Fluttershy and Thunder Night

by Rakoon1

Lost in Passion

Thunder Night watched Fluttershy, while she treated his wounds. First, she washed the wounds of his burns and then began to apply the ointment that she made with the medicinal plants that she brought from Cherry Blossom. While she was applying it, Thunder Night felt a huge burning sensation that made him squirm to get through the pain he was feeling. Seeing that, Fluttershy asked him:

"Am I hurting you?"

"No, you're not" he answered. "Please continue."

"Are you sure?" Fluttershy asked again. "If you want, I can do it with ease to not hurt you more."

"I said I'm fine" the thestral insisted, speaking somewhat hastily, tempering the tone upon realizing what he had said and how he said it. "Sorry, I didn't want to talk to you like this."

"It's okay" Fluttershy said. "I have a friend who speaks what comes to her mind in the same way as you."

After she had cleaned the burns and had applied the ointment, Fluttershy started putting bandages, struggling not to over-tighten them.

"Very well, I think that should do the job" she said, when she just put a bandage around the Thunder Night’s torso.

"Thank you" Thunder Night thanked, while he raised up, being careful to not cause too much pain. "You made a good job."

"Well, I usually take care of the animals that live here" Fluttershy said. "Sometimes they get injured and usually I'm the one who help them."

"But what luck I had" Thunder Night said. "I was rescued by somepony who knows how to take care of burns."

The two gave a nervous laugh and then there was a small but awkward silence. Angel watched those two, along with the birds that lived in Fluttershy’s cottage. They seemed to be thinking the same thing: there was something between those two. Finally, Fluttershy broke the silence by saying:

"You must be exhausted" Fluttershy said. "After all, you're a thestral. You're nocturne. For you, the day must be like the night for me. You can sleep in my bed until dusk and then you can leave."

"You don't have to" Thunder Night said. "I'm fine. Furthermore, there is nothing better than a few burns to make us well awaken, isn't it?"

That made Fluttershy give a laugh. Thunder Night didn't know why, but Fluttershy’s laughter made him feel happy. The look on her face was so sweet and beautiful which seemed to be mesmerizing. When he came to himself, Thunder Night said:

"Maybe it’s better if I get some sleep and recover energies."

And, having said this, he took flight to go to Fluttershy’s room which was on the top floor. The yellow pegasus did not fail to look at the place where Thunder Night was before he had got out of her field of vision. There was something about him that fascinated Fluttershy. She was so distracted she didn't even notice that somepony was knocking on the door. It took Angel poking her for her attention.

"Oh, thank you, Angel” Fluttershy replied, addressing the door while Angel rolled her eyes.

She opened it and saw that it was Twilight.

"Hello, Fluttershy" Twilight greeted.

"Twilight, what are you doing here?" Fluttershy asked. "I thought you were staying in Canterlot until Blue had come from his mission."

"Yes, I also thought about it, but I realized I couldn't be locked in a room, depressed" Twilight replied. "Blue wouldn't want that. So I decided to come to Ponyville and spend the day with my friends. Do you want to go have a picnic with me and with the others."

"Well..." Fluttershy said, hesitating, since she didn't want to leave Thunder Night alone. " I don't know, Twilight. I think today I can't go."

"It's okay" Twilight replied slightly disappointed. "I'm sure you have a good reason not to go. After all, there will be many other opportunities. Well, I gotta go. Bye."

"Bye" Fluttershy said.

Fluttershy closed the door, then he heard Thunder Night’s voice saying:

"You didn't want to go because of me, right?"

Fluttershy saw the thestral leaning against the railing on the top floor looking at her.

"I didn't want to leave you alone" she replied, while Thunder Night flew down and landed in front of her. "You could use my help."

"I may have some burns, but I still know how to take care of myself" Thunder Night said. "After all, I'm a Royal Guard.”

"I know, but..." Fluttershy said, not knowing how to express what she was feeling. "But I don't think it would be correct to leave you alone here, knowing that you're hurt. It's not something I would do."

"You know, you're a weird pony" said Thunder Night. "But weird in a good way. I've never met anypony who cares so much about the others."

"Well, I'm sure there are a lot of ponies like me" Fluttershy said, blushing slightly.

"Maybe, but none of them have a goodness as great as yours" Thunder Night said, smiling.

He was shocked by what he had just said. He didn’t use to say that to ponies that he had just met.

"Oh, thank you" Fluttershy replied, blushing to the compliment that Thunder Night had said to her.

The two made once again an awkward silence. Angel was sick of seeing those two like that and had a plan to end it.

"Well, I think I'm going to go get something to eat" Fluttershy said. "With all the emotion of the day, I barely had eaten since breakfast."

Fluttershy was about to advance in the direction of the kitchen, but then Angel quickly approached and made his owner stumbled on one of his paws. She was going to fall, but she was picked up by Thunder Night. That made the two stay very close to each other. They stared into the eyes of each other, unable to divert them for a moment.

Then, as if a force was pulling them towards each other, the two approached their muzzles and their lips touched, creating a kiss. That kiss seemed to be only the beginning, since the two of them seemed not to want to separate themselves, he had been the first step towards what was going to happen next.

Hours later, the sun started to down, while the day entered in its final hours before the start of the night. In Fluttershy’s cottage, she and Thunder Night were both in her bed, having just given themselves up to passion they felt for each other. It was then that the thestral woke up and noticed the yellow pegasus whose head was rested on his chest.

He couldn't believe that had happened. After all, Fluttershy, for him, was a strange, since they had just met. However, he could not repent of what he had done. The vision of Fluttershy asleep at his side was too beautiful and the smile that she had was too warm. Thunder Night couldn't avoid smiling and passed his hoof gently through her face. It was then that Fluttershy also started waking up.

"Hello" Thunder Night greeted.

"Hello" Fluttershy greeted, a little sleepy.

It was then that Fluttershy noticed what it had just happened and said, starting to get up and panicking:

"Oh goodness, what I have done! Sorry, I didn't mean for this to happen! I just..."

"Hey, take it easy" Thunder Night interrupted, trying to calm her down. "It's all right."

"But... but..."

"We did what we did because we wanted to" Thunder Night said. "And, I must say it, I liked it."

"You liked?" Fluttershy asked, surprised. "But I... Seriously?"

"Yes" Thunder Night replied. "I have to confess. I... I think I might have a crush on you. I don't know if it's for you had saved me, but... I think you're captivating."

That made Fluttershy blush.

"Do you think... Do you think I'm captivating?"

"Yes" Thunder Night said, blushing slightly.

Fluttershy couldn't believe that a stallion would said to her she was captivating and that liked being with her. Plus, being that her first time. Everything made her gain courage to confess:

"I... I’m in love for you too."

And the two lovers hugged each other, but that lasted a short time, since Thunder Night felt a pain due to the burns, what made him give a small groan.

"I'm sorry" Fluttershy said. "Did it hurt?"

"Don't worry" Thunder Night answered her. "I've been through worse."

And the two gave a laugh and then they started exchanging caresses and kisses.

When the night began to emerge, Thunder Night wore his armor, preparing to leave. Fluttershy approached him and asked:

"Do you really have to go now? Your burns..."

"Don't worry" Thunder Night reassured her. "Thanks to you, I have enough power to fly directly to Canterlot. And don't forget that I'm a thestral. The night strengthens me."

"I know, but I'd like you to stay a bit longer" Fluttershy said. "After all, we hardly know each other, and I'd like to get to know you better."

Thunder Night passed her hoof through Fluttershy's face and said:

"I promise I will be back. Don't worry. But I have work to do."

Fluttershy smiled at him and said:

''I understand."

Thunder Night smiled back and then I told her:

"I love you."

"I love you too" Fluttershy replied.

The two exchanged a kiss and then Thunder Night came out and took flight, in direction of Canterlot. Fluttershy went to see him flying away, unable to avoid smiling. Maybe she just met the love of her life.