief. She understood the cause of Rarity's panic. This wasn't merely them being trapped, which would have been a tragedy of its own class. This was them, the only heroes capable of restoring serenity to the world, being imprisoned. Rainbow Dash shuddered, imagining what would occur if they did not escape in time to face the Demon King. They would most likely be the last to perish, the final silence to fall when King Sombra rose victorious from the ashes of a doomed resistance. “What is all this noise?” a voice spoke from the entrance. Everypony turned quickly to the hallway. The figure of a pony was emerging from the darkness, her tail swinging back and forth nonchalantly as she did so. She was the most distinct of them, seeing as she possessed neither horn nor wings. She was a regular Earth pony. Her long yellow mane appeared strikingly feline in its unrest, the corners of it turned upward to mimic the ears of a cat. “I was wondering when you'd get here,” Twilight commented, displeased. She addressed the rest of those assembled, scowling as she added up their number in her head. “This is Applejack of the Apple family, one of the Braves of the Six Elements,” she introduced the new arrival. Rarity gasped, raising a hoof to her mouth. Her reaction was shared by everypony else, eyes collectively widening as they focused on the Earth pony. “Everypony, please show us your crest!” demanded Spike. Each of the assembled ponies turned around, revealing their flanks. Pinkie Pie added a few playful shakes of her own. Spike followed suit by brandishing his arm, showing the group his own crest. There could be no error, as Twilight had noticed when she'd begun examining all those assembled. Every single one of them had the unmistakable image of a Crystal Heart on their body. Rainbow Dash swallowed, her eyes roaming from one crest to another. “There are seven of us….,” she observed quietly.