Lovely Chaos

by Phoenixfire Productions

Shady Character

Shade was a suspected Shadowbolt supporter. The Shadowbolts had been formed during Nightmare Moon's return, and they had quickly begun wreaking chaos. Small villages had fell into their iron grasp. The Royal Guard had tried tracking them down, but the risk of attack was to great in the night, and in the day they simply disappeared. Shade was always a bit weird, and the fact that she had moved into a city occupied by the Shadowbolts made her look suspicious. Shade had claimed that she wanted to help protect the younger residents of the city, but no one had bought. Seeing her in a place where Pinkie was said to be, and Pinkie having disappeared, was not a good sign.

The gray pegasus mare walked over to the main five's table, a smirk on her face.

"I'm not as smart as Twilight, but I know about counting. And colors. And peace. Pinkie's missing, isn't she." Shade didn't ask, she stated.

"Yes, so? Do you know something?" Twilight said calmly.

"No. Eyes to the sky, wave goodbye. For city of dust, it's a must." Shade said in a sing-song voice before flying away, her black mane and tail streaming out behind her. Rainbow rolled her eyes before biting into her cupcake quietly. Rainbow's friends quickly followed, all wishing that Pinkie was there to lighten the mood.