//------------------------------// // Chapter Two // Story: A Little Get Together // by Story blossom //------------------------------// Twilight Sparkle panted heavily in her crystal home. She had chased her daughter all around the castle and had finally tired out in a hallway. “Daybreak!” She yelled between deep breaths. An orange Pegasus snuck her head around the corner at the end of the hallway, “No! I refuse to attend another of your princess sessions!” She stomped her hoof against the crystal floor. Daybreak had never enjoyed her mom’s weekly meetings. “All I do is sit there while she bores me to sleep with her lectures on How to Behave Mare-like in front of crowds or the latest From Filly to Mare, Your changing body.” She shuttered. That last lecture was what caused her rebellion, and her refusal to leave her room for an entire day. Twilight sighed exasperated. “Daybreak please!” she pleaded, “We need to get this over with so I can begin preparations for the picnic!” “Why do I have to!?” Daybreak argued, “Comet never has them!” “That’s because he is not a princess, you are!” Twilight yelled back. “Why do I have to be a princess?!” Daybreak yelled in frustration. She immediately wanted to suck the words back into her mouth. Twilight had been pushed to the brink. She teleported to her daughter and grasped her in the magic glow her horn emitted. Daybreak struggled, but gave up knowing that there was no escape now. Twilight carried her daughter into her bedroom and locked the door only dropping her after it locked. Daybreak groaned and slumped to the floor. “What is wrong with you? Is it what we talked about in the last meeting?” she interrogated. “No!” Daybreak responded hastily. “Then what is it? Why are you acting this way?” Twilight demanded. Daybreak was silent. To be completely honest, she wasn’t exactly sure. “Well,” She started “I just don’t want to be a princess, okay!” Her mom was quiet for a moment. Twilight realized that they had been raising their voice level and if they kept it up they would probably alert the guards. “If they haven’t already been alerted,” She thought bitterly. She calmed herself and replied “Day, I understand that it’s not your dream to become a princess but could you just try for me?” The princess pleaded. Her daughter’s dream, to her confusion, was to become a wonderbolt. Daybreak desperately dreamed to be like her loyal friend Rainbow Dash. Daybreak looked up to Rainbow Dash as a role model, and though she dreaded to admit it, it made her somewhat jealous. Daybreak’s lavender eyes were brimmed with tears. “Can’t I just go be with dad and Comet and Spike?” she asked. Twilight Sparkle excelled in academics and magic. She was the princess of friendship for crying out loud, there wasn’t much that she just flat out couldn’t understand. Her daughter, however, was an exception. No matter how hard she tried she just couldn’t understand her. Her husband had the opposite relationship with her, they went together like Pinkie Pie and frosting. “I know how you feel,” Twilight finally replied. “At first, I didn’t think I was fit to be a princess.” She walked forward and hugged her daughter who was too busy crying to protest. “But then I realized that there was a reason for me to be a princess, that I was meant to be one. And, even though you haven’t figured it out yet, there is a reason that you are a princess. But, that’s not to say that one day you won’t become Equestria’s greatest wonderbolt.” They sat in the middle of the room for a bit until Twilight continued. “I’m gonna tell you a secret.” Daybreak’s ears perked up at this. “When I found out that I was going to be a princess, I freaked out. I felt totally unprepared for the first time in my life.” Day giggled through the tears. The thought of her mom not prepared for something really was something to laugh at. Daybreak hugged her mom back. A knock at the door broke the silence. Twilight used her magic to unlock the door. Flash Sentry entered the room along with Daybreak’s younger brother, Comet gazer and Spike. “What’s going on in here?” Twilight’s husband asked. “Are you guys okay?” Spike questioned. “We’re fine” Daybreak answered. “Just mare stuff.” “Ew!” Spike and Comet replied in unison. Twilight giggled at their response. “Well, I hope you ponies can get ready in a hurry because we need to get to the picnic right away,” Flash informed them. Twilight jumped into the air in shock. “The picnic!” She shouted. She quickly teleported to a different room, leaving her husband, kids, and assistant in Daybreak’s bedroom. They all rushed to the door knowing that if they didn’t get there quick Twilight would have left them at home absentmindedly.