Behind the Scenes

by JewishGingerGal

The Cast Party

"BEST. CAST. PARTY. EVER!" Yelled Trisha. She flew up into the air and did a loop de loop.

She flew down and landed right next to me, Kim, and April. I wished I could hang out with my real friends-but the big cast party was tomorrow. This was a small cast party with just the mane characters.

"I love Trisha at these cast parties. She really lets herself go" Kim laughed. "I'm so glad at least my character is hyper. If I was playing fluttershy I think I would die."

"I haven't died yet" said Trisha. "Plus I like stepping into a character who is so different from me. It really gets me to see things from her perspective."

Trisha is a light warm yellow pony with large wings and a cotton candy pink, flowy mane. Trisha can get a bit hyper, or a lot hyper. She has an endless amount of energy and loves to share it.

"April, is it true that you are going to be a mane character for the next season?" asked Arianna Loki the actor for Rainbow Dash. Arianna chilled. She grew up in a small village and shunned as much fame as she possibly could. She was an extremely sweet pony, but yet I never was able to become friends with her. I wasn't able to become friends with any of them.

Who was I friends with? Piper Lock- a sweet background pony whose nickname was Colgate among many fans for her blue and white colors. I had met her when trying out for my part as Twilight.

I was running late for my audition that day. The bus I was on broke down and I was forced to go by hoof. I was galloping as fast as I could and when I ran across an intersection nearly got myself killed with Piper's motorcycle. She swerved and fell off to the side instead of hitting me. After she fell I ran up to her and helped her up. Fortunately she was alright and so was her motorcycle.

"Wow, you are so lucky it wasn't a bad fall! I really need to thank you for like not killing me." I said.

"Hey it's no biggie. Happens to me every day. " She gave a smile. "My name's Piper Lock, where are you off to in such a hurry?" She asked me.

"There's an audition for a TV show and I'm going to be late!" I exclaimed.

"Hey, I'm going to audition too for something today! What do you know, and BTW you never told me your name" said Piper.

"Selena Jewell. You trying out for My Little Pony too?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'm trying out to be an extra. I'm like that in a lot of shows. I prefer it, it is less limelight, people, and gives me time to have a life while I can make a decent living. Hey, do you want a ride there since I'm going there anyway?" asked Piper.

"Is there room?"



Piper got the job, and so did I. My second friend on set is Kyle. He another background character, but unlike Piper-stays completely in the background.

"Well I hope I am. I mean I think I am" April gave a big smile to Arianna. "I guess we'll find out sure enough"

"We just ended season 5. Can't we take a break?" I complained a bit too loudly.

Everyone stared at me- Arianna, April, Trisha, Kim, Raven Sabers (AJ), and Lauren Foster (Rarity).

My cheeks turned pink.
"I'm going to go rest now. See you all later." I said as I quickly ran out.
No one went after me.They knew I didn't belong with them.

Tear ran down my small cheeks. I took my cell out of my pocket and dialed Piper's number.