//------------------------------// // Awake // Story: The Forgotten King // by Ghost Writer //------------------------------// There was a dark room with a pony sleeping in the bed. Slits of sunlight filtered between the curtains. The pony in the bed began to stir, and after a few minutes he woke up. That was when he noticed something odd about his surroundings, he didn’t know where he was. He panicked when he realized that he had no idea how he had gotten there. In fact he didn’t know who he was. He racked his brain to remember anything he could. He thought long and hard to try and remember any memories or events, even a name. But he remembered nothing. After a while of pondering with no results he went through the house. He found that the house was furnished, but there wasn’t a single picture or photo to help jog his memory. He assumed that since he had woken up there, chances were the house belonged to him. Then a thought occurred to him. He didn’t even know what he looked like. So he searched the house until he found a mirror and took a good look at himself. The first thing that he noticed was that he had a horn, which meant that he was a unicorn. Then he got a surprise as he noticed that he also had a pair of wings. A horn and wings, that meant that he was an alicorn. He moved to a nearby window and lifted the curtain to take a look outside. There were numerous ponies walking by outside. He noticed that there were plenty of earth ponies and unicorns walking by, there were also pegasi flying by periodically; but there were no other alicorns. He decided to go outside and ask around to see if somepony perhaps knew him or had seen him before. He opened the door and took his first step outside. The first thing he noticed was a pegasus flying by. Her body was a light bluish color similar to the sky and her mane was rainbow colored. She was gliding through the air with the kind of grace that only the best of the best at flying have. She stopped by a cloud and landed on it. The rainbow mane pony then proceeded to hover next to the cloud and kick it, and when she did *POOF* the cloud vaporized into thin air. Then she flew off and darted from cloud to cloud kicking and vaporizing every single one of them at a break-neck pace. She had to have done the entire thing in what had to be ten seconds, FLAT! Before he knew it the rainbow maned pony had flown out of sight. The pony decided, after a few minutes of standing in the street, that it was time to move on. It looked like there were new, interesting things to see everywhere he went. He walked down the street to a nice looking shop called Sugarcube Corner and thought about going inside to check it out. But, the pony didn't know what kind of money the ponies used, and he definitely didn't have any. After standing there with a slight frown on his face the pony decided to keep exploring. Just as he was turning to walk away a brightly colored mare skipped over to him. She frowned as she looked at him for a second, but then the frown burst into a wide smile and she said, or rather burst out "Hey! I haven't seen you before are you new here? It's funny seeing a new face because it means I get to make a new friend. By the way my names Pinkie Pie, what's yours? Oh I'm so super excited to be meeting somepony new!". The pony could hardly keep up with Pinkie Pie because of the speed at which she was talking. He tried to reply but only managed to get out "Well I don’t really know my name but....." but before he finished Pinkie Pie cut in. She said "Hey! Nice to meet you! It's strange to see a new pony here that's an alicorn, I thought there were only two alicorns in all of Equestria!” Pinkie Pie quickly turned around and bounced over to the door into Sugarcube Corner. She turned back around and said "Well come on in silly!” The pony, slightly embarrassed and a little red in the face said "Well I would but you see I don’t exactly have any money." Pinkie pie merely giggled and said "Oh that's fine, you see I work at Sugarcube Corner so your first treat in Ponyville is on me!” Knowing there was no arguing with the pink pony the pony followed her into the cheerful looking shop. Upon entering the shop he was instantly overwhelmed by all the bright colors and decorations and the sweet smell of freshly baked goods. Pinkie Pie poked her head up from behind the counter and said "Well don't just stand there with that kinda look on your face! Head over here and take a seat!” The pony made his way to the table Pinkie had motioned at and took a seat as Pinkie made her way to the oven and pulled out a freshly baked cake. "Now you just wait here a minute while I go decorate this for you!" said Pinkie. After about a minute she emerged from the back room holding an amazingly decorated midnight blue cake with the words “Welcome to Ponyville!” written on it in a cursive fashion. The only thing the pony could do to react to the stunning cake was stand there gawking. Pinkie cocked her head slightly to the side with an eyebrow raised and said "Oh, you have to stop being so amazed by everything here!" The pony recovered from his momentary stupor and said "Sorry, everything you have here is just so...amazing!" Pinkie giggled and said "Wellll you could just sit there and be amazed all day or you could try eating this cake. Then you'll be even more amazed silly!"Pinkie motioned at the cake and the pony stopped. Pinkie put on a confused look and asked "Problem?" The pony replied "Uhhh well... How do I eat it?" Pinkie giggled again and said "Well you could just dig in, or you could use your magic to take a piece and put it in your mouth!" The pony looked confused and said "Magic? How do I use that?" Pinkie shrugged "How would I know, I'm an earth pony. You'll have to ask somepony who's a unicorn, like Twilight, but let's think about the important thing first, cake!" The pony agreed with Pinkie, cake first, magic later. He leaned down and carefully took a bite of the cake. As soon as he did he was greeted by the taste of the most amazing cake he had ever eaten, not that he could remember ever eating cake, or anything at all for that matter. The cake was chocolate and tasted incredibly sweet, but not sickeningly sweet. The balance of the sweetness and sponginess was perfect and created the perfect cake. Without hesitating he took another massive bite from the cake and within a minute had half the cake down. "Oh wow that was the most amazing cake I've ever eaten!" said the pony, “But I don't think I could eat another bite." Pinkie laughed and cheerfully said "Well if you aren't gunna eat it I guess I will.". Pinkie lunged at the cake and within thirty seconds the rest of the cake was gone. "Wowee that might have been the best cake I've ever made!" said Pinkie. “So earlier you said you don’t have a name?” “Not that I can remember, I’m not even quite sure where I came from. I don't remember anything.” He said. “Lets name you!” shouted Pinkie. “Name me? Do you have something particular in mind?” asked the pony. “Ooo I know! How about night!” she said. “Night? That’s a bit simple isn’t it?” said the pony. “Hmmm how about something like….Eclipse?” she said. “You are the color of night and I think it fits you pretty well.” “Eclipse…….I like it. From now on I’ll be Eclipse!” said Eclipse. For a moment Pinkie locked eyes with Eclipse and he noticed how bright blue her eyes were. Seeing them made him wonder what color his eyes were. It seemed like an odd question to ask, but whatever,"Hey Pinkie what color are my eyes?" asked Eclipse. "Why they're blue silly! How could you forget your own eye color?" said Pinkie. "Haha yea silly of me to forget that." said Eclipse trying to play off his feeling of awkwardness for asking such a stupid question. Pinkie smiled kindly and said "It's not every day you run into an alicorn. and the fact that you don't remember anything is strange, but I like you! You should stay around." Eclipse sighed, "Well, it's not like there's anywhere else for me to go. Anyways, about the magic. You said you have a friend who can teach me?" Pinkie jumped up from her seat, knocking it to the ground "Oh yea! I nearly forgot, how silly of me! You wanna go see Twilight; she lives down the road from here. You just head right down the street, take a right at Quills and Sofas, and follow the road till you get to a big tree house. You can't miss it." "Thanks, I guess I'll head over there now. Are you coming too?" asked Eclipse. Pinkies expression saddened a bit and she replied "Well, trust me when I say I would love to go with you, but I have to stay here and watch Sugarcube Corner, somepony has to do it after all." Eclipse was a bit sad that Pinkie couldn't accompany him to meet Twilight, but she had to do what she had to do. He thanked pinkie for the cake and the nice talk and took off to head for Twilight's house.