Almost as Planned

by GLaD for you

That's the point.

Starlight Glimmer had been a resident of the tree-castle of harmony for a dew weeks now.
There were sleep overs and adventures were she came along to learn from the six elements of harmony.

One night Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash asked Starlight Glimmer to perform pranks with them.
However Starlight Glimmer chuckled to herself and mentioned that she couldn't.
Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash reminded her that they had experienced pranks to most of the residents of Ponyville, well except Fluttershy.
However with that it was almost an equal time of fun to be had.

"No" replied Starlight Glimmer, in a more professional. "Why not?" whined Pinkie Pie.
"Yeah aren't we beyond secrets now?" exclaimed Rainbow Dash.

Starlight Glimmer reflected on this. All of the elements of harmony have kissed her at some point.
So therefore it was a reasonable request."Very well... Let's move to one of the tree-castle's rooms." replied Starlight Glimmer.

As they entered, Starlight grimaced and asked the others to keep this tale a secret.
"The reason I can not prank is I've already achieved the ultimate prank.
There is no prank that would ever be able to beat this prank.
However listen to my tale.."

"It was months ago, after losing my town. I was lost on what to do next, the answer was a short trip a part of Equestria that I never been before. It was a part of the badlands where a small colony of changelings existed. They had created an almost lifelike scaled model of Canterlot Castle. It took awhile for them to trust me. However I was also a fugitive and on the run. So we worked on a contract of sorts. In exchange for some of my love they would help create the biggest hoax in the past 500 years.

First we had to find where the elements of harmony lived.
Then we did some recon.
We got the chance when some monster invaded, one scout almost blew the entire plan during that day. However there was also a wedding so everypony was distracted."
I am talented in alterations of sort. I could lower my weight for example and then levitate myself as unicorns could most objects.
One of the spells I had enchanted to my body was one where it was almost impossible to detect me.
However one mailmare came up to me and talked to me one day. Thought my plans were ruined but somehow I got out of the conversation when she noticed the smell of muffins coming from Sugar Cube Corner. Later it was apparent she saw me because she wasn't looking at me directly, it was a side affect of astigmatism.

Anyways, the changelings and I planned together with our combined magic. With some of the knowledge of magic that we shared we were able to create a teleport of sorts.
Some of the side effects of this telportation created confusion in the host and also drained them of some of their magic.
Twilight is very good with math/science but misses some very obvious details when it comes to other ponies.
She didn't even remember Minuette. They were friends in Canterlot and was often in Ponyville.
Luckily Twilight was to busy to check the landscape below and is so terrible at noticing details.
Otherwise she'd have known there was no way this was a position that was anywhere close to Manehatten.
Some of the illusions were very difficult to pull off, however between the changelings posing as ponies and some magic we were able to pull it off.
I had to improvise on the deception when we were teleported to a part of the badlands that was not being used as a tactical model of Equestria due to Twilight pulling me through the teleport. It was rather unexpected and the sheer shock of it messed up my ability to set the teleport to it's assigned location.
Then of course to finish the prank, some of the changelings created a convincing facsimile of my fillyhood memories. Sunburst was of course a bit of stretching the truth. I needed to make up something like a heartfelt apology to become friends with Twilight. This of course would allow me to think of some better way of revenge in the future.

Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie looked in shock at the door to the room. There was a very irritated looking Twilight Sparkle.
"What about all the papers I written on temporal flux theory? ....Wait what about the story of Sunburst?" exclaimed Twilight Sparkle.

Pinkie Pie and Rainbow dash started laughing in a volume that Rarity would probably deem very unladylike.

"Oh, those are mostly books of fraud. I didn't tell you since I knew you might become a laughing stock if people found out.
The plan changed when I made friends with you all. Especially Rainbow Dash, with our adventures in the clouds." Starlight Glimmer decided to do a sultry gaze towards Rainbow. Rainbow Dash turned red in embaressment for a short while.

"I never created a cult based on a colt. Sunburst was just another lie in a web of lies. I obviously became a leader since I craved leadership and my ideals at the time were from the pain that cutie marks created in my life and others. However with time I really did become friends with all of you. Sometimes we just have to let go of the past. Forgive and Forget, Love and Tolerate right?" replied Starlight Glimmer.

Twilight Sparkle reflected on this.. "Get out, otherwise I'd regret what I'm about to do.. You two get out as well" She stared at Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash in disbelief.

Starlight Glimmer, Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash went to Sugar cube corner. Mainly because Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash are amazing fucks, that any mare would be lucky to get to know physically and mentally.
Except first Starlight had to make her best troll-face before leaving Twilight's castle in a hurry.