The Beginning

by fallen starr


Celestia's stomach churned. She looked around the room. The unicorns all looked back, awaiting her reaction.

"Y-you're sure?" Her voice shook despite her efforts. "You're positive this will work?"

A yellow mare nodded. "Princess, this has to work. There is no other way."

Celestia looked at the papers before her. It was full of equations she didn't understand and words she didn't know. The Royal Researchers had been working on this since she and her sister had stepped into the castle, though she hadn't know until her eighteenth birthday three years ago. The King and Queen had seen fit to include her then.

"And if it fails?" she asked quietly.

Silence. Nopony spoke. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "Mother and Father will not like that, you know. Do you have fail-safe's in place?" Again, she was only answered with silence. "It is good you brought this to me first, then." She looked up, taking another deep breath. "I say we try it." When no one replied to that, she narrowed her eyes. "Do none of you have anything to say?"

"Princess," a green-coated stallion said, his eyes not quite meeting hers, "please, are you suggesting we not tell the King and Queen? They would have us put to death."

She swallowed, looking down at the papers. "That would only happen if it fails, Runescape. If you bring them something you don’t believe in, you aren’t going to succeed anyway.”

The yellow mare from before cleared her throat. "There is one other thing, Princess. If we are to do this…we would have to change both you and Princess Luna at the same time. There is no way of knowing if we could manage it a second time."

"I see." Celestia narrowed her eyes at the table. She didn't understand much of what these equations were about. All of these ponies had dedicated their lives to their research and were much older than her. She had turned twenty-one not long ago, and while that was old enough to make decisions about her life for herself, it wasn’t old enough to understand deeply theoretical magics. "And…what is the predicted success rate?"


Eighty percent. It was close to one-hundred, but it still had a ways to go. Still these unicorns had been working on this for nine years now. They had been perfecting this one spell for nine years to get it to the correct specifications. If they said it was the closest they could do, then it would never get better.

There was a twenty percent chance of failure. She wanted to tell them failure was not an option, to work until they had a perfect success rate. But they would need to practice first. To do that, they would need live ponies, and that wasn't an option.

She sighed. "I will leave it up to you to present it to the King and Queen when you see fit. I…I approve. We should not advance without their permission."

The research team had gone to the King and Queen almost immediately. To Celestia's surprise, they had agreed. Now the King and Queen sat with Celestia and Luna. After having explained everything to Luna, she had not spoken. Celestia watched her closely.

"So…you want to give us the power to raise the sun and moon on our own. No other ponies to help?"

"Yes," the Queen said. "If you want it."

"How…how does this even work?" she asked, looking at the three of them.

Celestia swallowed. "I'm not sure. The research team has done so much work on this. I'm sure they've accounted for everything. Imagine, Luna. The night sky would be yours. The stars and the moon…all yours."

"What good does this do? We'll die in a few decades and no one will know how to raise the sun or the moon." Luna shook her head. "I just do not understand. Have they made a spell to give us eternal life?"

"Indeed," a voice said. The four ponies turned quickly, looking at the yellow unicorn who had answered most of Celestia's questions. "Though it is a little more complicated than that. You will be connected to your celestial bodies. There are still many ways for you to die, Princess. Illness, unnatural causes, and the fading of the celestial bodies you will be tied to."

Luna's eyes were wide when she looked at Celestia." What if I do not want this?"

"Then just say no."

After a moment, Luna closed her eyes and nodded. "If you are willing, so am I." She opened her eyes and smiled. "Besides, I can't let you have all the fun, Celly."

The yellow-coated mare gave the sisters a grim smile. "Then it is time. Runescape has everything completed."

The castle courtyard was completely empty, save for the research team. The King and Queen had been asked to stay within the castle walls, so the two sisters walked to the center where the other ponies were, alone.

Clearing his throat, Runescape stepped forward. "You understand once we begin, we cannot stop."

The sisters nodded.

"There is still time to say no, to turn back now."

Celestia looked at her sister. The younger mare squared her shoulders and took a deep breath. Looking Runescape in the eyes, she nodded. "We are ready."

"Very well." Runescape motioned for them to follow him. Celestia's hesitated before taking the first step, but followed when she saw Luna walking forward with her head held high. Her heart beat frantically against her chest as she and Luna stopped in the middle of the intricate markings on the ground.

"Lulu, are you sure you want this? It isn't too late to stop. They haven't begun yet," she asked as she faced her sister.

Luna leaned in and nuzzled Celestia. "I am afraid too, sister. But you said yourself, these researchers know what they are doing. You were very supportive before, from what I've heard."

"Yes, I was. I just…this can fail. If something happens to you…"

Luna smiled and shook her head. "Nothing bad will happen. I trust in your judgment, sister."

Celestia leaned in and hugged her sister, closing her eyes. The unicorns around the runes they were standing on began chanting, their horns glowing brightly. Celesita moved away from Luna so she could look into her eyes. Neither of them said a word as the runes under their hooves lit up. The magical aura from the unicorns slowly rose from the runes and onto their hooves.

The aura pressed uncomfortably against Celestia's skin as it made its way higher up her legs. She heard Luna's pained gasp and looked over to her sister. The magic had already engulfed Luna to her neck. Her teeth clenched against the pain as the magic pooled around a spot on her barrel.

Celesita couldn't hold in her own gasp as the magic began doing the same to her. She bit her tongue to stop from crying out as wings slowly protruded from her back. The burning was nearly more than she could bear. Tears and sweat mingled into streams, running down her face.
She was forced to her knees as the magic pushed into her and pressed out. Her eyes squeezed shut as the magic reached the tip of her horn.

Suddenly, magic was gone. She took a few deep, panting breaths before looking over at Luna. The dark coated mare slowly raised her head, her breathing heavy. Neither of the sisters said a word to each other as they took in the sight of wings.

Ignoring the murmurs from the unicorns around them, they scooted closer to each other. They didn't dare try to stand for fear their legs would give out. Instead, they leaned against each other, sharing a small smile.

Runescape rushed to them. "How are you feeling? Can you move the wings?"

They looked up to see Runescape's worried expression. "A bit sore, but I think we'll be okay," Celestia said.

"Sore how?" He walked around them slowly, examining them with his eyes.

"Just from the wings growing and our bodies changing to accommodate the strengths of all three races. I'm positive we will be fine once we adjust." Celestia stood and shook out her pink mane. "In the mean time, I am famished. Luna?"

"I could do with a good meal as well, sister. Shall we?" Luna stood and nodded. "I believe the kitchens would allow us a pre-supper snack, would they not?"

"Wait," Runescape called. "You can't just leave. The healer team needs to ensure you're healthy."

Luna sighed. "Runescape, we are fine." She turned to take another step forward, but her hoof seemed to miss the ground as she fell.

Celesita ran to Luna's side. "Lulu, are you okay?"

Luna blinked slowly, squeezing her eyes tight and opening them. "Don't you feel that? It's like the plants are calling to us. As if the grass beneath our feet is trying to speak."

"I do."

Shaking her head, Luna stood. "I was simply disoriented for a moment. I am fine now." She stood shakily to her feet.

"You need to see the healers. Please." Runescape moved quickly to Luna's side as she stumbled again.

"I do not want—"

"Okay, we'll go," Celestia interrupted. "We can always sup later." Moving closer to her sisters other side, the three ponies made their way into the castle and to the infirmary. They were given many strange looks from the staff in the castle. Ponies seemed to stare at the wings on the Princesses back. Wings that hadn't been there that morning.

The healers rushed to the small group immediately. The sisters were ushered to beds, where a small group of unicorns began poking and prodding them with different types of magic. After what felt like forever, the tests ended.

"You seem to be in good health," the lead healer said. "You need much rest for the next few days."

Though Celestia and Luna had yet to be presented to the populace, the King and Queen had a few citizens bring up the rumored changes during the day of court. Normally this day was used to petition the royals for various needs, but that day the only topic brought up was the two sisters.

It had been three days since their transformations. They had taken the healers advice to heart and slept for a majority of that time, only leaving the room when driven out by hunger or other natural necessities. The rumors, coupled with their sudden disappearance from raising the sun and moon, led to the questioning during the court.

Celesita awoke to late evening sun shining through her window. She attempted to set up before a sharp pain made her yelp. She glared at her new wing as best as could. Learning to live with the new appendages would take some getting used to. Slowly, she stretched them.

How she hadn't been mesmerized when they first appeared, she didn't know. Reaching out a hoof, she delicately stroked the feathers. She couldn't believe the spell had worked. She had wings. She had earth pony magic. She would raise the sun by herself.

Her throat constricted at that thought. As it were, the task took every able-bodied unicorn in the city to do. How was she supposed to do it with no help at all? With a sigh she got out of the bed and opened the door to the hallway. She made her way to Luna's room, wondering if her sister was awake.

It worried her how the spell had affected Luna more that it had her. She hoped it hadn't made any negative permanent effects. She knocked lightly on the door.

"Come in," called Luna.

Celestia walked into the room and grinned. Luna was standing in front of a mirror, lifting her wing and looking at it. "They are so strange, but I like it all the same. When do our flight instructors arrive?" Luna flapped her wings a couple times. "I want to learn soon."

"I'm not sure."

Luna shrugged, turning to face Celestia. "Are you excited about tonight?"

"Tonight?" Celestia asked, her brow furrowed in confusion.

"Yes, we were left notes. Did you not read yours?" A scroll dangled in front of Celestia as Luna moved closer. "I am to raise the moon tonight."

Taking the scroll in her own magic, Celestia read. Unconsciously, her mouth dropped open.
"Tonight? Are you ready? We've only just recovered from the spell."

Lung took the letter back with a giggle. "You worry too much, Celly. Everything will be fine.”

Luna and Celesita stood before the citizens gathered in front of the raising balcony. Celesita could tell the smile on her face was fighting to turn into a grin as the King spoke. He told his subjects of the research and planning that had led to Celestia and Luna being presented as they were. "TONIGHT, WE SEE IF OUR EFFORTS WERE TRUE. TONIGHT, PRINCESS LUNA SHALL RAISE THE MOON ON HER OWN."

The crowd murmured at the revelation. Luna simply smiled and stepped forward. "WE ARE PLEASED TO BE ABLE TO SERVE EQUESTRIA IN THIS WAY. IF YOU WOULD LOOK TO THE EAST, WE SHALL NOW BRING THE MOON."

Almost as one, everypony looked to where the moon always rose. Luna took a deep breath and closed her eyes, pulling magic from deep within. Celesita watched with rapt attention as her sister began pulling the moon. Every muscle Luna had tensed and her wings clutched tightly to her side.

Just as Celestia was about to suggest she give up, the moon crested the horizon. Celesita watched, eyes wide, as the moon slowly traveled through the sky and to the release point. Once Luna had let go, Celestia rushed to her.

"You did it," she told Luna as she wrapped her hooves around her sister, "you raised the moon."

Luna was panting and obviously tired, but she smiled. "I did it."

The King was speaking again, so the sisters turned to listen. Luna leaned on Celestia for support, her eyes never leaving the moon she had put in the sky.


From down below, a young foal's voice called out. "What kind of ponies are they, your highness?"

The crowd murmured again. "THEY ARE…" The king faltered, looking about.

Luna straightened up and looked down at the crowd. "WE ARE CALLED ALL-CORNS. FOR WE POSSESS THE BEST OF ALL THE RACES. WE ARE ONE WITH ALL OF YOU."

Celestia stirred awake as the door to her room opened. Smiling at the silhouette outlined by the moonlight, she sat up. "Something troubling you, sister?"

Without a word, Luna climbed onto the bed. "I can't sleep. I am tired, so tired, from raising the moon. Yet sleep eludes me." She lay down on Celestia's bed, stretching her limbs and closing her eyes. "It was fantastic. I am the Princess of the Night. The Night, Celly." She yawned. "Everypony is going to see the night sky and see the beauty of it now. They do not have to be awake at sunrise anymore, so they will have time to revel in the night."

"Of course they will." Celestia smiled as she pulled the duvet over Luna and herself. She draped her wing over her sister, who subconsciously snuggled closer, resting her head next to Celestia's.

"The night will be grand," she murmured. After a moment, her soft, even breaths reached Celesita's ears.

Smiling, Celestia kissed Luna's forehead. "Ponies will love the night. Just as I love you, little sister."

Closing her eyes, Celestia drifted into a contented sleep.