A Little Get Together

by Story blossom

Chapter Five

Rainbow Dash, now accompanied by her husband, son, and daughter, was the first to arrive at the picnic spot.
“What gives?” she asked with a puzzled expression.
“I guess we’re the first ones here,” Soarin remarked.
Whiplash let out a triumphant laugh. “Daybreak is gonna be so mad that we beat her!” he boasted.
His little sister gurgled in agreement.
“I can’t wait to see the look on Twilight’s face when she finds out we beat her to her own picnic!” Rainbow laughed.
On que, the princess appeared, in a purple cloud of magic.
“I’m here!” she sighed.
Daybreak with Spike riding on her back, and Flash Century with Comet Gazer on his, arrived seconds behind out of breath.
“You could’ve waited on us!” Spike pointed out.
“Oh, sorry everypony, I just wanted to make sure I got here on time,” she replied.
“Looks like your two minutes late,” Rainbow Dash said, making her, as well as her family’s, presence known.
“Ha-ha yep, I beat you Daybreak!” Whiplash bragged.
“Bite me!” Daybreak teased at her friend.
“I just might!” he teased back, flying swiftly towards her.
Daybreak, prepared for his attack, dodged causing him to fly past. She stuck her tongue out at him.
“Alright you two,” Twilight interrupted.
“Yeah no fighting without me!” Pinkie Pie jumped on the two, taking them by surprise.
She blew raspberries onto their tummies, as they giggled.
“Is that my little Warpy?” Rarity, who had also just arrived, asked referring towards the cyan filly.
“Yep, it is,” Soarin replied, handing his daughter to her.
“She’s just a cutey-wutey, yes she is,” Rarity played with the diapered foal who tittered in response.
“Rarity,” Rainbow Dash groaned, “how many times do I have to tell you, she’s a wonderbolt-in-training, we aren’t cutey-wuteys.”
“You may be a tom-filly, but I have a feeling that this one will be visiting me quite often for fashion advice,” Rarity commented.
Warp Fusion clapped her hooves together.
“You traitor!” Rainbow joked as she rubbed her daughter’s colorful mane.
“Um, sorry we’re late, Princess Twilight,” Apple Butter apologized to her mother’s friend.
“That’s perfectly fine,” Twilight grinned, finding it comforting how much like her mother Apple Butter was.
“Apple Butter,” Fluttershy said as she approached, “did everything work out okay?”
“Yes, it did. Is Crisp feeling better?” she inquired.
“Actually, he’s here now. He said he felt good enough to come, so Apple Jack let him, as long as he promised not to rough-house and hurt himself again,” Fluttershy answered.
Apple Butter looked to her aunt Apple Jack and cousin Apple Crisp. He sat close to his mother, looking out longingly towards his friends as they played worry free. However, his ears perked up as his brother, Crumble, came up to him. She hadn’t noticed that her cousin had left her side, but by the look of determination on his face, he intended to apologize, so she went on as if she never took notice.
“Crisp,” Crumble said, “I’m sorry ‘bout you gettin’ hurt. I’d a never dared you to if I knew.”
Apple Jack, who listened to her two son’s conversation, wore a proud smile upon her face.
“It’s alright Crum, it don’t even hurt that much anymore. We both shoulda’ known better,” Apple Crisp reassured his brother.
“Yeah, you’re right,” Crumble said as he embraced his younger sibling into a hug, careful not to bother his injured leg.
“My boys,” Apple Jack said as she joined.
“Now that we’re all here,” Twilight Sparkle announced, “why don’t we start the picnic?”
A chorus of agreement followed. Everpony helped in the setting up. In a matter of minutes, an extra-large white and red checkered blanket laid on the ground, shrouded in cuisine and ponies.
The adult ponies sat around eating and conversing while their children did the same. Chatter and laughter was carried by the wind, on this peaceful day. Though it did not start off this way for most of the ponies, the day had all returned to it’s serenity in the end.
“It’s so nice to get everypony together every once in a while,” Fluttershy commented.
“Yep,” her husband Big Mac concurred.
“Couldn’t agree more,” Rarity added.
“Yeah, getting together like this is awesome. We should do it more often,” Rainbow Dash said, gaining a nod from her husband.
“I think that’d be a swell idea,” Apple Jack replied.
“Hopefully, next time there won’t be an injury count,” Caramel stated.
“Yeah, and next time we can bring more sweets!” Pinkie Pie said patting her stomach.
“Here, here!” her husband, Cheese Sandwich shouted.
The friends laughed at their playfulness. Surrounding them, their children played.
The sun lowered in the sky, it’s warmth held no candle to the warmth shared between the families. It was almost jovial how complex, yet simple the day had unraveled. Issues resolved, the ponies focused their attention on enjoying their time together. Though they all had their own separate lives, at this time the lives were intertwined. All sorrows, and misgivings forgotten, and in return replaced with friendship.