Fluttershy and Thunder Night

by Rakoon1

A Turbulent Meeting

Thunder Night, a proud thestral royal guard of the Lunar Royal Guard, was returning to Canterlot after one more night watch. However, he had been distracted by the weather, something that was always happening when he was always flying at night. The truth is he couldn't do it any other way, as, being a thestral, the sun burned his skin. But the fresh air of the night and the darkened sky used to give him an immense sense of freedom. However, at that moment, he knew he shouldn't have been so careless with the hours, as the sun was about to rise.

The thestral began circling Ponyville, knowing that he was already near Canterlot. But then he noticed that the sky was getting brighter, with the blue sky of the day appearing, accompanied by the orange tones of the sun. Thunder Night flapped his wings as fast as he could in order to reach the big city, but it was then that the solar rays hit him. Feeling them touching his coat, Thunder Night began to feel a strong burning sensation. Suddenly, a beam of light reached his eyes, making the thestral close them suddenly and stop his flight, what made him starting to fall.

Fluttershy, the shy yellow pegasus, had just wake up with the dawn, ready to start feeding her animals. It had passed two weeks since Twilight and Blue’s wedding day.

"Good morning, my friends, how are you in this beautiful day?" Fluttershy asked to her bird friends that inhabited in the bird houses that she had inside her house.

They responded with tweets that Fluttershy understood and then she replied:

"I am very happy to hear that."

She put the seeds in their bowls and then turned to her pet bunny, Angel, who was on his basket, sleeping.

"Angel, it's time to wake up," she said, approaching and touching him with the muzzle.

But Angel didn't seem in the mood to get up.

"Come on, Angel, I brought you breakfast" she said, picking up a carrot.

Hearing the word breakfast, his ear stood up and few seconds later, the rabbit got up completely, immensely pleased to receive his carrot. Fluttershy put the carrot in front of him and Angel devoured it completely in seconds. After this, he extended his forelegs to Fluttershy, as if asking for more.

"I'm sorry, Angel, but I can only give you one carrot" Fluttershy said. "A good breakfast cannot be too heavy."

But Angel, stubborn as he was, continued to extend the forelegs, but this time with a more impatience air.

"No, Angel, I've said no" Fluttershy said, showing firmness.

Despite normally being too doormat to her bunny, there were moments when Fluttershy knew how to be firm. But this did not please the little white rabbit who just came back to lie down on his bed.

"Angel, you won't get grumpy, will you?" she asked.

But her white bunny did not respond. Despite wanting to show firmness, there were also times when Fluttershy let herself be overtaken by her own kindness and she didn’t want nopony being mad at her.

"Okay, just one more carrot" she said, picking up another carrot.

With this, Angel rose up and extended his forelegs, receiving the carrot, delighted to have achieved what he wanted.

Before Angel started asking for more carrots, Fluttershy hastened to get out to feed her other animals such as the chickens. While she performed that task, a bunch of birdies came to her and began to tweet something, as if they wanted to tell something.

"Oh my goodness, what's wrong?" Fluttershy asked to her bird friends. "Somepony's in trouble? Show me."

And Fluttershy’s bird friends began to guide her to the edge of the Everfree Forest. It was then that she saw what her friends birds were trying to warn her. On the top of bushes, it was Thunder Night, unconscious by the crash that he had. Fluttershy was shocked to see he had burns on his body.

She knew he was a thestral, something she also concluded due to his armor, and also knew that thestrals were quite sensitive to sunlight. Fluttershy had to take him to a dark place where she could treat him. She realized that the only place nearby was his cottage, but Thunder Night was too heavy for her to carry him by herself. But the yellow pegasus soon had an idea.

"Can you get Harry, please?" Fluttershy asked to her bird friends which moved away.

Harry was Fluttershy’s bear friend who lived nearby and she knew that he would help her bring Thunder Night to her cottage. While she waited for his arrival, Fluttershy tried to put the thestral under the shade in order to minimize any contact with the sun. When Harry arrived, he carried Thunder Night to Fluttershy’s cottage. They entered, with Fluttershy thanking Harry for his help before he leaves, and she took the thestral to the couch. Angel, seeing that, hooped to the edge of Fluttershy who told him:

"Sorry, Angel, but it looks like we have an emergency. Could you close all possible entries of light, while I will lit some candles?"

Although usually Angel want to first satisfy his own needs, he knew when it was time to help and then he saluted Fluttershy with his ears and began to treat what she had asked him to do, having some help from the birds that lived in the interior of the cottage. Fluttershy, however, lit some candles for some luminosity. After that, she took off his armor and went to get some gauze and a bucket of water, starting to soak the gauze and put it on Thunder Night’s forehead to reduce his fever. But after this, her gaze fell on the burns.

"These burns look pretty serious" Fluttershy said. "I don't know if I have enough herbs to treat them. Maybe Cherry or Daisy have some herbs that can give me. I'll go to town to try to find some."

Fluttershy picked up her basket and, before leaving, headed to Angel:

"Angel, will you take care of him while I'm gone?"

The little rabbit simply nodded his head and salute her again with his ears, confirming he would do what Fluttershy asked him to do.

“Thank you very much” she thanked him. "Later, I make it up to you with two extra carrots for dinner."

That made Angel make a roar of joy and then lick his chops.

"So I leave him to you. See you later."

And, having said this, she went to go pick up the herbs that could help Thunder Night to heal from his burns.