Achievement Hunter and the Battle Against the Sirens

by Blacksmith

(2) "I told you it would come in handy"

In the office there was a dull silence that infected the room. This is mostly due to the fact that everyone had to work on there own things. Whether it be Jeremy editing achievement guides, Ryan getting heat for always being away doing "Free Play" with meg, and Geoff who is simply setting up for the let's play they need to film this current day. After getting the Achievement City loaded up and getting his character in the new location made by the build team he decide to round up the guys.
"Alright dickheads get your shit together we're making a minecraft let's play" Geoff yelled to the group, his voice cracking and changing pitch almost as if it was intentional. Immediately Gavin called out in his fading British tone,
"What 'you on 'bout, we're not even done wit' the goddamn ones we made yestaday."
"Gavin you don't even have to edit anything," Ryan exclaimed, "you're too busy with you 'creative director' job. You have a fucking meeting every other hour." Before the argument could continue Geoff silenced it completely.
"Guys stop playing with each others dicks and set up your fucking shit to record. We don't have all fucking day!" Gavin and Ryan both grumbled quietly and sat down. They began to set up their computers and xboxes. Starting up minecraft and joining Geoff's game they were about to record when Michael started the common ritual of syncing audio," one two two three... one two three... and go."
Immediately the guys erupted in laughter and noise as they exclaimed," AAayyyy" towards the camera simultaneously. They were idling at achievement city as they let Geoff introduce the point of today's "let's play". As quick as they started, the group was stopped abruptly as they all got disconnected from Xbox and a loud electrical noise came from the corner where the current router was being used.
"MOTHERFUCKER!" Screamed Michael as the entire office groaned in frustration.
"So... Technical difficulties..." Jack said quietly just enough for the mic to pick up his voice.
They paused to the recording and collectively walked over to the achievement hunter router.
"What the actual fuck," Geoff yelled, looking at the router with smoke faintly leaking out the top. He picked it up and examined it's fried outside. Immediately he threw it at the trash bin in a fit of anger. As this was happening Jeremy remained at his seat snickering as he watched Geoff's frustration. "What's so fucking funny Jeremy?"
"Well you see," the man began as he stifled a laugh, "you were pissed at me for bringing in "useless" stuff, and now you can see the situation our asses are in. You could say it's a coincidence, but I think it's a wee bit of payback from up above."
" Oh you're a real cocky bastard now ya right prick." Exclaimed Gavin.
"Woah, Woah, hold up," Jeremy started, "If you assholes don't want a video today we can get a new router for the office tomorrow."
Once listening to Jeremy's proposition Ryan retorted,"He does have a point Geoff, we need this video for Friday."
With a sigh of defeat Geoff complied and had Jeremy bring the router over to the power outlet. After examining the priece of equipment for a few seconds of bewilderment he asked, " Jeremy where the fuck did you get this? There isn't even the right hole for the Ethernet cable. Ryan take a look at this, there's no way I can figure this shit out."
As he was walking over to Geoff, Ryan questioned," Why is it that when there's a technical problem you guys assume I know exactly how to fix it?"
" Cuz you're Ryan the computer guy," Geoff answered sarcastically. Ryan began to examine the router he grabbed a pair of scissors and cut off the odd end to the router and attached a different wire with tape. He plugged it into the wall and retracted his hand in pain after plugging it in.
"FUCK! That hurt like hell. Geoff you should've just told me to stick a fork in the outlet. It probably would have done the same thing."
"Shut the fuck up and get back to your desk, we have to film this today otherwise the fans are gonna tear us a new one."
Moments later a crack of thunder echoed across the sky making a few of the guys jump in surprise. As far as they were concerned, storms weren't exactly abnormal so they played it off as nothing and got to their collective seats. All besides Ryan who went back to the router to turn it on since no one else had bothered to do so.
In the midst of these men screwing around before filming, the storm outside was growing, and in an even stranger fashion. The clouds were emitting multicolored electrical surges that pulsates through the thick tufts of vapor. These clouds slowly approached upon the Roosterteeth collective offices where the Achievement Hunter crew is located. The storm grows exponentially until engulfing the remainder of the surrounding sky of the offices leaving all other areas blue as the Atlantic. Thunder boomed a second time, however on this occasion the crew was no longer fazed by this and continued to sync audio ad start their video.
"Hey guys," Geoff began, "this is Achievement Hunter Minecraft and welcome to Hit list XXX"
"The nude version," Michael chimed in. The guys shared a small giggle then continued on as for the third time louder than ever the thunder boomed and felt as if it shook the office itself.
Geoff slammed his headphones down and stood up, "There's no fucking way we can film with this fucking storm. It's just too god damn loud." They all knew Geoff was right, this wasn't the first time a Texas storm like this ruined a day of filming.
"Let's just wait for this to blow over then we'll film again," Jack said. "If we can't do that then I'll find something in our save file that we haven't released yet. Too bad that new router didn't get used Jeremy, you might as well throw it aw-" The bearded man paused as he looked at the router pulsates an orange-red color. As he noticed this the office started to shake violently.
"Oh my god it's ghosts haunting the office!" Gavin yelped as he dropped to the ground.
"No you fuck, ghosts aren't real." Screamed Michael
"Oh, but you believe in aliens,"
"Those are two completely different things. One is retarded and the other is actually possible because the universe is fucking huge!"
Finally Ryan yelled at the both of them ending the bickering," Assholes, how about we focus on the fact that the room is shaking and the router is glowing. Also for the love of God Jeremy, where the fuck did you get that demonic router."
"I swear to you I found it outside the office by the garbage that's all." Responded Jeremy. "I didn't mean for this to happen I swear. Even so it's not like it'll explode..." He cautiously glance at the router, finding it to be pulsating light at a growing rate. "Holy shit I think it's gonna explode! Everyone lets get the fuck out of-"

. Before Jeremy could finish his sentence the entire office was engulfed in whiteness. Once it cleared. none of the men that the room contained remained inside. Immediately after this transpired a longhaired, bearded man by the name of Matt (AxialMatt) entered the room after seeing the bright light. Upon noticing the absence of his coworkers he exited the office and sat back down at his computer and spoke to his fellow employee Caleb, "Hey I didn't know the main Achievement Hunter crew had the day off,"
"They didn't," replied Caleb
"Huh, I guess they left early..."
Meanwhile in an apartment holding the location of a twitch streamer of previous value to the company he spoke to his viewers in a jealous tone," Guys I have no idea why, but I feel like I'm missing something."

In another reality a school after hours with a magnificent statue standing tall had unexpected visitors. This statue of an amazing horse which stood a a pearly rectangular base began to glow. Immediately, one by one each member of the Achievement Hunter crew came out tumbling with pounding headaches. Michael was one of the first to stand up still feeling a little off balance. He saw the bright cartoonish land scape then looked down at his hands to find them very smooth and without realistic detail. After taking in his stranger environment he sat and spoke to himself and himself alone. "What...the...fuck...."