Whose Line: MLP

by Harbinger Of Mist

Christmas Special Part 1: Let's Make A Date [2]

Greetings and welcome, everyone! This is the Whose Line: MLP Christmas Special! We have some new, but known faces.

I look forward to our appointment next week, Silver Quill!

What's your favourite show again? ILoveKimPossibleALot!

Does your mother know about this? Ink Rose!

And a man who's not as pretentious as you think, VoiceOfReason!

I am your guest host, Dr. Wolf! Let's get this started!

*Audience cheers as Dr. Wolf arrives at desk*

Yes, Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays to everyone. To those just joining in, welcome to Whose Line Is It Anyway: My Little Pony edition! And welcome to the Christmas special. I'm feeling so excited. How about you guys?

I am the only performer here without wings.

Not to worry. I will join in at the end after choosing an arbitrary "winner", so I'll be a wingless performer as well. Speaking of the arbitrary winner, I say that because at the end of these games, I will choose one of you to take my place at the desk based off no actual criteria. Because, in true fashion of the show, the points do not matter.

So you can give your favourite patient here a billion points but still choose me?

Theoretically, yes.

Ahh. It seems nice to not be the subject of favouritism for once.

We will see, Silver. Lastly, all these games will have a Christmas theme since it only makes sense. Now, let's get into the swing of things with a simple game called... "Let's Make A Date"!

*Audience applauds*

How we play this game is Ink Rose will sit on one stool on the far side of the stage and everyone else will sit on one these other stools that have envelopes concealing a strange quirk or identity for each of them. They have never seen them before, and it is Ink's job to choose a suitable bachelour from how they answer her questions and try to guess their little quirks.

Ummm... A certain someone may not like the idea of me being on a dating show.

Now, now. We both now he's happy when you're happy.

That is true.

I smell shenanigans in my card.

I only read them, Silver. I don't write them. Now, when you three are all settled, take it away.

*Ahem* Bachelour #1... When you--

I'm gonna be just like daddy!

Cool! Now, when you hear the word "time", what do you think of most?

[Rudolph's overly eager daughter with a glowing blue tail]
When he finally retires and gives me the job! I know the route! I can withstand hailstorms just like the others! And I learned how to fly backwards like I needed to! *Gets up, turns around, leans over stool and sways flank side to side toward camera* All clear, boys!

Bachelour #2!


Whoa... Umm. What advice would you give to someone who's unsure about their future?

[One of Santa's bitter elves looking for Tom Kenny to discuss him stealing his "Spongebob" voice] <--Link
Well... No matter what career they choose, especially voice acting, they need to learn how to be more original. 'Cause let me tell all of you something... *Hops off stool and waddles on his knees over to a camera* You do NOT want to get famous off of someone else's material! *Grabs lens* You know who you are. I'm gonna find you... and we're gonna have a little talk... *Waddles back to seat and climbs back on*

Well, you'll be glad to know I come from a very creative upbringing. Bachelour #3! Do you have a special dream?

[Nicolas Cage as a chicken with a vendetta for eggnog]
*Breathing deeply* Bawk!... Bawk bawk bawk!... BakAAAAAAAAWWK! *Gets up from seat and struts head with each step as he makes his way to the desk* What are you drinking?... What is it?! Yoooouuu monster... How would you feel if I tried to kidnap and drink your kids?! *Takes mug full of eggnog and returns to seat* Don't worry... *Deep breathing* You'll be safe with mommy from now on. *Pants*

I'll leave you time alone. Bachelour #1, what's your fondest childhood memory?

*Talking into invisible cellphone* No, daddy, I told you I'm over my crush on Prancer! ... Look, I... I know they're all gonna be staring back at me when I'm leading. I think you're just jealous 'cause I'm starting to steal all your attention... Oh yeah-huh!

Never mind. Bachelour #2? I think there should always be a healthy amount of give and take in a relationship. What could you give to me?

*Flicks KP's tail using it as a lighter for a cigarette* Don't care, kid. *Puffs* Unless you can get me into Nickelodeon HQ unlike a certain jolly fat man, I ain't giving you jack! *puffs* One of these days... Ol' "Ken-ken" will be out of a job when the genuine article shows up to the execs.

Good luck with that. Bachelou--

You heartless animals call yourselves pro-life?! *Inhales through teeth* You weren't satisfied with just cooking them on a pan, you had to DRINK 'em, too! I'll never let you have these! Bradley and Steven here are staying with me! *Caresses cup* Don't worry, little fellas... The least I can do is make sure you stay with mommy forever. *Drinks eggnog*

*Bzt Bzzzzzzttt!!*

So, Ink Rose? Would you care to hazard a few guesses?

I think I may have gotten a little too political there. I apologize.

Oh, don't worry about it. Considering... Anyway, Ink?

I'm still trying to process. Though, knowing that they're all Christmas themed is helping. Ummm... Bachelour #1 is Rudolph's daughter?

Yes, and...?

She will be leading the sleigh soon because she... has a glowinnnnngg... I hope it's the tail.

*Bzt!* Yes! Nicely done.

Bachelour #2 is an angry elf from Santa's workshop. And he has the same voice as Spongebob.

Ahh! There is something to do with that Spongebob voice...

Ummm... Oh! He wants to speak with Tom Kenny about it!

*Bzt!* Very good!

And bachelour #3... Now that I think about it, he was just Nicolas Cage being Nicolas Cage.

*Chuckles* I wish that could be enough, but what else?

He has a lot to say about eggnog.

And why would that be?

He is... a chicken?

*Bzt!* Yes! Says here that he is a chicken with a vendetta for eggnog.

Ah! Okay.

*All performers return to seats as audience applauds*

I can't believe I did that for the camera...

Well, this is all actually in text format. So it's all up to the readers' imaginations.

That makes it a little worse, actually.

I thought we weren't allowed to be meta.

Oh! That's right. Though they never said that rule was that strict.

Hey, Silver. How did your children taste?

There is no other context that could make that question any less creepy. But, naw. I never really liked eggnog, anyway.

Well, at any rate, that is a thousand points to each of you. And we will right back with more Whose Line in just a moment!