//------------------------------// // Hiding Somewhere in the Night // Story: Don't Stop Believing // by Mitslits //------------------------------// Chary kept to the shadows, keeping her eyes trained on Swifty and Plow. Anger boiled inside her, begging to be let out. But Chary kept it inside, waiting. She knew that slowly would be the best way. Oh yes. Do it too quickly and she would get nothing out of it. The griffin suddenly leapt forwards, knocking several tree branches together softly. Swifty's head jerked around, her eyes finally landing on two swaying branches. "Hurry up, Plow. I don't like this. I don't like this at all." Chary stomped down on the ground, hearing the satisfying crunch of dried leaves underneath her paw. Then, quick as a wink, she opened her wings and shot forwards, until she was hidden ahead of Plow and Swifty. She broke a branch off of a tree. Swifty's head turned wildly, trying to follow all of the sounds. She urged Plow's Glory onwards. Chary swept upwards until she was hovering far above the pair. She plunged downwards, landing in the trees on the opposite sides of the path. A malicious cackle erupted from deep in her chest, tearing out of her throat. Swifty knew then. She knew it was Chary, probably bent on revenge. She also knew that Chary was there, hiding somewhere in the night, waiting to strike. Dawn's Glow and Indigo Moon wandered the streets, gazing in awe at every hotel. "Forty gazillion hotels, and NO money", Dawn mumbled. "We should probably find a park." Indigo Moon lifted his head. "Okay, don't worry. We'll be getting some money soon." Dawn stopped, glaring at him. "What do you mean, don't worry? This is definitely a situation in which I should worry. A park is our best choice!" She stalked forwards, whipping his nose with her tail. "Hey!" Indigo Moon shouted. He snapped. "I don't need your abuse!" he shouted. "Just stop pushing me around, okay?" Dawn's Glow turned back, eyes burning with rage. "If you think this is being pushed around, you need to face reality", she spat. "That's easy enough with you around", Indy retorted. "How can you say that? I thought being with me was making you happy!" Dawn's voice was rising in volume. "I thought so too", Indy shot back. "Everyone makes mistakes!" As soon as he said it, he wished he hadn't. Dawn stepped back, first shock, then hurt, and finally anger flying over her face. "Is that all I am to you?" she asked coldly. "A mistake? That can be fixed." With that, she turned and walked away from him. She did not look back. The Doctor watched from a nearby street corner. "No", he whispered. "This is bad. This is extremely very not good." He glanced up as a feather tickled his nose. "Don't worry, sweetie. I'll help." The tan pegasus took off, winging through the air. "Good luck", the Doctor whispered. Ditzy woke up as usual, yellow mane mussed, eyes askew, and clumsy. But today was different. She shrieked. "Caramel! Where are the colors?" Caramel skidded into the room. "I don't know! When I woke up, everything was gray." Ditzy stared into Caramel's eyes. "Why have they gone away? And what if they never come back?"