//------------------------------// // Epilogue // Story: I Am A Soldier [Nanowrimo] // by GreyVestibule //------------------------------// Epilogue The sun that had danced by the mountains for so long finally found the courage to touch the horizon. Its' heat remained for a moment as it disappeared, the barest reminder of what was before it too had to go. The moon came up over the rising, beginning it's gradual arc across the sky, shining down below at the desert. Somewhere within it laid a town, populated by ponies. They were suffering for their choice to defend themselves, but thankfully, they had all lived. The ones who had threatened them, a band of outlaws, sat in jail, awaiting a proper verdict for their crimes. On one of the streets, there laid remnants of the fight that had occurred to assure their capture. Scuffs in the sandy soil where ponies had braced themselves, or fallen. Tattered bits of clothing from when it got especially physical. Something else laid in the street. A hard, curved chunk of black material that glistened in the moonlight. It had a point that it tapered to, but on the other end it was wider, and jagged, as though it were some piece of stone or ceramic that had been broken off from a statue. A dark green, porous material whose color could not be perceived in the low light was on the inside of that end. A few other pieces, small shards of the harder black exterior were scattered about as if in an explosion. Somewhere in the town, there was a heart beating. It was filled with pain and loss. But more than that, more than anything else in that heart, there laid a sense of gratitude. A sense of belonging.