Camp Orion

by Meemie7

Chapter 22: One-on-One Discord

Luna: Why am I here?

Snowheart: Really? We’re going over that again? Celestia founded Camp Orion to-

Luna: No. This is Discord’s session. Why am I here?

Snowheart: Oh. He requested you to be here.

Discord: Sorry for interrupting whatever it is you do in your free time here, but I think you know what this is about…

Luna: …okay.

Snowheart: So, Discord, I did read your journal.

Discord: All of it?

Snowheart: Yes. All seven pages of it.

Luna: He is not making it up. I’ve seen his dreams.

Snowheart: I see. So, let me ask you this, Discord. Why did you cause the widespread chaos?

Discord: …It seemed right, like I was supposed to cause it. Granted, it is fun for me and I take pride in the things that I create. But… the chaos that I conjured before turning into a statue both times… I don’t know.

Snowheart: How did you feel as you were causing the chaos to spread?

Discord: I felt... giddy yet terrified at the same time.

Snowheart: Terrified of what?

Discord: Of getting hurt.

Snowheart: Who would be hurting you?

Luna: Star Swirled…


Snowheart: So, you feel scared of Star Swirled, so you conjure chaos.

Discord: It feels wrong, but… I suppose.

Snowheart: Star Swirled is dead.

Discord: I know he is dead!

Snowheart: Then, why are you scared?

Discord: I don’t know!

Snowheart: Think, Discord. Why are you scared?

Discord: Because who’s to stop other ponies from doing the same thing!?

Snowheart: …

Luna: Oh, Discord…

Discord: I conjure chaos because it blocks that fear. I feel in control and powerful, invincible when all around me becomes my canvas instead of a danger zone.

Snowheart: So, chaos is how you’ve learned to cope.

Discord: I guess so.

Snowheart: Do you feel any less scared long after you’ve done that?

Discord: No. It’s temporary, but it’s better than nothing.

Snowheart: Then, what you’re doing isn’t effective. Chaos doesn’t stop that fear from coming back, does it?


Snowheart: Discord… nopony is out to get you. We all want to help. We all want to make sure you feel safe.

Discord: I’ve long since realized that that is a lie, doctor.

Luna: Discord?

Discord: What is it, Princess?

Luna: I don’t want you to feel so scared that you feel like you have to do something to stop it.

Discord: You and every pony else.

Luna: So… how about this. You will never be taken into custody for your actions. Your well being will always be placed as priority under the protection of the Equestrian government as if you were a member of royalty.

Snowheart: Can you do that?

Luna: I am the Princess of the Night. I can do as I please. I will see to it that, once we leave Camp Orion, my sister and I will place this decree into effect.

Snowheart: Well, Discord? What do you think?

Discord: …

Luna: Discord?

Snowheart: Are you alright?

Discord: …why would you do something like that for me?

Luna: Why?

Discord: Yes…after everything I’ve done…why?

Luna:…Because I care about you. So does Celestia and Twilight and Fluttershy and Snowheart. We don’t ever want you to feel scared of us or anypony else.

Discord: …

Snowheart: You okay?

Discord: …sorry…just give me a minute.

Luna: It’s alright, Discord. You’re safe.