//------------------------------// // Step 2: Sonic Rainboom // Story: Golden Flash // by rikkuidol //------------------------------// --------------------- Knock Knock "Fluttershy are you home?" said rainbow dash "......." "huh, guess she's not home...oh man, now what do i do?" after what happened with golden flash earlier, rainbow dash doesn't know what to do with what she is feeling right now, it's like she's forgeting something too, more like someone, she tries to remember but to no avail, all she could remember about her past was the time with gilda, training and Jr. Speedsters, but when it comes to golden flash, it seems like she is forgeting something important that she needs to remember. "*sigh* what am i going to do?... i really need to talk to someone right now." said rainbow dash "rainbow dash? is that you?" said a familiar voice coming from the chicken house. "Fluttershy? boy! i sure am glad to see you! i really need someone to talk to right now.." "ohh my..it seems important cmon, let's get inside and talk about it.." "thanks fluttershy..." ---------------------- Back at the meeting place golden flash was just listening to his music and cloud watching while waiting for rainbow dash and the rest of the wonderbolts, he tried to recollect his thoughts due to the sudden realization of his childhood and about rainbow dash, and what the hay happened to RD and she suddenly flew off like that. she's a nice mare and all, well she IS a nice mare, a hot one at that, i mean "that" plot! and she has this tomboyish aura around her and that's kinda my thing and all but she also has this other side to herself that she hasn't showed it to anyone else...yet. Thinking that golden flash started to blush. "man...i'm broken, just thinking about her makes me all tinggly! is this what spitfire and soarin feel for each other?" mumbled golden flash while rocking left and right on the grass like a little school filly. "what's that about us flash?" said spitfire with a grin. "yeah, what's that all about? you getting in close with RD huh? you lover Stallion! hehehe" said soarin "huh?! spitfire? soarin?" when did you guys get here?" said golden flash with a sheepish smile and a blush on his face. "just in time to see you actin' like a little school filly" said Spitfire "so..where's RD Flash?" "RD? oh yeah! dang it! is it time already?" said Golden flash "i'll go get her" "*sigh* just go fetch her, we'll be waiting here, where did she go anyway?" said spitfire. "uhhhhhh, ummmm, you see..." before spitfire could raise an eyebrow she heard the mare's voice "sorry i'm late! just talked to a friend of mine and asked for advice.." said rainbow dash. "advice huh? wasn't golden flash here for that?" said spitfire raising an eyebrow. "nononono i got lot's of advice from golden flash, it's kinda like a diff..." before rainbow dash could finish her sentence she was cut off with a raise of the hoof from spitfire. "no need to tell us dash, i understand" said spitfire "thanks spitfire" said rainbow dash "so, you ready for your second test rainbow dash?" said soarin "i'm guessing golden flash gave you a brieffing on todays test?" said soarin "yup! and he also gave me some advice or rather a heads up" said rainbow "well then that's good, i haven't actually introduced myself properly.. ahem! the name's Soaring Cloud! Wonderbolts Performance Specialist, i'm incharge of all the tricks and performances we do on every single event may it be small or grand, if the princess calls we follow! nice to meet yah, oh! and you can just call me soarin' for short!". "got it! i'll keep that in mind soarin" said rainbow dash "i haven't introduced myself too actually, zup dash my name is Spitfire Blaze - Cloud, i am the leader of this little group of misfits, i'm actually the 22nd leader of the Wonderbolts group, i got promoted to being the leader around when you where just a little filly, if you ever pass the tests that we give you and become a wonderbolt, you will be following my every order. even if soarin here is the Performance specialist, i'm the one that organizes and perfects the performance, and keeps the group together. You can just call me spitfire by the way or which ever you feel like it." "ok got it! wait...Blaze - Cloud? does that mean?" said rainbow dash with a quizzical look on her face. "hehe, yeah me and soarin are engaged actually.. it's a long story dash.." said spitfire with a blush on her face. "and you already know me dash" said golden flash "yeah yeah flyboy, hehe" said rainbow dash while giggling "stop calling me that!" said an irate golden flash "now that the formalities is done, let's get to your next test! Performance and style! as a wonderbolt you are entitled to be the best of equestria, we fly as one pony and do it with both grace and awe!" said soarin "right! fly as one, perform as one!" said rainbow dash "that's right! you got the words and spirit out! now let's see you perform it! i made this trick with Flash back in the days! now lets see you do it, it's called "RainbowThunder!"" the trick here is we make a thundercloud trail in a circle and finish it with a sonic rainboom in the middle of that circular thundercloud trail, got it?" said soarin. "i got the jist of it!" said rainbow dash "well that's all well and good, c'mere dash i have a more detailed explanation here, and how to use our signature thundercloud trail.." said spitfire -------------------------------- "now are we ready dash?" said spitfire "you got it! let's do this soarin!" said rainbow "now that's what i wanted to hear! in 3" "2" "1" "Let's FLY!!" said Soarin aloud! and with that, both soarin and rainbow dash flew upwards with the signature wonderbolt thundercloud trail, rainbow dash followed every single instruction soarin gave, they started off in a circullar trail to a loop d loop and then finally. "ok dash! one more circle and then break free and remove your trail!!" instructed soarin. "got it!!" "in 3, 2, 1....now!!" screamed soarin rainbow dash did as instructed and headed upwards and made a U turn and picked up speed into a sonic rainboom piercing the circular thunder cloud, and with a large boom the trick was made a combination of the rainboom and thunder strikes following the trail of rainbow was spectacular, Trully a trick to be awed! "NICE! now that is what we call a "RainbowThunder" pretty well done!" said spitfire "yeah, i must agree, it's like me up there with soarin" said golden flash "yeah, it's like you and rainbow dash are one and the same, hehe" said spitfire with a grin on her face. after a few moments in the air soarin and rainbow dash landed near spitfire and golden flash. "that.was.awesome! i've never thought of that trick!" said rainbow dash "cool right? you did pretty well for your first time rainbow i must say, now for your judgement" said soarin "ahem! your coordination is good, you listen to every intruction i've said and with some more proper training i don't even need to shout a command. So my decision is.." said soarin "pause for dramatic effect?" said rainbow dash "yeep... you pass! congrats RD!" said soarin "ohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh! yay!!" screamed rainbow dash "congrats rainbow, sorry if your friends aren't here to celebrate it with you, it's just this tricks are classified, you know for publicity issues and stuff" said spitfire "totally, it's ok! we can celebrate later when i become a true wonderbolt!" said rainbow dash "good job RD.." said golden flash "thanks flash, about ummm earlier sorry if i left you suddenly.." said an apologetic rainbow dash "nah..it's ok RD, you have your reasons and besides it's like we did something anyway" said golden flash "hehe, yeah..about that kiss" whispered rainbow dash with a blush on her face "kiss? what kiss?" said Golden Flash "what?! you don't remember? you mean!" "well, kinda, yeah! i blanked out remember? and the last time i came to was you telling me you gotta go to your friend's place" said golden flash "yeah!! but but... ughhh never mind! i gotta go rest up now!" said an irrate rainbow dash "whoa whoa, what did i do this time?" said golden flash "nothing!" said rainbow dash, and before golden flash could talk rainbow dash was gone. "now what did you do this time flash?" said soarin "nothing!" said golden flash "well that's it, you did nothing don't you see flash? from the looks in rainbows' eyes she sorta like you?" said spitfire "your never gonna make a marefriend like that dude," said soarin with a sheepish smile on his face while looking at spitfire "you have to feel it flash the way she looks at you, whispering at you dont you get it?" said spitfire "i...i... for once i think i need to be told twice... damn it" said golden flash with a sad look on his face ------------------------------ To Be Continued